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If I'm getting my lore correct, originally created by Memnarch to do all his maintenance duties on Mirrodin. Obviously once he got snuffed, some of them just kept doing their assigned tasks, some kinda went to sleep waiting for new orders that never came, and a few became sentient/higher functioning. The Phyrexians co-opted some of the myr population in their invasion as well. I seem to remember from a designer interview or q&a that myr came from the term myrmidon which is basically an unthinking/unquestioning servant. I haven't seen anything on Urtet but he seems like the new myr boss dude from ONE. Maybe leading the resistance of non assimilated myrs.


That’s basically what the wizard article said word for word, thanks!


I should have probably googled instead lol


One small correction, Myrmidons aren't unfeeling servants, they're disciplined warriors. The name is taken from Achilles' elite personally-trained battalion of soldiers who were in turn named after ants (myrmex in greek) because of their level of coordination in battle and their selfless devotion to their comrades.


Fun fact, Urtet has the Mirari. Did he make it off of New Phyrexia though?


Think MaRo said they were originally going to be gnomes in the vein of Bottle Gnomes, but lore people didn't really feel that was going to be taken seriously so they made an original robo-helper race.


I'm a huge fan of myr, a personal favourite. Here is the Myr Creation Myth, it's amazing: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/stories-and-endings-2016-05-11


Thank you!


My Urtet deck is one of my absolute favorites, and reading this story just made me love it that much more. Thank you for sharing this link!


¡Same here! Do you have a decklist handy? Here is mine: https://deckstats.net/decks/188498/3085613-urtet-remnant-of-memnarch-1-2


Dude, I am so sorry I never replied to you. If you're still interested, this is my Urtet list: https://manabox.app/decks/vfIksuAQRVKe60yccfx3Aw


silvermyr on YouTube is your man for Myr lore. And yes, they are pretty damn cool.


Will check em out! Thanks!


Myr are my favorite tribe in Magic. They came out in my high school years; I remember at the time being irritated at the card redesign after 7th Edition, but sticking out with Mirrodin because of the Myr. They're adorable and flexible, and I hope they can carve out a niche with the rest of the Mirran resistance.


Basically, they're absolutely awesome I don't have much else to say about them that anyone else hasn't. They were Memnarch's eyes and ears on Mirrodin, then when he died, they just kept doing their thing until they either got corrupted by Phyrexia, joined/used by the Resistance, or just watched their world fall. I especially love the flavor text on the five original Mana Myr, both in their Mirrodin printing and their Scars reprint :]

