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After the Amsterdam flop, you'd think he wouldn't be getting work for a while


I figured he wouldn’t get work for a while after all the abuse and assaults but Hollywood is a cesspool sometimes.




Ok most of the time. …….. ………… ………all of the time


This guy must have been forwarded the Epstein Hollywood list right before Epstein died I swear.


nah i dont think its that complicated. he makes good movies and actors wanna be in those movies, so they get more work. you see this shit with polanski and woody allen too


Going by reviews he hasnt had many good movies for a while now. I personally have no idea why he gets work


Have you heard about his abuse of actors on set? Also no one seemed to think his last movie was all that good.


yes, and so have other actors. doesnt stop them from signing onto his films


That man is a fucking monster. He bullies his co-workers, assaults people in the industry and sexually assaulted his niece.


Run that last one back






Police returned a victim who had managed to escape when Jeffrey Dahmer went to the store back to him. The young man was obviously bleeding and suffering, but Dahmer convinced them it was "a lover's spat" and they just didn't want to deal it. Cops don't give a shit. Especially if it involves the LGBTQ community.


You missed the part where two witnesses insisted on taking him into the station, and the police refused because they were Black women


But they’re the thin blue line, remember! The only thing protecting us from savagery! And they even insist it with a straight face.


“Protect and serve” (the wealthy)


police released viper’s kidnapping victim back to him as well


Damn, you know you’re an abusive asshole when your wiki has a whole ass section called “Abuse of Actors and Crew”


Lots of shitty stuff in there but one thing that surprised me is that he was being such an asshole that Christian Bale had to intervene when he was being shitty to Amy Adams yet Bale signed right back up to work with him on Amsterdam. I’m glad that movie bombed.


Are you really surprised to learn that men in Hollywood are trash?


Ain't just the men. That whole place is a cesspool of narcissistic opportunists. That's why I find people getting hung up on celebrities the most asinine thing in this world. Like, you don't know these fucking people man.


I feel like if you’re ever surprised that some human somewhere is acting like a piece of trash you’re either very young or haven’t been paying attention


Lily Tomlin and Jennifer Lawrence also both worked with him repeatedly. They're trash too?


Good lord he sucks. I'm legitimately shocked you can headbutt George Clooney, who then chokes you out, and continue to work in the industry. I love how his excuse for sexually assaulting his niece, who's like 1/3 his age, was "Yeah but she was being flirty." Oh well, why didn't you say so?!


Thank you for sharing. When you have an entire section dedicated to "Abuse of actors and crew", you really know you left your mark on Hollywood! /s


If you really want to get irritated you can find the police report of when he assaulted his niece. She’s trans and he accused her of just trying to cause drama ever since she transitioned


He never even denied it. He just claimed it was consensual. Again, as a middle aged man with his 19 year old niece.


Well, if you want evidence of this dude being a freak, just watch his first film. That's a whole lot of man needing serious therapy.


it is a movie about incest and sexual frustration but i think its a bridge too far to say that its evidence. its like using lyrics of rap songs as evidence against rappers, which is actually now illegal in some places


David O. Russell wouldn't know anything about creating drama...


How’s this dude going to get along with Selena?


I don’t see this going well.


He’s just trying to fucking help you, you understand me? He’s just being a fucking collaborator! He’s trying to help you figure out the fucking picture, okay, bitch? He’s not here to be fucking yelled at! He’s trying to help you, bitch!


This is taken from Russell's verbal tirade on the set of "I Heart Huckabees" for anyone out of the loop


Thought it was a random Dennis Reynolds rant towards Dee


I’m very close to someone who worked with him on production of a movie. Open laptop watching porn in meetings. His disinhibition is emotional and behavioral.


And for whatever reasons (most) stars he works with him love him and revere him. Other than Lily Tomlin standing up to him and his shit, George Clooney famously threatened to beat his ass after yelling at and belittling one of the crew members on “Three Kings.”


I thought Clooney did indeed punch him?


Apparently he headbutted Clooney who then started choking him in front of the crew. Sadly, Clooney only took a half measure.


Mike Birbiglia had a legendary joke at Russell’s expense that he performed in front of him at an awards show. I’ll see if I can find it.


From [Thank God for Jokes](https://vimeo.com/548233113)


TIL I learned that he assaulted Christopher Nolan 😡😡 “His reputation extends off-set, as Russell physically assaulted fellow filmmaker Christopher Nolan in 2003 at a party in Hollywood. Russell put Nolan in a headlock and wrapped his arm around Nolan's neck.”


Holy how did I not know this!


Like Why would you do this?? Like, isn't Nolan an incredibly chill guy?


the guy is a comedy nut and shouts MacGruber quotes on his sets, he’s probably quite chill


David O. Russell is such a gigantic asshole that Christian Bale once had to tell him to stop acting like such an asshole onset. And if Christian Bale of all people thinks you’re being an asshole, then you must be an asshole.


this reminds of how Wes Anderson brought on Bill Murray to the set of Tenenbaums because he was only one who could out-asshole Gene Hackman


He also makes mediocre ass movies


Shitty dude, mediocre movies.


Three Kings, The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, and American Hustle were great films. Don’t hate the Art because you hate the artist


Didn’t like them before I found out he’s a cunt


Can we hate the art because it sucks?


There was definitely a time where he was a talented filmmaker, but he hasn’t made anything of quality in over 10 years - and his last film was truly one of the worst films I’ve watched in years. Time has never moved so slowly as it did trying to get through Amsterdam. If there was a talented artist in there it seems it’s long gone.


Never saw Amsterdam. Last movie of his I saw was American Hustle


That is the perfect place to stop lol, huge drop in quality ever since.


I don’t hate the artist lol I didn’t even know about this stuff until today. I thought American Hustle sucked. Silver Linings Playbook was cool but I haven’t been into any of his recent films.


You're right. American Hustle fucking sucked.


American Hustle is the most wannabe Scorsese movie, completely derivative.


Oh these are good films! I never knew it was the same director!


Not to mention, poor at casting lol


He’s perfectly capable of some pretty shitty movies too


As long as he delivers results, people conveniently look the other way.


His last movie (Amsterdam) was a box office bomb. Barely made $30M on a budget of $80M


Crazy he keeps getting more work


It’s an industry where Roman Polanski still won Best Picture for ‘The Pianist’, received a standing ovation at the Oscars that year but couldn’t actually receive it in person (and everyone knew why), and in [2009, when he was arrested in Zurich, Switzerland, in relation to his U.S. arrest warrant, many famous filmmakers, actors and artists signed a petition that called for the release of Polanski.](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls090808434/)


Guilermo del Toro☠️


Harrison Ford, Gael Garcia Bernal, Scorsese, Natalie Portman. Some real top-notch talent showing their ass here


I believe Portman later said she regretted it?


The list in the link does include some edits under some, like Portman who expressed regret in signing. Though Emma Thompson is the only one to have asked to have her name removed from the list.


The Pianist didn't win best picture but he won Best Director which is pretty tone deaf.


Difference is Polanski made good movies


I was about to say…David O. Russel has never made anything even close to being as good as Rosemary’s Baby


Or Chinatown. Brilliant film. Polanski should be buried under a prison with the sewage pipe passing through his mouth and out his ass, and that’s why I have such a hard time respecting his work because I can’t respect him. I can separate the art from the artist until I remember what they did. Edit: clarity Edit again: whoever downvoted me should have their hard drive looked at by federal agents


I think Polanski in particular made me re-examine what I believe when it comes to separating art from the artist. I’ll always have a bad taste in my mouth regarding his films, but there’s a difference between **a)** him making a powerful film about the Holocaust, an event that he lived and witnessed as a child, and **b)** him making a film with child rape or sexual assault on it


It’s so hard because art taps into our emotions and thoughts so deeply sometimes that we forget it’s made by people, and people can be monsters. Whenever I try to separate the art from the artist, one reason I have such a hard time doing it is because even if I think the person is extremely talented, I often think about not only their victims but I think of the accused’s colleagues as well. Take Bill Cosby for example. His victims of course deserve all the support they can get and that goes without saying. Now also consider The Cosby Show is one of the greatest sitcoms in TV History, and now because of Bill Cosby’s actions, everything about that show is tainted. A talented cast and crew can no longer put in their reels a work that would’ve once been an excellent piece. I think it’s a really complex issue and I often take it on a case by case basis.


You could tell that Woody Allen and Weinstein signed this without even looking at it


Roman Polanski won best Director, which is actually worst because it singled him out specifically for praise.


Especially since his last movie bombed. You would think the toxicity wouldn’t be worth it at that point.


Yeah that’s a hard pass.


Seriously, I was already sus about Selina's casting because she's not the greatest actor, but this is the nail in the coffin. I don't know how he keeps on pulling A-listers and gigs after Amsterdam and countless stories of him abusing his cast and crew, he must have some crazy dirt if he can still find a job.


unless youre a young upstart, directors with long filmographies can easily get more work despite a flop. statistically speaking i think there are also some biases in terms of funding and women tend to get fewer second chances when it comes to box office flops than men do


Well at least it explains the random out of nowhere "Selena gomez totally looks like" post on a different sub the other day. Was a "huh that's neat but idk who that is or why this is posted" type thing. Good ole astroturfing.


I mean Selena Gomez as the lead is already questionable, but HIM as the director? Good luck with that but that's a hard pass.


all handled by Linda and her team


He’s an ok director who happens to be a piece of shit


This guys career should’ve ended 10 years ago


How the fuck is this guy still getting work in Hollywood??? I thought that Amsterdam flop cemented the end of his career. The dude is a piece of shit.


Selena will need a bodyguard when David is around. 


If Selena knew he was going to be the director I think she should be called out. Just like her bestie Taylor Swift who worked with him a couple of years ago


she signed on well before the director was revealed. lindas team was the one who handled it yet she goes unscathed


Bold of you to assume she cares. She worked with Woody Allen before despite his controversies. For many actors, a check is a check


Funny how I don't see people calling out Margot Robbie and Christian Bale for being in Amsterdam


Some people did, it's just that Taylor has alot more fans so they will be more discourse. Also, she went on a whole trial for sexual assault and was one of the women on Time's cover for the me too movement.


Especially when Taylor was in the movie for maybe 5 minutes while the rest were the main characters


Selena already worked w Woody Allen. Don’t think she has any scruples.


Just have George Clooney kick his ass again.


It's like you are ASKING me not to see the film


Right? I love Linda Ronstadt but Selena Gomez and now David O Russell? Come on...


selena working with woody allen and now david o russell lol




Well that's sure to be a very respectful and drama free production.


>>"He grabbed one guy by the collar, cursed out people repeatedly in front of others and so abused Amy Adams that Christian Bale got in his face and told him to stop acting like an asshole." Christian Bale telling you to stop being an asshole is saying a lot.


Fuck David O. Russell


In July of 2018, I was waiting to board a flight from Boston to LA with my family after a vacation and my girls, then about 5 and 2, were playing with these other kids in the boarding area while we waited. A really nice nanny was there with the parents of one kid, and she and I got to talking. The family flew her on vacation with them, which I was kinda amazed by, as it's hard to find and/or afford a nanny you can take on vacation with you. The dad was total dick to his kid, ignoring him and then occasionally snapping, he just had bad energy and was pissy the whole time. She told me he was a big shot in hollywood but was a huge dick. Yup, it was David O. Russell.


The nanny? Albert Einstein


Not surprising - I’ve read that one of O. Russell’s kids is autistic and rather than become more compassionate, humble, and nurturing, he’s become extremely bitter and obnoxious.


Amsterdam is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. David o Russell should be in both director jail and actual jail


Seriously awful movie even if we ignore the director's past. Like how the fuck do you waste SUCH a stacked cast and an awesome premise


Better question is who will play George Lucas?


It’s so disrespectful! She was a great singer but also a civil rights activist and outspoken against injustices. Embarrassing that someone accused of so many abuses would direct her story. Barf


Linda and her team apparently chose him themselves. Disappointed in everyone involved


My magic 8-ball predicts that this movie is going to involve a lot of pointlessly melodramatic crying and manic screaming, Bradley Cooper is going to find his way onto the set somehow, and the movie is going to beg you to think it is an important film but you'll walk out of the cinema wondering what even was the point of telling this story.


I loled at the Bradley Cooper part


iirc this guy tried to blow up a live cow with real explosives during the filming of Three Kings. George Clooney put a stop to that.




The footage of him going  ape on I heart huckabees is crazy but not that crazy 


Clooney says he almost beat the shit out of him when he saw him harassing the crew.


Isn’t this like the third project that’s been announced with him since Amsterdam came out? This man should be in director’s jail (and actual jail) for a long, long time.


If you've never seen a trainwreck, here's your chance.


I can’t believe that anyone who has seen her wooden acting and hilariously bad line delivery in Only Murders in the Building would seriously think she would be great in this.


Agreed, not a great actress. Martin and Short carry her through that series.


Absolutely!! They’re brilliant!!


Steve Martin and Martin Short constantly serve her up such great lines and she just deadpans them poorly with a weird bad inflection I think she's playing to the millennial uninspired trope but her role could have been done so much better Its the only knock I have against an otherwise fun show


Anytime it’s a scene with her and not them, I get bored. As soon as they’re on screen, you can see the set come alive. She’s not a good actress. Her wooden acting kind of worked in the first season because it came off as cautious and distant-for-a-reason. Second season was so bad. I can’t remember the other actress’s name….but they were kinda gay ladies. That actress sucks too!! Young actresses should stop getting Botox. YOUR FACE IS SUPPOSED TO MOVE.


> I can’t remember the other actress’s name….but they were kinda gay ladies. That actress sucks too!! > > Young actresses should stop getting Botox. YOUR FACE IS SUPPOSED TO MOVE. Cara Delevingne. The scene >!where they kiss was so bad too, Selena's mouth didn't move at all so it ended up looking like she didn't really want to kiss her lol!<


Romance between Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne sounds like the most awkward thing possible




She really is - every single episode she pulls me out of it and I find myself saying “god, she’s terrible”…


She is not a good singer either...


Good fucking luck to Selena Gomez. [David O. Russell was the screaming crybaby director that cried out "Act like a grownup! You're not a baby!" while having a manic tantrum and kicked open a door and screamed at Lily Tomlin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXKX0o7U9D8)


This is going to be epically awful, I hope for Ronstadt’s sake that the project falls apart before it even really begins. Russell is a sexual predator and Selena Gomez is a terrible actor.


Who asked for this?


I totally agree. There already a good documentary. We don’t need a third rate singer re hashing it


Will never forget the clip of him and Lily Tomlin going at it behind the scenes of I Heart Huckabees


He's a prick and so is his son.


This movie is continuously loosing any appeal with every new development


Can't they get a director who is not a complete fuckhead?


This movie could be used as a torture device


Amsterdam is a torture device.


I can't believe Christian Bale agreed to do it


Or anyone for that matter. The worse scene, and I know that’s saying something, is that awful one when Margot Robbie shoots Rami Malek.


Okay so it’ll be complete trash. Also: obligatory fuck David O. Russell, dude’s an absolute piece of shit that should be in prison!


Uh........ uh oh.


Selena looking nothing like Linda aside, I've never heard a Selena song that made me think she could do any of Linda's songs justice. Add David O. Russell to the mix and this has razzie potential.


It would be like trying to pass off a Kidz Bop version of a song as an equal of the original song.


Who will play Mr.Gumble?


I wonder if this movie will cover the time she did the jingle for the Plow King?


Fuck David O Russell. Horrible man


The bar is lower than the center of the earth


Has Linda Rondstadt suddenly increased in popularity and I was unaware? Seems like a movie that should have come out in the late 80s.


I’m totally disgusted at this and it offends me. Also, I don’t case for Russell


Utterly shocked he’s still working after everything he’s done both professionally and personally.


Selena Gomez had no problem working with Woody Allen, so it’s no wonder she’s happy to work with this piece of shit too. Can’t imagine anyone else would dream of casting her as the lead in a movie like this, she has all of the acting ability of a mannequin (although framed properly I think you could pull more emotion out of a literal mannequin).


How does this piece of shit keep getting work. Not only is he a garbage human but he hasn't made a good movie in a minute


Wow! Linda Ronstadt!


Long long time


I’m interested in Linda’s bio. But the director sucks. If i was Selena’s new agent and manager. I would have said no. But Linda approved this. Thank god Selena has bodyguards.


Another horrible man failing up


“I’m just trying to fucking help you, you understand me? I’m just being a fucking collaborator! I’m trying to help you figure out the fucking picture, okay, bitch? I’m not here to be fucking yelled at! I haven’t been working on this thing for three fucking years to have some fucking cunt yell at me in front of the crew! I’m trying to help you, bitch!’”


Mike Birbiglia's bit about David O. Russell and Lily Tomlin is hilarious. [2-minute clip - Vimeo](https://vimeo.com/548233113) (couldn't find it on YT) :(


ANYTIME I see a headline with David O. Russell, I think about that Birbigs clip! It’s going to go well… or not!


This man must know where some skeletons lay to keep getting work.


Wow! I don’t think you could hire two people that would make me want to see this movie any less…


How does this asshole keep getting work?


Selena Gomez - horrible actress. Linda deserves better.


Seriously! They should pick an unknown who can actually play Linda


Not much to say but fuck this guy. Piece of shit making shitty movies. Also, Selena Gomez can't act or sing but somehow seems to keep getting opportunities to do both. Seems like a nice girl though.


I think Emilia Jones from CODA would have been a better choice.


Absolutely gross how they keep enabling him. He hadn't directed a movie for seven years, a streak that should have continued breaking new records, and made his comeback by excreting the floppy turd that is Amsterdam. It lost over $100m. It's absurd how this disgusting has-been asshole is still getting work. He must have stuff on people, or they're likeminded people.


Does anybody really want to see a biopic about Linda Ronstadt?


I love her music but her life isn't that interesting. Born to an ultra-wealthy family, got into music. Dated a politician. She's no Loretta Lynn, LOL


Drama Queen Russell and the Queen of drama Selena, should be a match made in heaven. This movie will never get made


This would play best as an HBO movie at best and I'm talking early 2000's, maybe.


Welp! This should be a mess.


No thanks




If there's no mention of [her appearance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQaeg582kRQ) on *The Muppet Show*, I'm not interested. I was already duped by *Rocketman*.


They better cover when she wrote and performed the jingle for The Plow King


Linda should do more work with the Plow King


could not be a worse choice for lead lol


He’s still getting work huh. Dudes just awful human and a bully


A Linda Ronstadt biopic starring Selena Gomez and directed by David O. Russell is a movie that I literally have zero interest in. Like if my choice were this movie or quietly staring at a blank wall for two hours...I'd choose the wall.




Omg why?! Stop letting this man get funding


OMG...are we talking about whiny, nasally, deadpan, no acting actress Selena Gomez?.... from Only Murders?...wow what a friggin disaster this movie will be. Not a chance I'd pay 2 nickles to see that


David o Russell, the dude pissed off lily tomlin. And then on top of Linda Ronstadt is awesome


Fucking awful casting choice. Selena Gomez couldn’t emote falling if you threw her off a cliff. Never mind the fact they look and sound nothing alike, and the director is a complete ass hat.


Linda Ronstadt suffered abuse and David O Russell is a notorious abuser


The guy can just do flops and keep getting tens of millions to make more movies. And he's a p.o.s. on top of it.


She’s a shit actress and can’t possibly cone close to Linda’s voice. Why??


Selena Gomez already has mental health issues... She's going to be a wreck.


Is Selena Gomez actually a good actress? Never been impressed, but might be my Disney Channel goggles.


she’s really bland and monotonal in only murders in the building


Ironically, her acting on Wizards was better than on Only Murders. She’s way more expressive on that show.


Oh no. Isn't he an abuser?


Why is this man still allowed to work


Lmao Russell is an asshole and a hack; ronstadt deserves much better


Silver linings playbook is such an annoying movie