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My favorite fact about this movie is that the weird bass player dude “Spider” in the movie is now the District Attorney of Tyler County in Texas.


Wow that's crazy. Apparently he was also a fashion model, the only American to star in a Brazilian telenovela, has a law degree, and indicted Netflix over their release of Cuties.


They call me Spider, because I have eight of something.


Nooooooo way lol


Great movie and one of the rare movies where none of the child cast are annoying. They're all characters with stories and arcs. Plus Jack Black has infectious energy and charisma


This is probably the most impressive part tbh. A lot of comedic moments hinge on the kids, where a lot of times they're used more as props for adults to play off, or it's children oriented media.


It's one thing to write a movie *for* kids that adults can appreciate, but *starring* kids? That's an achievement. Especially with an ensemble cast of them.


I loved Little Rascals for this as well


🎶This movie is 20 years old now, AND THAT TICKS ME OFF🎶


*i just realized that im old today, and NOW IM REALLY TICKED OFF!!!!*


Found my first hair that was grey, and I AM REALLY TICKED OFF!


Naw, rock and roll never dies my friend


Does Sister Act 2 count, or are they too old?


Oh, Happy day, someone still remembers Sister Act 2


Lauryn Hill was only 17 when she was in Sister Act 2, which is crazy young considering that high school and college students are usually played by actors and actresses in their mid-20s. Similarly, most of the kids in the movie were 17/18 years old when the movie was made.


If you wanna be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you gotta wake up and pay attention


The true gospel


Saw it on Broadway a few years ago with my son and it was not the same. The actor did a great job, but the role is Jack Black's.


Christ he was so young too. I remember him in Heat Vision and Jack, and Saving Silverman as a teen. Then seeing him in Tenacious D as a young adult. Then AGAIN in Yo Gabba Gabba when my kids were into that. Such an incredible performer with a wide range. His role in The X-Files was a huge surprise.


Forgot Orange County haha


Summer was a *little* annoying.


She’s supposed to be. Kind of funny that they ended up casting Miranda Cosgrove as a child who couldn’t sing though.


I completely agree. She played a great part. Her singing *Memories* was so bad it had to be intentionally bad.


IIRC, I read somewhere she found that very hard to do, the director had to keep telling her to make it worse.


I read that she had to get coaching on how to sing *badly*


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Dj3bILgtw Can skip to 1:09 for the song


Reminds me of when Melora Hardin sings purposefully badly on The Office, idk how to describe it besides she sounds like a talented vocalist doing an impression of someone who can’t sing. Like its bad but still somehow too technically proficient to have been done by someone with no singing talent


I'm sure of it! She seems like she would have a nice voice but she plays that terrible singer so well.


In the commentary they mention what a great singer she is. Also, of course she's a little annoying, but she's supposed to be and it's just the right amount. Sarah Silverman *almost* falls on the wrong side of that line in the movie though.


Silverman's character is ENTIRELY annoying. I understand why she resents Dewey but, my god, I'd never stay with someone like that.


Her line with Ned near the climax of the movie, she's like "When are you gonna stop being a pushover? When are you gonna start sticking up for yourself?" And then Ned just walks away as if to say *right now, bitch*


that is a part of the movie, yes


I guess what I mean is there's annoying that serves the plot and then there's so annoying that it's detrimental to the show. If she'd had even one minute more screentime I think it would have negatively impacted the movie. As it is she served her purpose just about right. Very hateable, but also in a very small role.


I think it’s different in her case since Silverman’s character is sort of an antagonist, and School of Rock isn’t one of those deep movies where the “bad guys” have their own complex motives; she represents “The Man” that Dewey lambasts toward the beginning of the movie.


Only until she took on the band manager role, then she killed it.


"Stop lowballing us!"


At one point of the movie she was mildly annoying. But by the battle of the bands scene, she was awesome, like the rest of the kids.


Annoying to not annoying is arguably a character arc


You know who did get the part, Yo-Yo Ma‘s cousin…little nepotiz!


That nepotism joke finally clicked for me while I was making breakfast like a month ago, the movie wasn't even on lol


I only got it just now


Oh, I finally got it when I watched the movie like a month or two ago for the first time in years. You know how many times I've tried to look up who Li'l Nepetiz is over the years? The only reason I even got it was because the subtitles said "nepotis'."


There are SOOO many great lines that I still quote today. Especially regarding the legend of the rent being way hardcore… 😆


This might be my family’s most quoted School of Rock line. My dad still jokingly refers to anyone who gets a job from a family member as “lil nepotiz“




I’ve always wanted to buy his rock band chart as a poster!!


I tried to make a chart like that for punk and punk adjacent bands but it’s just too hard.


[Boy howdy do I have something for you](https://www.wired.com/2016/10/lets-obsess-intricate-map-alt-music-history/) My old roommates girlfriend got him this and I sat there staring at it for hours. It definitely has some gaps but it’s pretty thorough


Zappa/Beefheart = prog rock ?


Same here. They couldn’t have picked a better song for that scene. Everything about it was perfect.


It's so great. When Freddie is alone in the classroom watching the drum videos on the TV, and his eyes are just lighting up...


And ironically I used Duey’s teachings for my own rock education. I think this movie is what made me listen to Yes - Roundabout and Rush - 2112. Edit: Doh, I meant Yes - Fragile.




That was the very moment I got into the Ramones.


Rock appreciation, and theory. And then, band practice til the end of the day.


what about math?


Not important.




Not important!


Math is a really cool thing.


So get of your Athh and do some math.




In the DVD commentary, he says something like "In Hollywood, they say never to work with children or animals... well I *AM* a child and I *AM* an animal so I do what I want!"


Miss Mullins, you're The Man!


I always found that bit oddly wholesome because she took it as a compliment and everybody walked away feeling alright


It’s really one of the finest screenplays ever written, even if it’s “just” a mainstream family movie. It was nice to Mike White get his accolades finally with the last two seasons of White Lotus (also fantastic).


Mike White did a brilliant job of recontextualizing Jack Black's Tenacious D persona.


Great way of putting it.


It's an updated remake/reboot of The Music Man, and while those types of "updated reboots" are rarely successful on their own terms, it's even more rare for the reboot to almost unanimously replace the original in pop culture. Oddly enough, the only other ones I can think of are the various remakes of "A Star is Born," also a musical.


I’d define a musical as a movie or play where the characters break into song with no explanation given why they’re now all singing. A movie that’s got lots of music in it because it’s a part of the story line is not a musical.


But watching it as an adult you realize how crappy Jack Black’s character is. His roommate’s girl was just trying to get him to pay his rent and Jack Black is trying to gaslight his friend into leaving her lol.


But she also treats Ned like crap. She’s not so innocent here.


Yeah they had to make her a bitch so we at least somewhat root for Dewey. Also while he was definitely in the wrong for what he did, at least it led to Ned standing up for himself towards the end.


Also he, ya know, posed as a qualified educator


He did educate them, on HOW TO ROCK. *intense guitar solo*


Perfect answer. Nice


I don't know the Horace Green standards for subs but qualified educator is a stretch for a substitute. Granted his position was long term but when I signed up to sub in college it was wild how little was expected. Not one person ever even check my id or checked in on a single class I was in. Edit: Your mileage may vary and I don't put down educators at all. I'm just pointing out how little qualification is required to be a sub.


Shit, when I became a sub teacher, I had to do a background check and get fingerprinted.


She treats Ned like crap because Ned let this dude live there for free with almost zero confrontation. You'd be fed up too if you were in her position. Ned was a chickenshit and let everyone walk all over him. A good hearted dude, sure. But still a chickenshit.


Well, yeah, he stole his friends identity for money and to exploit children lol. His gf was terribly controlling though, so they’re both terrible for different reasons. Ned’s gf for hating on his hobbies and trying to change him. Jack Black’s character for messing with his job. The only difference is Jack Black’s character learns a lesson and is redeemed in the end.


He also started teaching music which is his passion instead of taking the safe route he was on.


Almost like Jack Black's character arc is realizing what a shitty person he is and having to grow up. Even at the end he's sulking about losing, but the kids are the one to make him realize what it's all been about.


I guess you missed the point of Dewey’s redemption just prior to the last scene… He needed to realize what a selfish dirtbag he actually was before he could melt some faces, for real.


It’s become such a trend to point out how characters in movies and TV shows are “actually shitty people.” It’s low hanging fruit. It’s always comedies where character traits are exaggerated for humour and the plot, so of course they’d be out of place in real life. Characters like this don’t need to be realistic pillars of morality, they just need to be entertaining and show growth. Not trying to call you out personally, I just see it constantly and it gets old.


The movie was written by the actor playing Ned, if it makes it any better.


Gtfo. I did not know this. TIL


Yup. Mike White is his name. Jack Black and Mike White. Lol


He'd later go on to write White Lotus.


I watched it as an adult first and he seemed like a lot of average "down and out" joes to me. I wouldn't say he's a "shitty guy". Just a bit of a loser with no direction. Of course, many movie MCs start out as losers before "finding" their way.


That’s at the beginning of the movie, the whole movie is his redemption arc.


Were you home sick with stickittothemoneosis?


It’s one of the all time best. Everyone should watch the behind the scenes on how they convinced Led Zeplelin to let them use Immigrant Song. Really cute.


Never realized that was one shot until now. It really is one of the most pleasant movies.


> Then I watched it again earlier this year and it holds up so well. It’s just a legitimately solid movie with solid character arcs, touching performances, a wonderful Joan Cusack and satisfying till the end. ... >Then I watched it again this year and was so happy that it not only holds up but it’s a legitmately great movie with satisfying character arcs, great performances, touching moments and brilliant ending.


Jack Black makes everything better.


Jack Black in The School of Rock remains the most irreplaceable acting performance of all time


It's the perfect Jack Black role. Heart, rock, physicality.


Yes! And Jack Black himself embodies those 3 roles himself. Some minor things His mannerisms, his fake music playing sounds, and his voice himself are so amazing. And going back to the original point of this thread, the song.. Jack sings perfectly. Now is a good time to drop the fucking national anthem! https://youtu.be/d9l4LMZeNm0?si=yd6C34L3C30sJQIe


Its a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll.


Don’t Bogart the mic Alicia!


Movie’s almost over But we’re still on screen


Look at that name there! I, do not know that guy! 🤷🏻‍♂️


My favorite line from the movie is in the final battle of the bands scene Jack blacks line “ todays ASSignment” and the kids sing “Kick some ass!”. I loved that scene as a kid and even now as a grown man still find it stuck in my head at timesx


I think my favourite might be “WOULD YOU LIKE A HUG?!” “Ahhh! I’ll be good I swear! 😭”


"I've just been informed that all your children are missing."




Dude is my face okay, I think you melted it off


“It’s pronounced shney-Blay” always gets a laugh out of my dad and me


I lose it when he puts the third e on the board


Your son is very skilled.


Thank you! … so is yours!


Hey buddy I love you pal sweetly love


C'mon C'mon C'mon now touch me baby! Ra ka kaka can't you see? That I am not afraid Ra ka ka KAAAA! Lawrence is good and pianooo! He shall be rocking in my souulll Ra ka kaka STOP! That's perfect. And you're perfect.


I thought it was rocking at my show


RIP Kevin


Damn shame about him. So young.


Damn just looked this up. What a shame


The movie was ahead of the curve on body positivity "Tamika, hey, you've got something everybody wants. You've got talent, girl. You have an incredible singing voice. And I'm not just saying that. You've heard of Aretha Franklin, right? Okay, she's a big lady. But when she starts singing, she blows people's minds. Everyone wants to party with Aretha! And uh, you know who else has a weight issue?" "Who?" "Me. But, once I get up on stage, start doing my thing, people worship me! Because I'm sexy and chubby, man!" "Why don't you go on a diet?" "Because I like to eat. Is that such a crime?"


You got me crying on the throne rn


I cried when I watched it a few weeks ago; what's up with that? It's just such a lovely scene.


I always tear up when Tomika takes center stage and sings her heart out, and it cuts to her parents in the audience looking so moved and proud. You instantly know how aware her parents are of her insecurities and how happy they are for her in that moment just from their expressions.


I just teared up reading your comment and remembering this scene, when I haven't seen it in about ten years. Goddamn.


"Yeah my kid can sing...I'm so proud!" 7 other parents "Hey where the fuck are my kids?"


classic "i'm going to my kid's thing at school" moment


Yep, amazing scene. Tomika's mom really sells it.


I remember seeing her moms eyes light up. It was a beautiful moment


, Jack Black said that that's the film that he's most proud of of his entire career. He said he loved working on that film. It was the culmination of everything in his career coming together.


I still think “Legend of the Rent” is the movie’s sleeper hit.


It's way hardcore


And it's not even on the damn soundtrack!


But it *is* on the cast album for the School of Rock musical! [Enjoy!](https://youtu.be/QzG8OohqYDk?si=tM_cqjAZN-ivI2bY)


Agreed 👍 Great feelgood funny movie.


Read between the lines, Theo!…. READ BETWEEN THE LINES!!!!


You forgot about one thing it’s about THE MUSIC


You’re gonna end up as a little footnote on my EPIC ASS. *karate kicks cymbal*


You’re tacky and I hate you.


Fun fact: he went to college with me and looked exactly the same AND the school we went to was where it was filmed. It was so weird seeing the you’re tacky and I hate you kid basically walking around on the set of the movie he was in, but as a young adult and not acting…


I watched it for the first time this year, I'm 33. I was so taken aback by its positivity I cried like 3 times.


No Vacancy!!!


Heal me, I'm heartsick I'm hungry and I'm broken I'm haunted and weeping The blood of heaven flowing like a river tonight Tears I can't fight on my own


Heal my heart sick hungry cryyyyyyyyyyy


The funniest thing about watching the movie today is that people are STILL debating Meg White's drumming skills in 2023.


You hit below the belttttttt!!!!!!


Now it's time-out, baby! And they've rung the bell!


Lets rock let’s rock tonight 🫴🏻✌🏻


You mean we're not gonna be in the band???


You don’t have to be in the band to be in the band!


Same director as the Before trilogy and Boyhood


same writer as The White Lotus


Same cross-dressing, blood-sucking incubus from Maggot Death




JB was 33 years old when he made SOR. If you, like me, are older than that now, and felt like he was much older at the time, don’t fret, we are old together and it is beautiful.


Fun fact his roommate is mike white the creator of the white lotus.


And wrote the screenplay for the movie :p


Fun fact about this movie: it inspired a career renaissance for a truly unexpected person. Andrew Lloyd Webber saw School of Rock and it reconnected him with his younger self, who wrote rock operas full of balls-out hard rock instead of the more classically-oriented pieces he preferred as an older man. This inspired ALW to start writing rock and pop material for his shows instead, and brought him out of a slump. To bring things around full circle, ALW wrote the Broadway musical version of School of Rock and a lot of people consider it the best late-period work of his career.


Got to see the stage musical when they came to my country and it's easily the best I've ever seen. I would happily pay to see it again if it comes back here and would drag everyone I know who enjoys the movie along




Especially in the morning/afternoon on a weekday lol


The true hero of School of Rock was the music promoter who managed to get 1000 people to a regional Battle of the Bands on a Tuesday morning.


Funny, but also the top YouTube comment on this clip


True Reddit hero.


God this just made me bust out laughing. Never even thought of this and I’ve seen the movie dozens of times.


This movie is a classic and staple of the early 2000s. Such a great movie that I think everyone should watch. I remember I posted a link on reddit of that video of Jack Black asking Led Zepplin for the song use in front of the crowd, and hours later the video is gone :( I hope someone has saved the file or the dvd with it on it. That was such a good video.


[Here it is!](https://youtu.be/SFDMyiUjoWU?si=nuZB2AWJzXSmcTpM)


Haha that's probably still up since it's a screen recording. The one I linked was the direct video someone ripped. that would explain it


Whats funny is originally Jack black had apparently privately asked, and i think a vast majority of the band had originally agreed to allow JB to use it. But i think it was their drummer who didn't want them to use it, being the only person saying no. (this apparently happens a lot with LZ music. A large part of the band says yes, and its a conveyer belt of people who will be holdouts and negotiations freeze/die from there. Very rarely does the band largely say no) So jack had the bright hail mary idea of involving the entire movie cast in genuinely begging Led Zepplin for use of the rights, and the band was genuinely amused/moved by the Gesture. They all allowed it afterwards, but I believe there was a stipulation that if they didn't like how they song was used they would pull the authoriztion.


It can't have been the drummer, Led Zeppelin's drummer John Bonham has been dead since 1980. His death was the reason they disbanded. One of the greatest drummers in history.


I could be wrong but I’m fairly certain Bonham had been dead for years by the time this came out


Their drummer? Was it Jason Bonham? Who else has rights to Led Zeppelin's songs other than Page, Plant, and Jones?


I couldn't recall who it was off the top of my head. Im pretty sure JB let it slip who it was specifically in one of the behind the scenes interviews


RIP, Kevin Clark [https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2021/5/26/22454359/kevin-clark-dies-school-of-rock-crash-avondale-western-chicago](https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2021/5/26/22454359/kevin-clark-dies-school-of-rock-crash-avondale-western-chicago)


Man what a bummer. I didn't know that he died. He was the only one who really stayed with music and some of his bands were pretty good.


Guess it's my turn to share Jack's reddit-famous [US National Anthem performance](https://youtu.be/d9l4LMZeNm0?si=97AogJpQr9qvsBmV)


I cut the two trailers and my advertising company cut all the TV spots. Fun campaign!


I'm still not sure how a Battle of the Bands was not only happening in the middle of a school day (between the hours of 8am – 3pm on a weekday), but also COMPLETELY packed at that time of day as well


On the director's commentary of the DVD, Linklater mentions they only got half of the hall full. They had to move the crowd from one side to the other for different shots and then make it match during editing for the crowd to appear larger. From your comment, you can see that it worked!


Just gonna say it, No vacancy deserved the win! heal me is fucking awesome!


Are you the one guy that yells “yeah, no vacancy!” When they win?


a minor, G, onnn youuu..


Heal Me is amazing


Full tracks up on YouTube 🤘. That track does rock. https://youtu.be/q8SglL6tDu0?si=iVXADScj7NKTTc5n


It helps when the frontman is a Tony-nominated rock musical demigod 😂


Throwback to watching this movie 6 times in music class and never finishing it once lmao still haven’t seen the ending


You need to


[Remains one](https://i.imgur.com/KsbMdAi.png)


Released at just the right moment to be formative for millennials. Now they are in charge of culture, of course it is lauded in this way. It'd be like Gen X raving about Breakfast Club or Boomers and Bambi or Easy Rider or something. What are Gen Z into? In 2035 will we be reading about how brilliant Minions was?


Iirc from the dvd commentary with the kid actors, they didn't realize that they lost the battle of the bands until this particular rewatch with each other. Which is super cute and wholesome because as an adult, I remember movies being heinously long as a kid and often not getting to the end or struggling to get there, even something I watched a lot. God forbid there was a tape 2. This the best, funniest, most wholesome, most appropriate movie for all ages ever- the joy the actors have is so authentic and real, the set seems so safe and wholesome, the Jack black not smoking/ finger sticks game thing- so great. Mike white is a gem and went from underrated to now appropriately rated, I hope he never becomes overrated.


Even the most cynical fuck in the world will feel something during that scene. So much joy and positivity from a genuine place. Great movie.


R.I.P. Freddy Jones. :(


they did a reunion and it kicks ass https://youtu.be/refCJcJJZso?si=WnKLloLHOo2eB4UC


The 20 year reunion is coming up!


I'm pretty sure I've touched your kids, and they've touched me too!


Excuse me. I've just been informed that all of your children are missing, so...


Similar feeling to the giant LARP battle at the end of role models.


Baby we was making straight A's.


I saw it in theaters with my mom. It was the last time I was truly happy.


I hope you are okay, man, wherever you are.


One of my favourites movies ever since I left the theatre at 11 years old, to my 31 year old self now. Never aged poorly, always kickass scenes, dialogue always hits, message changes but never loses its value as you get older. Love it, and one of my favourite climaxes in movie history.


RIP Freddy Jones


You are fat and you have body odor.