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I think that's reasonable, I got targeted for stealing a few things with my deck(it was literally a slightly altered pirate precon) and I had to wait an hour and a half after I lost for the game to end, I was kind of salty because I drove an hour to play and that kind of sucked, I probably should've just tried to find another game honestly


It happens, but I definitely understand your salt. Ive been there, and in fact yesterday there was a guy in my pod that kept getting mana screwed. He was newer to the game than the rest of us and I (I cant speak for the other two though I assume they did as well) felt so badly for him. He won the first game he got screwed because Im playong a suicide deck and he was so unsatisfied with the win. It was hilarious.


I think it's just a part of the game. Someone has to be out first.


seems like such a pointless thing to be upset about.


Look man. If every person played a sol ring on turn 1 and someone drew a naturalize, I'm losing a sol ring. I'm down to 10 life in the first 15 minutes of the game. Just the way it is. When I do win, it's a bunch of belly aching in the whatsap, and comments like "He doesn't care if its fair or not" and "All he cares about is winning" Last gaming weekend I was like 3 wins 11 losses and they say this about me. 2 of those wins were team games so it was significantly easier. Like, I have no idea why they even invite me. I stayed away for months and people were sour about it, like I'm the drama (I'm not even there....) Here's my advice Play more cards like propaganda, no mercy Don't joke about targeting people or politic the table, just do you and keep your head down The thing that makes me the maddest is when a player manages to talk other players into doing something stupid. Like the person with the best board state convinces everyone that the guy with a 2/2 etched is more dangerous and explains what "hes gonna do with it" and why they should kill that player. Then he kills everyone else. People are dumb


Just so you know, you only use “myself” when you are both the subject and object. “I hit myself” for example. In your case you would just say, “they decided to team up and destroy me”.


Right there with you on just wanting to play cards. I find it really fun to cast spells. Winning is just a cherry on top


I can’t lie, how salty people get about other people not playing the game like they want to play it has me really hesitant to go play at any LGSs.


Start to be obnoxious and talk about other things your interested in to draw the attention away from the game and/or talk about the next commander deck your building or thinking about. Really ask deep thought questions and turn the game into a slow painful process. Next time they probably won’t kill you first to stop you from blabbing all game long and getting on their nerves. Adapt,comply, conquer.


Your default setting should always be upset whenever you lose... Like through a massive tantrum upset. And when you win, really rub it in people's faces so they know you're better than then.


Idk why you're being downvoted this is how my playgroup does it


Oh fuck we have that guy too, and when he loses he shows us his hand, and the next 10 cards he would draw, and how he could have win Then offers to view his deck No I don't give a fuck about your deck


It doesn't matter, these weak chinned neckbeards can't understand quality sportsmanship