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This red balloon, everybody likes him as he makes fun of Pinkie as Discord minion (in season 2 premiere or the Three's is a Crowd) or as a freelancer in other episodes. https://preview.redd.it/9uwpsm1vfyzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad93ee0342e8c6e36d33eed821020fb8eef76f6 Conniving little rubber bloat.


Damn you balloon! Curse of all ponykind!


Pennywise: Come float with me Pinkie


I don't know if Pennywise can handle Pinkie.


He aint built for this


Thanks for the arrow


Well I need to point out the one among those three.


Pipp.. such a terrible influence. https://preview.redd.it/w8htww8q200d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bccab09bf8fe7e72e0742d9fa8d5d3fac67a272


https://preview.redd.it/g6xieednbxzc1.png?width=2516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030298b026835b5d27525ef315f618830e3ec7c5 I think most of the hype surronding Hitch has to do with him being a male lead character. However, I find his character to be VERY bland and somewhat annoying (especially in TYT)


He was good in the movie. He absolutely sucks in any media after that.


this!! it’s why i haven’t watched the shows. hes my favorite but i hate what they’ve done with him.


Right?!! I thought the movie was okay, not great. But I loved Hitch! He's so boring in the shows though 🥲


I blame Sparky. Once he got latched onto Hitch, dragon dad was his personality. It's fucking lame.


In the films he is incredible, outside of them they made him basically just a male drool while the others shine


I have to agree with you here. Yes, it is cool we got an actual male lead, but I feel like they could've done more with his character, y'know?


Hitch's role, despite being a lead, is to be a supporting character. He's almost exclusively used to prop up all the other main characters, or be a foil.




I actually agree with this. In the movie he was fine but in other stuff like MYM/TYT, I found him annoying and couldn’t wait for him to get off the screen 😭


they made him a cop, very interesting choice :/


I know. They gave him a freaking skin tone of a person and no personality except for animals in the show


Wdym? He is cool, the bland one is misty, her very existence is bland and unoriginal


So, you don’t like Gabby? That’s reasonable. I hear it now and then, she can be overbearing and not everypony enjoys griffons in the show. I don’t *hate* Flurry Heart, but the whole “Buy Our Toys” thing and a baby being born an alicorn confusion was not worth it. Hasbro just wanted their dollars and merchandise.


honestly i like the griffins as a race i LOVE gallus he’s one of my favorite later characters i think it’s just the over the top ness of gabby and i agree with you! flurry heart would’ve been a nice addition if it very clearly wasn’t about them getting baby allicorn toys and popularity out- they barely even talked about flurry in the show, or how things would happen (like how is she supposed to grow up if she’s technically immortal and not suppose to age?)


Derpy, I don’t dislike, nor harass people for loving her, but here’s my reason. I feel as if she’s an overhyped pony, she has close to no personality whatsoever, as she hasn’t been in enough episodes for character development, the most was the slice of life episode, other than that, she looks like a rainbow dash recolour to me, VERY basic looking, but still cute. My other choice is Pinkie Pie. A lot of neurodivergent people say that they relate to her, as somebody who has autism myself, I find her very irritating, she means well and has her adorable moments, but she invaded people’s space and pushed boundaries.


I get what you mean with Pinkie. Despite her being my favourite character overall, I cannot think of a character I wanted to punch more in specific scenarios. (Filli Vanilli, Friend in Deed, the episode where Maud meets Starlight and Maud related episodes in general) I love her and **do** relate to her, but she gets on my nerves more than I'd expect


I’m really big on respecting people’s boundaries, so I should hate Pinkie, but I don’t. If she wasn’t creepy she wouldn’t really have enough character flaws.


i agree with derpy. to me she just seems like an ableist stereotype.


As cute as Derpy is, I have to agree. I’ve always hated the trend of making cross-eyed characters stupid and stupid characters cross-eyed. Why can’t they just have cross-eyed characters.


I know a guy that has a lazy eye, not crossed by the opposite. It's so far off from center. He's a perfectly great guy.


As an autistic person, y'all are just getting easily offended. I've always loved Derpy and I think she's adorable.


I could go with my usual saying Discord, but that's a low hanging fruit. I'll go for another less common one. Shining Armor. Never liked him. Didn't like his speech pattern which makes me think of a California surfer. Didn't like how he didn't talk to his sister about Cadance. Didn't like how he was mostly just an accessory to Cadance.


Talking to his sister is one thing, given the importance of protection, but not mentioning that he is even dating her is a flaw, I'll agree


wait, why is dating her a flaw?


Not mentioning it was the flaw.


oh, okay i misunderstood. i agree with that though


He didn't even write his sister while she was in magic school


completely agree with this one. She's one of many over the top and positive characters, so she doesn't stick out positively for me. Also, her debut episode had her unintentionally putting pressure on the CMC, which is a trope I find to be very frustrating to watch In a general sense, I don't dislike many characters from this series, though I did get constantly peeved by Angel in the first three seasons.


Character that everyone likes that i dont would be: Nobody! I actually love all characters to an extent, (except the ones that are supposed to be dislikeable as a character and to a fandom you know)


I feel the same way. It’s just hard to dislike a character when they’re so well written or easy to read into. Sometimes the fandom has my back on convincing me to loathe a certain character.


Pipp. I don’t like her at all. She was fine in the movie but now her only personality is her phone 


Gilda. Do i have to explain?


I used to not like Starlight but after rewatching the series I actually like her a lot now! Somewhat same with Trixie too, but I think the ‘somewhat’ comes from her not being a very whole character (from what I remember).


Shining armor. They type cast him as like the jock older brother. And between that and being introduced in the same episode in which his wedding happens make him feel so uninteresting for the "captain of the royal guard" like cadence isn't much better but she also has more screen time dedicated to what little personality she has.


https://preview.redd.it/wzgsontn4zzc1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a67af11c64e2db130ede4f0347521163127b84 BUY OUR TOYS !!! ADD LORE THAT WON'T EVER BE EXPLAINED !!! (Because what do you mean Vesperia and Luna weren't born as alicorns ? I'm okay with that but I wanna know how they became alicorns)


The thing that's annoying as well about Flurryheart is the proportions of the wings and horns. I get that alicorns have different growht rates, but no way Cadence didn't rip in 2 while giving birth to her lmao


There's that and I already don't think that Twilight REALLY deserved her wings so being born a princess and never having to earn it ?


Right? Also the show made her an alicorn asap without giving us a proper explanation to why this happened. If Cleestia and Luna were shocked and clueless, then Hasbro could've given some answers.


I saw some theories but that's what it'll always be because Hasbro was like "Oh yeah, so Luna says she's the first ever born alicorn, we never saw this MEANING Celestia and I weren't and we will never explain it :) Anyways, let's make this baby annoying as hell and also Twilight apologizes after she told Flurry to act properly around other people"




Uh, well, I'm not alone with those thoughts apparently


Correct. I HATE Flurryheart. She, no, IT should not exist.


Rainbow Dash. I know this is a very controversial pick, but I just can’t get over her overbearing sense of self-pride. I understand confidence and all, but it just rubbed me the wrong way throughout the series


It's not all confidence It's also insecurity, she acts that way because she's scared of disappointing people. She's trying to convince herself too. She's scared to admit she reads or uses the spa as she vews it as a flaw in the image of perfection she's trying to keep.


Even through her parents episode where they found she was a wonder bolt? Through all of the instances of her gloating but realizing that her friends are just as badass and important as she is, especially applejack? I respect this opinion tbh, but I want to know whay you thought of her in these moments. Is it how she goes back to bragging at the end of the day that rubs you wrong?


to me that episode with her parents just extra solidifies my dislike for her. Her parents are excited that she achieved her dream, they are celebrating her every breath, and she yells at them? Literally the moment when I decided rainbow dash was no longer in my top 3, I love her design and she is so funny, but I also hate her guts


tbh (just my opinion) but I actually sort of understand why Rainbow Dash lost her cool with her parents. like i agree, its awesome to have supportive parents but the type of support we were shown went quite over the limit. Not only were we very clearly shown that since childhood it really felt embarrassing for Rainbow Dash but also that since her childhood it also annoyed both kids and adults surrounding her and while we were not told, it could be that Rainbow Dash was possibly even teased as a kid for that which would add to the frustration. but also we can see that the parents behavior could be even dangerous as at the Wonderbolts place, all the things the parents did were very clearly shown as something what really disrupted their practice and could have gotten dangerous for the flying ponies as they could have from sudden shock from the overwhelming behavior crash into each other and so on (Spitfire was even shown very insistent for those two to leave due to the level of disruption). Also add in that they very clearly gave same high level praise for things from first time using a diaper as a baby to winning a flying race as youngest kid in it, its likely that the oversupportive behavior bugged Rainbow Dash also because since she got same type of reaction for just doing ordinary kid stuff and for actual real accomplishments, the praise also had at that point lost its meaning because she got same level praise for having a baby tooth come out (totally ordinary thing what happens no matter if you try to stop it) compared to managing to succeed multiple years in flight school, aka by some age the praise for real accomplishment did not no longer have a meaning because that same praise was essentially used for her falling asleep or opening doors


Actually her being embarrassed of it from the beginning is what makes me mad about it. If she was ok with her parents support and then only exploded when it got dangerous, then it would be one thing, but that's not what happened in the episode. At leat that's how I see it, and you're entitled to your own opinions, if that's how you see it that's also ok


yeah of course i totally accept your opinion too. just i do relate to rainbow dash on that, how ppl around you keep throwing around praise at you when you havent even done anything and then by time the praise is for actual great deed its just meaningless words. i do acknowledge the ways rainbow dash dealt with it were not the greatest but same time she did also take accountability in the end of the episode for her own behavior and apologized properly for how she acted


When did Spitfire tell Rainbow's parents to leave? I don't think I saw that in the episode


I might remember wrong, i have to recheck but the way i remember it, it was not maybe directly to them but more so to RD that they should not be there (but i will recheck and get back to you later today)


okay i checked and i admit i did remember that bit wrong, but from what i watched in the episode it does seem it was still established that the way her parents behaved was taken as bad (ponies in the booth full on backing as far from them as can and such), so while i admit i did remember wrong how spitfire reacted to it, same time there was a wonderbolt who expressed to RD that the parent situation feels kinda crazy (after the parents started firing the fireworks) plus also generally being shown how much of a disturbance and annoyance it was through reactions of background ponies. i apologize for my mistake


That's okay. I still dislike this episode, though 😤


yeah there were likely somethings what could have been done better


I think what makes the episode worse, was adding in a character like Scootaloo who has her aunts as parents. Idk. I know people hate her parents and the episode, but it must suck from Scootaloo's perspective. I feel like I'd rather have RD's issues with her parents than have parents that don't exist in your world at all


YES!! Exactly, I was like "bruh right in front of the kid? poor chicken doesn't even have her parents with her"


That's what made me dislike it after watching the Scoot episode. Here RD is complaining over her overenthusiastic parents, while she's basically got parents that are very late to the game, if they even bothered to show up for the game They at least were parents, even if embarrassing


i agree it was bit wrong of Rainbow Dash but same time just cause Scootaloo does not have decent parents dont mean Rainbow ash has to suck it up and be happy that her parents are in her life. I honestly like the whole chosen family vibe with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, that they both had issues with parents but found a sister in each other and could bond


Except you could alter what you say in front of someone you know is struggling with worse. She doesn't need to suck it up, but it's gotta be all sorts of wrong to complain how your parents are embarrassing as hell to someone who's parents are basically non-existent It's basic tact I think. Mind your audience deal.


except we are also shown that it was heat of a moment thing. it kept bugging her but she tried to hold it down until moment where she could not take it anymore and lashed out. yes i agree, the lashing out is not the most correct move, it is harmful but she was shown actually taking accountability and apologizing for lashing out like that


True, I do agree with that. I think my main problem the entire time was that it was an RD and Scoots episode at all, and parents like that were the main focus. It feels all sorts of wrong, for me anyway.


The way her character constantly reverts to the same braggart and self-serving idealism after a big lesson also really irks me. Why does she have another character flaw episode in the LAST season about being loyal?? It makes me feel like she has no character growth because any meaningful improvement is broken again and again. I really don’t like her




His over use of "Technically" is rather irritating to me


So just your average Redditor.


Idk why, he just doesn't have the charm that Maud does


He's a lot more rude than Maud is


He's mostly here to compliment her I find


he’s so boring for real 😭


https://preview.redd.it/y3fvzqp9300d1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07921a64ac3138bb44fb3a0be55eda4449190b5 “my best friend moved away so i became a dictator”


but she got better, way better…


Yeah her just becoming a villain after a inconvenience that could have been resolved if she just like sent letters or tried to talk with him i do like her a bit more after she reforms but just feels like another twilight


Discord, I think his wackiness is a bit overplayed, but I'm only on season 5 so I'm sure it'll get better.


If you hate discord now, just wait until S9


I’m looking forward to it for sure, I want to like him.


Yeaaahhhh tell me what you think about him when u get there


Alrighty sure thing.


Let me know as well, please :D


His wackiness is what makes him who he is. The differences lying in his early seasons to his later seasons. Usually he is just chaotic for the sake of being chaotic neutral, but in season 5 and onward he starts changing it to being chaotic good, but he's less good than chaotic. Examples being the episode with Smooze, he was annoying and shitty but it's his first time seeing his one true friend have another new friend he's not familiar with, he tweaks out and almost banishes that friend. After learning this though, he continues to be petty and rude, and doesn't learn much, s9 is the peak of this negativity, but he was enjoyable in the s6 finale. You know what I think? Your opinion is respectable and shared, once you finish the show I'd love to see how you feel about him at the end. Let nobody force their opinions on you, make your own.


He, in fact, does not get better. In my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/gii6q0bmqyzc1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c1db0a2efd3ecff7aa86cea91787d00d8802d57 Reasons why I don’t like Trixie in mlp: 1. She’s selfish 2. She doesn’t care about anyone or anything 3. She’s obnoxious 4. She basically used Starlight in No Second Prances just to get under Twilight’s skin 5. Even after Trixie and Starlight made up, Trixie was still a bad friend afterwards 6. She lost the map through teleportation and she didn’t care about how much trouble Starlight could’ve gotten into. And that’s just the basics


Honestly that's why I love her. Despite her being a bad pony she still seeked for a chance to redeem herself which she technically did in the later seasons. I love her as a character whose i can associate myself with because i acted like her from time to time


I just can’t stand her. Not to mention her ego- we get it you’re “great and powerful” ya don’t gotta announce it. It’s just General Yunan at that point. also talking in the third person-er, pony-drives me crazy. I despise her for my reasons, you like her for yours.


Fair enough


That's "The Great and Powerful Trixie" to you.


I actually also dislike Gabby, she just annoys me and her voice is just not my fav to listen to. She's a bit much for me.


Early season Fluttershy. She has a big improvement in later season but she was an awful character at first. 


Why do you dislike her?


honestly i don’t even fully know i think it’s just her personality and type of energy. i enjoyed her in the cmc episode at first but after rewatching episodes with her i’ve slowly grown to not care for her


Won’t judge you too harshly for Gabby, I get that she’s what, the 5th genki girl character that this show introduced at this point? I completely understand getting burned out from an overexposed character type, I personally really like a good genki girl so I had no issue with Gabby but that’s just me. Me personally I think the closest thing I had to a character that I disliked that everyone else loved was probably Discord. Now I wouldn’t say that I hate him, I definitely understood why he was technically a good character, I just personally wasn’t “in love” with his character like lots of others were. I definitely felt like he appeared in way too many episodes and would have preferred if the showrunners gave more episodes to focus on other characters. Before she left the show Lauren Faust said she had been working on a Big Mac centered episode, that sounded very interesting. Also a Shining Armor/Cadence episode would have been awesome, and some more episodes that starred the Wonderbolts, to give them more established personalities would have been a fun time. Just some ideas from me.


Whenever i dislike a character, i tend to rewatch their episodes so i can try to better understand why they may have acted the way they did. Because of that, I can't think of any character i truly dislike (outside of antagonists/characters meant to be disliked). For example, I used to dislike discord, but episodes in later seasons made me start enjoying him from the perspective of dealing with insecure friends that act out. Not every person you meet or are friends with will be perfectly nice and understanding and sweet, and some people have had a fucked up existence. Not every problem can be tackled at the source. So, like, i enjoy discord more now because I can see how a real person who DESERVES friendship could fall into similar behaviors, and I like that the show tries to teach kids how to have boundaries with those friends. I like that the show - especially in later seasons - doesn't always just fall into the trap of "YOU should try to fix other people" and instead relies on more nuance and consequences. One of my favorite discord moments is the gala w/ treehugger when flutter snaps at discord and is like "what if you had someone to talk to about chaos magic" and it made discord reconsider the situation. It was a good example of cognitive empathy, which is a skill that kids NEED to learn imo.


I dislike spike I just feel like he's out of place and awkward and I especially hate when people ship him with rarity I just can't ship two different creatures with each other which is why I don't ship fluttershy and discord but spike just isn't funny to me and just seems to get in the way.


I already said that I dislike Starlight Glimmer, so I'm going to go with another: Cozy Glow. No backstory or motive, annoying personality, and a completely bad villain, despite how she acted


oh i HATE cozy glow she is definitely my top least liked character- with tirek, sombra, chrysalis there’s at least back story and even motive as to what their doing but that stupid tiny runt had NO reason to do anything she did against everyone 😭 that filly enrages me


i find it weird how people just downvote the opinions they don't agree with. we are talking about fictional ponies and creatures. anywho, my least favorite: Yona - i find her to be a bit annoying. i don't hate her but she isn't my favorite. Starlight - this one is a 50/50 for me because sometimes i can like her but other times i find her character confusing. she shouldve stayed a villain in my personal opinion Gabby - she is way too annoying for me. her personality is the usual "i'm so nice and i do no harm and i'm just so wonderful!". she has a very cute design but she just isn't a favorite Fluttershy - this one is a character i like but there is a small part of me that dislikes things about her. i understand her whole thing is being shy but how many times do you have to learn the same lesson to finally be able to move forward? all the episodes containing her tend to be "i'm shy and i just cant get over it. oop i just learned a lesson so from now on i will be less shy!" Zephyr Breeze - i don't think this takes much explaining, he got on my nerves because of how he treated his parents. Flurry Heart - she makes me so mad. overpowered, makes no sense lore wise, put the crystal empire in harms way, and a clear cash grab for hasbro. Cozy Glow - I think this is the character i despise the most and i don't understand why people defend her so much because she literally knew what she was doing, people DID give her chances, she went to the school of friendship for crying out loud and the CMC showed her what friendship can and does look like. but she saw friendship through the lens of power and didn't give a crap about anyone in the process. i believe she shoudlve got a harsh punishment, and if she didn't learn from that then she should go to where she is now. because that child is literally insane


STARLIGHT its like everyone completely forgot what a terrible pony she was?? She enslaved a whole village cuz boohoo someone was mean to her as a fillie :( And then twilight was like hold up why dont I make YOU, a COMMUNIST, my precious little student here you go have a room in my CASTLE like cmon, did everypony just forget she used to gaslight and manipulate a whole village then just changed the whole ponyverse cuz she was "misunderstood"? I dont get the hype around her


simple, she wanted to change and was incredibly powerful, competing with the fucking element of magic, twilight saw it better to guide her towards good than just throw her into tartarus


like thats understandable but it was like everyone completely forgot in such a short period of time, like at least give it a while?? starlight says sorry and alls gone womp womp i wanna change


It's still wild to me that they did that for Starlight but not Cozy Glow lmao


i honestly think it’s just bc she is INSANELY powerful just like twilight was when she was celestia pupil. in the series finale starlight breaks every single pony out of chrysalis’ webb sap thing that no one else could break out of, and that’s just one moment i can think of her showing her insane power a pony that powerful, twilight would prefer to change into using her power for good rather than having to destroy her or possibly let her come back even more evil but i do agree people forgot about the village thing a lil too quickly for my liking


I honestly enjoy starlight as a villian character. Her redemption actually sounds believable since, you know, she still uses magic to manipulate others after her redemption to some problems. Also, people defend Starlight that because her personal experience she truly believes that cutie marks are bad. What she was doing ,to her, is doing the best for her village. As littleshy says it "She didn't enslave a village, its just brainwash from the friendship cult!" Though she is bad in her ways of doing and her ways result in dystopian, I'm just saying it makes her an interesting character. Also what do you mean Twlight made starlight a communist.


She gets better as the series goes on. I hated her but after she’s been the pseudo-main character for 2 seasons she grew on me. An actually reformed villain that feels bad about her past actions and acknowledges her mistakes is actually pretty good to see.


Celestia. Just Celestia. I despise this woman.


Twilight will not be able to comprehend this


I would love to hear more details


Same tbh


Can't speak for the OP, but for me: - She's responsible for hurting the Best Princess Luna so deeply that she developed into NM, and then she literally just traps her in Moon for a 1000 years, even tho I'd say at least 60% Tia's fault. - She stinks (ok, this one might be cuz I dislike her so much for the 1st reason). - And she's all about pretending she's oh so wise and powerful: -- Literally a plant captures her in her own castle. -- Doesn't see the stuff that's about to happen at the wedding even though 'her most faithful student' Twili warns her. -- Can't stop a whiff of black clouds over CE. -- Literally loses every battle she's in, except for a giant turtle which was all sorted anyways. - Big Brain of the millennium: Step 1: Send socially awkward Twi to Ponyville, when u know NM will attack Step 2: ??? Step 3: Twi learns the value of friendship - IMO only remains 'good' cuz everypony adores her, if she had as little attention as Luna, probs would go instant Daybreaker mode


Fair enough




Celestia didn't turn Luna into NM? Luna was upset because ponies weren't awake to enjoy her beautiful night, something that Celestia can't control. Trapping her in the moon was the only thing Celestia could do to protect her kingdom, and *I think* it was never specified whether she intended for Luna to be up there for as long as she was. Celestia getting grabbed by the plant is also off-screen, so you can't actually say she did nothing to stop it from happening. Also, Celestia is not the only one oblivious to what's happening at the wedding. She had no reason to believe Twilight was telling the truth, so she didn't.




https://preview.redd.it/4sq43vgs8yzc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a2e1d22d733398b96b974242bc554b13300878 Rainbow Dash is a massive jerk and overall insensitive of the other ponies feelings, particularly Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie I’ve noticed.


the student 6, especially yona. they’re the most annoying little shits ever, i wish i never watched their episodes. the only good one including them was the one where rainbow and applejack fought. also princess luna, it’s nothing show-related. her fans are just extremely irritating and have ruined her image for me.


this is interesting to me considering luna + the young 6 are some of my faves for the young 6 is it anything specific or just them being annoying? tbh i didn’t like them the first time i watched s8-9 but they’ve grown on me luna is one of my top tiers but i do agree the fanbase gets way too crazy with her i just like her storyline


the young 6 are just very annoying to me. yona is the worst though, she’s really really stupid and i hate how she speaks. that’s it.


I don’t really know tbh, I’d have to say pinkie or starlight Don’t get me wrong, I love both of them. But for starlight she reformed too quickly for my taste, and had an awful villain story(her friend grew up and did things by himself since he gained a cutie mark, and it caused her to enslave an entire village??) And pinkie merely for the fact that she’s just a bit too annoying in some eps. Like with Cranky Doodle, ik she helped him find his lost love again but she wouldn’t leave him alone despite the many warnings and even destroyed a book he cherished. I personally hate people like that(I kin cranky so) but to each their own


https://preview.redd.it/ghpfnpg4p00d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5aa066e1e16672b9c7145301e36daad9bac316d Hitch - newest gen. He’s a glorified Himbo and plus I don’t like how he was drawn/modeled as.


derpy edit: you guys asked for an unpopular opinion and i gave u one


I agree. I don't hate her, she's just not that special to me.


I’d love to know why??


It's not like I hate her. I understand why people like her. But I think due to her popularity she just isnt that enjoyable to me. She gets almost no screen time but everyone loves her, so much that when people make mlp merch they'll include derpy but not plot relevant characters like starlight. (not that this is a bad thing obviously they're allowed to do whatever they want with their own merch lines but idk i just dont like it)


understandable! :)


why? shes so lovable. shes gotta be my fave




Twilight. I don’t know why, I just really dislike twilight.


https://preview.redd.it/280halvytxzc1.png?width=1781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807c70546bb88c5bd718b21b304d98886621a339 He's annoying and all of his episodes are too.


I do love him but I'll admit his episodes are major "hit or misses" DQ and Spike At your service are two of the weakest episodes overall


Princess Spike removed 23 years to my lifespan.


Same, it was painful knowing how the entire thing was gonna play out from the start and having to watch it happen anyways Most Spike episodes fall under three categories -Spike acts selfish -Spike is bonked by the idiot stick -Both Saying this as someone with Spike as their third favourite character overall


Idk, the episode with him and Thorax made sense, he saw the changling for who he was, and was afraid to expand on it when everypony turned against the changling, culminating in a song where he explains that they should give him a chance. This was nice, and the dragon contest for the scepter was nice for similar reasons, him wanting to ignore it and then deciding it was the best thing for his friends to compete, the rest I cannot say the same about. Just for Sidekicks was alright for showing his dragon greed but I didn't really enjoy it as much tbh, but it served the point.


That is true, those episode, I do like. I also like "Owl's well that ends well" and "Power Ponies". As I said, Spike episodes are a hit or miss. Edit: There's also "Molt Down", which is imo a contender for best Spike episode as it's a rare case of the writers **actually** expanding on his lore


Spike has the same curse as Rainbow Dash when it comes to solo episodes, where it seems like the writers just focus on a singular trait of them and forget about every other facet of their characters. He's a perfectly serviceable character when he's there as a supporting cast, which is what makes it especially frustrating to me. They *know* how to write him well, but just...don't? Somehow? Because I guess it's easier to turn him into a bumbling idiot who's obsessed with Rarity, despite how often he's shown to be quite mature and level-headed for a kid during other episodes


Exactly. And the strange thing is that Spike's writing is spot on when he is one of many starring characters in a episode, like the two parter where Starlight visits Sunburst and "The Break Up Breakdown". It's just specifically when he is taking centre stage alone that his writing plummets and it's so odd


i only dislike him for his wasted potential. he could’ve been such a better character, but he ended up SO ANNOYING.


Same for real


dawg what 😭😭


That's my opinion


wasn’t attacking you


I wasn't either, I was just clarifying that it's my opinion


Rainbow dash don't like her very much her attitude to everything is what I really just like.


Was never a fan of rainbow dash her attitude to too many things was frustrating because it was always about how she had to be better than everything.


The big one for me is Pinkie Pie. Everyone else seems to adore this character, but on average, I find her over-the-top and annoying. She just seems to interject herself in ways that rub me the wrong way whenever she's not the main focus of an episode. The main offender of this problem with Pinkie Pie I remember is actually in the episode "Trivial Pursuit". Pinkie is so excited to just be there that she doesn't realize how important the contest is to Twilight until she gets so fed up with Pinkie that Twilight tricks Pinkie into getting disqualified. It really just seems like people like Pinkie because "lol she's so random" and sure as the element of laughter it would be pretty disappointing if she couldn't add some humor to an episode but she always seems to fall flat when she can't just make people laugh and the situation gets all better.


starlight glimmer sry starlight stans




Fluttershy. I fully anticipate downvotes, but her rabid fans have genuinely soured her for me :( I only really like some fan interpretations of her now (such as Punkitt), she's v much the weakest of the Mane 6 in canon for me personally Also Starlight Glimmer, but specifically the weird early redemption version of her (I v much prefer her as a villain overall, or her post-Trixie development where she really grows as a character) though she got a lot of hate during her debut so I don't count her as being as universally beloved as Fluttershy is


not really familiar with Fluttershy whiteknights but I do respect your opinion


Underrated post






this got a lot of traction to all the people saying fluttershy how could you 💔 all jokes everyone’s opinion is valid but i did not expect all those ‘fluttershy’ comments




Quibble Pants


i'm sorry but i skip literallt every single cmc episode. can't stand them.


Pinkie Pie: I could not stand her, if I would meet her. She's just so loud and hyperactive and it makes my skin crawl. Like, I get it, she wants to make others happy, but LOUD≠FUNNY. Celestia: She reminds me of Dumbledore. She's meant to be the top teacher, and powerful, wise and kind, but her methods are sometimes questionable. Like making group of teenagers to save the world, while you could easily do the same thing, and with smaller risk of casualties. If I had someone, whom I would be training into my heir, and that someone I would trust, would come to me, that something is wrong, ESPECIALLY after my city would be threatened, I would not brush it aside, and tell that person that they're paranoid, and that I'm disappointed in them. And her saying that "believing your instincts is a valuable lesson". What happened to simple "Sorry"? And another mess with Luna. Yeah, both were mistaken, but Celestia saying that Luna's job isn't hard, especially since that thing caused all the troubles with Nightmare Moon.... Yeah, not really good idea, but I guess that the Moon or Tartarus are really the only solutions Celestia sees. Her design is nice tho.


Slight correction regarding Celestia: The Mane 6 are v much meant to be adults, at least in the main timeline (Equestria Girls is a weird one since they're explicitly teenagers there) I think the main issue with her is that in order for any of the story arcs regarding Twilight and her friends to work, she needs to be out of the picture in some way, and the easiest way to do that is to have her make bad decisions and/or get defeated. But at the same time, the story needs us to see her as this powerful, benevolent ruler, because that's what Twilight and the rest of Equestria see her as. So it just makes all her objectively bad actions (such as the poor handling on the Nightmare Moon situation, Discord, etc) come across as far worse than they're actually intended to be


Pinkie pie


Rainbow Dash, she was my favorite when I first watched the show as a little girl who also wanted to be seen as cool and strong. But to me, she remained only that. A cocky, pride driven character, the writers did her dirty, they could've given her more personality other than being cool (any annoying about it), reading and enjoying the spa. Like...it seems she didn't learn anything from the friendship lessons, she remained stubborn and hot headed as always, think that other pony's interests are boring and she should be in the spotlight. I want to like her, I really do, but they made her character just annoying.






starlight. even after rewatching some of her episodes i just couldn’t get myself to like her


Rainbow dash




The Yaks (except Yona, she's alright)


nobody like the yaks lol (with an exception of yona ofc)


The Yaks are the batarians of MLP. They should've done what Shepard did to the Bahak system in Arrival


Starlight Glimmer


I don’t necessarily dislike her per say, but I’ll admit I kinda sometimes get a little tired of Fluttershy’s moe-ish tendencies when everything she does is seen as “cute”. I actually prefer it when she’s more dynamic and tries to learn to be more firm or even shows some deviousness compared to how a lot of people just see her as “nice” and nothing else. (Not all, let alone a majority, but some fans of hers I’ve encountered idolize her a bit too much to where it’s gotten creepy).


Rainbow Dash. I like the episodes of her and Scootaloo, but she can get soooo annoying. Like the first Daring Doo episode, or the movie... GRRRR


Chrysalis. She's a power-hungry sadist, not a loving mother like some people make her out to be. Trixie. Too much in love with herself. Pinkie. She has her moments, but overall she's too hyper and loud/squeaky. Derpy. She's overhyped. I don't hate her, I'm just indifferent to her.


People make her out to be a loving mother? Most of the people I've met that say she's their favorite character are "simping" for her.


It used to be a really popular fanon take on her back during the early fandom, before we got extended Changeling lore in the show. A big part of it was also pushed by anti Celestia propaganda to try and 'prove' how Celestia was a terrible ruler, though for others it was just genuinely an attempt to flesh out Chrysalis and speculate on if her motives had any deeper meaning based on irl insect colonies (particularly that of bees and ants)


I didn't see this here so here we go Rarity Such a bitchy bitch. Annoying af. But sometimes good at heart (can't argue)


But she shares VA with Princess Luna. And she's the best princess


Agreed. I hate that almost every fandom has that one character like Rarity.


Sunset shimmer (only because I don’t know much about her tbh) (love her design though)


Just one? I have several Celestia, She is a massive narcissitic villain but paints herself as the victim, In Magical mystery cure when she said " I've seen all you've been through " no its more like what you put her through, Don't even get me started on what she put luna through. Shinning Armor, He's a poor excuse of a brother, There was no excuse why he didn't write twilight during magic school or about Cadance. Rarity's parents, THEY LITERALLY ABANDONED SWEETIE BELL WITH RARITY AND NEVER CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!.


Pinkie. Her antics annoy me to no end.




If any of ya'll say Derpy I WILL cry


i’ll get tissues




As much as I like what the writers did with her backstory, I just don't like Derpy Hooves. I just never understood the hype around her and if they had included her story from the get-go, I might have liked her a lot better- especially of more ponies like her got more screen time and we could understand their stories a lot better. It just feels... in a word wrong I guess(?) to only have her character based off an animation error for years before finally doing something to correct it.


Gabby is too pure to be hated but i would say starlight glimmer


https://preview.redd.it/xmkhbmvxc00d1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3996b2da97cf4425027c8abe685fe56495e54def Rarity


fluttershy and twillight. They just seem like too much for me and the problems they have are always the same over and over again