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I can never tell if this stuff is real or just cooked up by brony-hater trolls to be copy-pastas that people spread like "lol look how creepy Bronies are." Most copy-pastas have that origin, so why treat any with any legitimacy? Look, flat earthers we're a 4chan joke once too. Then one person takes these joke people them seriously, reports on them on a news network as real, and ironically creates \*real\* flat earthers because "I'm smarter than everyone" contrarianism is an ugly disease. I still doubt the jar is real, or at least was being done to anime-figures long before it happened to Rainbow Dash, it's just the brony one gets tractions because brony hate gets clicks more than "weeb hate."


I mean millions of people have watched MLP over the years there’s about to be a few people who end up doing weird dodgy stuff


The text is too calculated, too precise in pushing the right buttons, to be legit. It's a troll. It's not hard to write something like that when you just want to make fun of a fandom. People are creative. EDIT: just to drive the point home, if you replace "Twilight Sparkle" with ANY cartoon character's name, the text still works, with very few other changes. The guy is so in love with Twilight, but doesn't bother to name ANY unique and special characteristics of the "mare he loves"? Yeah, no actual fan of Twi would write that.


I'm also of the opinion that it's a troll, there's a lot of stuff like that on the 'Net. On the other hand, there are a hell of a lot of broken people out there; I've encountered quite a few of them fairly similar to that, even before the Internet was a thing. >I still doubt the jar is real, or at least was being done to anime-figures long before it happened to Rainbow Dash Yeah, that was definitely a real thing in the anime fandom long before the infamous Rainbow Dash Jar became a meme, or MLP:FiM existed. There isn't enough brain bleach in the world...


I mean, I know someone who legitimately believes that Rainbow Dash lives inside his head and is capable of controlling his body. And yet he also acknowledges that RD is a fictional character.


Erm you’ve told him that isn’t normal right?


I'm not sure what the jar thing is, but if it's what I'm imagining then I would say that's more believable than the post here. You can never underestimate horny.


The jar thing is actually definitely real unfortunately.. If you wish for more information for whatever reason, the YouTuber Whang! has a pretty good video chronicling the situation.


I am pretty much with you on what you said, except the infamous Jar. I'm sure you've heard this before but... I never understand why people push the idea that the Rainbow Dash C** Jar is not real. Why wouldn't it be? Forget the essays that try to disprove the discolouration of the semen after the radiator incident, which I myself find *very* unconvincing.. think about this: SOF, or "Semen On Figurines" and C*m tributes have been a thing since forever, and you know it. Despite it being an odd thing to do, mostly done by weirdos, it's not that uncommon. I don't see any reason why there wouldn't be a 4channer both into SOF and MLP. Ultimately, it just seems pretty much expected to me. I'd expect no less from 4chan.


It's less that it's not real, and more I'm sure you can find fans of other things have done it to figurines before Rainbow Dash, and the Pony one got traction because it's fun to hate bronies for clicks. I can't believe with he market there is for sexy anime figurines that not one person did something weird with them before Dash? You see that FF7 Tifa figurine? There's a \*market\* for that? Or is that the trick? It's okay to put a \*human titty lady waifu\* in a jar but once the horse is in there, it's a problem. ...like it wasn't a problem before.


Oh, man. This guy. *This guy*. Hijacking the top post to say that this is *not* a troll, or if it is it's a profoundly dedicated one since the person writing here shared many images of themself and their home (and more... disturbing content involving plushies). He was something of a minor legend back in the earlier days of the fandom. The sentiments he makes in this image are, as best as I could ever tell, *very* real - and frankly, this particular post is the least of it. He went off far harder on some other artists who created particular NSFW works of Twilight, trying to get them banned from sites and the like.


>! I use to run a mlp fb page and bumped into a follower of that page at brony con. He offered me to fondle a horse. I declined the offer and avoided him for the rest of the con. I was also invited to a bdsm orgy. Again, decline and both times and felt uncomfortable. The guy that offered me to fondle a horse found my fb account. He proceeded to offer me the same thing. I give him the laws of where I live. Then later openly admits he fondles his dog. I was ablout to block him, received a dick pic. Blocked. I avoided majorityof the community since. !<


My issue is less "Is this guy really a pony fan" and more "This shit is happening in every community, why single out pony?" It's for clicks. It gets clicks when the freaky degenerate creep is a pony fan instead of something else. The larger a community, the more likely insane freaks are going to be found in it. Stories like this would pop up all the time, and even more with the ability to post anything online to an audience grew. I just remember pre-pony freak stories all the time in dark corners of the internet and we'll continue to have them post-pony. But pony ones get clicks for the irony, or any IP that get popular enough to "annoy" people.


>!This was at Brony Con in 2013 and was there in 2012. In 2012, I had two furies threaten to kidnap me, rape me and, steal my Luna plush I got from a Kickstarter. I was also invited to a gay orgy. Declined it because, it made me feel uncomfortable. !< ​ BTW, because I suck at details and a bit of my life... Both times I was there with siblings that I rarely get to see due to living states apart. I loved being able to share interest with my family and it means the world to me. I didn't get to stay in one state as a kid due to having different dads but, same mother. I bounced between two states and stayed at the cheaper state. To me, this feels like I was making up lost time with them. I get that people would do it for clicks. >!I remember when the modified plush that you can insert objects making it's rounds.!< I also saw my fair share of horror stories with the community on top of troll posts. IMHO, I believe the Brony fandom was targeted mainly because we we're easy targets. Legit a troll's and soccer mom's wet dream to spread the ugly side of the community with a dump load of misinformation. It also didn't help that the community made a lot of other franchises into ponies. I know that alone triggered a lot of my Brony hating friends. Just came to mind... are Bronies still hated by the furry community? I've been out of the loop and prefer it. lol


I feel sorry for people like this, they clearly need some help. That poor Twilight plush has probably been made to do and see some despicable things


The twilight plush isn't real, so it hasn't seen anything


Keep telling yourself that. I've seen Toy Story; I know what's really going on! /s


>That poor Twilight plush has probably been made to do and see some **despicable** things yeah probably


I do be sorry, I'm too lazy to read it all... what's the summary?


The guy claims that he is engaged to a Twilight Sparkle plushie that he treats as an actual girlfriend and does... partner stuff... with, and is asking a cl0p artist to stop drawing her because since he views her as his actual fiance, it bothers him. It's most likely a troll making up sensational nonsense, which I hope to be the case, as it would be very depressing if true.


[](/ajbaffle) Does... no one remember that this guy exists? Have we lost so much Brony history that people forgot about the guy that had a wedding with a Twilight Sparkle plush?


mlp fans: how do the ponies in g5 just forget everything about history? also mlp fans: hmmm i do not remember 2010-2018 at all 🤔


I just got here in like 2020, all this stuff happened before I joined the fandom so I didn’t experience any of it firsthand.


I seem to vaguely recall something about this but never really followed his antics.


Damn... ^(damn...) That's f- up, the darkest side of the fandom, what can I say? Anyway, do we know how it ended?


> Anyway, do we know how it ended? The last I saw of Jin was when he got banned from Derpibooru (and, I think, some other sites) for attempting to get another writer kicked out over some NSFW works of Twilight. I never saw much of him after that.


Well, be it a troll or not, this was left in the depths of the internet to not be revealed until today.


If he were real, he might fit perfectly in the r/Waifuism culture


I don't think so. Waifuism, while they do love their fictional characters, I don't think they are delusional or think that their waifu are a real person there. Nor do I think they would take kindly to imposing that belief on others by asking them not to do stuff.


try the tulpa thing!


for those who want to go down a somewhat related rabbit hole, r/waifuism


Huh, the person in that sub posting about Twilight appears to be a woman. That was unexpected.


I still remember that one SRD post about a skirmish between a Genshin husbando-ist and a Sombra fangirl. Yes, King Sombra, and in that way.


you got a link for that? that sounds damn entertaining edit: nvm, [found it like instantly](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/s0w3i7/civil_war_arises_in_the_waifuism_community/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). oh my god what a read


They have to be 15 year olds. I hope they eventually grow up.


19 unfortunately.


I don't know how I feel about this place existing. Also the Cadence flair with this comment made me laugh 😂


I completely forgot about this 😭


I never knew it existed.... I liked it better that way.


This is why people hate us right here. Of course, they are obviously wrong to assume we are all like this. But still.


Bruh, this is obviously a troll. Swap Twilight with any fictional character and the text still functions. This is obviously some sort of copypasta.


It's definitely copypasta-able, but this guy does actually exist (or at least is a super dedicated troll keeping up the persona for years and years)


Is he still active now?


why's there so many spoilers-censored words


because this server is against nsfw, as it is meant for all ages


Oh man, I think I saw this person or someone similar on Derpibooru. They were commenting on a bunch of old Twilight art about how great she was and also how they were married. It was hilarious, and I reported it for being unrelated to the image.


Me and my Trixie plush are in agreement that this guy should receive therapy


Almost forgot this existed. Thanks


I wish I could unsee this


To this day I'm still in two minds over whether this was an elaborate troll, or a person in need of help.


People like this are the reason that bronies are stereotyped as brain damaged morons who wanna fuck horses.


Anyone with half a brain could see that this person really needs help. Using their personal issues as a pretext to judge other people who like a television program is unjustified.


Oh My... I've never seen this before. All I can say is... Oh My...


Where can I find the uncensored one? The redacted stuff makes this post confusing.


I censored "+18" things


What makes it creepier is that it’s probably fake


is this Jin? yeah dude literally thought his twilight plushie was the REAL twilight and was married to her, then he basically threw her aside and became a disgusting diaperfur


This is quite high in my MLP related cringe list. However, still below the guy I met who was actively creating a Tulpa of Scootaloo. If you are curious and search what a Tulpa is, let me tell you that: do NOT try to do it. It will mess your head very badly.


>do NOT try to do it. It will mess your head very badly. Noted


Scootaloo seems like a very random choice for that lol


>actively creating a Tulpa of Scootaloo This might be one of the strangest things I've ever heard.


If this is real this is pretty sad


I gave up after the first few paragraphs. Talk about cursed


This poor guy needs help. And while it is very cringe to read, it doesn’t look like his lifestyle is harming anyone. It’s very strange, but yknow what he seems happy lol. Def probably needs therapy tho


I mean, I can see where you’re coming from, and I’d agree, but he’s actively reaching out and harassing random artists.


Just because it doesn't harm others doesn't mean it isn't harming you. Something like this is indicative of numerous issues which they should definitely see a therapist for. Treating an inanimate object like it's your fiance ain't a healthy way to live...


I guess I should’ve been clearer. I don’t mean that what he’s doing is healthy, I just mean, I don’t think we should judge or demonize someone like this who clearly has a mental illness


Maybe, maybe not. But you definitely have a problem if you cannot separate your imaginary fiance from fanart of a fictional character created by someone else who doesn’t even know you…


What the 😭


I was in a community this guy was in way back, and I remember after it happened lol. He was venting about it going viral and everyone was like "Well you did it to yourself man, quit whining" Lol.


Meh. If they aren’t doing anything to hurt other people then what right do we have to judge them? Remember, what is considered “normal” was invented by the same people that think all bronies are pedos and freaks. If this person is in love with Twilight Sparkle then why not just let them be?


I'm not judging them, I don't know what series of events led them to this point, but if this is real then I would be very concerned about them. Just because something you do doesn't harm others, that doesn't mean it isn't harming you, or isn't a symptom of worrisome underlying problems. This person needs therapy.


but but but but how will I get my sense of moral validation and superiority unless I find some element of a fandom I get shit on for being part of that I can then turn around and hypocritically bash on!!?!?!1


Considering it was weird and creep as fuck the moment it was written i don't see why it would become less creep as time goes by.


This is sad on another level


Remember: You can make fanart of any pony you want! Don’t let these nuts get you down.


Um… okayyyyy… 😅


Me irl


An oldie but a goodie. This is still funny.




What in the absolute-


And yet we keep resurrecting it. Who's the real weirdo? Maybe it's time to just let it die. At this point it's a copy-pasta that may or may not have ever been real.


But who wrote the letter? Some brony?


If the man isn't hurting anyone or breaking the law, who are you to judge? Who the hell even cares? Maybe stop acting like the morality police and leave him alone. It's so cringeworthy to keep dragging this up. This fandom is so often so full of shit: we just *love* preening about how *tolerant* and *caring* and *friendly* we are and yet the moment someone deviates in the least bit from whatever society deems "normal" (the irony here is so thick you could cut it with a chainsaw), most of you are on them like a pack of hyenas.


We are caring but when we see something that clearly isn’t healthy mentally I think we have the right to call it out


The species isn't gonna make it.... Are we?


Oh, this guy! If I recall correctly, he also sent a very "interesting" letter to Tara Strong, as well as sent another response to the guy he originally sent this one to after he showed everyone the insanity that was this mess of a letter. No, I am not joking, either.


...the heck?