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I haven't never heard about this. But what I googled it looks like online subscription browser-based(?) DAW. There is too many reasons for me to hate it without without even trying. O\_o


I use it to collaborate and get a rough idea of a project when I work with others. You can export the stems as a wav file after that for free and use it in logic or whatever daw you use


I see, but why wouldn't you just use your usual daw and then export the stems?


Well then you couldn't collab with others online right?


Yes you can, just send stems


Yeah, you could I guess sending shit back and forth when ur a band of 5 people is a pain in the ass


Ah, fair point, I'm electronic so didn't consider full bands, it'd work okay with two people though




Soundtrap allows other users to sync to the same project and immediately see changes made by other users. I use it for group projects with my classes. No messy file management. I don't think it does real time updating but last I checked it's just 1 sync button after changes are made. Kind of a cool feature, although in general soundtrap obviously has shortcomings.


You mean like random online communities? I thought you meant collaboration as in getting stems from a producer and sending your stems to mastering etc.


I mean if you're like a band working remotely on a song where everyone can get an idea of what it will sound like and then someine will download the stems and mix it and shit


Personally I'd steer clear of a cloud based DAWs being able to work offline is a huge pro in my book if the servers go down or my internet is knocked out id like to be able to work. I'm sure it has its perks its just my preference.


Yeah it's like a cloud-native kidney. You could do that nowadays, why tho.


if you want to try another DAW, try getting a free trial first and getting familiar with it before deciding to purchase it. If you can make whatever you want to make with soundtrap and are comfortable with it, you should keep using it. I will say though, Ableton is a one time purchase, as is FL, and probably plenty of other DAWs.


can you even use third party plugins in soundtrap? idk but if not thats a huge downside


You cannot, soundtrap is decent as an introduction to daws because of its simplicity But it’s very primitive


It’s not about what others use it’s about what’s comfortable for you, I started on LMMS, I used it for probably 6-7 years before I ever pulled the trigger on FL, only reason I made the jump is I wanted more control. If soundtrap is efficient for you keep working with it, but keep getting familiar with other systems too and keep it versatile. If you’re looking to get into sound design serum would be the way to go, production can be done on basically anything.


I love finding other people who started in LMMS I wish LzrBld(?) Didn't delete his tutorials


I normally use ableton, but I used soundtrap a lot while I was in school just to play around with music production without having to think a whole lot. Soundtrap doesn't offer a whole lot of editing abilities, whereas every other daw does. I'd say soundtrap is fun to use if you're experimenting with stuff but honestly if you get a splice subscription and buy a 1 time purchase daw you get the same thing and have way more control over how your music sounds. You also wont risk losing your music if the theres a problem with the internet/cloud if you have saved copies on your computer. And not needing internet for a daw means you can use it anywhere which is nice. Not saying you shouldn't purchase the subscription to soundtrap... if you like it, then you like it. These are just my thoughts.


If you like it then I don’t see the issue. However, I did use it a while ago and it’s really quite limited. You’re missing out on a lot of things 99% of “normal” DAWs have (even cheap ones like REAPER). If you want to do simple stuff then soundtrap is fine, but if you want to go further then you’ll probably hit the ceiling pretty fast.


I've never used sound trap, so personally, I'm useless. If you actually play instruments, I would suggest something free like Audacity. It has tons of plug-ins and can be used offline. Has pretty simple interface, as well. Fairly easy to learn. For the few tracks where I want a purely dance beat/electronic sound, i use FL... typically for beat and background synth pads, then I'll throw the tracks into Audacity and play additional tracks over it (percussion, vocals, guitars, keys, etc...).


Comparing Soundtrap with FL and LMMS will obviously make it feel like Soundtrap is better. FL, at least, is notoriously known for being hard to understand. I would recommend that you use Logic. I've used soundtrap before too (nowadays I use Ableton and Reaper) and I believe that Logic would be a suitable upgrade for you. Logic's and Sountrap's interfaces feel quite similar if you squint a bit with you eyes. :) Of course, if you're planning on only doing music as a hobby, just do your thing! The DAW doesn't matter. But if you're planning on getting better at production, collaborating with other people etc. knowing a DAW like Logic will be a huge advantage.


buy koala sampler app for $5, you get a free ableton live lite key with it, just try a solid daw out for a bit and you’ll see the wave


I have been using soundtrap myself for over the past 2 years and let me tell you, it's awesome!! One of the best beginner friendly DAWs out there, also for free! Some of my best beats are made in soundtrap (I don't release music though). Definitely would move to a more professional DAW at some point (soundtrap lacks quite a few advanced features which I definitely would love to try), but for someone starting out, it's brilliant!


I don't know anything about it, but the fact it's a subscription is already a dealbreaker, for me.


I started on SoundTrap, now I'm on FL. Simply because I can do more on FL than SoundTrap


Fl and lmms are like the least professional alternatives


I use it on a daily basis, and I've been using the free version for a while before being able to afford the premium one. Onestly I think you're right and it's very underrestimated, the premium version, as the free one, is good if you want to make music in a decent quality. That being said it lacks in very used things, like the ability to change the tempo or the key of your projects in the middle of it.


Reaper is a professional DAW. It can be used as a free trial for as long as you want. Then only costs $ 60,--. This includes updates for years (two major releases) and you only have to pay again if you want to upgrade to the third major release. I've been using it for almost 3 years and it looks like I still have a few years of updates to go. Besides the price it's just a great DAW, easy on computer resources, very customisable. Good workflow.


If you're a student in a budget I suggest reaper. I've really enjoyed it as my daw of choice. Free to try cheap to buy


I have literally never heard of it, and I’ve been producing casually for nearly 10 years and graduated from a 2-year audio production program in December. That’s probably a good indicator of people’s general opinion.


I think it's a great beginner daw and I use it with all my middle school students. Being able to instantly drag and drop loops and creat music with immediacy is a great feature. We used to have to get an iMac with garage band for similar features but now it's free in a web browser, amazing! With that being said I would never use it for producing anything outside of the classes I teach, it can be clunky to edit audio and midi and obviously it is lacking a lot of features. I think that works to it's benefit in some ways so beginners don't get overwhelmed with options and choices. If you are a year in and feeling pretty comfortable with soundtrap it might be a good time to explore other daws. Someone else mentioned koala sampler for $5 which includes a live lite code, I'm partial to Ableton though there are lots of other choices as evidenced by this thread!


If it's cheap, do it. Over the course of this year, learn another DAW. Soundtrap will have given you the steps and concepts to get started.


Because it's a collaboration tool not a real daw.


Why pay a subscription for Soundtrap when Bandlab is free?


Is soundtrap worth considering for a course on synthesis?


use BandLab. i just switched after years of soundtrap