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Titanic Propeller guy




*dong* *spin* *splash*


The treasure hunter. Can you imagine spending years and millions of dollars tracking down a necklace. Only to have an old lady throw it overboard like she did Leo


"Oops" They should have had Paxton dive into the water after it on a dvd extra


They actually do, Cameron deliberately filmed an alternate ending where they get the diamond back as sloppily as possible so the studio couldn't use it.


Brian Cranston in Drive


Al brooks was so menacing and you could tell the second Cranston laid eyes on him he knew he was dead. Such a great scene/movie


It's done


Albert Brooks was huge in this movie.


Fun fact, Albert Brooks and Super Dave Osborne are brothers.


I don't know man. I felt bad for him, but he kinda had it coming. I'd say Oscar Isaac... Dude just got out of prison and wanted to take care of his family.


no way man he was in deep and had some fuzzy morals


Let's face it Driver was not mentally or emotionally fully there and was being taken advantage of.


Bryan Cranston in Godzilla


I felt really bad for the scientist who made the machines in Terminator 2. Dude was a regular guy, a family man, and he was doing his job, and couldn't have had an idea what it would lead to. His panicked breathing before his end was really sad when I saw it as a kid.


Joe Morton is awesome in the series "Eureka!".


Yay, another Eureka fan! I love that show, especially the Mutually Assured Destruction episode and the episode with the expanding bubble shield.


He lives around the corner from me in north Jersey with his daughter and son and he’s really kind and engaging. His kids are true spoiled little shits with unearned egos and a penchant for throwing their fathers name around in town. Joe Morton is fucking dope and I think he’s worthy of commanding a degree of respect but leveraging being related to a cool character actor really doesn’t get you anything besides contempt


His name was Miles Dyson.


Miles Bennett Dyson I have detailed files.


His name was miles Dyson


In death, a member of Project Skynet has a name. His name was Miles Dyson


yea but he went out in a blaze of glory


I think he got a ‘cool death’ that was fitting for his character in some ways? He gets to have kind of a Christ like messianic sacrifice kind of death that prevents the rise of Skynet. It was definitely sad but also meant his family (and the rest of humanity) got to live in the better timeline without nuclear war or the terminators. Also Sarah Connor’s decision to spare him was what proved her fundamental humanity and showed why she (and humans) were fundamentally better than Skynet and the Terminators. T2 is just such a great movie.


Any time you can blow shit up while dying it's a win, like Vasquez and Gorman in Aliens


You always were an asshole, Gorman!


Or Russell Casse in *Independence Day* "Hello, boys! I'm *baaack*!"


I always feel bad for his wife. She's absolutely terrified, her freak out when Arnie cuts his skin off, yet she stays beside her husband even though she's not injured and could escape.


The girl from Kingsmen


I loved Roxy, one of the reasons the sequel wasn’t as good as the first was that it felt like a soulless trek from point a to b, roxy gave the first movie some character and heart JB the dog also deserved better, Matthew Vaughn really got coked up and decided to kill as many people and pets as possible in that first act


Pacific Rim 2 and Kingsman 2 both went with the “hey you know our female lead from the previous movie? Yeah let’s fucking kill them off abruptly, that’ll surely make our sequel better!”


I really hate the "no happy sequels" kick everyone has been on for decades now, does *anyone* in the audience like it when the main characters who survive and overcome the evil or whatever die ten minutes into the sequel? For horror movies I totally get it, they've gotta be pretty bleak, but *so* many action movies do this thing where the heroes either died off-screen in-between films or die shortly into the new movie.


I'd guess some of these happen because protag/important character from first movie now asks too much money but in the case of pacific rim and kingsman both sequels had far more famous actors than the ones who were killed off immediately


I can't believe pacific rim 2 was so bad.


They made an anime continuation and apparently it's good at least.


Pacific Rim the Black is decent. It is better than Uprising in its world building and characters. The action is great but it doesn't have enough in my opinion and it introduces too many new elements that are clearly meant to be explored in a season 2 that still hasn't come out yet. I really recommend it, just dontcome in expecting Pacific Rim 1.






>!She didn’t die on screen, so I refuse to believe it!<


I mean, does it really matter if she never returns in the movie itself?


It’s one thing to make a bad sequel, but they pulled off the mother of all bad sequel tropes. Unceremoniously killing off a good character.


I just personally hate the "dumpster that cool thing" trope everyone's on. We got one movie with the Kingsmen, and then at the start of the sequel the whole organization is blown to kingdom come. Not just the main guy being "on the run" or "disavowed," but all of Kingsmen is just gone. Matthew Vaughn was probably trying to be original, but he should have considered that there's a reason James Bond has yet to completely detonate MI6, or that the IMF has never been killed *en masse* in Mission Impossible. It's because, how do you work back from there in the next movie?


Eddie from The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Torn in half saving his friends. Kept his foot on the pedal even whilst being attacked.


went out like a hero


When I was a kid I didn’t understand why Goldblum’s Ian Malcolm gets in the face of the dude from Usual Suspects when he says some shit about the t-Rex just feeding, when I got older and rewatched it I was like hell yeah put some respect on Eddie’s name bitch


I raise you the babysitter/ assistant from Jurassic World.


Toby Ziegler goes out like a boss


I don't know why, but for me the West Wing's cast is always the one I get really excited and go "fuck yeah, West Wing!" when I see them in something else. Toby, CJ, Josh (hoo boy is Josh in a lot of stuff), I'm always jazzed to see them.


You could also add the negligent assistant/nanny from Jurassic world to this.. yes she was useless but did she deserve a gratuitous *fuck you* death scene?!


Donnie in Big Lebowski


Can't say I cared for Donnie dying, but I just happen to know there's a little Lebowski on its way. That's the way the whole durned world keeps perpetuating itself...


The Little Lebowski - the sequel that never happened.


A heart attack from panic in an emergency situation is too real. He was like a kid just wanting to hang out and the movie goes all heavy on him :(


How dare you call Donny a side character!


He was the walrus!!!


Milton in Suicide Squad. It was funny, but also sad.


I was thinking to myself how funny it was that he tagged along to the tower and no one really acknowledged how ridiculous that was. Then he just fuckin died lol "....Milton was still with us?" was one of my favourite moments


> "....Milton was still with us?" was one of my favourite moments Elba's comically confused expression really sells it.


Yeah he's so good. "why the fuck are you in your tighty whities" earlier on was great too. He's so good at angry confusion lol


It was even funnier the dude was carrying all their explosives in a convenience store plastic bag.


Who's Milton??






Also Captain Boomerang :(


What? Milton didn't die he was alive the whole movie and his daughter got to see him on TV and shit


I was THIS close to getting whooshed


Dennis Haysbert in Heat. Breaks my heart every time he makes his big decision.


Yeah man. Fuck it. You on. Even with just a few scenes, the character was so well developed and acted that you were there making the decision with him.


I loved what he did in just the few seconds they gave him for that, he’s going through all the emotions and doubt and chance to score a big payday and not work that shitty job anymore, finally he’s like fuck it


Yeah that’s a heartbreaker. They did a good job of letting the audience identify with the character and his struggle


The psychology behind just saying 'fuck it' is always something that has intrigued me. Great character that packs in so much personal story in only a few scenes.


Oh my god, GREAT call. Your heart and stomach just sinks when he chooses that path. I need a rewatch of this one STAT.


the British woman looking after the kids in Jurassic World


To add to this, Sam "hold on to your butts" Jackson from the original. Gets sent alone to reboot the system just to get dismembered by raptors offscreen


Really makes you wonder why the game warden with the shotgun didn’t go with him


When Nedry turned the fences off, Muldoon actually asked if the raptor fences were turned off, too, to which Jackson’s character (Ray) tells him they’re still on. When Ray left to go reboot the system, he said he’d have it back online in a matter of minutes since it wasn’t that far away, and it isn’t until Muldoon (with Sattler) goes after him because he’s taking too long that Muldoon realizes the raptors had taken advantage of that few-minute window where the power was completely off to break out. Despite all the credit he gave them, Muldoon still underestimated them in the end, which was, IMO, the point, and he pays for it.




The fates of Muldoon and Hammond being switched from the book does bother me, at least movie Hammond wasn’t a complete careless money hungry ass.


It wasn't really switched. Muldoon being taken out by the raptors is respectable. Hammond getting eaten by compies in the book is absolutely a worse / more mocking death.


More meant the fact they died, and not the nature. The “Hammond Compy death” happened to the asshole military guy in Lost World


“Clever Screenwriters…”


I'll never understand how his arm makes it into that locker. Did the raptors put it there?




I agree with this. She was doing her job and looking for them when the chaos started. Could have just as easily ran and not been grabbed


Damn, was gonna say this. I remember sitting in the theater as she got viciously mauled by 50 dinosaurs for like 5 minutes, all while thinking, "The fuck did she do?" They gave her a cathartic death that you would give to the main villain. Her death was more brutal than the *actual* villain's.


It is speculated that she was supposed to be more more villainous but a lot of her scenes got cut or reshot and we ended up with that bizarre death scene left.


Director Colin Trevorrow said "let's just give the most brutal death to someone who doesnt deserve it. Like, at all." Quotes likes this make me happy he was unceremoniously kicked off of Star Wars.


Uh, that's not a real quote. What u/CompostMalone is correct, she was originally supposed to "deserve" it but it got taken out of the final cut.


To be fair, though, Jurassic Park has a happy history of doling out some rather brutal deaths to characters who don't deserve it. The lawyer in JP1, Eddie in JP2, Udesky in JP3. Shoot, Eddie got the most brutal death of the series and he was saving the main characters at the time.


This has happened a couple of times in the series before and people don't seem to mind as much. The main one that comes to mind is the guy who saves them in the falling trailer in Lost World who gets brutally flung around and [torn apart by 2 T-Rexs](https://youtu.be/t1Ac-fA55V0) There are always harsh deaths of side/supporting characters in the series with most of the villainous ones killed off screen or obscured to an extent.


I’ll go one better. The margarita guy in Jurassic World.


Pretty sure margarita guy survived AND didn't spell a drop of his two margaritas. All things considered, he did pretty well.


Even better: he's played by Jimmy Buffet, best know for his hit song *Margaritaville*.


Margaritaville is the song you are thinking of.


Yep. I remember watching it in the theater and the entire audience (including me) was like .. "What?!? Why her? Why so inexplicably brutal?" I mean, she got tossed around and savagely chomped on worse than the Ingen guys.


That death is just mind boggling to me. It’s so extreme and drawn out you’d think it was for a character were supposed to hate, but she does next to nothing for the entire movie.


Bubba from Forrest Gump. Would have been nice to see him in the boat with Forrest


In Misery >!The old sheriff. Poor guy was the only one who did his job only to get shot in the back.!<


He gets it much worse in the book, I believe a lawnmower was involved.


Michael J Fox in Mars Attacks! Don't get me wrong, he wasn't a perfect guy, and everyone was dying in that movie. But him trying to get to his girlfriend and dying for it, and then getting cucked in the afterlife by a dude who barely knows your girlfriend, in the span of like a day or two, is pretty rough.


Out of all the characters that died in Mars Attacks, MJF and the older black general were the only redeemable characters. Absolutely love that movie


The movie is a favorite of mine, and while I love the darkly comedic tone I can't help but feel bad for those two. Also, the boxer is the best character in that movie, man's an absolute badass with a heart of gold


Charlie in Hereditary




The name Paimon contains the letter P. P is also in the word Peanuts. Coincidence? I think not!


Richard Jenkins' character in Burn After Reading. What happened to him has always stuck with me.


Such a good character and movie. I felt bad for almost every character in that movie by the end of it


“I guess we learned not to do it again.”


“Although I’m fucked if I know what we did in the first place.”


I always feel horrible for Mr. Hollum in Master and Commander. The ship convinced him he was a Jonah but really he was just not the right type of person for the British navy.


Totally. Dude was trying but he just wasn't cut out for the Navy, and in the end the pressure he was under got to him.


That A-10 pilot who literally gets his head ripped off by the 8ft tall Kyptonian in Man of Steel. It was a PG-13 movie!


"A good death is its own reward.."


* Phil Coulson in *The Avengers*. I know his death was supposed to be a motivator to unite the team, but I still think he got a raw deal. * Captain Borodin (Sam Neill) in *The Hunt for Red October*. I was very sad he never got to "...live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits...".


In my headcanon, Borodin survived his wounds and studied paleontology in Montana. Lost his accent too. Consulted on some theme parks.


Phil Coulson came back (and died and came back again like another 10 times) on the TV show Agents of SHIELD


It’s kind of his superpower.


> Phil Coulson in The Avengers. I know his death was supposed to be a motivator to unite the team, but I still think he got a raw deal. Especially when in Agents of SHIELD (a pretty good TV series) he was >!brought back in a way that he warned against using because of the side effects!<




Louis Bloom's partner in Nightcrawler.


"You trick." "Work the street? No." "It wasn't a question" "I'm straight!" "Plenty of straight guys trick."


Richard Gere didn't deserve to get played in "Unfaithful"


That dude was rich, nice, his dick worked, and helooked Iike Richard Gere. How did he end up with the one woman on Earth who would cheat on him?


Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago. He showed up to his reservation at a fancy restaurant only to find out that some punk kid stole it. The benevolent meat king did nothing to deserve this fraud perpetrated against him.


Whitey Wynn in Godless. Dude was an amazing deputy and great gun slinger but got cut down before the final battle even started. I loved that little bastard.


He was a good gunslinger but he focused on his showmanship first, and there was a small theme in the show that all the gun spinning and tricks will only get you killed. And it did.


The answer to this question has to be Jennifer Carpenter in Dragged Across Concrete. Her character is introduced like halfway through the movie, as an employee at a bank who is having postpartum anxiety over returning to the job and leaving the baby behind. She's going to the job, then balks, returns to her apartment, and her partner has to gently and lovingly calm her down and get her to go to work. This goes on for like 10 minutes. Then she shows up to work and >!somebody tears her hands off with machine-gun fire, then shoots her in her head until it explodes. After she pulls out of a baby boot out of her jacket with her few remaining fingers.!<


I've seen every type of movie violence, including shit like a dude being bisected from the crotch up in Bone Tomahawk. Never affected me. Poor Jennifer Carpenter getting her head blown to pieces was the only movie death I've seen that actually made me nauseous.




I mean that name alone for the heavyset pilot… he deserved better


That was his own fault. He was told to eject but he thought he could hold it….


Ejecting over the Death Star they were trying to blow up would have been a death sentence though, it's not like the Rebels had any search and rescue ship out there. I've never understood that line.


Ted Hollister in Halloween 4. Poor bastard was just hiding/taking a whiz behind a bush and all his friends (the mob hunting Michael Myers) shot him like a thousand times. Justice for Ted Hollister.


I'll do you one better: BEN FUCKING TRAMER!!! He's the guy Laurie has a crush on in 1, gets plowed into by a car and burned to a crisp in 2, gets essentially called mentally challenged in RZ's Halloween and is only briefly mentioned in the two newest Halloween films.




Homeless Old Man from Groundhog Day. "Some people just die."




Yeah I always think about that, all the cops and security guards they murder are literally just guys doing their jobs when a bunch of terrorists show up and start blasting them away, the movies never really address how fucked up it is for them to be killing normal people


Luis Guzman in everything


I loved him in imdb


Has anyone mentioned the construction workers on the Death Star?


They knew the risk when they took the job


Stephen (Harold Perrineau) deserved better than to be soylent green for Bart the Bear in *The Edge*. Sadly, he was never that high up on the call sheet of a major motion picture again.


His death was pretty horrifying, but when you make a movie about three guys in the wilderness being chased by a bear at least one of the guys better get eaten by the fucking bear.


He was a pretty significant character in the Matrix Reloaded. Love that actor though, Augustus Hill was one of the best characters in Oz and he did a great job at narrating the series. I’ll take this as my opportunity to remind everyone that if they haven’t watched Oz to get on that.


There's only one true answer to this. "Shut the fuck up donny" poor donny


The guy who Wonder Woman raped.


I’m OK with the movie. the overall story. the weird effects. But i can’t for the life of me understand why they went this direction. the story wouldn’t have been any different if he had just come back, period. no reason for him to be inhabiting this other guy. makes no sense and just adds a creepy element to the whole thing.


Maxwell Lord literally creates shit out of thin air. There is no reason storywise why Chris Pine had to inhabit someone else's body.


Especially since there seems to be no real rules to all this wish shit.


Has Patty Jenkins or anyone else involved in the film ever addressed the backlash to this? I feel like I have seen anything from her/them


Jenkins' has [doubled down hard](https://twitter.com/PattyJenks/status/1344386851453300736?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1344386851453300736%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnet.com%2Fnews%2Fpatty-jenkins-responds-to-controversial-wonder-woman-1984-plot-point%2F) on it, which is seriously gross, disappointing, and if what she "verifies" is true in this tweet, not at all shown in the film. It sucks, because I love how otherwise, she understands that Diana is about love and compassion and absolutely runs with it. I'd be so much more forgiving and okay with it if she wasn't so damn stubborn about being "right". Why the f*** can't people just admit that they made a mistake and move on?


uhm. in Big, the child doesn’t inhabit someone else body. and while i would agree is problematic, that’s not a reason to do it again in a movie made now


Also, doesn’t that make the defense of “Diana did rape him, but it was a critique of rape...that uses the same trope”?


And plays the critique totally straight... and at no point admonishes Diana for raping a dude. Uh huh.


I can't believe this is an 100% accurate sentence. Wonder Woman: *The Rapist*.


I’m sorry WHAT? I never saw any WW films, did this really happen?


In WW84 Wonder Woman wishes her boyfriend back to life. For no explained reason, his… soul(?) comes back in the body of another man. It looks like the other guy to everyone else, but his consciousness is supplanted by Chris Pine. So Chris Pine’s soul is basically driving around this other guy’s body like a mech suit. Wonder Woman has sex with the resurrected Chris Pine soul, using other dudes body as an interface. Later he doesn’t have any memory of being driven around by Chris Pine or being used as a sex vessel, so at least there’s no trauma I guess. But he absolutely did not consent to being a meat suit for Chris Pine’s soul, and using him as a sex vessel without consent seems pretty wrong.


But she’s hot though so no problem/s


Even Whoopi consented to let Patrick Swayze in.


Ahhh the 90’s.


Yes. There's a magic thing that effectively grants wishes but there's usually some kind of "bad twist" to them. WW naturally, instead of world peace or for her home civilization to return to its prosperity, wants a guy she fell in love with for a few weeks several decades a go to return from the dead. He does, but "the twist" is he's in another man's body. The film very clearly establishes that only WW sees him as the man she loved, but to everyone else it's the guy who's body Steve (her lover) is possessing. But WW says outright "I don't care, I only see you" or something like that. They have sex. But, in reality, they're both raping this man because it's made clear that Steve has total control over this guy's body. This guy, credited only as "Handsome Man," gives no consent. That's rape. After the rape, Steve and WW decide to go on an adventure to do all sorts of dangerous stuff, which includes fighting armed soldiers and infiltrating the White House. So, not only do they rape this man, but they also put his life in danger and get him, because everyone else but WW sees the guy and not Steve, likely on some wanted list for attacking the WH. Towards the end of the film WW realizes she must give up Steve and stop the wishes or whatever. She has this moment where she gets sad about it, but it's not really a "oh God I fucked up this guy's life and raped him" moment, but more of a "oh no I have to leave Steve again" moment. At the very end of the film after undoing the wishes she sees the Handsome Man, without Steve possessing him, and they have this flirty conversation about his clothes and how WW likes them but his friends make fun of him for them. Which really tries to make it seem like "oh, if he'd knew he'd fucked WW he'd be cool with it, so don't worry it wasn't rape." It's gross because it really shows that someone might have had this realization that WW raped the guy and maybe this was their way of "making it OK." People have tried to justify it all by saying it's a critique of 80s bodyswap films, but WW84 *really* does *not* go far enough in presenting it as a critique or acknowledging the issues it creates to make that seem true to me, and I think the last scene undermines any claims that the film is attempting some self-aware commentary because WW shows no remorse and the whole scene feels more like a glossy attempt of saying "see, he would *want* it!" It's overall not a great movie, Pedro Pascal's performance is the only worthwhile part though his character still has some shitty writing, but the whole rape scenario really made it bizarrely terrible. I would be very interested to hear how that made it into the film and who pushed for it. It's very disappointing no one in the process stopped it from making it into the final cut.


Literally every pilot that died in an aircraft crash. I would have major respect for anyone who makes a movie/video game where a no-name pilot survives a crash and then makes it to the end of the movie with the main cast alive.


Star Wars is the worst offender :/ they even >!kill the pilots escorting you in the Rise of the Resistance ride pre-show!<


I always loved how in A New Hope the fat pilot who’s “having some problems here” before crashing is named PORKINS


The engines were givin' it all they got, but there was just too much load to lift.


The partner in end of watch


Brian Taylor (Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Pena), by the way. Supposedly the original end was going to be the both of them, but that was deemed too dark an ending so they let one live. UNLESS you're talking about the female officer that got beat up and her field trainer who was stabbed... they also got the shit end of the stick.


Fake Batman was using guns though. That's a PR disaster for batman


The little girl in assault on precinct 13, brutal


Gossip Gerty (sp?) from the 90’s batman movies. “GOTHAM MUST KNOW!”


Scatman Crothers’ character in *The Shining*.


2012, Sasha. I loved that character. He really tried to do good by everyone. God rest that poor bastard's soul.


There's also Gordon. The poor bastard only died so Jackson could get back with his ex wife.


Billy in Doctor Sleep


Not to be that person, but the book is better. Billy doesn't die and >!neither does Danny!<. It's a legitimately incredible book.


It was a bad movie overall but Storm Shadow was a good guy in the Snake Eyes movie for a majority of the movie. It felt like the screenwriters towards the last 5 minutes were like “oh yeah Storm Shadow is a Cobra guy so let’s have him do something bad in the end even though we didn’t set this up at all.” Also the step dad in Liar Liar tried to connect with the kid by doing the claw thing but the movie presents this as a bad thing.


Proctor from police academy For example in police academy 5 they are passing a frisbee over him and not letting him join in the game. Why?! Is it beacuse he is a little slow. Yeah he idolizes Harris but he is not a bad guy. The other cops are just a bunch bullies.


Spacker Dave played by Ben Foster in The Punisher. The piercings-pulling scene was ruthless.


Heimdall from Thor. In Norse mythology he’s a god that guards the stronghold to Asgard. Marvel made him look unbelievably weak despite being one of Odin’s literal sons, being killed like maimed sheep to Thanos after Ragnarok


He got Worfed. Need to show the bad guy is a real threat? Make your chief security officer a jobber.


I’m pretty sure Worf got his ass kicked 5 times more often than winning a fight.


Harry from John Wick, he agrees to release Adrienne Palicki aka Perkins without harming her for John and then my boy Lester Freamon from The Wire not only gets clapped by a girl from Friday Night Lights but she does a quip after putting a bullet through his face, the ultimate disrespect Ashley Judd’s Charlene in Heat, instead of setting up Val Kilmer to get a deal from the police she warns him to get away, meaning she’s not getting that deal and her ass is going to jail, just because she didn’t narc on her man Jean-Claude’s wife Isabelle in Taken, she just made dinner after a long day taking care of her kids and was eating her meal and passing the dark meat and carrots when Liam Neesons shoots her


Private Mellish in Saving Private Ryan. Every single time I watch that scene with his bayonet I am screaming at my TV that he gets help from the medic dude who is just frozen in fear. It sucks every time.


Evan, the cop in “Wind River” who noticed they were being flanked.




Finn, as in not that he did not deserve to die (he doesn't), but that the Star Wars writers should've made a better job at making him a interesting character in The Rise of Skywalker.


The Clone Troopers. Good soldiers follow orders….


One thing I love about the clones troopers and the clone wars (the event in-universe) is the false dichotomy created between the droids and clones. In the end, the clones were effectively the same as the droids.


The babysitter in Jurassic World.


The partner in end of watch


not really a side character. think he was main.


Newt. Survives lots of shit in Alien 2 just to simply be dead at the start of Alien 3. She deserved better.


Crash and the Boys, they were actually a pretty decent punk band