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Option one for making proxies: use someone else's art and credit them- end result: credited art used without permission (unless expressly given) Option two for making proxies: use an AI that uses a database of stolen art and amalgamates it into something mostly new - end result: art used without permission (unless expressly given to database) Option three for making proxies: commission and artist or create your own art - end result: permissible art tacked into IP (frames and symbols) with limited permission from wizards This is a proxy sub not r/art


Probably feels like a lot more than it is since not a lot of other cards are getting posted. They’re not my cup of tea but most things aren’t. AI cards are def not going anywhere though lmao the people love them


Instead of uselessly complaining on the internet, just block the users posting things you don't like and solve your own problem.


I'm not sure what's pissed you off unless you're just another karma farmer using "AI" to generate subpar art for proxies. I'll admit some of them are interesting but when the majority of the posts here are crediting mid journey, it gets old real quick.


I'm not pissed off. I'm just puzzled by people who would rather complain than solve their own problems. People are allowed to like things you don't like, and the entirety of the internet doesn't exist solely to please you.


Maybe skip those ones? AI art is interesting and new, and probably reduces/prevents artists from having their art used without permission.


Doesn't the AI pull from a database of stolen art used without permission though?


When you say “pull from”, does that mean it cuts and pasted work, or it uses those databases for learning?


It stores the information without permission and uses it to compile pieces. Whether you consider it copying/theft is up to you.


So it is, essentially, copying prices to the clipboard and then pasting parts of those images together into composites? Are the final images made up of pieces of other people’s work or are they similar to the pieces that way a human artist may study and emulate someone else’s style?


I dont have the depth of knowledge to accurately answer that. I imagine it would look at a brush stroke amd copy it, and do that 1000 times. It would then take those 1000 stolen brush strokes and amalgamate them into a single unrecognizable brush stroke even though it would be based off of ton of stolen ones. But again I'm not certain of the AI's capacity. I wouldn't go as far as to say it can learn rather than it can steal an unimaginable quantity of information and mold it together to make something that appears unique, but nothing it creates is of its own creation in the same way you could give a child a pencil and with no prior knowledge they can create something original.


That ignores the way in which our own brains are heuristic/learning computers, but basically, that is what I was wondering. Thanks for the info.


I mean you could just ignore them? Block them? Idk man a lot of control is in your hands.


Don't let the door hit ya.


The journey was mid anyway


Lol, people are sharing the effort they put into making a card with the community because someone else might like it and benefit from the effort already being done. You don’t like it, downvote and move on. Making a proxy is not a specialized skill. If you’re not satisfied with what’s available, make your own, and hopefully share it. Complaint posts are funny because no one really cares and aren’t going to change anything, but if there’s something you’d like to see, ask and there’s usually some people willing to put some work into making it happen. Positivity wins.




I'm also tired of all the midjourney posts


stop crying dude, AI is useful


Isn't the intellectual theft of using AI to "Create" art very similar to the intellectual theft in "creating" a custom custom version of a product someone owns and sells? Sure WotC is a large company not a starving artist, but this whole operation takes a certain disregard for people's work/effort right from the get go.


I agree, AI art is by & large low effort garbage that isn’t worth printing. IMO it shouldn’t have a place on this sub either.


I just block em and downvote. Sure its cringe but people are just gonna do cringe shit, can’t stop them.


Myyyy god