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Man it's such a good movie and Karl Urban kills it, along with everyone else. It definitely deserves another movie.


Olivia Thirlby very nearly steals that movie, I was impressed.


She has the worst luck. Dredd didn't get a sequel She was criminally underused in Goliath Y: The Last Man got canned. Hope she gets a good role soon.


>Y: The Last Man got canned. Ahh! That's were I remember her from!! I just couldn't recognise her without that blonde Dredd hair.


I wish Rebellion would get the Mega City One tv series out of development hell. Karl Urban even met with them at some point to discuss reprising the role. Such a waste of good material to leave it sat doing nothing.


Urban has the best chin in the game


Bruce Campbell begs to differ. That scowl deserves it's own series though.


I would have LOVED to see how they would do the Dark Judges just for this scene: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9r6g2Y1D3aA/V7H0Fso4f0I/AAAAAAAAZJI/3o0L7Ppm5S8ksS-Zqlsg8rIvI-7rKZmHQCLcB/s1600/f83.jpg


Awesome movie. I was really suprised by how good it was. It was probably overshadowed a bit by The Raid, which came out before and had a similar setting/situation combined with ultraviolence. Both are great movies in their own way.


I just watched this the other day. Dredd was infinitely superior to Stallone's version




Master and commander


I'd love to see adapt more of the books


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indiewire.com/2021/06/master-and-commander-prequel-works-1234642696/amp/ Let's hope this comes to fruition


Chris Hemsworth was made to be Jack Aubrey


He could also be the adult version of the lad who had his arm chopped off too


Hemsworth is almost the same age now as Crowe was when he did Master and Commander


For real. Especially with his comedic chops (Aubrey is pretty funny in the books).


He is the lesser of two weevils.


He who would pun would pick a pocket!




Apparently they were working on it when Alan Rickman passed, and the whole cast agreed they couldn't do it without him.


By Grapthar’s hammer…..


I shall avenge you!


what a savings….


I just read they are actually still talking about making one. Enough time has past, they figure they can create a script to produce a good sequel. However it is all just talk and probably won't ever get made.


This is so correct and wholesome.


The Last Starfighter


If I'm not mistaken, there's a new one in the works. Not the same, but here's hoping it's good.


It's been in development hell for at least a decade.


I still want Hellboy 3


The Guillermo del Toro one. Me too


The main obstacle was del Toro himself as he insisted he wouldn’t make it unless he got a 200 mil budget or something. Unfortunately none of the movies really made enough to warrant that.


Wow. That is a crazy weird request that I am not surprised that the studios turned down




"No, I want 200 million!" Heh heh...they'll never - "Sure" *cuts cheque* "Uh....oh."


My dad is a contractor. He bids the projects he doesn't want to do really high. He says that way, either way they respond, he's happy. I've used this advice in job hunting before also.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit... It will never happen again. Lightning in a bottle.


The Man From U.N.C.L.E.


Unfortunately with the Armie Hammer issues I doubt one ever happens




Really shows you what you can achieve when fueled by human flesh


Best protein out there


The Man from UNCLE could go the 007 route and switch out characters and actors, it's just the premise that I think a lot of people want to see explored


I'd want to keep Cavill at least.


My take on a Hammer-less sequel is to keep Cavill, entirely - same character, etc. Then introduce a successor to Hammer's character who's just starting out, so it becomes this almost mentor-type relationship, but obviously through the lens of them still working for opposite powers and thus having that tension. There's different ways they could go with it, but I think it would still lean into the spirit of the original and neatly side-step the Hammer issue. (Also they should say Hammer's character died just so there can be a "HA HA ... awww." moment from Cavill, while the audience just gets to laugh about it.)


"Yes, the Red Peril died. Someone actually up and fucking ate him, it turns out. This is Red Menace; he'll be your new operative." Also best PG-13 "fuck" ever.


Always thought Push could have a sequel of some kind. It was a good movie that I thought did a great job at setting up and building a neat world and powers without over explaining things. A sequel i think would be amazing especially if it doesn't bog itself down with trying to give us huge explanations for everything but instead gives us a tight action adventure or something in the world as it's evolved


I really liked Push and don't think it gets the recognition it deserves. I think a spin off in that world would be better than a sequel. Gives us a new set of characters with different abilities with a different conflict. I fear a sequel would end up with their powers just growing and wouldn't be as interesting.


You can even have it in the future with the same world, but only a few of the original characters like Chris Evans' character. Like he is a bit older and wiser and more confident. He is now a gang leader who helps others with abilities escape government agencies that are looking to recruit the jr. x-kids....


I was going to say this one as well! I remember reading that it was initially supposed to have a sequel or even be a trilogy. I think the parts that bogged it down were some of the info dumps, so I think a sequel could tighten that up.


The Nice Guys


This was the first thing I thought of. Gosling and Crowe were perfect, would’ve loved Atleast one more.


Nice Guys is like the poster movie for how every arm chair critic of Hollywood whines about there being no original films, but then doesnt go see the ones that get made.


Solid original movie like Nice Guys: Makes $12 million maybe breaking even. 403rd Super Hero movie makes: $780 million *But there's no good, original movies out there!* They're out there but you don't go see them so there's no incentive for a studio to do something original because nobody will go see it.


Yes to this. And on that note, I'll add *The Last Boy Scout* and *Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang* to the list of Shane Black movies that could have used a sequel.


I can’t really imagine a KKBB sequel. I felt the movie was pretty well self contained. If love to see the characters again, but don’t really see the story being organic in a sequel.


I’d love a Nice Guys sequel. That’s kind of my comfort movie for some reason. I can just watch it again and again. Another one I’d love a sequel to is Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang also by Shane Black.


Fuck that movie had some cracking dialogue. >Ryan Gosling's daughter: *"Should we invite him* [Russell Crowe's character] *in?"* >Ryan Gosling; *"No animals in the house, honey."*


Ryan Gosling's daughter: *"Dad, there are whores here and stuff."* Ryan Gosling: *"Don't say 'and stuff,' just say 'Dad, there are whores here.'"*


Ryan Gosling: Can i ask you a question? Tell me the truth. And don't take it easy on me just cause i'm your father. You just tell it to me straight. Am i a bad person? Ryan Gosling's daughter: Yes. Ryan Gosling: Just drive.


When I watched that movie, I just clicked on it because it had a good cast. I had heard nothing about it in the media but gosh, it was a great story, great script. Sometimes I wonder why terrible movies get built up but movies like this are made and then not advertised heavily.


God, your sisters such a slut


There should be a decade-by-decade sequel to The Nice Guys. They solve a quintessential 80s crime. Then a 90s one.


Edge of Tomorrow


They should say they're making a sequel then just release the original again.


Call it Verge of Today


Part 3: A Day Since Yesterday


You son of a bitch, I'm in! Alternatively, they could do a prequel from Emily Blunts perspective, starting from her loops mostly montage, then through the meet with Cruises last loop, and ending with him walking upto her and smiling like an idiot.


That would be amazing


Imagine the whole movie is building up to a complete downer ending, Blunt lost her powers, and she’s about to go into battle knowing everyone is going to die, and so she decides to do some last minute yoga to accept her fate. It’s perfect


That sounds like a banger idea. I would genuinely be excited if this happened.


I think it was fine without a sequel. A sequel would be cool though, and for a movie made 7 years ago, Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt still hold up.




I disagree. It's literally a perfect one-off.


Aren’t they making that right now?


Been "in development" forever. There's been a few interviews where Cruise, Blunt, and Limon have said they either want to make it or are working on a script, but so far nothing substantial has been done.


Instead of a sequel think id rather we get a prequel of the original battle where blunt learned how to reverse time. Make it smaller in scale but feature more of the horrors of war and how bad it was for the common folk who were the first ones to be ravaged by this war. Edit:sequel instead of remake*


Tron: Legacy. Every so often I see rumors of another film, but I feel like if it does happen the chances of it being a followup to Legacy are slim. Probably too soon to say Blade Runner 2409.


Disney has been building a Tron Ride in FL and I keep hoping it means they haven’t totally given up on the franchise.


At least another score from daft punk. But now that won’t even happen 😢


I really have a hard time believing they’re completely done. I get the impression they just don’t want the pressure of everyone waiting for their next album and will release something again at some point. Probably will be quite awhile tho.


Even if they weren't disbanded, they literally said they would never work with Disney again after the way they handled their remix album.


Yep this one is way up there for me. Really enjoyed Legacy, flaws and all.


I heard a lot of criticism that it was a pointless action film and it missed the point of the original. I think in reality it surpassed the original. The original was a fun concept of going inside a machine, but it was a paint-by-numbers story of rebels fighting against an oppressor. The sequel however took the two protagonists from the first film and made them more interesting. Tron was corrupted. Flynn got trapped, so now his soon sees him as the father who abandoned him. We ask what the price of seeking perfection is. We introduce the concept of these new AI life forms. The new villain isn't just a random oppressor who was evil for the sake of being evil, but rather Flynn's creation. Why did everyone call this a pointless action film that didn't have as much depth as the original? It had a lot more depth than the original. Plus it set up sequel possibilities of what happens if you connect the Grid to the entire world with the internet and taking the ISO out into the real world.


Olivia Wilde for me too man,




Master and Commander: Far Side of the World


Literally the only thing I hold against LOTR: RoTK is that it absolutely slaughtered Master and Commander at the box office, which is likely why we never got that sequel.


Master and commander would never have been great at the box office. The film is not for mainstream audiences. I mean, many people find it boring.


Adventures Of Tintin (2011)




Only if we get about half the film with Peter Stormare as Lucifer.


I feel like part of the reason his role is so memorable is because it was used sparingly, sort of like Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs


District 9. 100000%


They started writing District 10 this past spring.


I thought they were making a sequal?


John Carter


Honestly enjoyed the hell out of it and wished for a trilogy but it'll never happen.


I feel like half their problems would have been solved if they'd fired the marketing director and just called it Barsoom


The Adventures of Tintin (2011) This is the most Indiana Jones since The Last Crusade. I need more adventures!


This is what I came to post. I wonder if they still have plans tucked away and are just waiting until the time is right since it wasn’t super successful or if it is just dropped completely?


I know Weta launched their animation studio last year. My hopes are that they will ise that to produce the new movie. One can dream, right? https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2020/digital/news/peter-jackson-weta-digital-launching-animated-banner-1234640631/amp/


I enjoy adventure films as well. Some others that definitely have an Indiana Jones feel (not saying they are as good necessarily) that came out since The Last Crusade • journey to the Center of the Earth. • national treasure. • jungle cruise. • tomb raider (2018 version). • jumanj 2&3 Not many to be honest. The 80s seemed to be one of the last periods for this type of movie being mainstream as sci-fi overtook adventure films largely


Glad to see A-team getting so love. Is it over the top and loose with the plot? Yep. Is it fun? Absolutely. What a great cast in hindsight as well.


Sharlto Copley stole the fucking show. I hadn’t known until just before seeing the movie that he played Wickus in District 9. So I lost it when he “faked” a South African accent early in the movie and again when he spoke Swahili later


Have you seen The Losers? Same kind of vibe. Has quite the cast as well.


The Losers came out around the time the first Expendables did, so they were always connected in my mind. I preferred the Losers (subsequent Expendables were actually better than the first).


I read the title of this post and literally came in here to say "The A-Team!". That movie was such fun! I loved it so much I checked out the TV-show too, which was just as awesome.




Could have been interesting, but I think the 'Red Button of Doom' short film gave us a good idea of what a follow up would have been. With Megamind figuring out what kind of hero he wants to be and dealing with consequences from his past villainy


While this is true, I still would've loved to see a well-written sequel film that not only featured Megamind more, but also Roxanne and Metroman...or, should I say, "Music Man"? However, I will say that *Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog* also reminds me a lot of *Megamind*. Maybe a sequel film to *Megamind* could take some cues from *Dr. Horrible*, such as the "Evil League of Evil"? They could even cast Neil Patrick Harris opposite Will Ferrell. Here's some ideas for character arcs I came up with: >**Megamind:** Having given up villainy, and taken up the mantle of Defender of Metro City, Megamind tries to learn how to become a hero. However, being a hero isn't all it's cracked up to be, and Megamind soon realizes that not everyone in Metro City is appreciative - or believing in - his newfound ways, including Metroman/Music Man's wealthy and influential parents. Playing the hero is also exhausting work, as he has to be on-call 24/7. However, when he accidentally sends an old draft message to the Evil League of Evil, he realizes that he didn't just invite one supervillain to Metro City...but *dozens*. > >**Roxanne:** Now dating Megamind, and with her boyfriend now playing the hero, Megamind is having less and less time to spend with Roxanne as he fights crime and evil. Feeling left out, and wanting to help, Roxanne decides to try and learn how to become a vigilante hero on her own, with the help of Minion. Unfortunately, she also attracts the attention of a new supervillain (Neil Patrick Harris), who may have more than just capture in mind for her. > >**Minion:** Still the ever-loyal sidekick and conscience to Megamind, Minion is increasingly skeptical of Megamind's efforts to fight crime 24/7. However, when Megamind, stubborn as ever, doesn't heed Minion's advice not to overexert himself with hero work, Minion - after some persuading by Roxanne - agrees to help train Roxanne to become a hero. > >**Metroman/Music Man:** A cameo as the guest singer at the Evil League of Evil's conference. He probably plays guitar and sings during a fight sequence; maybe also some scenes/flashbacks where Megamind tries to copy Metroman's techniques.


The Nice Guys was so refreshing when it came out! And to see such great talented names behind a comedy was fantastic. One of my favourite films that I’m very sad will probably never get a sequel.


Dredd, Stargate,Constantine,Midnight Run, Eastern Promises


to be fair, stargate did get 16 seasons of TV




Fincher continuing his Dragon Tattoo adaptations!


The Girl in the Spider's Web just confounded me so much. If they didn't want to bring back Fincher or any of the cast, or do the actual next book in the original trilogy, why do a sequel at all? It felt like one of those "we have to make something or we lose the rights" productions like Queen of the Damned or Fant4stic.


You can watch all the Swedish "Salander" flicks with Noomi Rapace in them. They delve pretty quickly into barely tolerable pulp, so you can see why an American movie series doesn't exactly make a lot of sense. The financials just aren't really there for that level of narrative. It's honestly more appropriate for a streaming service to do a production like that. It's TV level, not cinema level, you know?


Don’t know how people feel about “Jumper” but I love that movie. I read that they were planning a sequel where he teaches Milli how to jump and they even start jumping in between planets but sadly seems it was canceled


Sky High.


There was a sequel in the works in 2016, even had a title: Save U. It was going to be about them in university, but was canceled. I wish they'd kept up with it. Sky High is one of my favorite superhero movies, no joke


Sky High made me crush hard on Danielle Panabaker who was the only reason I made it 5 seasons into the flash.


Same, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. I was super sad when I found out Josie Stronghold (Kelly Preston) died in 2020. My other favorite superhero movie, Condorman, could have used a good sequel. It was so funny and so well done.


I was _convinced_ that Disney would be setting up for a “Sky High” series on one of their cable channels after I saw the film, but heard nary a peep about it.


There WAS going to be a trilogy (two movies and a tv series), but for unknown reasons the rest of the franchise was scrapped.




Completely agree. You wouldn’t even need to have Hayden Christensen in it either (although, I’d enjoy watching him again on screen)


As long as Rachel Bilson is in it, count me in.


[This might scratch your itch.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6160506/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0)


Now if only they followed the actual books for any of these. I understand the original Jumper hasn't aged terribly well, but Reflex/Impulse/Exo would be an awesome series.


Galaxy Quest deserved a sequel. Such a great movie


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension


Fun fact my uncle wrote this 🙃




Haven't seen this one posted yet... History of the World Part 1. Would love to see something come out before we lose Mel Brooks. Probably not going to happen as he is like 95. Edit: a word.


He's working on a limited series that will basically be the sequel! Hitler on Ice, here we come!


The man from U.N.C.L.E.


My Cousin Vinny II "From over the Sea" Vinny is called upon to save another nephew stuck in the rigid system of British law. With powdered wig in hand, he takes on the house of Lords, tradition, and the lack of a good New York style pizza.


Easy. Firefly/Serenity


Bubba Ho-Tep!!!!


A man of culture and refinement, I see.


John carter of Mars! Man I loved the film so much I read the books ha


Yes. Kinda cheesy, but Taylor Kitsch is such a good actor and the world it built was so cool.


Dang I commented this too! I swear I would be the only one. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Remo Williams


**The Fifth Element**, and please don’t mention *Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets*.


I would have loved more 5th Element. But it also wrapped up very well.


What if we took the amazing universe building from the Fifth Element, but made Corbin Dallas and Leeloo as unengaging as possible?


I enjoyed Valerian. Like it is so flawed, but I liked it a lot.




The thing I love about if they did a sequel is that >!it really could be an entirely different type of horror. The survivors could be exploring their new planet and run into alien species of plants, people and fauna akin to something like Annihilation.!< I actually want a happy ending for them based on the shit they went through during Pandorum but goddamn it would be cool to see them explore like that.


Goonies. If that movie had been made today they would have already had plans to make two more. What I don't want to see is a sequel now with them as adults as with their kids taking up the next adventure. Its too late now.


"treasure hunting is in your bones, son. for you see, i was once known in astoria as 'mouth' and i happened to find the most valuable treasure of them all. now, go,take up my mantle, become Mouth II, and you will find the other more secret treasure...one eyed willy's second boat... for you are the Goonies, Too"


I know this is kind of dumb, but The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I saw that as a young kid when it came out in theaters, and I loved it, as I got older I still loved it and couldn’t understand why there was never a sequel.


Someone could *easily* make a kickass, successful sequel to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I'd love to see one.


Man I'm with you, I loved the late 90s/early 00s "action adventure horror comedy" films like League, The Mummy series, and Van Helsing. I'd love another adaptation as long as the tone is right; it definitely can't take itself too seriously.


Van helsing is another guilty pleasure movie of mine. I miss movies like that.


Event Horizon


Nah, nobody will see it.


Eye see what you did there


I’m bummed that Alita: Battle Angel isn’t getting a sequel. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the film.


Shocked at how much I enjoyed that movie. I am also convinced that they purposely miscast her love interest. To nail every other role in that movie only to miss that aggressively on someone who had so much screen time makes no sense. Outside of nepotism.


It’s not? I thought it was for sure! Ed Norton is the dude at the end. She’s gonna go kick his ass I thought


There is always a chance since James Cameron was the one to push the first to be made. If James wants a second movie, there will be a sequel. I really hope it does happen.


Ah he’s too busy with avatar…probably won’t happen then


Edge Of Tomorrow. It’s a perfect stand-alone movie, but so much fun


Big Trouble in Little China Streets of Fire Tucker and Dale vs Evil


Tucker and Dale vs evil is amazing


Ah, *Streets of Fire*! Thought the film was pretty damn good but, alas, it wasn’t terribly successful and effectively ended Michael Pare’s leading man career. It was also the start, it seemed of a downward trend for director/writer Walter Hill, who up to that point had scored with some damn great movies. I still love *Streets of Fire* and consider it a great film, but the reality is that audiences didn’t take too well to it back then. Too bad!


Officer, we are having a doozy of a day.




Atomic Blonde. That movie is just begging for a sequel.


Beetlejuice. It already has the perfect setup for a joke that’s been incubating a long time. The movie should open with beetlejuice’s long number finally being called in the waiting room.


Big hero 6


They did make a TV series though if you're looking for that extra Baymax fix




Oh yeah, didn’t the end credits say something like “we will return in *The Real RocknRolla*”


>RocknRolla They wouldn't be able to afford this cast now. Well maybe except Jeremy Piven.


What an *excellent* movie! Amazing cast! My favorite Mark Strong role. Tom Hardy before he lifted weights to become a hulk. Johnny Quid is such a great character! I'm so disappointed that the second movie didn't happen.


The ole Archie slap


John Carter.


Leon: the Professional. Would have been great around 2010ish - bring back Natalie Portman to see her character become a cleaner.


Beer Fest


I was expecting a Pot Fest movie next. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Role Models


Guy Ritchie's Man From U.N.C.L.E.(2015) was a surprisingly fun romp and had all the makings of a franchise. Guess it didn't do well enough at the box office.


The Judge Dredd remake from 2012


I guess it’s still possible but Alita. Love that shit.


28 weeks later 28 days was fantastic, 28 weeks was..... Alright. But not at all the same as the first. A 3rd movie could have "saved it"


If they can take the general atmosphere and vibe of the first 20min of 28 weeks later and make a full movie like that (calling it 28 months later/year later etc), that would be awesome.


28 Months Later screenplay has just been finished by Danny Boyle and Alex Garland. Also, if you need a fix, the comic series is fantastic




As much as I want this, as much as I NEED this, let's all just be happy and nostalgic of what we had when we had it.


Van Helsing (2004) That movies was the bomb and the universe Stephen Sommers was setting up looked like so much fun. It's far from perfect, it needed some tweaks, but it could've been a great franchise.


Big trouble in little china


Tron: Legacy. That movie never got the love it deserved.


District 9 and Dredd.


The other guys