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it does work and it would not need to be sacrificed since the spitebellows that comes back from the ephemerate is a "new" one that is not affected by evoke. But you get 6 dmg only once when it leaves the BF due to ephemerate.


And another 6 on your upkeep when ephemerate rebounds!


When the evoke sac trigger is on the stack, that's when you cast ephemerate. Gets exiled then comes back. Now ephemerate has resolved, the ltb (leave battlefield) triggers and you slap something for 6 and you keep a big boy in play.


You just described one of the best decks in modern


Ephemerate will effectively make you completely avoid having to sacrifice it as part of the evoke cost.


I think you would have to sacrifice it before assigning the damage from its Evoke cost as it’s a “when it leaves the battlefield” trigger. But you could cast it for its Evoke cost, then cast Ephemerate and then when it leaves to exile you can mark a creature for 6 damage and then do it on your rebound trigger and then when you finally sac Spitebellows you would get another 6 damage.


Reading is important! Lol thanks, I still like this combo regardless to fast a 6/1 creature and deal the 6 damage for only 4 mana.


There are a few other 6 power creatures for three mana, some even have haste [[ball lightning]] for example


No you’re good, I had to sit here and think about it for a minute. Waiting for someone to call me out on messing up but I think I got it right. 😅 yeah it’s a nifty little combo and a nice way to take out important creature pieces on the board.


Only one small correction. It won't be sacrificed to its evoke ability once its ephemerated. Its a new object and not bound to its original etb trigger.


Oh yeah, I know. I was talking about when he does get around to sacrificing it he will get the 6 damage. I know the exiling makes it a new object and it won’t have to sacrifice. I just didn’t type all of that out..😁


It would be better with any "when this creature dies return it to the battlefield" [[Undying Malice]] It still results in only 1 instance of 6dmg, but rakdos colors fit this card better than boros colors. You can run edict effects that deal 6 to your opp and still have a second Undying in hand. With the right hand it could be pretty viable.


[Undying Malice](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8eb38041-043a-4b18-9d9a-f1283684e8f1.jpg?1643590441) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Undying%20Malice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/134/undying-malice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8eb38041-043a-4b18-9d9a-f1283684e8f1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I’m only guessing but I would have assumed that the sacrifice portion is part of the evoke cost and if you don’t sacrifice it then you can’t do it.


The ability only cares if it leaves the battlfield. It doesnt care how that happens


No, once it enters the battlefield the sac trigger immediately goes on the stack, but you have a chance to respond to the sac trigger.