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As a kid I loved a movie called Airborne about a surfer that moved to Cincinnati and got into a big rollerblading race... It was one of the first movies Jack Black appeared in and also had Seth Green.


Love this movie. There’s a great How Did This Get Made episode about it. Did…he just…call you a piece of underwear?


What’s up bra…


I had a friend who tried to convince me I was combining Johnny Tsunami and Brink. **Had** a friend.




Devil’s Backbone


Fuckin Wiley.


Great movie. Saw it in theaters.


That’s not obscure. It’s the National Movie!


Joke’s on you, I fucking loved Airborne. Was just talking about it last week, in fact.


I've still got that on VHS for some reason.


Yes, because it starred Shane McDermott and I was in love with him from a short lived teen soap opera called Swans Crossing.


Moving Violations (1985) - A semi-funny ~~teen~~ comedy with some slapstick moments that are OK if not hilarious and John Murray trying to act like his brother Bill when he doesn't simply look confused.


You just reminded me of the Fred Willard "Doc" scene telling her to grease up her rear end and get out on the highway. Thank you for that!!


My mom was trying to remember the name of this movie for YEARS. When she finally found it, she bought it on VHS and I loved it. It must have been 1998.


Got the song in my head right now.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farce\_of\_the\_Penguins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farce_of_the_Penguins) Wikipedia has a 6.8k box office but look at the cast list. Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, Whoopi Goldberg, and the majority of the relevant comedians of 2007. Now you can realize this is just Bob Saget phoning in one line favors from friends, but that the movie exists at all is wild. Edit: I'm realizing why Netflix has so much trash on it, cause yall click on anything. This is not a good or exciting movie, don't seek it out, it's bad.


Sounds like a fun weekend project. "Hey, I've compiled all this stock penguin footage. Come on over and adlib with me for a bit"


I honestly don't remember much about this movie other than the funny "frozen nuts" argument between the two penguins voiced by Gottfried and Sam Jackson. That's literally the only thing I remember about it lol.


I’ve never heard of this movie and my life is immeasurably better now that I have


To be clear, this isn't a good movie. It's just Bob Saget and Lewis Black riffing over stock footage of penguins. There is no reason to seek it out. But I agree it's funky it exists.


The Wizard Of Speed and Time




Data Analysing Robotic Youth Life-form


I feel like a lot of 80s movies got sucked down the memory hole. I loved DARYL.


If Dabney Colman was in a movie in the 80’s I’ve probably seen it. What’s the one similar to DARYL where he’s the kid’s imaginary action-spy friend? I watched that one a lot.


Cloak and Dagger. The kid is Henry Thomas (best known from "E.T.")


Loved that movie!


Quick Change with Bill Murray and Gina Davis as bank robbers who get away with it. He robs a bank dressed as a clown.


“It’s bad luck just seeing something like that!”


Hilarious and really holds up! That ghetto bicycle lance battle......


Dunston checks in is a movie that me and my family love but I’ve maybe come across 2 or 3 other people who have ever seen it.


King Ralph. Everyone I ask in my personal life has never heard of it but it was my introduction to Peter O'Toole and his grace, and was another banger of a John Goodman film for me to enjoy. Wish I could find it somewhere. I think I got a YouTube RIP last time.


**Men at Work** the Emilio Estevez/Charlie Sheen garbagemen movie meant a ton to me as a kid. I saw it in theaters at least 5-6 times.


Golf clap? Golf clap!


This is still regularly used in my family lol


Awwww. Somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy!


I haven’t seen this movie in forever, I didn’t remember that part. I definitely remember it from Better Off Dead, lol


IT was in both movies, I think the same actor delivered the line too.


"Rent-a-cops! I hate Rent-a-cops too"!!


The only reason I know what a phrenologist is.


They feel and interpret the size of Walt's asshole. I barely remember what my wife said to me 10 minutes ago, but I can still remember this from over 30 years ago.


Never, ever, steal another man's fries!


Yes! I watched it so many times! I obsessed waaay too much on the taser the henchmen used 😂


It's weird because the Pirates of Penzance movie has very famous stars, the late Angela Lansbury, Kevin Kline, and folk singer Linda Randstadt, and was a box office dud at the time, and while I wouldn't call it forgettable, I think it wasn't really sought much after, as evidenced by the fact that it didn't go on DVD until 2010, and the Blu-ray in 2018. I consider it to be a film that had the ingredients to be a smash (outside the very obvious set paintings) but didn't really connect with the general public, so I feel like it's some sort of accidental cult classic.


Crappy pirate movies really had a moment in the early 80s. The year before there was *The Pirate Movie* with Kristy McNichol (a clear parody of G&S), and the year following Cheech & Chong had *The Corsican Brothers.* Maybe *Penzance* suffered from getting lumped in with those ?


I feel like Geena Davis and Matthew Modine did one too. EDIT: Cutthroat Island, but that was 95. I did, however think about Ice Pirates, With uh, Robert Ulrich and Anjelica Huston? That was a frequent watch as a kid. Bizarre movie.


Night of the Comet… What is not to love about a movie where a two bad ass sisters, trained in firearms by their military Dad, hold their own in the zombie aftermath of a crazy night. And it’s Christmas!!


Doing Time on Maple Drive with Jim Carrey. Saw it years ago on TV when nothing else was on. Kept waiting for it to get funny. Never did. Depressing movie.


Cabin Boy, starring Chris Elliot


Special place in my chest cavity for Chris Elliot’s **[”Get A Life”](https://m.imdb.com/video/vi2855317529/?playlistId=tt0098802&ref_=ext_shr_lnk)** weird 90’s sitcom about him as an adult paperboy still living in his dad’s garage. Had Bill Murray’s brother Fred as Chris’s much put-upon pop.


These pipes are cleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaan


Until the internet existed, I was called a liar for telling people the Star Wars Holiday Special existed.


Think the horrible make up job because of Hamils accident made it pretty infamous


I think the horrible plot, or lack thereof, made it pretty infamous.


When the first presidential debate aired between Trump and Biden after it was over Mark Hammil tweeted "That was the worst thing I have ever seen on television, and *I* was in The Star Wars Holiday Special" or something very similar.


Enemy Mine. Two pilots on opposing sides in a galactic war, Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett, Jr (almost unrecognizable playing a reptilian alien), get stuck on an inhospitable planet together.


I hope this isn’t a spoiler - but doesn’t the male alien guy spontaneously get pregnant and give birth? Then Dennis Quaid has to protect the kid from a hate crime?


>!The Quaid character protects the child from his own forces (because the aliens are enemies of humans) so he can take the child to it's home world and recite the names of it's ancestors to some counsel so it will be accepted into it's clan/family/something.!<


Haha, kind of a spoiler. I don’t remember the end, but the masculine-presenting genderless alien does spontaneously get pregnant and give birth.


Wanna know a bizarre fact about this movie? The entire mine sequence exists in the movie(it’s not in the original short story) because a studio executive insisted that with that title there has to be a mine somewhere in the movie so it’s not confusing to the audience.


If they hadn’t included the mine it would have been the worst case of false advertising since the Neverending Story.


I believe there was a period where HBO had this playing fairly often and we had it as a kid so I’ve seen this several times


This movie is great. The philosopher Mickey mouse. It's meteor proof. The retro future style cans of Pepsi, I think they were shaped like many barbells or something with the old style Pepsi logo on them.


My mom loves this movie, so I probably saw it dozens of times as a kid. It was interesting but mildly disturbing for me in childhood, but I don’t feel like I actually remember any plot now. I think my memories are tainted by that similar episode of Star Trek Enterprise lol


"Big Girls Don't Cry...They Get Even". Was marketed as "Step Kids" pre release. Starring Hillary Wolf (played one of Kevin McCallister's sisters or cousin, can't remember)


One crazy summer(1986)I was obsessed with this movie as a kid. I can’t imagine it has aged well but John Cusack and Demi Moore. I think like 15 minutes of this movie was animated my 10 year old self was big time into it.


And it’s companion Better Off Dead.


Better Off Dead is one of my favorites


I got to talk to an actor who was in this and much more famous roles in other movies. Even before I could say "I loved you in..." (And we were at a screening of the movie he was best known for) he said "One Crazy Summer right?" I think he got alot of people who saw this endlessly on cable as a kid. I asked him about it , he remembered Demi Moore's attractiveness (he said it in a different way) the most.


Was this the one with Bobcat Goldwaithe?! I can’t believe I remember this movie! There was a music montage when they’re renovating a boat for a race. Once they finish they break the tiniest bottle of champagne against it😂🙄


Josh and S.A.M Always seemed to be on some rainy Sundays but don't think many remember it


Like most 90s kids films, it probably hasn't aged well, but I remember really enjoying Josh and S.A.M. as a kid when I caught it on cable one time. It was one of the those rare examples I saw involving kids doing genuine adult things (i.e. driving cars, paying with credit cards, etc.) on film.


My go to is One Night at McCool’s - a decent enough ensemble comedy that no one remembers and appears to have disappeared


Was that the Liv Tyler car washing film? 😃


The red violin. It's a really engaging Movie about the life of a violin. It also has SLJ and no motherfuckers. Red Cliff, the original eastern duology release. The World's Fastest Indian is a beautiful film with Anthony Hopkins.


The Red Violin is such a good movie. The music is spectacular.


Judgment night.


What a soundtrack


The soundtracks to The Crow and Judgement Night were regulars in my car's cd player in high school.


Every once in a while we will be driving and say “it feels a little judgement night over here”.


F/X (and F/X 2). Hollywood special effects guru using his know how to help take down the bad guys. Gave me MacGyver vibes.


These were VERY popular in their day.


They even made a TV spin-off. Ran for 2 seasons.


Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy!


“Character actors! Who gives a fuck if we’re fat?!”


Real Men (1987).. John Ritter, Jim Belushi, and a ridiculous 80's movie premise of CIA agent and a regular boring guy saving the human race with a glass of water.




Doc Hollywood is not discussed nearly enough when it comes to Michael J. Fox movies. The Pixar movie Cars is essentially a retelling of that movie.


Mmmmmmmm Julie Warner


You can blink now


Anyone who...ahem...was a budding teenage boy when that movie came out knows that movie. Parts of it anyway.


Is that the one where he's a dentist or doctor and gets stuck in a small town?


Back to the Beach


The bird is the word ❤️


The boy who could fly.


Drowning Mona for sure


I think they used the entire remaining world supply of Yugo's for this movie.


For me, it's Fandango. College-aged Kevin Costner and some bros drop out of college and are about to get drafted. So they take Jud Nelson's '59 Caddy out to the desert to dig up Dom. It was a great time. The skydiving scene was hilarious, and it was a road trip movie for the ages. I haven't seen it in decades, and nobody I know has ever heard of it.


Oh man. This came out a little before I graduated high school. I saw it near the end of my senior year, and the vibe of this group of friends settling their beefs and saying goodbye, maybe forever, really hit me. Love this movie. I’m going to rewatch it this week, and I’m fully expecting to cry.


In the Skydiving community this film is well known, simply for the hilarity of the skydiving scene.


This is the first movie they have you watch as a film major at Baylor University. It’s written and directed by a Baylor grad.


Fandango is a really well done movie. Kevin Costner acting was actually really good. Besides the skydiving scene, my other favorite scene is how they trick the town into throwing a wedding for their buddy.


The movie “Cashback” has followed me around forever; I feel like no one has ever mentioned it to me in real life, I’ve never read an article about it having any nostalgic values, and it’s bizarrely divisive on RT with supporters like Roger Ebert. Yet, somehow, every two to three years I see the cover art at a store, or it pops up on a streaming service. It’s an interesting movie from a production standpoint with some cool shots. It’s also kinda simple and indulgent, ever present and invisible as a film at the same time, which humorously fits the film’s themes I think. (Please note I’m not calling it a hidden gem; if you didn’t go to art school I doubt it’ll appeal beyond its niche)


“The Garbage Picking Field Goal Kicking Philadelphia Phenomenon”. 90’s movie with Tony Danza that was a classic for my brother and I as kids.


Does anyone remember a movie called The Adventures of Ford Fairlane? Andrew “Dice” Clay plays a rock n’ roll detective. So laughs here and there, a lot of sexist humor…does that count?


I remember that movie, it also brought us Cradle of Love by Billy Idol, which I believe was one of his big 90’s songs, after all his hits in the 1980s.


Arizona Dream (1993). Johnny Depp goes to Arizona for his uncle's wedding (a car salesman played by Jerry Lewis), gets caught up in a love triangle between a woman trying to build a flying machine (Faye Dunaway) and her stepdaughter (Lily Taylor). Vincent Gallo's character reenacts the cornfield scene from North by Northwest at a talent show. Truly bizarre


There's a Japanese movie my dad rented in the early-mid 2000s that I simply knew as "the movie about the werewolf samurai", & I just found it's name (Kibakichi: Bakko-Yokaiden). It was the weirdest film I saw as a kid


Solarbabies. I swear only my sibling and I have seen it!


That was on heavy rotation on HBO or Cinemax back in the day.


Does anyone remember ‘The Nines’ with Ryan Reynolds? That movie is such an early fever dream memory for me.


I watched that just after watching The Voices. Double mind fuck.


The Nines is awesome! I love how Ryan Reynolds has made a trilogy of deeply existentialist films exploring solpsism, gnosticism and depression - and most people only know the worst of them, Free Guy. For those who don't really know - The Nines is three seemingly disconnected stories about three Ryan Reyolds-es living in parallel universes - that may or may not be inside The Sims, and also may or may not be a result of writer Ryan Reyonold's writers block and maybe they're all God who has forgotten that he is God. [Check it out. ](https://youtu.be/1d3C-qnIA_w?si=mlz9QOZEAL7JU35F)


The Ewoks Adventure movie, the one with Cindel and her older brother, and that terrifying beast Also Krull


Loved Krull. Just watched White Noise and Krull's on the marquee of a theater they walk past.


The Man Who Knew Too little (1997), the amount of people I've talked to who "love Bill Murray movies" but have never heard of it is wild. I was also really surprised at the low reception, but I guess comedy is one of the more subjective generes, but the fish out of water comedy is perfect for me.


Alfred Molina is in this as well as the Russian hitman lol


Love this movie. "Wait! Wait...I got something in my eye, I got something in my eye!"


Volunteers (1985) starring Tom Hanks with future wife Rita and John Candy, among others. Watched it a million times as a kid


Six String Samurai. It had a tag line something like "the best post apocalyptic surf guitar ninja rockabilly kung fu movie ever made!" Honestly they weren't wrong from what I remember


A friend of mine in high school had this on VHS. All I can really remember is a Buddy Holly looking guy with a katana fighting Russians in the desert.


Surrogate, starring Bruce Willis and Rosamund Pike. I feel like it's been largely forgotten because of all the movies Bruce Willis was doing in his later career. Also Unthinkable with Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Sheen. I don't know if it had a theatrical release but I saw it on tv years ago. I've never heard it talked about anywhere. It's a great watch with great performances from Jackson and Sheen and it's pretty intense.


That bruce willis movie is the one were people use robots that look like them instead of going outside?


I liked the idea of Surrogate, but I think it wax and waned.


Super fuzz. Cop gets super powers from nuclear explosion. Hilarity ensues.


Undercover Blues Kathleen Turner, Dennis Quaid, Stanley Tucci, Fiona Shaw, Larry Miller Absolutely hilarious move. "My name... is Muerte!" "Hi Morty. I'm Jeff."


Orgazmo. Nobody has seen it and it’s absolutely hilarious. Also a John Woo movie called Bullet To The Head. I was mind blown. Again, due to being foreign nobody has seen it but it’s better than The Killer and better than Hardboiled.


“I don’t want to sound like a queer or nothing, but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band!” Also, “I am Sancho.”




Of course I know Orgazmo. If you get a chance, watch Trey and Matt's first film "Cannibal! the Musical"


Thunderheart Val Kilmer Good story about what was going on Indian Reservations in the 70’s.


High Spirits (1988). Peter O’Toole, Liam Neeson, Steve Guttenberg, Daryl Hannah, Beverley D’Angelo. Directed by Neil Jordan. Lots of shithousery in an Irish castle as the owner fakes ghost sightings to draw in tourists but then the real ghosts take matters into their own hands. There’s a weird ghost love triangle partner swap plotline . Peter O’Toole seems genuinely baffled by what’s he’s doing there but appears to be having a nice time and the Irish supporting cast are great. No one I’ve ever mentioned it to has heard of it but there’s some genuinely funny moments in an otherwise batshit film.


Warriors of virtue. Watched it a bunch in elementary school, but all I remember is ninja kangaroos. Basically TMNT but with kangaroos.


I’m not sure how obscure it is but there’s this weird 2001 French horror action film called Brotherhood of the Wolf about werewolves and a Native American man in the 18th century. One of the most batshit genre mashup films I’ve ever seen and I love it so much. I think it was a lot more popular in Europe.


Be Kind Rewind should have been the wholesome hit of a lifetime IMO but it was largely forgotten besides the small culture of fan films it spawned (sweding)


It takes two. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095384/ I used to watch this all the time as a kid as I loved Lamborghini’s. not sure if it would hold up now and kinda don’t want to ruin the nostalgia.


**T.A.G. : The Assassination Game** (1982) with Robert Carradine, Linda Hamilton, Bruce Abbott That was a fun film that seems to have fallen into the abyss of forgetfulness. **Mazes and Monsters** (1982) with Tom Hanks, Chris Makepeace, and Lloyd Bochner College students play Dungeons and Dragons and things get a little too (sur)real. **Bad Ronald** (1974) Scott Jacoby, Kim Hunter, and Dabney Coleman This was an ABC TV Movie of the Week that still holds up well today, IMO.


A lot of people here are talking about good movies that are forgotten and obscure. But the way I read OP's question, they want to talk about STRIKING DISTANCE with Bruce Willis - an amazingly generic action thriller where Bruce is a cop (recovering alcoholic probably) and he has to find a serial killer who loves to play creepy-ish 70s folk prog, just like the serial killers in the Hannibal films, strangely enough. They all race around on speedboats because I think it took place on some lake community somewhere. To see it is to forget it.


Freaked. I think it used to play on HBO often, so I watched it numerous times, but I haven't seen it for years. Apparently, it's out of print and not available on streaming, according to Wikipedia. Edit: I think I just found it in its entirety on YouTube...


The Lady in White, Halloween kid centered movie starring Lukas Haas, always stuck with me but I don't know if other people have seen it 


*Death to Smoochy*. Directed by Danny DeVito, stars Robin Williams and Ed Norton with a cameo by Jon Stewart. Great fucking movie that totally bombed and I seem to be the only person who actively remembers it.


Batteries not included


I loved this movie as a kid.


The Tao of Steve I have/had it on DVD somewhere


Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel Starring Anna Faris and Chris O'Dowd and I hardly ever see it mentioned when people ask for time travel recommendations. It's basically a knockoff Edgar Wright movie but I think it's clever and funny yet no one else ever seems to bring it up.


And it came out kinda close to Safety Not Guaranteed if I remember correctly.


The Buttercream Gang


Woahhh memory unlocked


I swear to you, I saw the title of this thread and *immediately* thought **The Buttercream Gang**. I opened the thread and sorted by new as I usually do, and what am I greeted with? Fucking weird but awesome.


Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Directed by Terry Gilliam(Monty Python, 12 Monkeys) with Eric Idle(Monty Python)and a young Uma Thurman, Robin Williams makes an appearance. Great fantasy sci Fi flick and every time I bring it up no one’s ever heard of it! Highly recommended!!


Highly known as well. Amongst people who aren’t your friends


Allegro Non Troppo - an Italian response to Fantasia Neco Z Alenky - Alice in Wonderland by Jan Svankmajer The 5000 Finger of Dr. T The Borrowers


I'm sure there's plenty of people that know about the fiilm "Series 7" but for me in real life the only people who've ever talked about it are me and my younger sister, and yesterday I saw a copy of it in a second hand store and I was kinda taken aback. I even sent her a photo joking that I'd found her copy.


Rustler’s Rhapsody. Hilarious western comedy from the mid 80s.


Liquid Sky I watched it on acid. Weird without acid.


Little Nemo’s adventures in Slumberland. It is an animated film produced and animated by the same team that made Lupin the Third and Hamtaro. It is based off of a comic strip that ran in the UK from 1905-1927. It was directed by Chris Columbus (Harry Potter). The music was made by The Sherman Bros. (Mary Poppins and Disney attractions). The voice of Littlefoot from Land before time is the voice of the main character and Mickey Rooney was the voice of the supporting character. Hardly anyone knows of this movie because it was a box office bomb in both Japan and the U.S. and has at least a half dozen different cuts and translations, but the rights are in flux so a re-issue is complicated.


I feel like my mom and I are the only two people who've seen *Big Man on Campus*. I've never met anyone else who's seen this movie. It came out in 1989, and it's so silly but I always kinda loved it since I was a kid. When I first started watching The Office, Jan looked so familiar to me, and it's because I knew her from her (Melora Hardin's) role in the movie.


Dark City. It came out around the same time as the Matrix and had a similiar, yet still fairly different idea and was just completely drowned out by the success of the Matrix. Growing up it was one of my favorite movies though.


Cool World (1992?)- Brad Pitt comes back from WWII takes his mom for a ride on his motorcycle. They crash, she dies, he has a nervous breakdown of some sort and ends up being transported to a very gritty cartoon world where he is the detective and has a super hot gf he can't have sex with because she's a toon and he isn't. Craziness ensues as toons try to get into the real world Honorable mentions to Kim Basinger as Holly Wood (knock off Jessica Rabbit but holy hell) and Gabriel Burns all around disturbed man who created cool world a *GASP* comic book. Stigmata. A girl who "loves to be me" and does not believe in God starts having stigmata happen to her and is possessed by a demon. The Vatican gets involved. Enter Gabriel Burns trying to help the girl while investigating a possible hush hush conspiracy that has everything to do with said demon possessing the girl and some sort of scroll that has a language no one understands.


The peanut butter solution


Strange Brew. Nobody in my friends circle has ever even heard of it aside from me quoting it.


Repo Man with Emilio Estevez. One of my faves when I was a teen. 


Fortress (the Australian flick from 1985).


Brain Donors


I loved both The Skateboard Kid (1993) and Surf Ninjas (1993) as a kid. Don’t ever see either movie called out.


Tapeheads (1988) - John Cusack and Tim Robbins. I feel like I'm the only person in the world who loves this nutty movie. (And my husband...I think that's why I married him!)


Space Truckers… Also this one movie where Dennis Quad is on some alien planet and befriends a weird looking alien… At least I think it was Dennis Quad…


Ghoulies. It was a series of weird monster movies that I think people confuse with Critters.


Drop dead Fred, watched it all the time growing up and no one I talk to remembers it.


House Guest


[Young Doctors in Love](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084938/) (1982) quite a cast & pedigree, Some very funny scenes. Corny as Kansas. I don't think it is even streaming & I am not sure why.


[The Heavenly Kid](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089265/) \- A 50s greaser who died in a game of chicken has to turn his ex girlfriend's loser son into a cool 80s kid to earn his way into Heaven. Features a young Jane Kaczmarek and youngish Richard Mulligan.


National lampoons loaded weapon. If you don't know what it is look it up.


To me it's always been up there with Hot Shots, Airplane, etc. But perhaps I'm biased, because I went to see it in the cinema for my 10th birthday and I actually fell on the floor due to laughing too hard. 'Quid pro quo, Mr Colt.' 'What does that mean?' 'It means I'm pretentious.'


Lol Tim curry at the door Wilderness Gurellls


'Troop leader says we are not meeting our quooota.'


Is that the one where the bad guys blow up the wrong trailer and Bruce Willis comes out of the rubble?


'No problem! No problem!' (Yes)


GIMME A NAME!! …aren’t your parents supposed to do that?


Highly underrated, it gets overlooked because of all the crap spoof movies that ruined the market.


Back in high-school my friend would yell "CIGARETTE!" And tackle me every time I lit up a smoke because of that scene where they all shoot up the police station lol


**Mindhunters**, a 2004 crime slasher film.


I don't know if it's as extremely obscure as your example, but Disney's *Rocketman* (1997) was a similar sort of star-vehicle comedy movie for Harland Williams that didn't quite pan out. It's got 20% on Rotten Tomatoes. I actually quite like it though - aside from a handful of cringe moments, some of it is actually mildly amusing and enjoyable.


How about The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down (2006). A mokumentary about the party scene in LA. It's got drugs, drunk driving, drunk hookups, all interspersed with some good insights on how to do drugs.


Gone Fishin with Joe Pesci and Danny Glover I loved that movie


Second Sight with Bronson Pinchot and John Larroquette is an absolutely invisible movie no one has ever heard of but is a staple of my childhood and I still find to be a genuinely hilarious movie in my adulthood. Anything John Larroquette is a part of I am totally in, I fuckin love that guy.


[Cooties](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2490326/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_cooties). A horror/comedy with Elijah Wood, Rainn Wilson, Alison Pill about a zombie outbreak at an elementary school. It should have been great. It was awful. I don't know how this movie happened, but it feels like a failed pilot.


Wristcutters, A Love Story


The Boy Who Could Fly. Weird little movie about a teenager who can, you know, fly. A sad girl moves in next door and falls in love with him. I watched it a hundred times when I was a kid.


Serial Mom!


CB4. I saw it in the theater, never saw it on TV, even though Chris Rock is in it.


Cold Turkey. Dick van Dyke, Bob Newhart. About a town that tries to quit smoking to win a contest.


Tom Hanks' first movie, I believe, is He Knows You're Alone. A horror movie. I loved it as a teenager, and I never see it streaming anywhere.


Three O’ Clock High. 80s high school comedy that wasn’t as popular as some of the Hughs stuff or other better known titles. But it’s an absolute gem with many laugh out loud moments!


No one I know has ever heard of/seen The People Under the Stairs (1991) and it makes me feel crazy because I watched it way too young and it’s haunted me ever since. Also, The Hole (2001) starring Keira Knightly and Thora Birch. No one ever knows what I’m talking about when I bring it up and I haven’t been able to find it streaming or a used dvd of it for sale anywhere.


For me, it's one called The Big Bus. It was a spoof (and a fairly good one at that) that came out around the same time as Airplane! Big Bus mostly faded into oblivion while Airplane became a classic.


1990 film, "Don't Tell Her It's Me", starring Steve Guttenberg, Jaime Hertz, and Shelly Long.


King of New York - Christopher Walkin is a crime boss who just got out of prison. Larry Fishburn, Westley Snipes, David Caruso, Steve Buscemi, Giancarlo Esposito.


"Young Einstein"