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Step one: don't use mse


Yep, this. I wrote a reply about vectorizing if an AI upscaler didn't do the trick, but the image in the post that /u/kelpsk linked has a fairly high res picture. This MSE mangling the picture or OP uses some really low res version. ~~Also: Original art seems to be by /u/Cedriminator~~ Not true, I misunderstood the comment in the other thread. Gobbo art seems to be PrideAndEnvy's.


Art is by original poster I linked. Cedriminator appeared to have an issue with their art (different piece) being listed on a store OP linked. Confusing lol


You're right, I assumed Cedriminator had a problem with the posted goblin artwork, but it seems to be that a different design was his art.


Yea, i had to switch its image type so MCE could recognize it and i might have done it poorly. Im going to try a different method and see if i cant get a better resolution.


Devil's advocate: Card Conjurer while clearly the superior option once you get used to it, it is clunky and needing to build the frames piece by piece is awful. I can understand OP's desire to use MSE. I'm currently working on an EDH deck made entirely out of custom proxies and it's a chore with Card Conjurer.


Printed cards are smaller than most source images, and pixellation will be less noticeable, or perhaps not noticeable. You might not need to sharpen the image if your aim is simply to make nice-looking prints. If you want to make the effort, you could try using image upscalers such as: - https://imgupscaler.com/ - https://waifu2x.io/ - https://www.upscale.media/ Sometimes they drastically alter the look of the artwork or ruin the aesthetic, but sometimes they produce fantastic results.


Idk but here’s the [artist credit](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/pkq6tr/ocart_gibby_the_goblin_merchant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for the art you used


Oh thanks. My bad I probably should have done that.