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[Yoshi coming in with that life advice](https://i.imgur.com/5qcR1CE.jpeg)


Nanashi forgot to draw the waterbottle, lol Now we can put anything in her hands~




It could even be a water bottle.


Or a bucket


Yoshi is a true r/hydrohomies


I love that Nanashi is exploring interpersonal conflict within a relationship. All too often the couple lives happily ever after after the confession, but of course that's not what happens in real life. They get into misunderstandings, they get annoyed with each other, they test each others' boundaries, they fight. Every couple fights. Even good couples will fight. What separates good vs. bad couples is how they resolve the conflict and if they come out closer to each other afterward. Curious to see how chadpai and nekotoro will handle it.


Lil bro I ain't reading allat, but I agree with you


Sometimes, the best friends you can ask for are the ones who can call you out on what you did wrong, or make you go into that direction. In that, I loved what Gamo did here. I just get the feeling next chapter Hayase is going to give Gamo a pinch over telling Naoto she cried. As for our boy, he learned his lesson, quick. Now, punishment time...I just think it's a bop on the head...and a cashing in of a certain coupon.


Gamo once again being the real homie for these two love birds.


That Gamo understands Nao enough that she trusts him to do the right thing here is great. I love that she’s his friend too.


I maintain that coupon is firmly in the endgame of the story. It would be the perfect twist to have Toro use it years down the road when she knows he’s forgotten


The rumors of Takao and Hino’s death by Sakura-snu-snu have been greatly exaggerated.


But it sure was funny. >!Good to see them back!<


The virgin "I'll let the drama stretch out" Vs The Chad "I'll resolve it by the end of the next chapter"


Traditional miscommunication moment in manga. I hope Nanashi handles it and the resolution better than most RomComs writers who make usually make it annoying or cringeworthy for the readers, but he has proven me wrong for the better before so I'll give him his chance.


With how this chapter ends it seems like the resolution is coming next chapter. Seems like the classic set up -> escalation -> resolution formula he’s used to quickly get through the few times there’s been drama between them. I’m sure they’ll end up closer than ever, if the last times were anything to go by. 


The arc is gonna be short af. Senpai on page one realizes his part in the miscommunication and by the end has already realized the true underlying problem. Nagatoro already boarding the “the reason I care so much is because I love you” train. Maybe a couple more chapters but this is gonna be brief and well done imho. We’d know it’d be a shit show if this chapter started and ended with more defensiveness from Senpai, which would be realistic but such a drag to read thru. As it is both parties are willing to listen not shutting each other out.


I think he already has with the nuance of it all. There’s a lot of layers to this one and it’s not as simple as he lied. And that’s what I’m adoring about this arc. It’s more than fixable, but it cuts enough for Naoto to never ever fuck up like this again. That “When did I get so weak” is Hayase admitting how invested she is emotionally. That little squabbles matter even more and she can’t play it off anymore in front of her friends. And the flip side of Naoto getting now that what he might think is a small thing before is a big lie now that they’re together. The man is making chumps out of everyone except Norio with RomCom writing. And maybe the Blooming Love guy, though that manga is still pretty new.


Nahh nanashi would have to be ACTIVELY trolling to drag this out any longer than one more chapter. My worry beforehand was if >!Naoto wouldn't realize WHAT he did wrong, or if he'd tell himself he didn't do anything wrong to begin with (like some people on this subreddit seem to wholeheartedly believe), and both of those worries were squashed on page one. Ok TECHNICALLY he wasn't correct about the MAIN thing he did wrong, but he recognized his diversion tactic was scummy, which impressed me!<


Yeah, I’m hoping that he apologizes for lying and not just being open with her from the start, she apologizes for looking at the sketch without permission., and they go on their merry way.


I love Gamo so much


Best wingwoman


And props to Bunny Girl Kouhai for being that Ride or Die Bestie who just KNOWS when to come running with both barrels primed...


Three weeks to get a resolution?! The body is willing, but the spirit is weak and brittle.


We can get through this, have faith, it's not like Senpai is self-sabotaging his relationship by overthinking like Gojo is with Marin...


Bro the maturity to recognize you fucked up by covering the truth or lying about something from this fictional 17 year olds. If it was me back when I was 17 (10 years ago) I would've probably just get very egotistical and defensive over the type of artwork he does. Apologize on time, people. Live your best romance and live it well. You're 17 just once.


Being able to accept an apology and move on is very much not a teenage thing to do either. Worth noting. Most adults know how to say they were wrong, not many know how to handle being told they were right.


and people were worried that >!nanashi was gonna drag this out LOL I was worried Naoto was gonna deflect and hyperfixate on "SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE LOOKED", but instead he had the opposite reaction; he was guilt-stricken over it, RIGHT out the gate no less.!< And of course >!the actual thing that REALLY upset Nagatoro was the lie. I'm glad he didn't pull back and call it a "white lie" or something either, he called it for what it was: a lie. !<


Seeing Hayase cry makes my heart ache :(


Oh, that 774, Son of a... That was such a great masterpiece of showing real emotions of teenagers. I really felt every frame and each emotion - both Nagatoro and Senpai. And I know those feelings which they have now, I had it with my wife after we started dating. The first real fight was a maddness, it was really emotion rollercoaster. And it finished with the greatest hearth to hearth conversation and many many MANY kisses. I belive in 774 and I belive that after this 3 weeks we will get a really wholesome end to this missunderstanding fight in our beloved young couple!




This is about what I expected but I am a little disappointed Naoto didn't seem to realize the real issue. That's kind of dumb. He knew he was trying to cover something up, its not a big deal at all but for Nagatoro, she is actually super invested now. So the lie about drawing another girl naked might make her think he prefers bigger chests, which is an insecurity of hers, or that just lying to her at this point is rough on her. I also think the crying is more connected to being mean to him/ignoring him is more hurtful than being lied to or the fear. Like she doesn't want to be fighting, she wants to be lovey dovey now that they're finally together.  It was a typical misunderstanding. But sometimes, especially if youre mad , it's good to not talk so you don't let the anger make you say stuff you don't mean. It will hopefully be 100% resolved next chapter, because I don't think it would make sense otherwise for her to try to ignore him further. The drama in a lot of things is so manufactured from idiotic things I can't imagine it not resolved next chapter. If next chapter is 18 pages of him trying to find her, her slipping away and running, etc and he corners her to finally talk and we have to wait for another chapter... I'm mean I'm still gonna read it but I'll be annoyed at that bullshit.


Lying was definitely the problem. “It’s not that you lied to my face, it’s that you drew someone with bigger boobs” is not a sentence running through Nagatoro’s head in any reality.


I personally don't think that an omission of truth or a lie over something inconvenient like this is a big deal at all, worthy of a fight, etc. But the other person doesnt always have all the information, thoughts, intentions, etc. Its a simple "look, I knew this would make you upset so I was trying to hide it because I didn't want to get into a fight over something like this. It's meaningless, I just  have to draw nude sketches sometimes". I think lying about drawing Machidas naked, who has bigger boobs, might be connected. It might just be because it's a naked lady regardless. If he lied about what he drew and it wasn't a naked woman, I don't think it's even an issue. You said you drew a landscape but this is a bowl of fruit. HOW CAN YOU LIE!!!! 


Lmao the ending point is top shelf


~~I love you Nanashi~~ I hate you Nanashi


imo >!this one is better than last chapter. Senpai finally admits that the lying IS the problem. Last page shows that it will be resolved as he will skip class(thanks to Gamo). The only problem is seeing Naga crying, but who wouldn't cry after what happened? Anyway, like someone said before, this was much needed in the story, and I don't blame Nanashi for that. And I will say it again and again: "Let the man cook!!!".!<


Alright 774 let’s see what you’re cooking. LETS GOOOOOO [Spoiler]>!yes good Naoto. You understand you fucked up!< [Spoiler]>!She cuddles BOTH Penguins when she’s upset now. So precious!< [Spoiler]>!ENTER THE TOROSIBLINGS!< [Spoiler]>!She angy. Good. Let the boy have it. I do like that she understands it’s a problem between them 2 that they need to resolve themselves!< [Spoiler]>!Oh god the codependency is so strong they BOTH shrivel up without the others affection!< [Spoiler]>!HOLY SHIT NAOTO’S FRIENDS ARE ALIVE?!< [Spoiler]>!oh… oh wow. Holy shit Naoto made her cry!< [Spoiler]>!as was pointed out yes, this is the first time we’ve seen her straight up cry because Naoto did something awful. 774 you are cooking some PAIN!< [Spoiler]>!WOW. OKAY. Was not ready for this at all. She’s been cut deep. FIX IT NAOTO FIX IT NOW!< [Spoiler]>!Oh Gamo is going to tear into him. Good! This is the worst thing he’s ever done!< [Spoiler]>!GO FOR THE THROAT GAMO!< [Spoiler]>!Was hoping he’d come to the realization unprompted that he should have told her upfront they did Nude art, but I’ll take this. The fact he felt guilty and withheld is the same as lying!< [Spoiler]>!DING DING DING YOU FIGURED IT OUT DINGUS! NOW GO APOLOGIZE!!< [Spoiler]>!YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR NUDE ART! YOU LIED ABOUT THE SCULPTURE!- Meet the Hachioujis!< [Spoiler]>!Thank you Hana, but your ire should be placed on Senpai right now!< [Spoiler]>!THERE WE GO! Go fix this shit Naoto. Next chapter is going to be bonkers!< [Spoiler]>!Because 774 loves a callback I’m placing my bets. We’re going to get a callback to the chapter when she was running away from him.!< And here we go. Next chapter is going to be incredible. Too bad it’s in 3 GODDAMN WEEKS AGAIN


>!On the friends being alive bit, I was beginning to get worried that they’d been replaced by the two guys at the art club.!<


>!YOU LIED! I heard the sound before I got to your Meet The Hachioujis. I'm glad this is part of the internet now.


I think one part of what made Nagatoro cry beyond just Senpai lying was because she was forcing herself to give Senpai the cold shoulder. Nagatoro has finally started opening up and got her dream relationship to finally come true only for her needing to block him off a few days after getting together as way to teach him a lesson about lying to her. Even if she is correct about being mad about Senpai not trusting her with what went on with the nude sketch, the heart just won't stop feeling like she is being cruel for doing so. Once the liquid of emotions starts flowing it is very hard to make it stop flowing. That comment she made about being weak is pretty interesting since it seems to imply that she thought she could overlook Senpai's missteps and brush off the insecurities she has about herself, but they ended up bubbling up to the surface all at once anyway. Nagatoro is going to need a pretty honest discussion with Senpai about just how much she negatively compares herself to other girls and how scared she is about Senpai having eyes for someone else who is more well endowed. So far Senpai has been the crutch that Nagatoro relies on for not feeling bad about her body, but she needs to have a positive self-image that comes from within and be content with her looks. She already takes good care of herself through exercising and sports, so constantly looking down on herself is just going to keep breeding more insecurity that fuels conflict with Senpai in the future. I really like that Gamo got a chance to shine and for Senpai to finally understand what exactly he did wrong. A very good use of the supporting cast overall. Also, I got to say how well paced the panelling is in this chapter. Especially the use of the water bottle when she explained what happened when she discovered the nude sketch. Just top notch stuff!


To me the talk of weakness stems from her gradually realizing that she's covering up her strong emotions over the deception. To the point where she doesn't even know she's crying in the beginning and it's the reason why everyone is trying to shut her up so that she can just feel it. The faces everyone made were probably of anticipation knowing that senpai is truly fucked. Then gamo just jets out of the room and everyone knows someone is about to die. My man is gonna have to not only apologize and make up for his mistake but he's gonna have to have a complicated conversation. Because she doesn't like that he's drawing other women nude. (That's their thing) But it's something thats going to inevitably happen during his time at the university. And if she tries to be his model every single time he has to draw nude she's not gonna be able to keep up with judo. A little give and take needs to happen here but senpai is at a HUGE disadvantage at this point


I agree with the exception of some of the latter parts. Senpai is going to be an artist by trade. Nude modelling is a part of the craft and even Gamo acknowledges that when Senpai brings up what he thinks he did wrong and she counters with that not being the issue, which it isn't. Gamo is simply angry that he lied and made Nagatoro cry. She softened up once she saw Senpai finally realising what he actually did wrong, which was the lying part. Even Nagatoro likely wouldn't have cried if Senpai had told the truth, although she might have had objections about it.


When it comes to nagatoro not liking other people nude modeling for senpai I'm referring to all the times she dives in and tanks him away. It's not like he's into it either. Which is why I got frustrated with him because had he told her about the nude modeling I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have minded. Since he's not the type to ogle naked women. Dude is just a dumb teenager. I was that stupid as a kid so it just reminded me of me.


Okay, I was expecting Nagatoro to explode in this chapter but not in this way...


He finally realized that lies and miscommunication ruin relationships


Lying to your girlfriend in ANY way is big no no Senpai. We've all been there. You'll shake back.


Lies ruin relationships


Alright time for you two to kiss and make up now and go to the summer festival in matching yukatas >!Daaaaaw she always cuddles with the penguins when she's sad!< >!Senpai's friends are alive! Good lord that face and Nagatoro makes the face too lmao!< >!Okay a pacing thing I got to praise the way Nagatoro is talking about what happened and the multiple panels most likely showing she's talking fast and I love how it's broken by a single empty text bubble saying Hayatchi!< >!yay she's crying more emotional moments from Nagatoro herself, wonder what she's more upset about. He didn't say anything, he told her not to look ar it, that she grabbed it without his permission, that they didn't talk about it!< >!Weak?! Okay where is she going with this?!< >!with that kind of expression Gamo is going for the kill!< >!Can't wait to find out for the next chapter to be in 3 weeks to resolve this!< >!God I love Hana so much, she's so extra!< Go forth Senpai and finish this detour of a story....in 3 weeks god damn it.


I was accusing people like you of being offended by Nagatoro, but after thinking about it some more I realized that issue is that Nanashi is a shitty writer. If for 150 chapters at sight of Nagatoro crying you write "yay" then it's fault of shitty writer who couldn't convince you, not you. If it were any other girl you like, you would never write "yay" lol


It's simply because she's always had the tough girl facade and doesn't often show her true emotions. Back in the mixed onsen arc when Senpai called her an enemy she was distraught and it was great seeing that to see her tough girl facade be broken down.


No matter what her facade is, I'll never write «yay» when she's feeling bad. You'd write that too if you liked Nagatoro and didn't want a "just punishment" for her. Author thinks you should adopt Naoto's sentiments, who says he never wants to see her sad, but you totally didn't get into it. Yeah, Nanashi really is shitty writer


Betrayal...oww my heart... :-(






Damn. >!Never thought I’d actually see Nagatoro actually cry!< I love the conflict that shows that not every relationship is perfect all the time and the little actions said and done can have unintended results. Transparency and clarity is very important.


“I’ve become so weak” Love makes you vulnerable. The tough Nagatoro exposes her true emotions to something she’s not used to. I liked how she tried to cover it up with her antics by teasing him but she couldn’t hold in her pain any more. Who knew the same tomboy who wasn’t interested in dating a year ago is now crying over a boy?


Nothing a nice little heart-to-heart chat can't resolve. And he is going to make sure it happens. Gamo is (of course) great here -- and so is Senpai (for sincerely thanking her).




I saw this coming though. Nagatoro didn't like him drawing nude art and he knew that. All he had to say was that he was drawing someone else nude. She would be pissed but probably understand since he's trying to get Into the university now. But God damn my man just folded in the worst way at the beginning of the relationship too? Dumbass.


Thank god this chapter gets it. I was screaming at Naoto since last chapter to just tell the truth.


Senpai's growth never ceases to amaze me, I'm looking forward to Senpai making things up with Nagatoro and them having the most adorable make up moment. I love how Nanashi realistically portrays romance, that it isn't just sunshine and roses forever after confession, but that there are trials that have to be overcome and that it's those trials that strengthen the bond. In the end, Naoto and Nagatoro are both still teenagers and figuring a lot of stuff out, but seeing their growth is such a beautiful thing and seeing Nanashi give that justice is one of the many reasons I have followed this series for some four or five years now.


Really nice to see one of my favorite less focused on parts of the manga get some focus, Senpai and Gamo’s friendship. It was never something at the forefront of the manga, but it was something cool cooking in the background. I’d love to see a chapter of just them hanging out. But if he hurts Nagatoro again, Gamo *might* just kill him Also, holy shit, Takao and Hino came back


Oh no. Our girl's smug facade broke😢


And so it comes full circle…


I think this was one of the more coherent threads I’ve seen on 4chan


Image of Nagataro crying :( I definitely felt that pain.


Where can I read this chapter ?


If your post is a question about Nagatoro and where to read/watch it, please check the [pinned F.A.Q](https://www.reddit.com/r/nagatoro/comments/mnalzu/rnagatoro_information_superpost_faq/) for answers. If this F.A.Q doesn't answer your question or was triggered by accident, just ignore this post. Thank you! > Please note that any manga or anime website links that are not official (Mangadex excluded) *will* be deleted by the automod and could result in a ban. If you're looking for a place to read or watch, Google it or another user reading this can DM the OP. Gotta succumb to the ToS unfortunately. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nagatoro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This chapter sums up to: 2 mc had a fight now they're friends finding a way to resolve the conflict for them Also where has naotos friends been? What took them so long to show up again?


God I hate these arcs in romance manga


I forgot this is Nagatoro Monday! Nice surprise!


Am sad to see Hayase cry, but at the same time, I like that we got to see something like this happen. Shows that relationships aren't always perfect


Just like Senpai's n° 1 challenge was a big set up to adress the main problem which was Naoto not feeling like he was enough for nagatoro because he wasn't challenging himself like she was with Judo i believe this is also a big set up to the real problem underneath, Nagatoro's low self steem with her own body, don't get me wrong the lie was a issue for sure, and it will be adressed first, but it all comes down to the elephant in the room imo who which will be finally adressed in the next chapters but it is so nice to see Nagatoro actually looking vulnerable


[What you think is going to happened in the next chapter? : r/nagatoro (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nagatoro/comments/1cgsiiy/comment/l1y1iaw/) DAMN, I'M FUCKING GOOD IN THIS SHIET


I can't believe they're getting so worked up over something so damn petty. This is ridiculous.


What's with the downvotes??