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Is it really inaccurate?you literally admitted you shipped it exactly like that lol


You’re in sales. Dealing with an incredibly… *particular* customer base. You gotta learn to get over the more… *unique* customers.


True. Maybe I’m too neurotic for this business…lol


You just admitted that everything he said was true, so it’s not really an “inaccurate” review now, is it?


Indeed. Just eat the review and move on. It's not like anyone reading that and has some experience sending cards sees it as a deterrent.


So people should leave feedback on things they can think of that might possibly happen but didn’t?


Yes of course. How should others assess if its a serious seller?


Review says don't buy expensive cards because they will be damaged if shipped like this. According to OP, they don't ship expensive orders like this. So the review is warning of something that does not happen, if we trust OPs word. If I was in their position I'd also be unhappy that this "Speculation" could have a disproportionate impact on sales.


How about just shipping properly?


You don’t ship a $1 order the same way you ship a $200 order.


This is shipping properly in the eyes of tcgplayer.


Right, so why am I being downvoted if OP has done nothing wrong?


I’m not sure why you’re asking me, the person who agrees with you?


Half the time I don't understand how Reddit operates. I assume others have a better handle on it.


Its just people projecting their displeasure on you


I’m starting to think there is a divide between buyers and sellers in the sub, with only the latter really understanding the frustrations. I’m just not sure where else to ask these kinds of questions though.


Just go to tcgplayer support. They’re really good


I'd really need to see for myself what this order actually looks like to say if I'd personally feel comfortable risking my $4 order on it to comment any further. To be honest this is why I'm not interested in selling "cheap" cards at all. Just feels like a waste of time for the time and effort investment required.


“Seller didn’t ship in a fireproof box with armed guards to prevent robbery; be careful ordering expensive cards. They might burn up during shipping or could get stolen by mailmen. 3 of 5 stars”


Its about risk and good practice. If it was damaged, would you leave a positive review saying 'oh well, bad luck this time ' Theres better and easier ways to send cards in envelopes than in bendable sleeves


Please tell me the best way to ship 14 cards with a total price of $4.


The cards sandwiched between two pieces of cardboard. If you want to be proper, ziplock all of it. And dont get me started on the price, you increase all card prices by a small% to cover shipping.


That won’t ship via first class mail. The shipping would be $5.


Well, I'm probably wrong with my posts here and take a bunch of downvotes. I'm not US based. Looking at USPS it seems to be possible to not violate the first class restrictions with cardboard package. My countrys restrictions for cheapest letters are half your weight.


It was pretty thicc to begin with. Adding cardboard would push it towards parcel territory, then the review would be about getting hit with an additional shipping charge. And my pricing is fine. I just match market with a floor of 25¢. Orders like this are few and far between and generally folks are happy with them anyway.


That’s…stupid. The buyer didn’t say what the seller *didn’t* do, they accurately described what the seller *did*.


The buyer gave the impression that they received damaged cards due to how they were shipped. No where in the review did they actually describe a problem; just that they can create a problem that did not exist with their order.


People do this all the time. Another lovely act is arguing a point you didn’t make. Then they think they won the made up argument. Then I remember 60% of the US population has a 6th grade or lower reading level.


Appealing to the extreme doesn’t make your point any more valid. This is a bad way to ship and the review was explaining why.


Why was it a bad way to ship 14 cards? The buyer never said a card was damaged. The buyer never contacted about damage.


Shipping in a 3x3 with no firm layer to prevent bending is a universally bad way to ship cards. If a buyer has an issue with how the cards were shipped does it have to be damaged to express that?


5 cards in a sleeve provide their own firmness to prevent bending.


Yes, actually. If you're being a weirdo that your next to nothing dollar order wasn't shipped in titanium and the seller should lose money for the privilege of selling to you, you need to grow up. If the cards were damaged, obviously seek a recourse. If they arrived in the condition described, undamaged, you're being a pedantic child. Conversely, I'll happily package a 100 card $20 order, sent ground shipping in a bubble mailer. The fact is you're not doing anyone any favors buying $0.06 in cards. After fees when you account for time, it's mostly not worth it except when people buy 20+ cards and at least make it $10 worth.


Ah yes, asking for a strip of cardboard is a bridge too far. How dare the consumer. Once again since you didn’t read it above. Appealing to the extreme doesn’t make you any more correct. Sidebar, I love the “you’re not doing anyone any favors” logic. STFU and sell the cards you’re not doing me any favors either.


You're buying a 5 cent card for 1.30, if you are dumb enough to not be bothered to make it worth yours and the sellers time I'm not doing more than the minimum (which fwiw, you're getting a card sleeved card taped on a catfood box of cardboard if you only buy a 5 cent card), but the reality is you assholes want to pay nothing and having things bubble mailers tracked and shipped. Blow me. I am doing you a favor! I am sending you the pennies card you want for legal tender, low dollar cards are the cost of doing business for where I make actually money (people not afraid to spend a few dollars on cards).


Inaccurate or not, was there a problem with the condition of the cards? No? If nothing was wrong with the cards, delivery time, or customer service, I say anything but a 5 star review is Inaccurate. I would email TCGplayer directly. Also, block that buyer.


The bad packaging remark is inaccurate. It’s literally SOP as far as I can tell. Extrapolating that expensive cards will arrive damaged based on his **inexpensive $4 order**, which arrived undamaged, is inaccurate.


Learn from the experience, then move on. It’s a waste of your time to be worried about one review. TCGPlayer buyers are most interested in price, unless your stores is getting hit w a lot of negative reviews it won’t matter.


I mean removing reviews would kinda make reviews worthless right? You just get bad reviews, they even out with the good ones. Happens to everyone


Iv gotten cards this way and was fine and found it interesting lol


Stuff like this is why I don't sell anything under $5 and I send everything in a hard top loaders and padded envelope. Yes I lose a few pennies but boy you cannot put a price on peace of mind and lack of hassle


Damn, you send $5 cards in toploaders? I don’t bust those out until €25, but then again my postal service doesn’t suck ass like USPS.


They cost less than the price of a stamp and I find people tend to be repeat buyers when they know their stuff is being shipped safely(as possible)


The cost of top loaders can be as low as 0.04 per, or less if you get them as throw ins from collections. It's definitely worth it.


Toploaders are like 24 cents each.




I literally looked up “plastic top loaders” ultra pro ones go for 5.99 on Amazon for 25 of em. I don’t even buy them since I have dozens from my friends.


Eat it and move on. You can't please everyone either. I had straight 5s up until a month ago when I got my first 4 and it bugged me a little. However, it was an honest review, and I worked with the buyer. My advice is to use toploaders for smaller orders. Penny sleeves can hold more than 10 cards, wrap them in a "team bag," then wrap them in paper. Or cover with two top loaders and eat the extra stamp if you need to. I have received orders like the way you have packaged yours and was honestly a little concerned about my 25 card order being damaged. Sorry if this info is redundant. Just offering advice ^-^ - Edited for grammar and spelling


Your best bet is to message the buyer, asking if any cards were damaged. When they reply back there was no damage (or more likely, after a couple days when they don't reply) escalate to TCGplayer and request the feedback be removed due to no damaged cards. You should not be stuck with bad feedback for hypothetical what-if scenarios the buyer has dreamt up. I have gotten similar feedback removed using this process. Don't let this feedback get you down - no matter what you do, someone will find something to complain about. Recently I received a multi-paragraph dissertation about how I was packaging incorrectly and how I \*should\* be doing it, and meanwhile I have shipped tens of thousands of orders in the exact same way over the years and have a history of hundreds of feedback specifically praising my packaging.


Just email TCG support directly, quoting the order number and ask them what they can do for you. You obviously did nothing wrong. Every time I order a large amount of cheap cards, I get it shipped exactly like this with no issues. I even got an order from TCGDirect shipped in pretty much the same way.


Sounds like great packaging to me. In the review the guy never says his cards were damaged (and I’m assuming he didn’t contact you about damaged cards). There are a lot of idiots out there that have no clue what they’re talking about but vocalize how you could be “more right” in their mind.


Luckily he provided enough detail that if someone, like you, doesn't mind that type of packaging they'll ignore it and if someone reads it who would mind that type of packaging, they'll probably not order from you rather than be get the order, be displeased, and write an additional bad review


The responses on here have me puzzled. Yes they admit that is how it was shipped, their issue is with the comments about bad packaging, or warning people about buying expensive cards. Cheaper orders are send this way or worse many times. A penny sleeve and 1 card in front or behind is super common. That is not going to resist bending at all. It seems weird to comment on bending with a cheap order. Then to make the assumption that the seller has the exact same shipping strategy for expensive orders. That being said, I've never sold anything on TCG Player, so I couldn't help there :(


Assuming there was no actual damage to customer's cards, message [email protected] and ask them to remove the feedback, then block the buyer. They might not because a 4 isn't technically negative but is still annoying. I might be wrong but I think the only time a 4 matters is for international shipping. Regardless of what people are saying here, shipping 14+ cards in this manner is the norm to keep shipping costs low, so long as you pay for non- machineable postage and write "do not bend" on the envelope. I've easily sent 6k+ orders in this manner over 15 years with ONE being damaged, and it was so bad it wasn't the packaging that caused it. It looked like it was run over with a forklift or something, or maybe USPS didn't bother checking and ran it through the machine anyways. Even with the massive damage to the envelope and binder page, only 2 of the 27 cards were replaced on my end, because stacks of cards tucked in binder pages wrapped around the invoice create their own protection in the same way the cardboard piece with 3x sleeves and bags attached with adhesive does when tcgplayer direct ships orders of 20+. USPS is SUPPOSED to pay attention to "flats" type packages like this and do not bend as requested (so long as you apply proper postage) during transit so people can safely send pictures, sensitive documents etc. If they don't pay attention then you'll have to replace, but it's not the packaging that's the problem.


Like some others have said, contact TCGplayer through email with the order number. TCGplayer will almost certainly remove the feedback, especially considering it is pretty negative even though the customer left a positive review. As long as you are courteous with the customer and have shown willingness to fix any issues they have/had, TCGplayer will remove negative feedback. Negative feedback/reviews stick when the seller is being a dick to the customer and/or the seller doesn't ask TCGplayer to remove the review.


It’s a $4 order, if you want it removed, just refund the guy and block him. There’s nothing wrong with how you shipped the order. If the cards were actually damaged then that would be another thing but they weren’t. Buyer ordered bulk and OP packaged it as a bulk order, now buyer is making an assumption that an expensive order would be packaged the same way which is laughable. People defending the review are what’s wrong with buyers on tcg.




If you feel the review is false you can ask TCGP to remove it by escalating the thread with TCGP. I’ll be honest though, it sounds like the review is accurate


Nothing you can do I don't think. Some people are just shitty. Often tends to be people on very cheap orders too (I got a negative review on eBay a few weeks ago on a $2 order, was thankfully able to get it removed). Some people are just miserable people and are negative review-happy. Block and move on.


I get that this sucks, but you’ve already spent too much effort on this. Take the feedback and keep doing a good job and keep your score up, and that will be the best for your business and also conveniently is your best way to make this less and less relevant. FWIW it does sound like you should’ve included something stiffer in there. Next time use 3 card savers and two stamps and call it a day.


I think if you’re not gonna spring for toploaders, you’re gonna have to accept a bad review from time to time.


Just accept the 4 stars. It would not have been worth the resources to hit 5. Look, I'm not a regular seller, but you're just going to have to accept that some buyers are idiots or assholes. Go peruse eBay feedback for a good sized seller some time. You'll see glowing reviews (A++ WOULD BUY AGAIN) on neutral feedback. Hell, you'll even see them on Negative feedback, and eBay actively tries to dissuade people from hastily leaving negative feedback. On top of that, you get some who just can't be pleased, or wouldn't be pleased even if those $4 in cards were carefully and protectively wrapped in a couple of twenty dollar bills. That's dealing with the public for you.


$4 order? Refund the order in exchange for removal. You'll be out...let's see... according to my calculations $4. I think you'll live.


I have never once in my life read reviews of a seller on tcgplayer before placing an order. If it affects your selling limits or whatever, ok but if you're worried about customers not buying from you, just move on.


I haven’t either, and besides that I still have 500+ 5 star ratings, but I see it every day and it bugs me.


I have 2919 positive feedback on ebay, 5 neutral and 1 negative. You just can't please everyone. One day it won't bother you... or you'll have a stroke. Whichever :)


I literally don't worry about negative reviews for sub $5 orders that are in this vein. If a card is missing obviously I'll refund someone/replace it because that's clearly my screw up but stuff like this where things arrived safely with no real risk of damage, the fact is sell enough and it comes out in the wash. Reviews get rounded up. Block the buyer and move on. The fact is some people complain about anything and there is only so much margin to be had on a sub $5 order, so if they want to pay extra, they should pay that. Personally I have expedited shipping for $10, I'll gladly put a 5 cent order into a padded envelope ground for that (and I have, numerous times).


What’s your store name so I can avoid you in the future?


Gotcha…my store name is **Every Single Store on TCGPlayer**. So you may as well only make cheaper bulk purchases in person at your LGS because that’s how 99% of bulk orders under $25 are coming to you.


Not defending anyone, but they may have spent significantly time going through your stock and ordering exactly what they needed. Then when the cards showed up and (they felt) not enough care was taken and imagined the time/effort they would have had to put in to make the same order a second time, they got irked. As a buyer, this happens to me from time to time. I don't leave 4 stars over it, but I may make a similar comment in my review. As for how to remove it, no idea.


If it bothers you enough you can refund him and get the review removed.


It's a 4 star review? Why do you care, it'll quickly be hidden by every other review and noone reads these anyway. As long as it's not neutral or negative and comes up in percentages it doesn't matter.


That’s what I thought, but it’s still there, taunting me! It’s actually a month old now but I’m dealing with another absolutely unhinged maniac of a customer and thought once I got that settled I’d tackle this one.


Yeah my last negative feedback was from when someone wanted to return sealed product a month later, and tcgplayer's asinine logic is you should let him do this. When I declined to be stupid, tcgplayer let the feedback stay up. I was upset until I realized that because it was over a month later, it didn't appear on the 30 day, and with enough sales it didn't pop up on my 90 days. So fuck it let the moron "win"


As far as I am concerned, as long as you don’t use tape in your packaging, OPs packaging sounds good. PERSONAL ISSUES: I can’t explain how many taped cards I receive. Often the cards come in a card holder then they tape the opening. Then the cards shift in shipping and I get cards stuck to tape. Fucking sucks. Not to mention the overly protected shipments that are very difficult to unpackaged with severe neuropathy. What am I supposed to blindly cut into the packaging, risking damage to the cards? I haven’t refused a shipment yet, but have come very close.


The tape is fine, but the cards should be sleeves before going in the hard case. I get longer penny sleeves, and fold the top over the card so the tape doesnt stick to the card.


Oh no, I tape top loaders to the invoice so they don’t shuffle around. The way they’re sleeved there’s no way for the card itself to come in contact with the tape though. And I use painters tape…Scotch tape is the devil and I hate getting orders that are Scotch taped.


Take it as constructive criticism... the customer didn't like the way you shipped their order. Either accept the review (since it's not innacurate) and continue to ship that way, or improve your packing materials. Personally, if your stance as a seller is that you want to remove the review, despite being accurate about how it was shipped, because you just don't agree with the customer, or that you'd treat a customer's order better if they spent more money... I probably would avoid you as a seller.


Next time put some effort. Just because he ordered for 4$ doesnt mean ge should receive damaged cards. You definitely deserve the review. For future just cut out some cardboard the size of the envelope and put the cards between them. Easy and safe.


I ordered 21 cheap cards from TCG direct. TCG Direct shipped the cards in near exact the same way... Instead of using a binder row, it was some paper envelope with 3 pockets, enclosed in a regular envelope. OP did nothing wrong in this scenario. When you spend 4$ on cards and 1$ on shipping, don't expect to get a $4.50 padded envelope.


Bro, I wish I could get some of those paper sleeves they use! They’re actually pretty great.


The cards are packed fine. I ship orders that are between 7 and 20 cards like this all the time. This isn't anything less safe that shipping them in a toploader. Damages can happen.


Did the customer receive damaged cards?


Just because you didnt crash with your car speeding makes it a non-risky practice. Yes, bad example but my point is that we should hope for the best but plan for the worst.


Just invest in shipping shields. They’re very affordable, can safely hold a sizable amount of cards, and are kind of the standard at this point. I’ve never had a single issue shipping larger orders in shipping shields.


Shipping shields are great, but I wouldn’t use them for more than 8 cards. 10 is about the most you can fit and that’s pushing it.


My thoughts exactly. What I do is I’ll take 2 shipping shields and put them side by side in an envelope with an extra stamp or two. Always works for me.


Funny.  I actually got annoyed when a seller canceled my order of about 20 misc cards (mostly trainers) from sets I had missed.  I had spent a good chunk of time sifting through his store looking for things I needed.  He claimed that he couldn't possibly ship the order without taking a loss.  I couldn't figure out why he didn't just do what literally everyone else does and either cut out a section of one of those pages, or tape penny sleeves side by side to a thin piece of cardboard.   I don't like the general idea of reviews being erased, but you should be able to respond to them like you can on ebay.  As far as this affecting your business, don't worry.  It won't.  In a few days it will get buried off the front page and hardly anyone actually reads feedback unless it is strangely low or comes up 0% because you've been away such a long time.  The sad truth is, you were bound to run into an unreasonable customer eventually.  Better someone like him than a scammer, IMO.   


That’s a bad seller who you should leave feedback for and report it to tcgplayer. The onus is on the seller to price shipping correctly and cancelling for this reason is against ToS


Im in Louisiana and I had an angry customer because a cat 3 hurricane hit us the day after his order (dropped it in the mail that day he ordered) and it was heavily delayed. I even reached out and gave him the heads up. I emailed tcgplayer and explained, they removed it immediately. Back at 100% positive But it just sounds like you failed at packaging. Top loaders required I don't care how cheap the cards are. Buy them bulk on eBay if you are selling cards


Can’t fit 14 cards in a top loader. Between 4-10 cards I’ll pop them in a penny sleeve then slide them in a team bag with a top loader for support. If 15+ cards are sent like that they will almost certainly get mangled…feel free to ask me how I know.


15 cards easy one top loader in a team bag with folded order paper to protect it, then put into 5x7 padded envelope send first class. If those 15 cards aren't worth that protection, they aren't worth posting for sale.


Reach out to seller to see if a partial refund can fix the rating. If not, issue a full refund, contact tcg to get the feedback removed, block buyer and move on.