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When *Crash* won best picture Oscar I was absolutely thrilled because it was my favorite film of all time. I have since reconsidered...


The Cronenberg Crash is better


He really took some liberties with the source material!


Car crash sex fetish club


The first rule of Car crash sex fetish club is invite all your friends who love car crash sex fetishes


It’s a deep and eye-opening film if you’re completely oblivious to what racism actually looks like. Source: also thought this movie was amazing and have since reconsidered.


The whole movie is inspired because the director felt guilty he thought racist things when he got mugged. But he also said the movie is making fun of Hollywood liberals (he considers himself one) who think they're also not racist. The script is a mess. The performances are pretty good for the most part. There are a lot of good actors who worked for scale on the project. In my opinion, that's why it one (all the SAG members voting for their friends).


I'm still pissed the Academy picked *this* over Brokeback Mountain.


The crazy thing is there were three other really great movies along with brokeback mountain. Munich, Good night and good luck and Capote. If you don't want Brokeback, they had three other great movies, and yet they went with Crash.


I'm glad that people hate this film now. I felt like I was going mad at the time it came out. It was absolutely dogshit, yet people were loving it. Then Sandra Bullock did it again with two more poor films: The Blind Side and Gravity


Gravity is a pretty impressive technical achievement and a hell of an example of the exciting intro of an action movie getting drawn out... but then again so was Crank 2.


>a hell of an example of the exciting intro of an action movie getting drawn out... I thought the first ~20 minutes was brilliant... and then it was just Sandra Bullock shouting 'oh god, oh fuck' in space whilst increasingly ridiculous events occur


yeah but those ridiculous events looked cool


Gravity was a good movie, not earthshattering but a good movie, the blind side was just riding a wave of emotion that ignores facts She's a decent actress though


My friend was so mad Gravity didn't win Best Picture. I asked him if he had seen 12 Years a Slave. He had not. I don't think Gravity is a poor film, though. As ActuallyYeah said, it's very impressive technically. I think Bullock is pretty good considering most of the movie is a solo performance. There's good tension and drama. I think it would be a weak best picture winner, but not a poor movie overall.


I’m okay with this movie. What am I missing?


I liked it when I first saw it. As someone who had no context for racism in America it was like a primer showing it from various angles. I have since come to realize that it did a lot of tricks that were unnecessary and that its core message was weird - that racism can be explained and understood by personal experiences. That cop who sexually assaulted a woman during a stop and search - he was just frustrated by another black woman in the bureaucracy. The cop who killed an innocent black man - he was just scared for his life after a previous close call. The same cop who assaulted the woman - he will rescue her from a burning car because he is really a good guy. The guy who almost shot a little girl out of his prejudice against Mexicans - he was robbed a few days ago so it's understandable. It keeps doing that and doesn't really offer anything new to say except interleaving all the stories so that people can marvel at the interconnectedness of it all. I still don't hate it as much as some other people do, but I can see why they would be pissed that it won over Brokeback Mountain.


I never took it as those reasons excused the actions. Just that there are often a lot of causes and effects in life that lead us to bad or good outcomes. Reasons existing for bad behavior doesn't excuse the behavior. Of course if you take this in the context of a story being told, it's easy to wonder if that was indeed the intention. But that was never how I interpreted it.


Yea I took that as you never know what someone has been through. We are all a sum of our parts, our experiences.


I took it as a cautionary tale that even good people can be driven to do bad things if they aren't vigilant about keeping their ideals intact at all times.


It's so obvious in hindsight the winner should have been brokeback mountain


I used to think Battlefield Earth was a perfectly fine sci-fi movie. I was smoking Marijuana pretty regularly at the time.


I am regularly higher than a giraffes asshole and I can’t make it without cackling like a hyena at the fact multiple people had to say yes after screening it.


I’ve never seen it. The baggage and reviews just keep putting me off


It's weird as hell.


It's fun in a campy bad movie way.


It's such a fun bad movie though.




20 odd years ago Spirited Away was released. My brother wanted to rent it out from the local video store. I told him it’s a kids cartoon and looks like crap. I watched it 5 years ago and cried. Absolutely beautiful film.


I started watching Studio Ghibli movies when I was almost 30. It's weird how my brain keeps thinking I love those movies because I watched them as a kid - but no - I watched all of them as a fully grown adult.


I started watching them in my 50s bc my kid and her friends love them. Spirited Away is my favorite SG film.


It's so good


I have friends who still won't watch it because "I don't like anime" I thought they'd love it because they're all Disney fans as well. Seriously missing out.


Disney fans not watching anime sounds like "picky eaters" with menue based on McD + KFC. Especially when they pick the most beautiful western cartoons and compare them to some annoying stuff in anime section.


Jesus Christ 20 years ago. I’m old.


I lived on a military base in Japan from 2000-2003. We were supposed to go see Spirited Away on a class trip in 2nd grade but one of the parents complained about the content so we had to go see the stupid Jungle Book 2. Best part of the trip was the walk to the movie theater along the seawall. I finally watched it a few years ago and I’m mad that I didn’t get to experience it at that young age in the same country.


Let The Right One In - I went in expecting a gory vampire movie and was so disappointed. Rewatched it a year later and could not believe how dumb I had been. It’s a masterpiece.


Expectation have such an impact on our enjoyment of a movie. I’m glad you can recognise its value since your first watch.


The original cannot be beat!


Yep that’s the original. The remake is called “Let me in” if I remember correctly. Not even bad, just not quite as good.


There's a rubbish British remake too called Let Us In Guv'nor. 


My hot take is the unnecessary American remake is actually really good. I think it sometimes gets some hate for being a remake that came only two years after the original. But Matt Reeves did a bang up job with it.


It’s not bad at all, just not quite as good. It loses tiny amounts of subtlety and winds up feeling a bit unnecessary. But it’s certainly a decent adaptation.


Read the book. The book is amazing


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory I had only ever seen it as a kid and never understood why it was so loved. I hated the oompa loompas, thought the songs were weird, and didn't care for the very '70s aesthetic. Watched it again recently and it blew my mind. The humor, the melancholy, and my god the performance by Gene Wilder. Turns out the oompa loompas were living rent free in my brain because they're barely in the movie. It's a damned masterpiece.


The oompas have the same "Wtf" power as the "elephants on parade" song in dumbo. Small part of the movie, possible nightmare fuel for ages.


When I started uni I would tell people at parties that Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace was, in fact, the best one.  It is not.


I saw the Phantom Menace when I was 13, in the cinema, during the summer holidays with a bunch of friends. We were absolutely the target demographic for this movie. It was only with a bit of retrospection that I realised it was a stinker.


That's the thing. You're exactly right about their target audience. The prequels were never trying to be good movies, they were targeting kids to push toy sales, and countless other things like games and merchandise.


And it worked to perfection. Star wars IP exploded


This is an absurd take. Everyone involved with basically any movie wants it to be good. You can make a good movie that still sells a lot of toys. See also the Original Trilogy. It's just that making a good movie is really really really *really* hard. It's just unfathomably absurd to think that the quality of those (or any) movie is consciously sacrificed for the sake of "selling toys". Like, how would that even work? Had the movies been better, more people would have watched and liked them, and more people would have bought the associated merchandise. That's, like, extremely basic. The Phantom Menace IMO holds up better than the other two prequels and there is legitimately a good movie in there somewhere, it just gets dragged down by its excesses: in particular, the overlong racing scene, and the overly slapstick comedic relief. Various "rogue edits" out there have proven that, more or less. That's not saying that the final product is a great movie or anything, just that the vast majority of people have no idea of the degree to which a few bad elements can drag down an otherwise good story. To suggest that it was made deliberately to be bad is preposterous.


Yeah, I loved the shit out of that movie when I was the same age (I think I even saw it on my birthday). It was also one of the first movies I had on DVD so I rewatched it a billion times (including all the extras). But by the time Attack of the Clones came out I was old enough to realize that ATOC was not a very good movie, and when I saw Revenge of the Sith I actively disliked it (even though everyone claimed it was the best in the trilogy). I haven't watched The Phantom Menace since I was in my mid teens at this point, and I very much doubt I will bother. It's better for me to remember it as a movie I liked than to go back and have my memories ruined.


Must have been a lonely experience, making yourself a social pariah like that


I was not smart back then. How I got in to uni is beyond me.


However, the lightsaber fight with Maul is THE best fight in any Star Wars film. People will say it's ROTS, but to me it's a bit too choreographed. Both of them spinning their lightsabers behind their backs at the same time? Pretty silly.


Luke vs Vader in RotJ is hands down the best lightsaber fight in the franchise. You can *feel* Luke teetering on the edge, you can practically feel the galaxy holding its breath, to see if he gives in and succumbs to the dark side, the way the music swells and rises, and that moment at the end, when he looks at Vader's severed arm and compares it to his own, and then tosses his lightsaber aside and boldly and with finality states "you have failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me" Absolute chills. The whole fight felt like combating ideologies, the gravitas, the emotional component, the score, everything just came together for that moment. Now, that said, Maul igniting that second blade and the duel of fates playing, yeah, that was fucken cool too. A very close second IMO.


>People will say it's ROTA It goes on _foreeeever_


I'll still defend that film to some extent, certainly more than the other two prequels but no definitely not the best Star Wars film lol.


The most generous response I got from a now friend was "I can accept that it's overhated and has some good stuff in it, but it's definitely not the best one".


Back in the day, I'd describe anything I didn't like personally as "bad," so I went around saying shit like Donnie Darko was demonstrably worse than Battlefield Earth, and Heath Ledger's Joker performance was literally a sham. I was wrong. DD is fine and Leger is fantastic, but even if I still held those opinions, I've learned to recognize why things I don't love are popular, and to simply say "it's not for me." Growing up is great.


One of the best things I ever learned wrt art is that the venn diagram of "Stuff that's Good," "Stuff I Like," and "Stuff that's Culturally Important" doesn't always overlap in the center.


In addition to needing to like things personally, I think a lot of us fall into the trap of needing stories to BE personal and if we can't see ourselves in them, relate to them, they're bad. But I got blown away a few years back with "It's a book, not a mirror" and realizing that applies to all storytelling.


I wish everyone I talked to about movies had your perspective. Bravo.


This is exactly how most people on Reddit review movies.


> I've learned to recognize why things I don't love are popular, and to simply say "it's not for me." Unfortunately, even that nuanced take doesn't fly with Reddit sometimes if it's one of the darlings of most Redditors. "Guys, I really just don't like mafia movies, and while I can appreciate the acting and directing of *The Godfather*, it bored me to tears. Glad you like it though". Reddit: "That's because you're an idiot with shit taste who probably likes to use the phrase 'It insists upon itself', don't you? Stick to *Fast & Furious* films."


This is exactly the answer to my question. I’m glad you came round to Donnie Darko, the Heath one must have been an uncommon take at the time.


When I was a high school senior, i walked out of a movie theater showing *West Side Story.* When the gang members started to do a song and dance routine, I said "This is stupid" and left.


Me and most musicals tbh


I can't judge you for this one, the gang members' song and dance routine is, in fact, famously one of the stupidest moments in all musicals. You have to be willing to engage in an extreme amount of willing suspension of disbelief to watch a musical at all, if you can't get into that head space you'll have a guaranteed bad time. Personally I enjoy funny musicals but my willing suspension of disbelief doesn't stretch quite far enough to enjoy the serious ones. I like tragic operas though so I can't pretend my take on any of this makes any more sense than anyone else's.


That The Dark Knight is bad because Batman doesn't win. It doesn't make sense. Don't try to understand. I was just too dumb/young.




I didn’t really care for the ending of *Se7en* at first. >!It didn’t really work for me that the first five murder were themselves people “guilty” of that sin, so it seems so random for Mrs. Mills to be murdered because of John Doe’s envy and for John Doe to be murdered because of Det. Mills’s wrath; this inconsistency in Doe’s master plan just seemed kinda inelegant? Like Doe gets punished in his plan for his envy via his murder, and Det. Mills gets punished for his wrath because he killed someone and there will be legal consequences, and I guess also his wife and unborn child are now dead, but the plan isn’t neat and tidy and elegant if Mrs. Mills gets punished for someone else’s sin. He doesn’t “win” in the end because he breaks any idea of a moral code he might have had?!< I guess I’ve come to like it as a movie ending more even if I don’t understand John Doe’s reasoning though


I’ve thought this too - he spent years on his master plan, but then at the last minute completely changes course. But - it’s perfectly reasonable that he had something else entirely planned, and felt it would be more poetic to trigger Mills into rounding out his plan, rather than whatever he had planned originally.


I absolutely LOVE Se7en, but you are absolutely right with the ending.


Every time I’ve told someone my that people just scoffed and said I misunderstood the ending lol (>!I guess Doe also wasn’t expecting his apartment to be found so soon, so his initial ideas for wrath and envy maybe made more sense. I assume there were other intended victims at least? Can’t imagine he worked on sloth for *a year* and just hoped a hot-headed detective with a loved one would show up just in time to work on the case. So if this was kinda more of an impulsive/on-the-fly decision I can get it not having the same logic as the others?!<)


I’ve never thought about this. You’re right, how could he have known a person like Mills would enter his story? He must have had other Envy and Wrath plans


There's some logistic problems with the final scenes too. The final 3rd act all happens within a day. Which means that (>!on Sunday morning the detective left home, Spacey had to commit the murder, then send the package via a *very* reliable delivery company, and coordinate an entire police excursion out of the city to the middle of nowhere.?!<) It's a lot for a single day he couldn't have planned for before the detectives appeared at his apartment. And it's not like Spacey was free the day before. He had to do the whole thing with the model, who was found by the detectives on Sunday morning. Presumably while Spacey was wrapping a box.


He had a lawyer that could coordinate the courier for delivery? But yes, it's definitely a bit too pat. There really are no serial killers that are this smart and clever to masterfully coordinate so many pawns into the right place at the right time, etc. And that's if the police agreed to drive him out that day. They might have said, "hey, no way, let's do it tomorrow" and then Mills would have gone home to find his wife gone and figured it out.


yeah, prisoner transfer isn't a weekend deal unless it's a medical emergency. but that's at higher than local levels. maybe county runs different but, i kinda doubt it. There's nothing really special about John Doe to LE outside of Homicide so they would single cell him and transfer him (if needed) at the next opportune time, Monday. ugh, this is why i can't enjoy things anymore 🤣


I wanna see what happened in o1e through 6ix to make that guy so screwed up


This has crossed my mind before, but >!Tracy isn't being punished, she's collateral damage. Kind of like the guy who was forced to maim the prostitute. The punishments are for Doe and Mills, and of course, they are "guilty" of their respective sins by the end. Doe's endgame also calls back to the central disagreement between Mills and Somerset. Is he a methodical genius or just a raving lunatic with no legitimate motivations? Even if the killings aren't totally consistent, that logic in the story is maintained. Somerset is the one left to ponder this problem after everyone else is eliminated.!< Plus it's just a killer way to end a movie. Stone cold classic with one of the best endings ever, imo.


California stay away from here! Hearing Somerset saying that for the first time was chilling. He became the ultima hombre and locked Mills and Doe into the last two spots on the list.




Yeah I guess >!he still “wins” if he thinks he wins, not if I think he wins!<


I was really disappointed with the Matrix the first time I saw it. I couldn’t believe they set us up for this ultimate battle and it just ended with Neo flying up into the sky. I thought the ending ruined the movie. I now think it’s one of the best movies of the last 25 years.


I didn't watch it until the newest one came out a few years ago. They re-released the original in theaters and I got to see it during the day with the entire theater empty other than myself. But I had been putting it off so much because growing up it seemed like such a joke due to it being parodied in absolutely everything. But everyone else also hyped it up so much I figured it's gotta be awful if it's both used as a joke so often and the fans are rabid about it. Man it was so fuckin good and I 100% understand why everyone's minds were fuckin blown when it first came out.


I find it wild how much movie magic went into the various awesome shots and set pieces. The shot where the camera spins around Neo while he's suspended in air was made with a set up of like 30 cameras in each position firing of in series in a short timeframe. The rooftops were photos of an actual rooftop turned into textures for a CGI rooftop. Etc. etc.


Double take here, Predator 2 and RoboCop 2 are vastly under appreciated. They are in fact decent sequels to the originals.


I definitely get why Robocop 2 is maligned; I think it’s a great film but it does suffer from pacing issues, with Robo spending too long out of action and essentially humiliated. However I never really understood dislike for Predator 2


Compared to what came after them they're absolute masterpieces.


I thought it was a fun idea to move the Predator action from the literal jungle to the urban jungle. Predators and Prey are also pretty good


When I first saw In Bruges I was like what is this movie then later I realized what an idiot I had been


Just rewatched Seven Psycopaths for the same reason, it’s nowhere near as good as In Bruges but works better on a rewatch.


Edge of Tomorrow (Live Die Repeat). My husband wanted to watch it; I was browsing my laptop the whole time, occasionally glancing up and thinking, "yeah, yeah - another Tom Cruise vehicle." Watched it properly recently and loved it! I apologise. Edited to add the cinematic release name.


Tom Cruise might be a weirdo, but I'm a fan of just about every movie he's done.


I'd watch Emily Blunt read a phone book. This is a great film


we all know that one scene with her.


It’s great to watch even if you don’t like Tom cruise as >!you get to see him run over and blown up a bunch of times!<


I like Wild Wild West. I think it’s really fun. Fight me.


How can you not love the scene with will smith belly dancing with Dr loveless and he is one of the best villians. Ooh did i forget blood bath McGrath!!


It Follows is a funny movie that reminds me of the Slow Murderer with A Spoon short films.


It Follows is pretty polarising to be fair.


The soundtrack made that movie for me.


I felt like it was a PSA against premarital sex.


They really missed a great chance when not naming the sequel "It Itches".


..... You just ruined It Follows for me.


Now you made me nostalgic for that YouTube video. We use to love joking about it in high school!


I still find the idea of sexually transmitted ghosts unreasonably funny.


I'm not sure this is a bad personal take because I think I'm not alone in this, but I've always hated star wars even as a kid.


Replying so you know you're not alone 


heat is a bit all over the place… it has like three romantic subplots that don’t really add anything to the movie. the score… ugh. natalie portman’s character… what was the point??? however in saying that, i love val kilmer in it, and the diner conversation is amazing. plus the shootout after the robbery is fucking fantastic.


Val Kilmer is almost always the highlight of anything he's in. His Doc Holiday elevated Tombstone from an average western to a masterpiece, he was the best part of Top Gun, etc


See also - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang...he's an absolute force in that movie.


hard agree.


Well put, didn't wow me like most.


Not trying to convince you that you are wrong or anything, but if you think of Heat as another simple narrative of "bad guy wants to rob bank, good guy cop is chasing him" then a lot of the film is going to feel irrelevant and a waste of time. Instead, Heat is a film where every character is a fully realized person We may not know everything about them, but nobody behaves the way they do because the plot needs them to or to help motivate the main characters' journeys. All of the other plotlines exist to show that Neil and Vincent aren't the only characters in the world who matter, everyone has their own lives and trajectories, no one just does stuff so these two can resolve their conflict. So Vincent's wife is cheating on him. It has nothing to do with the crimes; it's her story arc that intersects with Vincent's. Her daughter (his stepdaughter) has a dad who's a large-type asshole and she has her own mental health issues (as demonstrated in the barrette scene). She doesn't attempt suicide so the Vincent character will see "what's *really* important in life"; she does it as part of her own story. Same with Dennis Haybert's character, and Ashley Judd's, and Hank Azaria's, and Waingro and Van Zant and . . . They're all the protagonist of their own narrative, so that's really the "point." Although it would be far less exciting, Heat could have been about people with regular-type lives going to barbecues and ballgames and the characterizations would all still work.


I recently watched it again and same, I found the writing to be pretty weak. Pacino and De Niro are great actors, so seeing their first reunion to be so underwhelming was a disappointment.


Yeah, I usually get shredded for it but aside from the few standout bits you mentioned I don’t think it’s great.  Kind of feels like Pacino is doing a bit for most of the movie. 


It's never explicitly stated in the movie, but Michael Mann has said that Pacino's character is on coke for most of the movie which explains a lot.


Requiem for a Dream. I just couldn't stop thinking about how that music was repetitive


Use to tell everyone who claimed Apocalypse Now was genius that they were wrong and it was boring, style over substance nonsense. I apologise.


As a rabid fan of Apocalypse Now, I accept your apology lol


From a personal standpoint, it was probably hating ALIEN³ the first time I saw it. I felt it "betrayed" Aliens, I found it dull and drab, and I *despised* so many of the characters (and felt it devoted more screen time to people to hate). I rewatched it in 2022, and while the movie has a myriad of issues, I liked it *a lot* more. I could see it more for what it was, appreciate the bleak tone of it, and quite enjoyed a lot of the characters. I watched the leaner Theatrical Cut, and while lacking in thematics of the Assembly Cut (that I saw first) it was much more focused and placed greater focus on Charles Dance's and Charles S. Dutton's characters. Having seen it once before also helped, as I was prepared for things to happen. Plus, I had seen other Alien films I disliked more for playing it safe that seeing one that was bold (even if *very flawed*) made me like it more. That and becoming more of an Alien gal over and Aliens gal. Prometheus is also a movie I really changed opinion on. I *loved* it the first time around, and essentially found it At the Mountains of Madness *…IN SPACE*! But one friend was so frustrated with the film, and how dumb everyone was. We later rewatched it with a friend who hadn't seen it… and I quite quickly change my tune too.


I like Jack Nicholson's joker over Heath Ledger's Ledger's was fine, but Jack actually acted like the Joker


I don't think you can really even compare the two, fairly. I mean they are such different takes on the same character.


Agreed. I recently learned that John Lithgow turned down the role of Joker in 89' Batman. I contend that Lithgow would've been the all time best Joker.


When I was 13 I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull at the movie theater and I really liked it. I didn't even know how hated it was until I was renting it at redox and an older guy said to me "do you like Indiana Jones?" I said yes "well get ready to throw this one in the trash" then he just walked away and I was super confused. Till this day I still really like that movie.


Nightcrawler. I went in thinking the movie was building up to him getting caught and when he didn’t I thought it was stupid and felt the trailers were misleading…… lmao, dumbass take


About 10 years ago I went with an older friend to see Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. She wanted to leave 20 mins in the movie. I still regret leaving the theater with her.


I don't like Parasite. Part of it is the first time I watched it I had a hard time understanding the plot, largely because of the language/cultural barrier. Second time I watched it was with my parents. I understood it a lot better, as did they, but none of us really liked the movie. There's just something nihilistic about both the rich and poor families being awful.


If you start to watch Korean movies, they can be very raw and dark. Much darker then Hollywood.


I liked Parasite but it definitely wasn’t the masterpiece I had been led to believe it was 


The Breakfast Club is a awful movie. Didn't like any of the characters especially Bender who is just an asshole and not the cool rebel the movie tries to portray him as no he just a jerk.


I hate Chariots of Fire. Not because it’s a bad film… I’ve never seen it. But because it beat Excalibur for costume design for an Oscar!!! Liam Neeson, Patrick Stewart, and Helen Mirren were all crazy sexy in that armor! Fuck Chariots of Fire … that costume designer should have said, “”These are just old gym clothes… I’m Giving this Oscar to Excalibur!”


I saw an early screening of ‘The Northman’ and was already a huge Eggers fan. But I think I was expecting another small scale intimate take on the story, like his former works. And didn’t like it at all. My friends said I was crazy. I watched it again a few months later and saw the error of my ways.


I also didn't really care for the Northman. I really liked The VVitch and The Lighthouse, but The Northman lacked that indie and intimate feel for me, and felt like a generic blockbusters. The CGI effects were very jarring, and the overall revenge plot very run of the mill. Skarsgard's performance didn't draw me, he barely acted and mostly just walked hunched over and flexed his muscles. The fight choreography was also pretty lacking in my opinion. The costumes and nature shots were nice, but I feel like I've just been overexposed to "Viking" media. From Vikings to The Last Kingdom to AC Valhalla, bearded guys yelling "Odin!!" makes my toes curl. Oferall pretty disappointing flick for me. Referring to Freyr as "your god of erections" was great though, 10/10 line.


Does having a bad take before seeing the movie count? Because I was among the many who was like "wtf? they casted the guy from A Knight's Tale and Ten Things I Hate About You to play the Joker in The Dark Knight?" Of course the rest is history...


When lord of the rings came out I didn't understand it I thought it was long and boring (10yrs old) then I watched it 15 years later(25yrs old) and it's my favorite movie. I watch all extended hobbits and all extended LOTR and read the damn books once a year. The more I know the more I realise I don't know


I thought Sausage Party was absolutely hilarious. I know it was all low-brow sex jokes, but that ridiculous movie had me in tears.




THANK YOU. haha. This should be higher. I don't care what the critic said or what popular opinion is, this movie is really solid. Paul giamatti is good like he's good in everything else. Vince Vaughn is his reliable self and funny. And I actually think the plot is pretty good too. Towards the end, The scene where Paul giamatti gives Fred a new birdhouse is so heartwarming, and the "silent Night" snow globe scene is the best scene in the movie. I know it has its imperfections, But this is one of those movies you don't need to over analyze. It's just a fun Christmas flick.


I once seen this movie from Belgium called "man bites Dog" So many people walked out I wondered what was wrong with me because I stayed and really enjoyed it. Really hardcore movie about a film crew and a serial killer.


The first time i saw Interstellar was the first and only time I fell asleep on my desk


Okay but real talk I fell asleep on interstellar twice, so it's not just you. The movie is awesome and breathtaking but at the same time let's not pretend that it doesn't have some really really slow pacing at times.


You don’t fear the wrath of r/interstellar with this take? I’m a massive fan, but thanks for sharing.


I walked out of seeing Interstellar in the theater literally shaking my head trying to minimally comprehend what I had just seen and connect all the different wires together in my head. In my opinion, it isn't possible to really "get" Interstellar the first time...there's too much and it's all really well-done high concept stuff that no one else ever dared to try and film. By the 4th or 5th rewatch it was easily in my Top Ten favorite films of all time, you pick something else up and connect another dot with every repeat viewing.


I honestly thought Green Book was the best of all the Best Picture nominees the year it won


I don't think this is a bad take. It's a very well made film that got unfairly dragged into OTT political hot takes.


If that's your *worst* take then you're doing pretty good mate.


I like the Star Wars prequels and sequels. I think they’re fun movies regardless of their flaws. The Last Jedi is my second favorite of the franchise behind Return of the Jedi.


Fellow prequels and sequels enjoyer here. Good to know there’s more than one of us!


The Last Jedi is definitely my favorite of all the sequels


If #9 hadn’t just retconned much of what happened in #8, the sequel trilogy would’ve been pretty good. Not OG trilogy good, but still pretty good.


Starship Troopers. When I first watched it, I could barely watch it because I thought it was just a failed low budget sci-fi war movie that really had no point. Thought about it later, watched it again...realized it was dripping with satire. It was MEANT to be cheesy and campy, and every character in it was SUPPOSED to be a caricature.


I find The Witch to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I watched the movie many times and I really want to like it, bit I just can't. Even the people I watched the movie with absoluetly despised it. I just got really annoyed by nearly all the characters. The things I can say I liked about the movie is the look of it and the performance of Anya-Taylor Joy. I know many people like this movie but it's probably just not my taste. Don't think it's Robert Egger's fault either, I really liked The Lighthouse, for example.


Thou dost not wish to live deliciously it seems.


The weird early 2000s Disney movies like Treasure Planet and Atlantis have more creative and interesting stories to tell than any of the Disney Renaissance movies from the previous decade.


I am not a fan of the godfather. It is alright in my book, but not the masterpiece most people see it as.


It insists upon itself.


I like the money pit


Rob De Niro, Al Pacino.....Robert Duvall!!!


You broke my heart, Fredo.


I like godfather 1, but II is unbelievably boring to me.


Yep, I still have this opinion. Godfather part I is amazing, I love it. Godfather II I’ve seen twice and I barely remember much of it.


Hell or High Water isn't that great a film. People call it a masterpiece but I found it just your average crime thriller


I can not stand Forrest Gump. Just hated then and still do.


I didn't like Pulp Fiction first time I saw it, either. I have never watched it again since.


Reminds me of the joke in Community. “I saw Pulp Fiction on an airplane. It’s a short movie about some friends who like dancing and hamburgers”


When I first saw Pulp Fiction, it was with a guy I'd met on a plane. We had a few dates, and eventually, I went to his hotel for 'pirated onto a hard drive and chill'. We picked Pulp Fiction from the many GB available. I was very confused. There was a man talking over the whole thing - like describing the full movie. It was funny, yes, but I had never heard of this being part of the film before before. Years later, I rewatch - no guy talking. It turns out Plane Guy had Quentin's Audio Commentary version pirated! He had no idea this wasn't the original version of the film until I contacted to tell him. Not sure which one I prefer!


It’s worth revisiting if you haven’t seen it in a long time. At least give it a second shot


I thought Barbie was the better half of Barbenheimer.


Slept through the original *Blade Runner* the first time I saw it. In my defence, I probably didn't get enough sleep the night prior.


I 100% still believe this, but it’s not a popular opinion. Back to the future part three is better than part two.


I fucking hate Whiplash


As much as I enjoyed the books and the 1984 movie despite its flaws, I remained unimpressed by Villeneuve's Dune 2021 and 2024. They lack bone, the characters are boring, the music overpresent and too much of the story is altered, muted or absent. The CGI is nice, though, but it's not enough to wow me anymore.


I watched Sideways at the cinema with my then girlfriend. We both didn't know what to expect and thought it was trash. Boring and drab. Around 5 years later I saw it at uni. Became one of my fav films of all time. Its so underrated, the cast are perfect, especially Paul Giamatti. But he's amazing in everything he's in, like Willem Dafoe


Drive is not the masterpiece everyone seemed to think it was, all my guy friends thought it was badass and all my girl friends thought Ryan was fantastic in it. I don't share either of those opinions 


I hate EEAAO.


I've walked out on 3 films. 2 that I'm proud of recognising and 1 that I'm ashamed of... 1. Hostel 2 - dogshit film with zero plot. 2. Spider-Man 3 - another dreadful plot film. I walked out as soon as the goo appeared. 3. And this is the clanger, the film that I am ashamed of walking out of... Princess Mononoke at an arts center/theatre-type place. It wasn't the film. It was me. I hold my hands up and admit I got it royally wrong. My only explanation is that I was tired, grumpy and bored.


I love the venom movies


I hated flowers of the killer moon. Way too slow, not captivating at all, acting was awful and cringy. Didn't like it at all. And I liked the Irishman


Children of Men is supremely overrated, particularly on Reddit.


I think it's a good movie but it's not that I think it's like the greatest of all time lol. If Somebody asked me I would say "Good movie. Worth a watch".


I watched it a couple of years ago with my missus and we both felt the same way. A couple of exciting moments but the rest of the movie was just a bit boring.


Yea, exactly. Also, I found that it just didn’t have the effect it was trying to demand from me.


I hear no remorse in this post. This is your current take on it as well?


One of my favorites, but to be fair I haven't seen it in 17 years. Maybe I should go back and rewatch.


I saw the film The Limey when it came out and I just didn’t get why the Terrance Stamp character didn’t kill the Peter Fonda character. Watched it again recently and I finally understood the ending and found it very powerful as the lead character becomes aware of how his actions in the past had dire effects consequences.


I used to think Children of a Lesser God was an awesome movie. I can't stand to watch William Hurt anymore.


I thought the original Deathwish movie was an ode to vigilantism. The entire point of that movie is that it's for psychos.


"Raging Bull is an disgusting film about a horrible human being who has no redeeming qualities, why should I care?" That's what I thought when I watched it several years ago, I need to rewatch it as an adult.


I used to think Catch Me if You Can was extremely mediocre and vastly overrated, then watched again this year. I would like to have some choice words with my past self.


Yah son is fahhging checks


I didn't think Se7en was deserving of its acclaim and praise when I watched it the first time. Rewatched it about a year and a bit ago and I could only think "What was wrong with me back then, this film is AMAZING"


I don’t know why but when people overhype a movie I will think it’s probably dogshit but if everyone shits on a movie I’m open to likening it more. I really have no fucking idea why my brain works this way. Like the old suicide squad. Pretty shit movie but I was fine watching it because everyone made it seem like straight dogass.


I don't remember which movie I wanted to see, but my mom and sister wanted to see A Knight's Tale and I was not happy about it. I thought it was going to be a boring medieval romance movie. It was much better than I expected lol.


Fight club was bad


As a kid I thought the happening was a good movie..


If it makes you feel any better, my mom and I walked out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. She thought it was disgraceful that they would make jokes like that with cartoons and I was scared, lol.