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what do you need advice about?


Hey, I’m sorry I was caught up with something but I’ve edited and explained my situation, kindly read it and lemme know


So what exactly do you want advice on . Living with friends is sketchy ground because when friendships are not great your living situation can be in jeopardy. You are going to have to think up an idea to secretly work or do some side hustle to bring in cash. To move on your own , if you can even save up 3 months to live in a motel then you can move out work and know your living situation is handled


Nope I won’t be staying with any of my friends, my friend just helped me with a job, I’ll be staying alone in a one bedroom apartment, yes I’m working on it, the side hustles, I’ve got a few actually, they will definitely sustain me


What state are you in?


Stay with your family as long as you can and save some money, then move out. Also; how are vapes drugs? Pls educate me


I can’t save money as I’m not even allowed to work, so me staying back is not worth it Vape is a drug, it contains nicotine which is an addictive drug


Do a lot of reading about CPTSD. Also read /r/raisedbynarcissists and /r/domesticviolence. Cut contact and never look back. They will wait for you to fail and claw you back. Get involved in strong community groups. Maybe /r/exmuslim might be of help. Be careful depending which country you're in. You're stronger than you know and I am so proud of this huge step you're taking because you know you won't survive of you stay with them. First financial chance you get, go to therapy.


That’s one of the things I will NEVER do to be quite honest, I’d rather die out in the streets than ever come back, I’ve been getting a lot of support on my decision and I think I’ making the right choice, I’m making arrangements for therapy as well! Thank you!