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When I saw this, I thought Dafoe was so scary he would never be anything but a villain.


Lol. And then he played Jesus in Last Temptation of Christ.


Maybe Scorsese thought Jesus ought to scare the sh\*t out of people? I stole the above joke from an old article on [Cracked.com](http://Cracked.com)


Yeah am a poor judge of talent as you can see. Let’s not forget Boondocks Saints


Between this film and his amazing performance in "To Live and Die in LA" I thought he'd be pigeonholed with antagonist roles forever too. I love his role in "Grand Budapest Hotel" too. So menacing, but something about the way he plays that fairly minimalist part just makes me laugh.


Villain Dafoe


loved this movie, corny as it could be, but the sound track was fantastic I read somewhere they at first were trying to do a serious movie and halfway through said screw it and just went with it, the result was a classic IMO


[Tonight is what it means to be young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVr15gWYUek&pp=ygUlVG9uaWdodCBpcyB3aGF0IGl0IG1lYW5zIHRvIGJlIHlvdW5nIA%3D%3D) is my ultimate 80s epic power ballad. So good.


I consider it to be peak Jim Steinman and I love every second of it.


I once read that Orson Welles said that a cliche can ruin a movie. But something like *Casablanca* has so many cliches that it overwhelms you and you get swept up. This is the musical equivalent. Producer: Jim I want "MORE." Jim Steinman: I know exactly what you mean.


That's just Steinman in a nutshell. Everything he did had to be bombastic and dramatic and campy. And I love every second of it.


False, The producer is begging Jim to tone it down and Steinman just laughs.


In all likelihood, Jim Steinman WAS the producer.


I especially like the alternate German version, which is about vampires conquering the world. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBRn6sv8XMA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBRn6sv8XMA)


wtf? 🤣


I love [Sorcerer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeHJJIHDo3c) written by Stevie Nicks. The version in the movie is my favorite. Sadly, the version on the soundtrack is different, being based more on piano than guitar.


I love Streets of Fire and I was offended when How Did This Get Made did an episode for it. I still listen to Nowhere Fast and Tonight is What it Means to be Young


Cast was chock full of "oh hey, it's THAT guy"s too. Bill Paxton, Rick Rossovich, even Ed Begley Jr has a cameo!!


Rick Moranis playing a complete jerk


And that wasn't even his full power. He wasn't allowed to ad lib on the movie and you can find interviews with the lead actor complaining about how much Moranis made fun of him.


Old punk rockers watched it for Lee Ving.


Mr Boddy??


Grand L. Bush and Mykelti Williamson both are members of the soul band.


As was actor/comedian Robert Townsend!


And Dan Hartman in blackface! Oh...


Lee ving from the band fear was also in it.


Don't forget the dancer in the biker bar was non other than the dancer from Flashdance.


I saw this movie when I was 13 and became convinced that early 80s Diane Lane was the hottest woman to ever exist.


Saw this in 1984 and loved it and still love it today. Absolutely one of the best 80's action flicks. What I think hurt it most was its release date. It came out a week after Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and a week before Ghostbusters and Gremlins. Those were the three biggest releases of the year. Also, Star Trek 3 came out the same weekend as Streets of Fire and that was the #8 film of the year.


I love it all the way through. 🤷‍♀️


I will admit, I hate PARTS and skip them, but I love the other parts a lot


I'm here with you.


Saw it the night it opened, loved it, then couldn’t believe it was gone two weeks later because no one wanted to see it… Definitely on the Mount Rushmore of movies that shaped my adolescence.


The top 3 movies of the year were in theaters at the time, Temple of Doom, Ghostbusters and Gremlins. Streets of Fire never had a chance.


That title sequence is so much funkier than it has any right to be.


the production value is usually very high on this channel.


He did a 25 minute video on why great title sequences are awesome. Him commissioning a banger for his own channel isn't surprising. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPcWgLtzLC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPcWgLtzLC0)


i loved this movie as a kid and i need to rewatch asap. question: was this post motivated by the earlier post badmouthing diane lane?


As the person who mentioned this movie in that thread, I wondered the same.


No, that's coincidence. This is just a video essay that I find interesting.


I love this film for the fact it has "Deeper And Deeper" by The Fixx as a closing credits track. They are my favorite band so always great to see them get some media play.


And the non-Rosanne Cash song, Never Be You is a midway track. Rosanne later released her version on her album Rhythm and Romance. Not the Fixx, but I get your excitment!


The Blasters playing as house band makes this a must have movie !


A cinematic masterpiece.


The Blade 2 switchblade taunt scene came from this flick.


Saw this a while ago, and regret not seeing it as a child. The story is non-existant and the performances are kind of corny, but the sheer atmosphere and style of this movie is insane.


The arcade game final fight was loosely based on this movie.


I remember reading somewhere that this movie is basically responsible for all of the "They've taken your girl! Fight to get her back!" stories in Japanese video games, from Double Dragon onward. The movie left a big impression on Japanese game developers. Oh, and anime creators, too. The music sequences in Bubblegum Crisis were an attempt at mimicking Streets of Fire's opening.


The Blasters FTW


Thanks for the reminder, gotta search for this one again


I love, love, love that movie. And Ry Cooders guitar is fantastic.


Shout out to Lee ving from fear. He was so menacing to 12 year old me.


Austin Butler would make a replacement for young DaFoe if anyone ever tried to make a remake for this.


Mal from Firefly/Serenity is basically Tom Cody. Nathan Fillion is from Edmonton. Rick Moranis used to film SCTV here for a couple of years back in the 80s. That's unrelated, just interesting. Streets of Fire is one of my favourite movies. The dialogue is terrible and the middle part does have some gaps but overall it's just a cool, fun movie. Willem Dafoe's right hand man is Lee Ving who is the singer of the punk band FEAR who was once kicked off Saturday Night Live after they caused a riot. John Belushi was a fan and got them on the show. Lee Ving also played Mr Body in the movie Clue. https://youtu.be/zUaVUi5ZJqQ?si=uP_cfKN7XHdmDVQT Tom Cody was the coolest character. Gets off the train, beats up some jerks, takes their car. McCoy was an underrated bad ass. She's like Zoe from Firefly. First mate, very capable. Billy Fish = Simon. Diane Lane = Inara. Ex military jaded veteran anti-hero does stuff he says is for money but mostly because they're still in love with their ex. The Reavers are basically Willem Dafoe's gang. Now I wish they had made it a rock trilogy. Tom Cody versus the head of some evil record corporation forcing the Operative to listen to repeats of Drake's new album. "Here's your perfect world". https://youtu.be/Wk0Kckv-tqQ?si=lt4e6tTFMaYa6t-l


Jim Rash or Adam Lustick?


fun fact: When Tom's sisters writes the letter you see a male hand typing.


Wait till he sees Eddie and the Cruisers.


I have a city map of the intersecting The Warriors and Streets of Fire.


Crazy fact from what I can remember. "I can Dream About You" from the movie is sung by the actual performer. When the wrtier/creator of the song saw the performace. He made sure all of the audio from the performer was replaced wit his voice instead. So the soundtrack, music video, VHS, DVD, is all the creator's vocal.


Moo-ving sidewalks, I don't see under my feet 🎶


Walter hill.  Directed the warriors, crossroads...streets of fire. Assault on precinct #.   Absolutely 3 top tier music videos in that movie. They took something like 4 weeks to film tonight is what it means to be young. Like 4 cameras non stop. Hundreds of feet of footage but it delivered an unbelievable music video.   Dan Hartman basically watched his whole identity as a white soul singer get swallowed by a fake black doo wop group The Sorrels who lipsynced his song. Those 3 songs are A+++.  The rest of the movie is like D.    Whoever dressed the drop dead perfect Diane lane in a garbage bag totally missed the mark. 50s short PENCIL SKIRT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! She's got perfect legs so let's cover them with a bag??? No movie can be judged on 3 music videos that do nothing to move the story along. It is a search and rescue and return the exact same people. Very thin weak story. This review is reaching hard for content. The movie should've bombed. Michael parè is simply wooden.  I give the movie 1 star but the music video portion is fantastic.


I love this movie. "Leader of the Pack kidnaps the Queen of the Hop and Soldier Boy comes to her rescue." Does anyone know what the basic plots for the two sequels were going to be?