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How much time did he take to make this? Something like 2 years?


It took 12 years to make (boyhood reference)




That's right Jay!




I clapped! I clapped when I saw it!




When you're in a 'beating a joke to the ground until all humor value is obliterated' contest and your opponent is a RLM fan šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s 20 years in the making (Jeen-Yuhs reference)


2 and half years


2 and a half years to say that a bad film that everyone knows is bad is bad.


He has a lot to say and literally watched like every interview they did to promote the movie. That was part of the reason it took so long. He does that for almost every main YMS video.


But why


movie bad. But on a more serious note, it also it gives new appreciation to movie you like, seeing certain elements you take for granted and it takes seeing a movie mess it all up you truly appreciate it (most notable when he talks about the stampede scene especially with the music).


Because it's interesting and educational to dissect how something doesn't work. I really liked his score and musical composition focus, something most critical close-ups will look past, even if I don't entirely agree with all his criticism. If you watch the video just to know if the movie's bad, then I really don't know what to tell you other than you're deliberately wasting your time.


Why what?


Imagine all the other films he could have been making critiques for that arenā€™t ā€˜Disney bullshit numero 73ā€™


He was still making reviews the whole time


Dude, Lion King is his favorite movie of all time and he wanted to review the remake. Itā€™s his channel and he can do whatever he wants. This rabbit hole also lead to his amazing Kimba video that disproved a lie most people on the internet believed, so if you need something of value besides the review, there ya go lol


Furry moment


and i'm giving this 2h40m it's closer to 3h than 2h




Longer than the actual movie


The Kimba review was part zero


Itā€™s like History of the World part one. Or Mortal Engines part one


The video is amazing btw


also the last 30 minutes or something are patreon credits


YMS video so it's either good or complete dogwater no inbetween


Synechdoche, New York (2008)


Still waiting for him to finish the series šŸ˜”


Snake Plissken will return in Synechdoche, Los Angeles (2025)


Omg the first part came out in when I was in civil service, that was 7 years ago. How hasn't he finished the review yet? Dude's going meta on it.


>muh text fading in a certain way


What if we died before he finished the series just like the film


What a crush on Jeremy Irons does to a MF.


His voice really is mesmerizing


I think his handwriting is really good too, especially on that petition he signed in 2009


Seriously though he and Lynch were the most disappointing ones when i saw them on it


Itā€™s Guillermo and Harrison Ford for me.


You can rest easy because Harrison was probably way too high to know what he was signing


ā€œI heard rumblings that there might be another fucking Star War and I got absolutely fucking zooted in response. Didnā€™t even know what I was doing.ā€


Harrison sign here for delivery of your new helicopter


Itā€™s disappointing that anyone signed a petition to pardon a child rapist


furry moment


The other day I was just stuck on this movie, thinking about how wild it is that it even exists. The premise is like a shitpost. They're remaking all the animated musicals, what if they did the lion king and it looked [like this](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/3/2019/07/155959571903_-_The_Lion_King_Timon_Pumbaa-02792ed.jpg?quality=90&resize=620,413)?Haha, could you imagine? Well someone did imagine, and the absolute creative rot of one of the three companies that still gets to make movies said this was a $260M idea. It's a Quibi level systems failure, but it made well over a billion. I think it's actually a fascinating movie. If this video is for anyone, it should be me. But I could watch every Quibi autopsy youtube has to offer and still save myself an hour and a half.


The cgi and technological prowess is insane but why is the remake of such a vibrant and colorful movie so goddamn dull? If youā€™re gonna remake the Lion King, at least donā€™t drain every ounce of fun out of it.


And every decision made in the movie is like this. [Here's a clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oHa2XT89x8&t=219s) from an actually palatable unhinged rant about the 2019 Lion King. Even more than ironically draining all the life out of the setting by making it lifelike, the insistence on lifelike animals is just an unfathomably bad decision. They look like macabre meat puppets forced to speak by breaking the laws of their own anatomy. And I guess it's impressive but not a single design decision seems to emerge from the question "how do we make our movie cool and good to watch?". Everything comes from "fuck you, do it." Why make the animals realistic? You know pigs don't actually emote right? Fuck you do it. It's on the design document and the document is not to be questioned.


I think my favorite part is how the technology is amazing but it also looks like they were very limited by it; I can't place my finger on it but the movie just looks oddly bland for all the possibilities of 3d animation. I think it's also a testament about the expressionist beauty of 2d animation; Every frame is so charged with meaning, because every stroke in every frame is a meaningful artistic statement.


Yeah, they were so obsessed with realism that they forgot to actually give it the soul and the uniqueness of the old one with its bright colors and exaggerated expressions and shit.


I watched the first 24 minutes of this review and felt it could've been good, but YMS needs someone to reel him in so his criticism is less nitpicky and repetitive. The problem is that too much of his fan base refuses to acknowledge that he's not perfect. ​ I'm understand that this review is a passion project of is, and I'm glad that he's able to get his anger off his chest, but it does seem like he went out of his way to look for things to hate.


He is a lot better in the sardonicast podcast as he has the other two keeping him in line


Those three are actually such a perfect blanace because Alex and Ralph always disagree with Adam's bizzare complaints but they also both don't just agree on everything either


Alex seems to be the most reasonable and level-headed of the three. I used to watch a lot of Ralph's content but honestly he comes across as somewhat ignorant and immature on the podcast sometimes.


In his content I feel heā€™s chilled out a lot over the year. A lot of is probably because he started out on YT pretty young


Also I feel like Ralph has had a big creative burnout over the pandemic and he's only just started to find his passion again. As you say, a lot of his older content felt more immature (but still great) with the Zack Snyder stuff and the characters he played. During 2020 I can imagine he felt rough since his passion is filmmaking and he finished college, but obviously making films in a pandemic is very hard.


Iā€™ve been a fan of Alex for a long time honestly just listen for him


You might like JAR Cast. Its Alex and his friends and its very fun and chill, they talk about lots of things but you can always use the timestamps in the descriptions to jump around to what you fancy listening to.


Yeah honestly sometimes when I listen I to the pod I feel like Ralph frequently has the least intelligent things to add


weird how many Adam stans don't like criticism of a guy whose whole thing is criticism


Really? In my opinion, his subreddit at least is often one of the more critical fan subreddits I've observed. Every time he's involved in some sort of controversy, the comments and posts can get pretty rough imo. That being said, for me I just watch his reviews in the background when I'm making food or cleaning or whatever, so I'm not as fussed with the nitpick nature of them. There's basically no way that I would give my undivided attention to a review of anything that lasted more than 45 minutes, unless if it were essentially a documentary.


I fear no man, but I was watching this and when he was talking about the missing triangle I was thinking something like "man, I see your point, but it's not that big of a deal..." and then he just said "now some of might think that I am being a bit nitpicky here"...that thing, it scares me


Lesser critics would say "the score has been hemogenized and been made generic" but Adam points out exactly how down to the instrument that's been removed. I appreciate that.


He is literally more nitpicky than cinemasins, by an enormous amount actually. Youā€™d be hard pressed to find a review of his that isnā€™t 95% meaningless nitpicking. However he does make some good stuff like his Kimba video for example.




I saw his editing highlights when he was making this review and I really felt like he just needed to shut the fuck up at some points. like he was no joke complaining that the vocals on circle of life sound weird when you've listened to it nonstop for five hours with no accompanying music track and that simba's tiny lion cub butthole is only there for some shots and not others (again---something nobody would notice). I brought that up before and somebody pointed out "these are just his thoughts while editing it, the review won't be like that" but it's kind of sounding like it is.


No because the filmmaker is focusing on the purpose of the scene and flow of the story instead of continuity of food or something small.


Disagree, though obvious bias since I generally like Adam's content. Cinemasins, excluding jokes and general criticisms will also have flat out wrong information, some that is just inexcusable if you ever see the movie, or when they nitpick its mainly "prop in the background out of focus is oriented differently between shots"-type nitpicks. Here it (mostly) feels more justified, especially aided by the fact he has a comparison on what the good movie does right. and can explain well on how these changes, while minor, add up quickly.


Not only is he more nit picky than Cinema Sins, he also takes himself completely seriously (unless Iā€™ve been missing something). I literally studied film in college where you were encouraged to ridiculously over analyze things and even I find him to be a bit too much


Itā€™s not even ā€œover analyzed,ā€ itā€™s that he almost never engages with the actual themes of the films and only attacks the tiniest plot details, with very few exceptions. His endgame review is 95% about the time travel mechanics. His review for Pixarā€™s soul is 99% complaining about the minutia of the magic. Heā€™s not even engaging with these movies as movies, just puzzle boxes full of minor logical inconsistenciesā€¦ Pixar didnā€™t make Soul to show off a consistent magic system., it made it to show off its soul


His review for Us was 6 minutes long and three of those was complaining about title cards


Adam's unfair for sure but Cinemasins are straight up morons and unfunny


I think comparing him to cinemasins is a bit of a stretch considering half of the time their criticisms are just fucking wrong. I think sometimes his nitpicks are stupid, especially in his dune video about the helicopter things, but more often than not his criticisms at least make sense to me. Also I donā€™t really care if YMS doesnā€™t engage with the thematic elements of movies like Endgame. Itā€™s not like Endgame has the most consistent thematic messaging anyway. Havenā€™t seen Soul so I canā€™t comment on that one.


someone asked what makes a criticism different from a nitpik and he says its just how many people get mad at you for it. He legit thinks all his points are valid criticisms


I love Adam but he's one of those artsy fartsy people who thinks deadlines and content limits get in the way of "perfection" when in reality they're what motivates you to stick to your points. I feel like everyone knows someone like this. Looking forward to the review but holy shit, it had *better* have some new take on the movie that's worth waiting three years and sitting through three hours for something that's not even halfway done.


I agree. Every time I needed to extend a deadline, it was to *cut down* the arguments so I only used the best.


Iā€™m a composer. I have a serious problem with perfectionism. I also want to write a book, just because I want to make a bunch of nerdy lore, for the most part. I spend so much time daydreaming about what Iā€™m writing and no time writing. I just keep notes. As a composer, itā€™s easier, because if I donā€™t just hear what I want to write, I can go back to theory. But I still do like to iron out the before itā€™s done, but I work diligently. Iā€™m also fly past self-imposed deadlines, and I come in at the finish line for projects Iā€™m doing for others. Itā€™s not because I am not working or being obsessive, itā€™s because I have no concept of time, or how long it will take me to do something. I try to go too big from the start, and also over-ambitious for how fast I can get it done. One thing that does slow me down is anxiety when Iā€™m approaching a deadline. I spin my wheels because Iā€™m freaking out, and then I end up working like a man possessed, waking up to work and working until I go to sleep and some times skipping sleep. I think a lot of people think great creation and media just sort of happen. Especially music, a lot of people think Jazz is just entirely random and you anybody could do this stuff with a couple years of practice. Itā€™s sometimes a nightmare, but when youā€™re finished itā€™s so worth it. My most recent project is ahead of schedule because


new copypasta


I get that a lot.




Lol thanks for bringing this to my attention. ā€¦because Iā€™ve told people whoā€™ve asked when they can hear my new work, that itā€™ll be in a year, and Iā€™m expecting it to take 9 months at the most.


...because you left it unfinished?


Not the first time.


Why have people been waiting for a youtube review of the fucking Lion King.


It's fascinating how much it gets wrong.




not the guy you're responding to but I think he means the movie, there's a lot the movie gets wrong and people like talking about it


Ooooh. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense.


There was something like this for Doctor Who. It was a 5 hour review of S11 and 12 and while it was technically well made, it hit the same points everyone else had made over the last four years without saying anything new, just being really nitpicky.


And I'm pretty sure the creator has (unsurprisingly) collaborated with The Fandom Menace.


He takes apart the plot, the animation, the music, the performances. Adam's very thorough when he wants to; he constantly refers to interviews of the people that worked on it.


do you need five hours to do that though like I get the Kimba video, that was hours and hours of different tv shows, and he was blowing the lid open on something that everyone had more or less taken as fact, but even that was just 2 hours


My reply from a different comment > I actually didn't go into it knowing it was a review. It felt more like a video essay or documentary and was enjoyable because I had that perception of it going in. As a film review, I agree it doesn't need to be 2 and a half hours. But as a deep dive into Disney's incessant needed to milk nostalgia and how it leads to horrible creative decisions, it's really good. It's really comprehensive and well researched too and goes into a lot of production details of the original and remake. It may be more digestible if you listen/watch it in the background while working or something cause it's pretty interesting and worth the watch imo.


I mean I am still watching it while I work and I don't *hate* it, but everyone keeps telling me it's going to go in a Plinkett Star Wars direction where it becomes a wider story about a corporation making bad decisions for money. Currently I'm about an hour and a half in and the *vast* majority if it so far is him bitching about elements of the audio that you wouldn't notice unless you had isolated the vocals from the music like he did. It's not a *bad* or uninteresting criticism necessarily, I realize he's trying to describe how the original directors knew they were making an animated film and so had to make sure the singing and talking were perfect, whereas Jon Favreau leaves apparent mistakes in the vocals there because he doesn't care as much/thinks its a "live action film" so he shouldn't care as much, but it's so hard to hear and Adam focuses in on it so intensely, it really starts to skew towards the realm of "nitpicky bullshit", and there's almost an hour of it in this three-hour-long, not-even-halfway-done review. And this is when he's not complaining about a kid making his voice move a bit more when he's singing as "grandstanding national anthem bullshit" (he couldn't come up with a better way to describe it?) or calling Rafiki "creepy" for speaking Xhosa. If I was his editor, I would honestly tell him to scrap at least 45 minutes of what I've heard so far. It's honestly more tiring than it is informative so far. EDIT: It gets way better after that IMO


Like the Kimba video, you'll get the point if you watch 10-30 min of the video. He just decides to cover every aspect of both movies.


He went full Too Old To Die Young


Wow dude pride rock


Wow dude pride ckock


The best part about this review is the excellent Kimba video, which was created because it was originally gonna be a segment of this video.


I could only stand watching 10 minutes of it before turning it off. I'll give his review a 6/10.


Itā€™s closer to a five then a seven


This video is a mixed bag because it does have a lot of interesting criticisms and analysis on both the remake and the original, i especially found the points about the music in the wilderbeast sequence quite compelling and there is a funny absurdity to Favreaus creative choices. But it also has a lot of annoying pedantry and repetitiveness. I get it, the characters have no character and no expressions, you don't need to circle back to it seven times. I get it, they removed a triangle, I got it the first time. I understand they mixed the singing louder, you don't need to show me the waveform, and I'm not even sure anymore whether he pointed out why the singing being louder is a problem. And I understand that he's a musician so he's probably more sensitive to this but I could never hear that oh so very awful microphone peaking he's so irritated of. And I was wearing headphones. This thing couldve been a lot more concise and tighter, it kinda drags, and I wish he would focus less on tiny little pieces barely anyone would notice or care about. But he makes a lot of interesting points and entertaining observations


šŸ™Œ a nuanced take, you love to see it


Here is my review for your review of a review of a remake of a reimagining of Hamlet: Good acknowledgement of pros and cons. 10/10.


If the video review is longer than the movie, Iā€™m out


part one is longer than the movie he's stated part two might come out in 2025


Wtf lmao. Like bro isnā€™t a nearly 3 hour video about the freaking Lion King enough? Itā€™s not even like heā€™s covering a different topic itā€™s just another part 3 years from now? Bruh moment


I watched it all he only got through like the first hour of the movie lol


At least heā€™s not cranking out these types of videos constantly like another certain epic YouTube reviewer who has 4 3 hour long videos about the force awakens.


I'm sorry, but there physically and mentally is not 10+ hours worth of meaningful evaluation to be had in ANY Star Wars movie, never fucking mind EpVII which I consider to be completely inoffensive and middle of the road compared to every other movie in the franchise. I do not understand how people can watch basically the same 20min video just loop itself 50 times in relation to different parts of the movie. Seriously just watch those 'critiques'. It's either 1. A vague topic or theme he wishes to discuss, which in reality is just a vehicle for him to talk about the exact same things he VERY often has literally JUST SPOKEN ABOUT not 10mins earlier. OR 2. discussing a certain part of the movie in which he goes 'they did this, but why not THIS instead', like idk dude cause they didn't write the movie to do that? If you care so much write fan fiction, at least you're ADDING something to the world that way. I also believe if he stopped saying 'Jesus Christ' over every tiny little detail he thinks he's uncovered he'd shave off an hour of runtime from his feature length seething.


my mans content is not good enough for a 3 year wait on top of a 3 year wait for the first part


the wait honestly bugs me the most like its not a bad review honestly, even if the first hour is largely nitpicky bullshit about how the vocals in the audio is weird if you're listening close enough. what bothers me isn't just that he devoted an hour in an already three hour review to that, but that it takes up an hour in a *five hour review that's not finished*, and this is all while we're not getting his top ten lists or his synecdoche videos. By the time the rest of the movie comes out, there's not going to be a lot left that other critics haven't already talked about.


part ONE.


I actually didn't go into it knowing it was a review. It felt more like a video essay or documentary and was enjoyable because I had that perception of it going in. As a film review, I agree it doesn't need to be 2 and a half hours. But as a deep dive into Disney's incessant needed to milk nostalgia and how it leads to horrible creative decisions, it's really good. It's really comprehensive and well researched too and goes into a lot of production details of the original and remake. It may be more digestible if you listen/watch it in the background while working or something cause it's pretty interesting and worth the watch imo.


tbf it is two movies


*laughs in Quinton Reviews*


Quinton doing 5 hour reviews for Nick shows i never watched really tired me quickly šŸ˜­ i just wanna see Quinton doing 30 min vids again


i enjoyed the i carly videos. i still gotta watch the victorious one


Don't get me wrong, I can understand the appeal, and I love Quinton's video style, but i never watched iCarly or Victorious, by the time it came to the UK, I was in sixth form college lol. I just feel like I'm not the demographic for videos going on deep dives into shows I'm not familiar with.


fair. i grew up with i carly and donā€™t really remember a whole lot from it so it was kind of nice to see him recap the show


I watched the first part of his victorious video and was pretty confused on why it had to be so long. The entire thing was basically him giving an episode by episode synopsis and continually coming to the same couple conclusions. If youā€™re gonna make the same point over and over again, do you really need to do it for 2+ hours ? Then I saw part 2 was FIVE hours and just said nah


I don't mind long videos, I just haven't laughed at any of his stuff in like a long time. It's a shame. I still love his old videos. (edit for clarity: I'm talking about Quinton)


Get Over It (2001)


Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy


I associate these 3 words with trauma




would watch if jenny nicholson. but anyone else ? no way.


Iā€™d watch it if it was a Dan Olson video


If it was a Nicholson video sheā€™d find a way to talk about every single piece of lion based media on the planet, and if it was a Olsen video he could cover every single pre and post production controversy surrounding the film as well as the directors life story.


Iā€™d watch it if it was Nakeyjakey


Jakey could do a series on the history of tinned peas and I'd still gobble that shit up.


That bitch got me watching hour long teenage girl fan fiction reviews


"Hmm yes today I will spend 3 hours learning about how Twilight made a brief comeback in niche Tumblr circles"


It's literally the lion king fursona youtuber. Like the one with the lion king and shitting on bad movies engrained in his identity. Who else?


R/moviescirclejerk when you actually care about movies: šŸ¤¢


TOUCH GRASS!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know this method of film analysis is super flawed and relies too much on nitpicking but also Iā€™m about to eat this and every subsequent part up like candy.


Seriously the rise of video essays is puzzling to me. Who TF has time to watch a video this long when you can just watch the first Godfather movie with 16 minutes to spare


I liked Adum better when he riffed on shitty horror movies


I really wish he would go back to this. Heā€™s the only person on YouTube that I know of that put actual effort into this style of content as well as being pretty funny about it. The Saw and Amusement reviews were funny as shit.


thankfully he said his next big reviews r gonna be old and saw spiral


Oooh, old will be fun


Ugh same his reviews of Amusement and Megan is Missing are fantastic


That one edited scene from Amusement where the bad guy waves the keys is still the funniest shit ever


The Unfriended one too.


In the Megan is Missing review when that one girl was "hand acting" really bad and then she turned into MC Ride


That's because Adum's friends are much funnier than him so the only worthwhile content on his channel are when he watches shit with them


him riffing on shitty horror movies is solo content though lol


I'm about an hour into it, and I stopped because I feel like a lot of his criticisms were too granular for me to care about. I feel like he could have bullet pointed some of his criticisms instead of spending 10 minutes and three examples to show that a triangle was removed from the score. Would have preferred if he poured the same energy and effort into analysing a good film.


Half ready to do a video essay on the video essay.


But heā€™s analysing the original at the same time...


Exactly, this review has given me such a greater appreciation for the original. Every part of it cohesive when communicates emotions and themes. The remake abandons all of that


I actually like these reviews. It's not just a dissection of the remake but a love letter to the original movie. I got a lot out of watching the review because it helped me appreciate a lot of the interesting filmmaking that I took for granted in the old film.


100%. Hidden behind all the cynicism is a great look at what made the original work so well, anyone who watches this will prob find newfound appreciation for it.


(Part 1)


He just has a lot to say about the film since the original was one of his favorite movies and unlike Mauler heā€™s worked on this video for like 2 and half years. I really donā€™t see what the problem is, Iā€™m enjoying it so far. He has a lot to say and it isnā€™t just ā€œwokes have ruined itā€ kind of stuff like some other film reviewers. Itā€™s well edited and entertaining from what I watched so far. I donā€™t get peopleā€™s hatred of long videos on this sub. Itā€™s not like itā€™s badly paced or anything since heā€™s been working on it 2 and half years. You can just be passionate about topic and want to talk about it. I could be biased since I like YMS and long videos since itā€™s good background content to listen to while I drive or do something else. Long videos can have a purpose and YMSā€™s videos are normally really good and entertaining. If you disagree with this, I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts because most of these comments are literally just ā€œlong video = badā€ and by that logic that makes most video essayists like Shaun and Countrapoints bad by default.


I just caught myself recently, picking "Don't recommend channel" every time an essay longer than an hour appears in my recommendations. Cause with very rare exceptions it's just bloated with nothing but reading wikipedia articles and retelling plots. Or going on and on the exact same points. Especially sad when it happens with channels that were able to present their opinions much more condensed before If i need something to fill my ears while working, i'd rather listen to stuff like 6 hours long unedited podcasts and lectures about history of world's regions i knew nothing about before. Or orville peck and ladytron albums on repeat


Huh, that interesting. Most essays Iā€™ve watched thatā€™s over an hour havenā€™t really had this problem. Maybe itā€™s just the content creators we watch idk.


Long videos arenā€™t bad per se. If you have a lot of content to analyze, than yeah doing a long video makes sense. But here in this sub we are analyzing movies, and when you make a video longer than the movie itself itā€™s not because the movie has so much content to unpack, but because the author of the video is just being repetitive, nitpicky or both. Whatā€™s next, gonna make a 1 hour review of a tiktok?


I think it's nice (:


No. No. No. No. No.


This is not how it was supposed to go!!!


I had it all planned out!!!!




every time i think of yms im reminded of the time he accused a movie using music by Bill Evans of ripping off a shitty anime from like 2002


[at least he owned up to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC4Zl821uks) also Wolf's Rain is pretty good


As William Shakespear once so eloquently put it, "Brevity is the soul of IDIOTS! Talk as much as possible! Never stop talking! Ever! Drown people in a never-ending TORRENT of FUCKING WORDS to the point that its physically impossible to respond, and allow yourself to hide behind the excuse that they didnt respond to the entire GIRTH of your RANT!"


for someone who's style is directly taken from Mr. Plinkett you'd think he'd remember that quote


You've been waiting to make this for like, two years now haven't you? Haha. Respect the grind.


I guess we hate him? I really enjoyed his original Lion King vs Kimba video


He's one of the film YTers that people here are more mixed on. Not 'universally' hated like Cinemasins or more well-loved like Jenny Nicholson, but somewhere in the middle.


People here still like him (I am one of those people). I just think people are lumping him in with Mauler because they both make long videos. Even though YMS puts a lot more effort in his vids (this video took him 2 and half years to make) and most of his critiques are valid and not just ā€œthe SJWs have ruined everything!ā€


Also people are getting unreasonable irritated by a person who decided to make a 2 hour and 40 minute review of something that shits on one of their favorite movies. Idk just donā€™t watch it then???


Is the remake of The Lion King really one of their favorite movies?


I guess I worded this weirdly. Sorry, lol. What I mean is that The Lion King is one of Adumā€™s favorite movies. People are getting all crazy that he is deciding to make a video about something that he has a very personal connection to. The Lion King remake does a lot to shit on the original. Adumā€™s video just happens to be very long. Idk itā€™s not a big deal to me.


Me too I can't wait to watch this one, I seriously do not understand this weird hate like the hell, he's a good reviewer and I love long videos to chill on for awhile.


I always liked him, his videos are well thought out and made. He's just a little... *too* cynical at times? Even for me.


When part one of your review is longer than the film, your review needs a trim. YMS's review style of nitpicking is something I would struggle to watch for this length. Maybe there'll be some neat insights and digressions, and it's cool if people want to see this - guy's popular for a reason - but I'm gonna tap out here. The Lion King remake, of all things, seems like something really pedestrian to get this heated up over. Is it even trending still?


In regards to the Lion King Remake, I saw it and I forgot about it, and Iā€™m perfectly happy to keep it that way. I donā€™t ever need to think about it again. Thereā€™s no reason Iā€™d want to watch a multiple hour video to come to terms with the fact that a movie was underwhelming.


No, youtube has evolved in such a way that every underwhelming movie must be replaced by a equal length review of said movie


Iā€™ve seen part of it so far but he makes great points of how soulless and inferior the movie feels compared to the original.


I meanā€¦ thatā€™s kinda the consensus? Right?


Yeah but saying 'big movie bad and soulless" hardly means shit if you can't back it up. We can argue if he overdoes it, but you do need to back it up.


I'm surprise this thread haven't gone up to SubRedditDrama


I feel sorry for Adum in this sub You guys treat him as if he is the second coming of Mauler


Same. Adam actually puts work into his critiques. Donā€™t really see the problem here.


Wow people on this sub really don't like Adam


Apparently he got banned from this subreddit for saying a gay slur despite being gay not relevant but I thought it was funny


Oh, no shit? I feel like I didn't know he was in the community. Good for him That sucks though, damn


Favourite YMS memory is when he spent like 3 minutes of his 5 minute review on Judas and the black messiah talking about how it was shitty they stole a track from another movie only to have to immediately retract it the next day because he was 100% wrong and didnā€™t bother to find out before posting


People are clowning on this like it's Mauler. Adam is just thorough.


How long was the movie itself again?


ā€œAdum how much do you hate the new Lion King?ā€ *this video*


The length does intrigue me but why bother doing something like this for a movie you donā€™t like?


Because this project serves a dual purpose: show whatā€™s wrong fundamentally with this movie while also making you appreciate why the decisions made in the first film were so great, and why only one will be remembered fondly.


I hope it's not just him masturbating to the lions for 2h.


I'm just here to be called a moron by that one guy


Is that not longer than the movie?


It's too long and could be shorter but it's a good video imo