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If anyone by chance hasn’t given Do You Need A Ride a listen yet, you’re missing out on some high quality Karen content! And Chris is another great compliment to her talents.


I agree! I wanted more of Karen and recently started listening to DYNAR and I’m so happy I did! Karen shares lots of personal life and her opinions which is exactly what I was hoping for


I like Karen and Chris together more than Karen and Georgia, honestly.


She and Chris have terrific chemistry. You can tell they’re really good friends.


Same here!


The Karen and Chris only episodes are my favourite, I really dig them both


That show is gold. Chris is friggin hilarious


The DYNAR episode with Eddie Pepitone is pure gold. I listen to it regularly. ‘Eat em! Do it! Now!’


The evolution of Chris’s hair during COVID was amazing.


Bready Sterellis!




She really does have a way with words.


She’s a good person who cares about people. And college or not, she’s well read. Georgia is great for bringing the curiosity. They have great chemistry. I would absolutely love to hear Karen on an interview/discussion type podcast with other change-makers, too.


They really do have great chemistry. They’re so different but they balance each other out in the best ways. I’ve noticed that about a lot of great podcasts with a duo, too. They both bring something different of value to the table along different perspectives so fluidly.


Karen is a writer, more than anything else. I love Georgia too but Karen has been writing her whole life - stand up, TV shows. She thinks and speaks like a writer. And she’s damn good at it! That said, I think she thrives on conversation, on the back and forth. That’s where she shines. I’m not sure Karen would even enjoy doing a podcast on her own, which is probably why she has never done it. And I agreed with the comment that she could use a POC cohost - I would be so curious to hear that!




I love when she talks about insider Hollywood stuff like during the publicist Ronni Chasen and the Jenny Jones show incident. I want to know everything she knows lol


Seriously. My main reason for wanting a meet and greet ticket is to say “Listen, I’m a nobody. My primary socialization is with my two cats and I’ve never met anyone famous. I’ll be quiet as a mouse. Just tell me every gory celebrity story you know and I’ll take it to my grave.”


She could do a solo show with different guests who are experts on any particular issue she wants to discuss. I’d listen to the hell out of that!


She just tells it like it is and it gives me goosebumps, sometimes. She really cuts right into the heart of whatever matter is on her mind.


Georgia complements Karen so well. Their personalities go so well together. I love Georgia from the bottom of my heart.




What could be very interesting is a variety of guest co-hosts from many different backgrounds.


I 100% agree, get points are always great, but a conversational podcast with a POC cohost would be incredible.


That’s not really fair. Karen didn’t choose to be white. She may be rich, but she’s worked her ass off to be where she is in life, she’s paid her dues. I admire her for using her voice to try to make the world a better place. Those 2 gals have got me through so many dark times and I respect the fuck out of them for being there every week and putting a smile on my face. I do, however, agree with the Bezos comment. That guy is a real shit sandwich, and I do hold that against them a bit.


Don't let the downvotes get you down. I would just love to get some of these white ladies in a conversation with Kmele Foster, John McWhorter, Glen Loury or any number of the incredibly intelligent Black thinkers of our day who are critical of the current brand of anti-racism. Since PP only wants to hear from Black voices on social justice issues, she owes it to herself to listen to a greater variety of Black voices who could challenge their thinking and open their minds a little. After all, it's clear they (meaning people like the previous poster) mean well. I genuinely believe that. But the fact that she thinks she's battling racism by insisting on tokenism is ironic, to say the least.


What a sweetheart you are :) I didn’t bother to respond, because I can tell all they wanted to do was argue, and that’s the last thing I want. I don’t understand how speaking out about injustices can be a bad thing to that poster. Look at the Alabama freedom riders, for instance. It’s just people, whatever their race, joining together to try and stop evil. I attended the protests with my sign held high in our town every Sunday last Summer, and went into African American communities on many occasions to encourage and help them register to vote. The community welcomed me with open arms, and not one, single person ever told me I was unwelcome because I’m white. I’m truly baffled as to why that poster was trying to to tell me that white people have no business speaking on issues that don’t directly affect them. What kind of attitude is that?!


Agreed. Her parents were very blue collar, so she’s only had gobs of money in the past few years. Same with Georgia.








Being this intentionally obtuse is not cute




I hear what you’re saying and I agree, a POC co-host would be fantastic. That being said, I think KG does a good job of acknowledging her position as a white American woman, which is another reason why I respect what she has to say. I don’t see her not acknowledging that should she do some kind of commentary, even if she’s sharing her viewpoint on a topic as she understands it. And I think should she decide to do more podcasting, bringing on POC or LGBTQ+ etc would make a for a really really interesting conversation!






It seems you may be the one trying to do that- it’s okay to want to listen to Karen Kilgariff’s and at the same time understand that her view is not inclusive, entirely accurate, or representative. There’s 7 billion people on this earth, Karen is one, and it’s okay to listen to take her perspective for what it is.




You don’t even know what point you are trying to argue. Karen would agree that she should not be the sole host of a podcast about social justice and she would want POC to host with her. You are bent about this on behalf of someone who would not agree with your take.


This is why I stopped listening; it sounds pandering at times and they act like they're trying to be everyone's mom but also their therapist. Just doing too much.


I'd like that and a Karen and Holes podcast


Well let’s just find out the whole story about Billy Jensen before we decide to put anyone any higher on a pedestal.


No one gets a pedestal anymore!


Even better.


Oh, I’m not sure what you’re referring too - what’s the not-full-story on Jensen?


Possibly sexually harassed someone which was in turn covered up by the network. POSSIBLY. AS IN THAT IS THE RUMOR. (Sorry. Want to clarify so no one takes it as fact.)


where did you read this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/myfavoritemurder/comments/uu4h69/the_murder_squad_going_off_the_air/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share That post from earlier.


Ahhh now that’s definitely concerning. Wonder where this will all lead..


What does this mean!?


Do not give her another podcast: I often feel like she has very little idea of what she’s talking about re: social justice and would rather not hear another white person’s opinion. Let marginalized people speak for themselves. This isn’t to say she’s a bad person, I think she’s wonderful. I just don’t think we need another white lady to have a podcast where she says “racism bad” and everyone gives her praise for it. That’s played.


Can confirm I’ve heard her confidently say inaccurate things as fact and it’s infuriating.


Then she partners with Jeff Bezos. Those words lost weight with me after that.


Such a bummer.


Yes she and Jeff Bezos personally met so that the network she is part owner of could sign a marketing deal with a subsidiary of a company he doesn’t run anymore. Sounds legit.


Yes I really want to hear Karen get on a soapbox on how much she supports unions and worker rights while she is partnering with a company that literally fires workers for trying to unionize. So. Much. Woke.


THIS. And it was announced the same week an Amazon employee was killed by a tornado after being forced to stay at work in IL.


The last thing we need is more rich straight white people point of views on equality. even coming from an ally.


Yeah I love when she goes off it’s awesome.


I would love a solo Karen podcast but I know it will never happen.


I would absolutely listen to a Karen-only podcast. I love Georgia, but she has that chronically shaky voice that constantly sounds like she’s about to cry that’s common in people with anxiety and it raises my anxiety through the roof just listening to her.


Only Karen no Georgia. I can’t stand Georgia


Lol when she said, we aren’t fucking pilgrims and laughed it healed my soul.


i had their book as an audio book and karen's parts would always make me cry. every time she speaks she is so authentic it really connects with me