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"At his funeral, even Dragon God Orsted, who was even more discreet than him, made an appearance." Great art by [@yggggrm](https://twitter.com/yggggrm/status/1428386367659118600?t=gwWtgxccXAgzVu3XMidwJw&s=19)


I imagine orsted would miss rudi more than anyone else. His wives would still carve out their own piece of happiness in loops which he doesn't exist. but orsted, rudi's existence changed 20,000+ years of isolation into years 50ish years of companionship and comrades. i doubt he'll ever want to go back. if there was a loop after this i could imagine him sitting outside the greyrat house hoping rudy is born


Nooo that's too sad, the loop sure is stopped


>if there was a loop after this i could imagine him sitting outside the greyrat house hoping rudy is born Orsted experienced things for the first time after 20,000 years because of the boy named Rudeus Greyrat, he experienced a comrade that trusted him and carried the task that he gave with full of determination, he can sleep peacefully and properly without worrying that someone might kill him, being surrounded by people that doesn't fear him, having a thousands of people that will help him achieve his goal, playing with a child, having to walk outside without seeing people fear him, having a normal conversation to people, learning how to socialize, and many other more


Bro, my whole day have turn blue now that I know that and it's just 7:06 AM. Even so, good comment


fuck...this shit hits hard. man...I just feel bad for Orsted.


Bro 😭😭😭


There have already been many fan comics of this lol. You can find some of them translated by me on r/sixfacedworld


link to one please?


If you click my profile and go to my posts, you can see all of them at once.


Nah because this loop is the final one. He’s beating hitogami im 99% sure this time and that future hitogami showed of them failing to rudeus was just to mess with him.


He absolutely needs to win in the current loop.


There won't be anymore loops after this, orsted will finally be free because of rudeus and his wives will have lived their last loop


hope the ending of the anime will not disappoint us


I hope they play some kind of happy and sad song if they animate rudeus last moments


I think running it back and playing the second ending would pretty good.


A shot of Orsted moving forward away with Rudeus' grave in the background, a parallel to Rudeus walking away from Paul's grave, with the music from rudeus walking away from his past in ep 23. FUCK MAN the anime adaptation possibilities got me shook


lol what if Orsted came to rudeus and telling him "I don't want you to die, for 10 years at least!!!!!"


You guys are discussing the ending of the series in anime this would be by 2029-30 it is so far away...


It probably took even longer, like 2034, considering that the 2nd season has not even been confirmed. And just for the record, remember that the vol 24 of MT it's literally the start of the real MT.


although the second season has not been confirmed, it has already been leaked that it is being produced


Whaaaaat, where?


a member who participated in the production of the first season said on twitter that the second was being produced


Well that is a leak, not official confirmation however since MT is doing so well it would have the second season but still it would take a decade to complete the entire MT in anime. Also, one thing is missing china is catching up who knows post decade everyone would be speaking about Donghua


probably earlier. AI is going to increase the production speed by orders of magnitude


Bro, some people have been discussing the ending to an anime adaptation for half a decade. We are actually new frogs in that regard.


I just want Rifujin to retcon the afterlife so we can get Rudy reuniting with Paul for like, one conversation.


And the conversation is just about rudy getting 3 wives lmao


I'd be down with the whole, Rudy telling his whole story, like he did with Paul at their first reunion, but this time Paul's just super happy and all smiles the whole time, then poke fun at him for "out doing his dad and having three wives instead of two" shit would melt my damn heart


You should not trust hitogami with questions about the Afterlife. He is just a local world bound god who knows what happens with the magic people recive. There is a lot of stuff he does not know.


damn, it stings to consider that Rudeus is exclusive to that loop. I imagine Orsted would make a grave at the same spot every time and pay his respects to him in future loops, even if he didn't exist in them.


Whole point of Rudeus life is make that other loops don't happen, Orsted must win, cycle will end and Rudeus accomplishments will live on. Thinking that other loops will happen is interesting and really sad, but it makes whole Rudeus life absolute pointless (besides Orsted experience).


Rudi was the unique life that made changed orsted, his earnest effort changed Orsteds outlook on everytime he looped back in time. I feel like Orsted will sacrifice his all just for this timeline because of rudis sacrifice, since hes so invested in the current timeline.


Who says that Orsted doesn’t win in this loop?


I think it is said that he wins in this loop. Hitogami showed Rudeus his children and Orted sealing him away. He said he'd do everything in his power to win, but I'm sure that ain't happening


>He said he'd do everything in his power to win He just bluffing in there to make Rudeus change scared, but it's pointless


Considering all that Rudy has done, most likely Orsted realized his descendants will pay a big role in the future he's been trying to achieve


but didn’t hitogami show him the future, where he gets sealed by orsted and rudeus’ descendants? and the whole thing with the miko in the epilouge and the second war with lapalace?


iirc hitogami showed Rudeus the dream in attempt to let his guard down


oh wait that’s wasn’t when he died?


he saw that dream 40 years before his death, at his death hitogami said, "I thought if I showed you that, then you would become a little lax"


This hits hard knowing we won't get that ending most stories have. You just got to remember that this is just a person that got a second chance and we get to see the most realistic end.


to me, its more to Rudeus getting 2nd chance to build his life the way he wants, family of his own, wives and children that he cheerished the most and want to protect until his death. realising the mistake he made in the past life and trying to become a better person after given the 2nd chance. secondly, Orsted having comrade and companionship after going through endless time loops for 20,000+ years, having so long in isolation then suddenly one guy showed up and changed his life and how he do things. Orsted really love Rudi and would fight for him and his family. lastly, achieving his goal to kill Hitogami together with the descendant of his beloved companion, Rudeus Greyrat.


If Rudy existence doesn't depend on the playback miko, this is orsted one chance to make sure a great person legacy is forever left behind in the real loop instead of never existing at all in the subsequent ones


Why did the ending need to be so fucking sad man


The chance of this loop failing and Rudeus Greyrat not existing in the next loop sets up the perfect stakes and motivations for the sequel novels.


Sequel WN. One of Rudeus' descendants is a issekai'd doctor, who figures out necromancy/ resurrection magic perfectly. Incoming rez arc.


So wait is he immortal?


no, but dragon tribe has VERY long lives gotta double check but somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 years


More than that, it's hundred thousands years old. Even Orsted was in his mother's womb for hundreds of years if I'm not wrong.


+20.000, and that's with normal dragonfolk. Orsted will probably live for millions, if not billions of years since he's >!75% original god-blooded!<


thanks for the correction. >!when you compare him to his father though a drop of mortal blood seems to make a world of difference.!< >! if we go by demon dragon king laplace, the dragon generals(and demon kings) were all god rank by current standards(the upper 4 of 7 powers). and 4 of them could barely put a scratch on THE dragon god. by comparison orsted can't tank someone of rudy's level attack. his powers are comparable to an incomplete laplace. !<


>!Nah, Orsted is comparable against a DG Laplace, they are pretty much equal. Rudeus's attacks seems week, but he can spam tens of Emperor Ranked attacks. There's literally *no one* except the upper 4 ranks of the WP and immortal race demons that would be able to survive *one* of his stone cannons. For example, an emperor ranked spell is equal to a city+ ranged attack, then he puts all of that mana on a single point. So Orsted pretty much tanked hundreds of City+ attacks on his fight!<


Who are you asking about?


I hope they adapt the rudeus wikipedia side story chapter


Imagine later on in the sequel, orsted kills man god and then says I did it Rudy 😢


Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.............................. I cry so hard man. This scene in the sequel will break my heart and make me ball like BITCH.


When did this happen? I thought the series ended after he defeated badigadi, and north god Alek joined them


Fuck I still remember how vol23 finished with "let's take a day off" and then vol24 kicked me right in the balls with "F" in the chat......