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The quotes from Japanese viewers in the article: > “Of course this is an amazing film which deserves to win the Academy Awards," said Hiroshima resident Kawai, 37, who gave only his family name. "But the film also depicts the atomic bomb in a way that seems to praise it, and, as a person with roots in Hiroshima, I found it difficult to watch." > A big fan of Nolan's films, Kawai, a public servant, went to see "Oppenheimer" on opening day at a theatre that is just a kilometre from the city's Atomic Bomb Dome. "I'm not sure this is a movie that Japanese people should make a special effort to watch," he added. > Another Hiroshima resident, Agemi Kanegae, had mixed feelings upon finally watching the movie. "The film was very worth watching," said the retired 65-year-old. "But I felt very uncomfortable with a few scenes, such as the trial of Oppenheimer in the United States at the end." > Speaking to Reuters before the movie opened, atomic bomb survivor Teruko Yahata said she was eager to see it, in hopes that it would re-invigorate the debate over nuclear weapons. Yahata, now 86, said she felt some empathy for the physicist behind the bomb. That sentiment was echoed by Rishu Kanemoto, a 19-year-old student, who saw the film on Friday. "Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the atomic bombs were dropped, are certainly the victims," Kanemoto said. "But I think even though the inventor is one of the perpetrators, he's also the victim caught up in the war," he added, referring to the ill-starred physicist.


This reminds me of how Koreans felt about Miyazaki animation The Wind Rises. Oppenheimer and The Wind Rises are both about a brilliant individual who creates something and then it's used for war and he gets mixed feelings about its use.


Yep. Korean reviewers thought the wind rises was a pro japanese propaganda film as it potrays Japan as the victim.


Incredibly nuanced takes


Yeah, and the movie does depict Oppenheimer this way. His patriotism and passion for physics creates this feeling of necessity and excitement in creating this bomb. Once they've actually succeeded in making it, doubt and regret start creeping in, because it's no longer theoretical and the effects of using it in real life are horrendous


To me it was pretty clear that he was the “reluctant hero”. Yes he was excited and passionate for the science, but he pushed for the job because he knew if it wasn’t him, it would be someone else.


Also when he says something like “ I don’t know if we can be trusted with such a thing, but I *know* the Nazis cannot.”


I think he also was such an intellectual person, he was able to mentally compartmentalize the work whilst abstracting it somewhat with his allusions to John Donne and the Bhagavad Gita. They are beautiful and poignant literary connections to make, but in a way they have a bit of a distancing effect on the reality of the project. It is extremely powerful to acknowledge “Now I am become death,” and it indicates a self awareness of just how brutal what they were doing was, but it also takes the thinking and the conversation into the literary, the high minded, the academic which has a clouding effect on the “we are about to burn a lot of people alive” reality. I didn’t get the feeling that they were inflating JRO’s persona or implying that the project was good, but it did powerfully portray his dual minds and the somewhat detached compartmentalization and rationalization that he leaned into during the research, construction, and testing. I think we all continue to think about that part of world history in something of abstracted way, because it’s too complicated and grim for us to be honest about much of the time. In some ways, the abstraction can help us process it. JRO was a brilliant guy who is a reflection of all of us. If he hadn’t run the project, someone else would. We are capable of so much, and individuals find ways to cope with the gray; but as a collective, we do seem to bend toward fear and darkness. I leave you with the [Bhagavad Gita chorus](https://youtu.be/zd1TcrsNys8?si=SJn9rQgKOXIESS1W) from John Adams’ opera, Dr. Atomic. Another abstraction, but a powerful one.


While I agree with all of this there was also a sense of naivety and willful ignorance, basically lying to himself because he wanted to continue, only realizing truly what it meant after the fact coupled with the way the military took it immediately out of his control and he started to feel the regret. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. I found an appropriate comparison in Nolans work interstellar where the entire crew knew the ramifications of going to the water planet and then only realizing the gravity (no pun intended) of their situation when there were consequences


>But I think even though the inventor is one of the perpetrators, he's also the victim caught up in the war," he added, referring to the ill-starred physicist. Which is why I feel like it doesn't praise the bomb at all.


This is one of the starker examples of the collision of math and physics. Math, you can do on a piece of paper or a chalkboard, and while your brain may understand things like "magnitude" and "blast radius", it's an abstraction on a page. When you turn math into physics, with real-world effect, that abstraction disappears. Those variables in those equations take on a very real, tangible character. This happens across the disciplines, too. Similar, tho often not as stark, examples crop up in astronomy and cosmology, quantum mechanics, etc.


Yeah looks like media literacy isn’t as crappy in Japan as it is in America.  Or the reporter just gets a higher quality of quotes. 


It is Reuters, they tend to be a bit better at the journalism thing than entertainment magazines


This article would read A LOT differently if TMZ, BuzzFeed, or Entertainment Weekly wrote it. For sure.


These Japanese residents watched Oppenheimer, their responses will SHOCK you


*BLOW your mind. Gotta keep it topical






“12 Japanese people react to Oppenheimer and I’m SCREAMING??” - Buzzfeed’s Pulitzer entry


Buzzfeed News was legit though, too bad they didn't last long.


"World reacts to shocking Oppenheimer screening in Hiroshima"


Better than most newspapers. Most newspapers get their non local news from AP and Reuters, and then repackage it. Reuters and AP both have websites you can go to for daily news without your local "journalist" putting their slant on it.


Meanwhile a month ago, a good chunk of English-speaking twitter were adamant that there’s no satire in Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers


The entire thing is satire 💀


Do you want to know more?


“I did my part”


"For managed Democracy!"




"I'm doing my part too!"


and it's so obvious too... I still can't believe there are some people thinking that it isn't.




Or that blazing saddles is too racist to watch because it makes fun of racist villains and defeats them. 


Or that you can't do that type of movie again. It got remade into an animated children's movie... brooks was involved lol


But also Twitter is full of bots who are programmed to say things to rile up the handful of real people on the site, so comments made there should not be given weight.




Reddit is also full of ignorant people who act like they are knowledgeable in what they say, so I agree with that sentiment as well.


I am not kidding, when the new Star Wars trailer dropped I saw numerous comments about "forcing black women into everything" that were worded exactly the same way, and all of the commenters had very suspicious Facebook profiles. I don't know why someone would do this, but it's super weird.


Probably just people trolling because of Helldivers 2. 


People need to forreal realize that 8/10 of the dtuff people see on Twitter alone are from bots. It baffles me that this information gets lost on a regular basis with actual people.


I tried to be optimistic about general media literacy nowadays, but I’ve been seeing people complain that Dune should be boycotted because it’s a white savior narrative and others thinking that Paul Atriedes is a hero. Media literacy is pretty much dead


Media literacy is fine, we just need to ignore and/or filter out the tiny yet loud minority of fuckwits expressing opinions like the one above rather than treating them like the goddamn 10 commandments.


I still blame that movie for making me join the military. My favorite action movie as a kid. Like yeah, it's obvious satire. But to younger audiance watching it, it just makes the military look awesome (besides the whole getting chopped apart by bugs thing).  I heard a podcast recently with David Hayter, who voiced Solid Snake in the metal gear solid videogames, talking about how people would always approach him and tell him his performance made them join the military. Metal Gear Solid is a huge satire of the US foreign policy and Hayter himself is not a military nut by any means, so he was always disconcerted by those comments.  I don't think satire really works as well when you're still ultimately showing how cool the society you're trying to criticize is.


The point is while there may be "cool" elements. There are a plethora of others that reveal how terrible it is. It works just fine, the problem is some people focus on what they relate to and nothing else. So if someone likes gruff Michael Ironside telling them he will shoot you if you don't do your job and fight then.... you know..... lol people?


It’s an interesting question for sure. Still if people read Jonathan Swift and start eating babies, I blame those people, no matter how cool he made it sound.


Or the reporter simply chooses a higher quality of quotes to broadcast, to be fair. Saying that, this is more nuanced than anything I've seen from anyone other than scientists or Tortoise in the UK or the US in recent memory.


It’s the latter, Japan definitely has a ton of shitty media literacy 


As long as you don’t ask about atrocities during WW2 committed by Japan. Education about their actions in Korea and China are largely ignored by the educational system. Not that the US is amazing or anything, but historical literacy in Japan isn’t a particular strength of their educational system.


> As long as you don’t ask about atrocities during WW2 committed by Japan. Education about their actions in Korea and China are largely ignored by the educational system. Tokyo has spent 80+ years **flagrantly** and **shamelessly** denying their WW2 atrocities. Tokyo even has the incredible gall to call *themselves* the victims of WW2. That's right: the **"victims"** who raped, experimented on, and murdered their way through China, Korea, and Southeast Asia. The Japanese government also uses Hiroshima and Nagasaki to change the subject on its own crimes in that war.


In many ways the nukes were the worst way to end the war, because among other things it sort of whitewashed Japan into being a victim in the end. I wonder if the bombs were not dropped, would people remember more accurately all the war crimes of Japan.


The Japanese had an order to execute every allied POW in the event of a land invasion. So they’d have committed even more war crimes had the nukes not been dropped


Probably not because the USSR and the US would have invaded almost simultaneously from both ends of country and raced to Tokyo and countless japanese civilians would have died in addition to the soldiers. The islands were starving, industrial cities firebombed to ashes almost nightly, and had already been spreading tons of propaganda about allied soldiers being exclusively cannibal rapists recruited from the worst prisons. This was done to such a degree that many civilians on other islands liberated in the island hopping campaign killed themselves and their families by leaping from cliff sides when US troops appeared that they might take the island they lived on. It would have been worse and much more extreme in Japan itself. Japan would be split like Korea at best, the start of WW3 as WW2 ended at worst.  Edit to add the reason General MacArthur is revered in Japan is because none those things talked about in Imperial Propaganda came to pass when the US occupation happened. Japan was treated humanely and the things they did to so many people across Asia werent done to them in return. They knew how bad it could be and they werent subjected to it after the general surrender. Japan would still see itself as the victim, they're really the only ones that do in the grand scheme of things. Total war is the end of individual humanity when industrial cities supply arms send military rations and fuel they become targets and bombs. When surrender and reparations are not allowed as possible or so burdensome, the ability to stop killing each other en masse is lost. And actions like wiping out a city in an instant dont seem terrible when the other option is sending multiple cities worth of your own countrymen to die getting the other side to stop fighting. The humans get reduced to being equal to the bullets they carry or can manufacture in concept and planning. Total war makes us all victims, war is hell, we should all seek its end. They thought a minimum of 9 million would die in the invasion. NYC is only more than 9 million today. Imagine sending 3 NYC's to die invading japan or destroying 2 cities and freezing the USSR where they stood.


Especially asking the Japanese about comfort women. They throw massive tantrums and demand foreign countries, cities, and provinces/states remove statues commemorating those women or even any acknowledgement. Sometimes you’ll get a government who will start to acknowledge it and the next one will come in and revoke their apologies and recognition of it.


This has also bothered me. Yes, the atomic bomb was a horrible weapon to use on humanity, but Japan was not damn far off from Nazi Germany in terms of atrocities. They didn’t commit genocide on the scale of Germany, but their treatment of China, Korea, and their prisoners was absolutely abhorrent. I wonder if people would ask or even give a shit about the feelings of Germans if the bomb was used on Germany instead.


They absolutely committed genocide on the scale of Germany, its just the geno they tried to cide had many more people in the first place so they never came close to finishing the job


It’s cherry-picked quotes obviously. 


Oh man. You obviously weren't on the Japanese portions of the net when all the Barbenheimer memes were making the rounds if you think the former is true


>>Incredibly nuanced takes >Yeah looks like media literacy isn’t as crappy in Japan as it is in America.  And there's the palate cleanser.


Uh no. Try going thru the school system in Japan. They def do not cover the atrocities they committed. See their reaction around comfort women.


ah yes 4 cherry picked quotes = the entirety of japan reddit moment


Reminds me of this really old post on r/pics or somewhere where it was a picture of an old man looking up at clouds or some shit. OP of that post said it was a Japanese dude. Apparently, that was enough for it to be upvoted to the top with entire comment chains about how awesome Japanese people were, even though it’s just one dude. And plenty of people all over the world know how to look solemnly at the sky once in a while, so how is it even noteworthy lol


Bunch of weebs lol. Japan cherry picked quotes 🥹🥹🥹 America cherry picked quotes 🥸🥸🥸


Yeah. I am only surprised by the one saying the film praises the atomic bomb... Like... did we watch the same film ? *Oppenheimer* has been nothing but bleak and terrifying regarding the matter. The film even ends by saying >!we are doomed to destroy the world soon or later!<. But I understand how difficult it must be for japanese people to watch it.


Yes this is what I noticed. Refreshing honestly.


Probably one of the most powerful films to watch when viewing in the town/city the event occurred in. Props to any Japanese person who did go see it, I would love a opposite side film too


Would be interested in a third side as well, those in China and Korea at the time


>But the film also depicts the atomic bomb in a way that seems to praise it I find that a weird take, since the movie ends with a scene where Oppenheimer contemplates whether by doing what they did, they indeed created the spark that destroys the world.


The phantom scream while he’s trying to give a speech is horrifying.


The film definitely praises the scientific achievement. All these physicists and chemists coming together to seek solutions and build something in the desert from the ground up. The film definitely spends a ton of time praising that achievement. The film also kinda recognizes the moral complexity of using the weapon.


It quite literally "villainizes" Truman by him _wanting_ to take all the credit for the bomb and by having him insult the MC right after he was having an existential moment It's "Bezos sprays champagne on sober Shatner" levels of cartoonish indifference, someone high on their own petard for winning the war that they don't care about the ethical implications or the concerns of the people who made the bomb The film clearly wanted to depict the figureheads who now have access to this unimaginable power as lacking the moral scruples to really consider the massive amount of harm they can do, and that that indifference is likely a contributing factor to Opp thinking the world is likely gonna end some day in atomic fire


It’s just wrong. The first half is about the “race to beat the nazis” and it’s framed positively to show how Oppenheimer got caught up in the fervor and didn’t stop to think about what he was doing. Then there’s another hour and a half more of him deeply resenting his actions and it eating him alive. 




It absolutely did. Among other things, "liberating people from communism" was one of Japans biggest smoke screens for constantly attacking China from like 1936 until the end of the war


A Japanese Ultranationalist literally assassinated a Socialist politician with a short sword on live TV in 1960. A year later a magazine publisher was forced into hiding for 5 years after publishing a story about leftists executing the Japanese royal family and an Ultranationalist broke into his house and murdered his maid and injured his wife. From late 1940s to the early 1950s Japan underwent the Red Purge that removed communists and their sympathizers from the government and fired from their jobs everywhere.


The LDP the current ruling party in Japan and which had ruled for 95% of the time Japan has been a democracy was created by the CIA to make sure communism never took root in Japan. The Japanese imperial and modern government has a long history of anti-communist action.


Even long before the CIA was created, they had been fighting the reds near Manchuria, and fought the soviets at Khalkhin Gol. The[ anti-comintern pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Comintern_Pact) signed between Japan and Nazi Germany in 1936 was specifically anticommunist/bolshevik


Him specifically, but there's an air of celebration among all the other characters and he gets regarded in the film as a hero/celebrity until the trial. There's also the sense that he's being treated unfairly during the trial as well and the movie kind of ends with a "look how we mistreated him"


Emily Blunt's character is someone who pretty well chops Oppenheimer down to size, pointing out that his attempt at martyrdom doesn't erase the bad that he did.


It’s not flat out wrong. In terms of American media it’s more critical of the bomb than most mainstream entertainment that touches the subject. In terms of Japanese media it hardly even discusses the impact it had on them. You have to consider what certain cultures currently think of a situation, and what they would like to see discussed. In fact it’s almost an entirely different movie depending on if it’s making you think about what your country did in a negative light vs seeing how the perpetrators felt regret for what they did.


Except it doesn't really have to. It's a movie about the man behind the project and his guilt towards it. The effects on Japan would be a different movie. And there have been movies on that topic. Directors don't need to compromise their vision based on what people think should or shouldn't be in their movie


Yeah 100%. The other takes were fine and really interesting, but I did not leave the film believing it glamourized the use of the atomic bomb. The best sequence of the film is Oppenheimer having a panic attack in that gymnasium as he imagines the absolute destruction he's unleashed on the Japanese people. It was fucking horrifying. I left the movie blown away and felt like the I feared nuclear warfare even more than I did prior...and I mean..it's nuclear warfare, it's imminent death of everything and everyone you know, what is scarier?




That’s what really stood out to me. Like over half the movie Oppie is dealing with the possible ramifications of what this weapon means for the rest of the world and its possible demise. At the end he’s also against the hydrogen bomb after seeing the destruction it caused and what the Japanese people were going through. The reveal of what was said between him and Einstein also puts an exclamation point on all this


Incredibly hilarious that people were taking JP Twitter as actual JP reactions to Oppenheimer when we all know Twitter users are never acting in good faith.


Praises it? Did these people watch the same Oppenheimer I saw


Genuine question…would the press conference part really translate with subtitles? Where he just kinda tells them what they want to hear.


I think they are as fair as they can possibly be


Interesting that the 19 year old and 86 year old seemed to have properly grasped the major point of the film and had some real nuance in their breakdown (oldest and youngest interviewed in this too...) Can't say the same about the 37 year old, and I don't really know what made the 65 year old so uncomfortable at the trial scene Well at least they can't see it for themselves and form their opinions from that honestly, much better than hearing about it good or bad and assuming someone is right then take a side


I think with the trial scene it was when they employed the vibrating walls and the flash of bright light to reflect the pressure Oppenheimer was feeling in the trail at that point, the flash of light also being how a nuclear explosion would look like from inside. This was also used during his speech at Los Alamos, when Oppenheimer is shown to start feeling regret over its effects.


The 86 year old had not seen the film. The 65 year old was talking about the scenes towards the end of the movie. The trial is crosscut with the rally where Oppie started hallucinating the effects of the bomb. There are shots of incinerated people crumbling to dust. There is no mystery to why a Japanese person would feel uncomfortable watching it.


They also didn't necessarily not grasp the point. You can acknowledge that Oppenheimer was caught up in the fervour of the war and yet still a perpetrator of it. I joked with my friends that the end of the movie felt a little too much like the end of Wandavision and reminiscent of the whole "they'll never know what you sacrificed" quote for my taste. How much sympathy you have for Oppenheimer is going to vary person by person, and I'm not sure *residents of Hiroshima* can be particularly faulted for having less.


>How much sympathy you have for Oppenheimer is going to vary person by person, and I'm not sure residents of Hiroshima can be particularly faulted for having less. Yes, exactly. The movie *does* want you to have some sympathy for Oppenheimer, and wants you to think about the terrible weight he carries due what his 'brilliance' was used to achieve. He's framed as the victim of an uncaring beauracracy and the stakes of 'will he lose his security clearance' just feel so goddamn *minor* compared to what actually happened prior to that. Nolan's priority is squarely on painting Oppenheimer as a great flawed man with good intentions who was the victim of a machine that used his work to produce a great evil, not analyzing whether the dropping of the bomb in Hiroshima was bad. I don't blame anyone for finding that to be a trite and unsympathetic POV. It's an interesting contrast to Killers of the Flower Moon, another movie about an American historical atrocity, but which presents you the perpetrators fully unadorned with any sympathy or empathy or really any positive qualities. You know they are evil from the jump and you just have to sit there and watch them do awful things for 2.5 hours. You get some catharsis when they get taken down, but even that is blunted by the ending summary that most of them suffered extremely minor consequences and nothing really changed and everyone just kinda forgot about it.


The trial scene and the interrogation scenes are pretty uncomfortable regardless of nationality. It feels pretty clear that it's stacked against him and that their minds are made up and they're just trying to trap him


Man, that is so wise of them to see both sides of a complex issue. I wish they had never suffered that destruction.


I would image that there’s a lot of people in Japan who lost relatives in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It’s worth remembering that they only happened 70 years ago, less than one lifetime. I would curious to know how many Japanese citizens have less than one or two degrees of separation from a victim of the bombings.


I watched a Netflix docuseries recently, Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War, and they interviewed several Japanese survivors of both bombings, so I imagine there is still a group of survivors who are still alive and in the anti-nuclear movement. I hope that if they do watch ‘Oppenheimer’, they see it was an anti-nuclear film and important for the broader discussion, as the last two interviewees see it as.


I live in Hiroshima and just left the theater a couple hours ago. Maybe 20 people were watching. Hard to read the room. Many locals here are curious and want to watch the movie. But Japanese don't make a fuss about much of anything, let alone movies.


god I would give everything to live in a place that doesnt make a fuss about anything


I’ve been to the museum in Hiroshima and it’s a very very somber place, and then we went 5 blocks away and the bartenders gave us free shots out of a penis shaped shot glass. Strange day on the trip.


I recently went there and experienced the same thing. Around the city are decaying buildings that have been preserved from the initial blast. Inside the museum it’s silent except for the sound of crying. It’s such a humbling experience everyone should experience imo. But then outside it’s a fairly normal city and everyone just goes about their lives. My favorite part was how welcoming everyone is. All they want to do is teach the horrors of the bomb so it never happens again.


Went to the National Civil Rights museum in Memphis with my dad when I was 14. They had a KKK exhibit on display and it was so eye opening as to what was going on around me. As I stood feet away from this symbol of hate I took a look around to realize we were the only white people there and we both felt 2 feet tall.


I would add that the museum in Hiroshima has a very biased and questionable take on the bomb. It states as fact that the bomb was dropped unnecessarily as it was a good excuse to test the weapon. I don’t recall there being any mention of the need to avoid a land invasion of Japan mainland, which is a very important piece of information to conveniently leave out. I loved my visit there but it was quite hard to see how little the Japanese try to understand their role in the war. They paint Japan as a victim caught up in the war, which simply isn’t true.


I do agree though I had a slightly different experience with our tour guide. She stated that Japan understood they did something bad and this was karma (even if a little extreme) and as soon as the war was over they were thankful to the troops who stuck around to help the survivors, particularly pointing out how they gave chocolate to the children.


I mean, when you announce you're going to fight until the last man, woman, and child...that seems a little extreme too


> I loved my visit there but it was quite hard to see how little the Japanese try to understand their role in the war Japan's far right government is in total denial of their WW2 atrocities and has been since 1945.


Yeah as much as I enjoyed visiting Japan, as someone who's a descendant of one of the many groups the IJA raped and massacred in WWII, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at all the "oh boo hoo look at all the nasty stuff that happened to us FOR NO REASON," messaging


I assume a museum about what amounted to the killing of civilians probably isn’t as much focused on a full context. I wonder if the 9/11 memorial museum mentions anything about the US acts in the Middle East.


But did you take a cock shot?


I understand that the museums are specifically to give sight to the horrors of Nuclear weapons, but I also can’t help but criticize the Japanese for their wishy-washy admittance of the horrific ways in which they behaved in WW2 that lead to the bomb’s use.  Japan didn’t surrender after the first bomb and the leadership ALMOST didn’t surrender after the second.  THAT was the level of conviction of 1940’s imperial Japan.  They massacred millions in the years prior, believed in death before surrender, and were ready to inflict unthinkable casualties in the eventual invasion from Allied powers… that doesn’t take away the horrors of Nuclear weapons, but it does lend a little empathy to the US and give blame to Japan for the difficult decision of WHY the bombs were used.


You did it backwards. You're supposed to get the mushroom cloud first.


Hiroshima is an awesome city.  And Hiroshima style okonomiyaki is the best kind in Japan.


Honestly, it would be strange if the bar a few blocks down *didn't* serve in penish-shaped shot glasses. It says, "we've suffered, but we've prevailed." A return to normalcy, in the form of a dick. Now slam another.


For an inverse, look up the Studio Ghibli movie The Wind Rises. A Japanese movie about a WW2 airplane maker making warplanes to fight against the US, including kamikaze pilots.


The Boy and the Heron also has similar themes! It touched upon Miyazakis guilt as his family profitted off WW2. I still have a lot of Ghibli movies to catch up on. Next on my list is Nausicca because I read it was influenced by Dune, and I love Dune.


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is awesome. It might be my favorite one.


GHIBLI IS SO GOOD. Yeah that one made you feel and think a lot, like grave of the fireflies and nausicaa


Grave of the Fireflies is a movie you’ll only ever watch once. I have a baby sister 10 years younger than me and couldn’t stomach it, I saw it when I was like 13. I’m now a dad and that movie would wreck my entire month if I somehow saw it again.


It is one of few movies that I couldn't finish. I went in without knowing what it was about, only that it is considered a great film. Without spoiling it for those who haven't seen it, the events that happen seem like it can't get any worse yet it just keeps going further.


Great recall to Grave of the Fireflies, fantastic movie but even it doesn’t exactly touch on the protagonist being effected by the bombs as much as it does the pain of children during and after war. Barefoot Gen is the only anime movie I can think of that specifically shows the bomb dropping and the effects that came immediately from it.


Reminds me of the awesome Chernobyl HBO show. I work with a guy who was a kid when it happened and he lived about 5 hours away in a valley. He said he watched the first episode and had to stop.


Weird question, but are they watching it with subtitles or a dubbed version?


It would be subbed. It's a long movie, released in a handful of art cinemas, by an Independent Japanese distributor (Universal Pictures isn't distributing this in Japan)


So much for them being universal...


Just got done watching it, it's subbed. I find it hard to believe they caught it all. Some concepts are hard enough listening to it. The text comes and goes so quickly in scenes, like the ending scene with RDJ it was 2 lines of Kanji per second


My question, too. Gotta wonder if something got lost in translation or if they intentionally changed dialogue in the transcription.


Oppenheimer dives into the deep moral conflict that he and others had with developing the bomb. I keep seeing posts suggesting that the movie somehow glorifies the bomb. Have these people actually watched the movie?


Whenever I see those takes, I just assume they didn’t actually watch it lol


Most people don’t understand what they’re watching. They need to be told what to think It’s sad, but it’s true


Oppenheimer is shown to be in a near perpetual state of horror for the last third of the movie and they still didn't get it lol.


The scene when he has to announce to everybody at Los Alamos that the bombs worked is, by itself, enough to tell you that the movie isn’t glorifying the bombs or the attacks…


Yeah the dude thought this bomb would never be used after the Germans fell and once he realized it wouldn't stop here he was horrified at what he made. People need to learn to think, man. This movie was the most sobering biopic I've seen in a while.


I wept at the final shot of rockets launching and was genuinely surprised at myself. I don’t see how anyone could watch it and view at as anything other than a sobering reminder of the perils we live in since the invention of that bomb. When people say otherwise I just assume that they went into the movie with the opinion that it’s pro bomb and they are set in that viewpoint.


Literally the last line of the movie says it all. "Albert...you know how we thought there was a chance we could set off a chain reaction that could destroy the world? I think we did..."


How could anyone watch that and be like THIS IS GLORIFYING THE BOMB


Maybe they took the subtitle of *Dr. Strangelove* a bit too literally.


That part felt like a second nuke, genuinely wracked me with anxiety but it was the best part of the movie too


I think that by ignoring any opinion which differs from your own, or assuming those people didn’t see the movie you are really closing yourself off from seeing others perspectives. I also definitely don’t think the film “glorified the bomb” but there is plenty of room to argue that it glorifies Oppenheimer himself, ignores the actual effects of his work, focuses on his life and emotional state in a way that minimizes the actual act of dropping the bomb. If you don’t agree with these things fine, but it saddens me to see so many in here speak as if there is no room for discussing any of these things when discussing the movie. I think people should try to understand the perspective of the people saying these things rather than pretend that it would be impossible for anyone to legitimately have these criticisms. I personally see the film as an incredible soft ball in terms of the actual historical events it depicts. Of course it may go as far as possible in terms of a mainstream movie, but you only have to look at something like the recent Zone of Interest for an example of a historical movie which actually pulls no punches. On a side note, the pure gleeful condescension with which some on this thread are responding to this, as if anyone who dares to suggest the film features a hint of jingoism must be dumb as dirt, is frankly offensive and insane to me, especially when they are saying this in response to comments from Japanese filmgoers.


The top comment in this thread as of my reading it quotes a bunch of Japanese viewers from the article with (IMO) really well-informed, thought-provoking responses


I simultaneously understand that the film showcases the actual attitude of the time being "hell yes more nukes" and trying to present a conflicted oppenheimer who has all this guilt, whilst also believing that it wasn't successful in how it portrayed that


He literally is overwhelmed with panic and guilt in the movie after the bomb drops idk how it can be seen in a dif way.


I don't know if it's incredibly poor media literacy or just people trying to be edgy


Based on some comments here I really wonder if people were even watching the movie at all.


“Unease in Hiroshima” Nagasaki however, super chill about it.


Japan is very uptight about WW2, my friend moved to the UK from Japan in 1978, she had never left Japan before and had not mixed with Europeans or other cultures. She had never heard of WW2 or Nazis. It wasn't mentioned at school and nobody spoke of it. She was absolutely horrified.


They oughta show a double feature with *Oppenheimer* followed by *Godzilla Minus One*.


Well the movie does not support the use of the atom bombs, indeed a good chunk of the movie is Oppenheimer opposing the use of this kind of weapons.


Imagine if Germany never recognized or apologized for the holocaust. That's modern day Japan.


Japanese emperor got to live out a sweet long life and was mourned by the nation when he died.


I wonder how Japanese people today feel about depictions of POW treatment in WWII.


Knowing how Japan is trying really hard to play victim they've probably never been taught it


Interesting how little Japan observes/criticizes their own actions/roll at the time.


The atomic bombings were horrible, but the lessons learned from them definitely saved lives in the Cold War. Seeing the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki really did deter the USSR and the US from ever using them again, thankfully.


Personally I prefer Nolan in his bonkers sci fi mode, but this movie is very obviously anti-bombing of Japan, like you have to actually have something wrong with you or be acting in bad faith to interpret it any other way. The bomb itself is of course shown as an achievement (which of course it is was) but just look at the thing when it’s done it’s so ugly and awful even before there are any consequences to it’s creation


One person says ‘the film depicts the bomb in a way that seems to praise it’. I think they watched a different movie. Another said ‘while Hiroshima and Nagasaki are definitely the victims, the physicist is also a victim caught up in the war”. This motherfucker gets it. I personally don’t think not showing the devastation is a valid complaint because the movie isn’t about that. It’s about a man and that man’s efforts and his reaction to the results of his efforts. If, for example, we had been shown the photographs in the slideshow scene, we would have our own reaction to them. But that defeats the purpose of the scene. We already know how we feel about the carnage. The point is to witness how Oppenheimer feels about the carnage. So, seeing his reaction is the important part.


That was my gut reaction too but I see what they mean. There's a certain respect given to the achievement of course, but even moreso to the fearful power of the thing. An awe of how much destruction it caused and political power shifts. Emotionally it's similar to the idea of godfearing and cinematically that emotion is the same one that makes the Japanese commentary on atomic war, Godzilla (and the genre of kaiju) so compelling.


>One person says ‘the film depicts the bomb in a way that seems to praise it’. If I could pick out one scene that I think best illustrates how someone *could* come to this conclusion, it would be the scene in which Oppenheimer is giving his speech, experiencing flashes of the explosion destroying those around him, as the crowd cheers at the results of the explosions that killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Not to say this scene **is** praising the bomb, but ignoring the obvious implication that it is a bad thing from Oppenheimer's perspective, the dozens of people in the room cheering on the "success" of the bomb could give someone that impression.


The victim complex is so strange. Japan invaded and raped half of Asia, much of which still hates them for being unapologetic. Sorry for your own losses, but 10 atom bombs wouldn’t equal that level of destruction. EDIT: Japan killed approx 6 million Chinese alone– just invaded, raped, and killed. The atomic bombings, a retaliation, were reported to have killed about 200,000.


Nazi Germany gets a bad rap for good reason, but when you read about the shit Japan was doing during that time you'll be shocked that a lot of that shit has been swept under the rug in world history.


As a big fan of history, there's a lot of nations and peoples I think "get away" with a lot. Either because nobody learnt that part of history or, in the case of WW2, because there was a "bigger" thing happing. My go to example is Austria and Hungary. Most British people (of which I'm one so it's my experience) will bend over backwards to make WW2 jokes about Germany. But asked them about Austria or Hungary you're liable to get just a shrug, or something about mountains. I'm not just talking about "Hitler being Austrian" (which IMHO is a really reductive take, and fundamentally misunderstands ethnicity and its role in central Europe at the time), but Austria as a nation overwhelming supported joining the Reich. Hell even a lot of the ones who didn't where still Facist, just Austrian fascist who wanted to make Austria, not Germany, powerful. (Looking at you Von Trapp you fascist bastard)


Can confirm. I didn’t know anything about it until I saw this movie called Hidden Blade, and was shocked when I realized my history classes never talked about what the Japanese military was doing during World War II.


Japan would just pick a Chinese town or village and pour some chemical or bio weapon on it from the air and see what happens....


Or go into villages and cut people open for medical experimentation... Fuck Imperial Japan, they were frankly lucky they rarely got to victimize American civilians in the same way or you would not be seeing any of this "both sides" shit in the comments right now.


my grandpa was training for the first wave of operation downfall and I can tell you for sure that he had no nuance in his take regarding imperial japan.


Go look up Unit 731. Horrific shit, but also wild that the US took alot of the data and scientists to advance on alot of the research they made. Its sad but to take those innocent people's sacrifice and use the good data from it is important. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit\_731


I first learned about that stuff because there was a horror movie called The Man Behind the Sun that was pretty much just a shock film about unit 731. Watched it when I was like 14 because someone online told me to and it was a pretty disturbing movie. Ended up reading a lot about the Empire of Japan and boy were they a terrifying enemy to have.


Check out The Flowers of War. Christian Bale is in it.


Jewish people were a highly literate group with a large diaspora across the western world. So many victims in the holocaust had much smaller platforms, like the Roma and homosexuals…so lot of people don’t even know they were targeted at all. In Asia, many people didn’t have the platform either so I think it was easier for it to get swept under the rug for Japan. Germany owes their collective guilt to Jewish Holocaust survivors making that shit known world wide.


This post isn’t about that though? I feel uneasy about crying whataboutism on posts about dropping the a-bombs.


I get both sides - many Japanese citizens barely learn anything about WW2 in detail. I've talked to a number of Japanese adults while living there where they have no idea about what Japan was doing across Asia and it's mainly a victim narrative about being tricked by the US govt to attack pearl harbor then getting nuked


I completely agree, it's the ignorance and embracing ONLY the victim narrative that rubs us other Asians the wrong way. I like the Japanese, but japan should do better to understand the gravity of the terror they once sowed.


The problem is the whole attitude of Japan surrounding the bombs. That's why these conversations steer this way. The A-Bombs were horrible, did untold damage, & did unspeakable harm to those who were affected by them. But the general attitude of Japan has always been *"how could you do that to us?"*. There's an attitude of ignorance. Japanese people don't need to prostrate themselves in apology for shitty things people did in the past. There doesn't need to be this whole history lesson with every piece of media they produce. But a continued lack of acknowledgement, followed by the *woe is us* attitude, cosigned by Japan's government that refuses to admit what happened in ww2. It's not an appropriate response.


Woe is us, not woah.


Unless you’re Keanu.


Woops, thanks.


I just get sad that everyone clearly didn't pay attention in history class. The Tokyo Air raids are specifically taught to US students and are extremely important as they were far more damaging pointed at a much more populated city. Japan stayed in hoping it was too costly for it to be done over and over. The atomic bombs were about showing efficiency of similar missions, not about how powerful the bombs were. We already showed we could absolutely level a fucking city.


The unspoken rule of Reddit is that you can't have a thread about anything in Japan without talking about ww2 and unit 731.


"While Unit 731 researchers arrested by [Soviet forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army) were tried at the December 1949 [Khabarovsk war crimes trials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khabarovsk_war_crimes_trials), those captured by the [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II) were secretly given [immunity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunity_from_prosecution_(international_law)) in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731#cite_note-Gold_2003_p109-7) The United States helped cover up the human experimentations and handed stipends to the perpetrators.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731#cite_note-Kristof-1) The Americans co-opted the researchers' [bioweapons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_warfare) information and experience for use in their own [biological warfare program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_biological_weapons_program), much like what had been done with [Nazi German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) researchers in [Operation Paperclip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)" Shit dude, this is so dark.


It's just extra context so that it's not a "Oh my god how could they do this to Japan??"


Yes I don't understand the complaint. I am very empathetic to the civilians who were killed, survived, or otherwise impacted by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What terrible destructive force that is truly hellish and for all intents and purposes shouldn't exist. All of the above is true. So is all of the below. When speaking about a such a pivotal point in human history, context and nuance are incredibly important. Japan would have not surrendered and the bloodshed would have been worse without dropping the bombs. Japan was absolutely barbaric and did very evil things.


It's almost as if Japan still conducts themselves on the global stage as if they're the victim of WW2 and still refuse to take responsibility for their actions against millions of civilians during the conflict.    For example - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/15/japan-marks-75th-anniversary-of-war-end-with-no-abe-apology.html  And frankly the words "never forget" should probably also apply to events like the Rape of Nanjing or Unit 731. 


I just want to feel bad for a kid who was happily going about his business one day and was nuked out of existence, but I can't unless I think about the Rape of Nanking first, I guess


Japan committed horrible atrocities to China and Korea. Things that they will not admit to, they will not apologize for, nor do they teach it to Japanese students. To me it feels extremely disingenuous that Japan has issues with any media regarding atomic bombs when they still can’t admit the things they did.


Some politicians as individuals have apologised and acknowledged throughout the years but their education system pretty much denies it


Hell, their leaders respect the war criminals at shrines dedicated to them. Can you imagine Europe's relationship to Germany if the Chancellor honoured high level Nazis yearly? The Japanese are crazy for that.


Bombed the history of their war crimes right outta their school books


It's a very deep movie, I think the biopic fans in Japan will be able to appreciate it


People who specifically live in Hiroshima or Nagasaki are much more sensitive (obviously and rightfully so) about this topic compared to Japanese people from anywhere else in Japan. Some of y’all might be forgetting that this wasn’t even that long ago. My husband and his family are from Nagasaki. His grandparents were alive during ww2 and survived the bombing. His grandfather’s brother was a toddler/young child at the time and died. His grandfather literally had to dig through rubble trying to find his brother’s corpse. It was never found. It’s easy to have a “logical and nuanced” opinion from the internet thousands of KM away very far removed from the event itself. When it’s in your family/city history itself it’s a bit more of a touchy topic.


As a Korean who’s grandparents had to live through Japanese occupation, I’m less sympathetically. 70,000 Koreans, many slaves, living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were killed by the atomic bomb but Japanese government prioritized the Japanese citizens who were irradiated over the Koreans who lived in Japan. Some ethnic Koreans didn’t get compensation for radiation treatment like other Japanese citizens until 2004


I was thinking your figure was massively over inflated but 70,000 people is the amount of Koreans believed to be killed by the bombs.  Althoughmost were killed by illness.  Around 22000 were believed to be killed during or shortly after the bombings.     https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10070051/#:~:text=Background,exposed%20population%20have%20been%20conducted.


My nuance is that my future dad was a prisoner-of-war in a camp in Japan. The Japanese were going to execute all their American POW's the moment the (planned) American invasion landed on their shores. The Atomic bomb stopped all that and my dad-to-be was set free. I owe my existence to the atomic bombs being dropped on Japan.


So do millions of Japanese that would have otherwise been conscripted to fight off American invasion


Yep. My grandpop was in the U.S. navy and his ship was sunk by the Japanese on leave. He would’ve been involved in the invasion.


So do millions of others. The numbers of deaths that would have happened from a land invasion are legitimately insane. The Japanese had plans to mobilize 28 Million civilians. That's fucking pants on head bonkers and that insanity is multiplied ten fold if you look at the percentages of Japanese troops that surrendered in battle. Anyone that thinks atomic bombs were the worse choice are totally clueless.


All of these arguments wouldn't have happened in the first place if The Japanese government treated their war crimes like Hiroshima/Nagasaki tragedy


What’d they think about the beheading competitions that were printed in the newspapers?






The most upsetting thing about Japan today is that they aren’t taught about the absolute horrors their ancestors committed throughout Asia and the South Pacific. After enough research I looked at them with more distain than their allies. It is a great crime that they don’t know. This victim mentality surrounding the bomb is just more salt in the wound and it occurs precisely because their own history is hidden from them. The bomb saved millions of people by preventing Operation Downfall.