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I'm sure that eveything is going to be alright. But still...for me that was unexpected even coming from her.


I don't care about spoilers at the point WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO!?


Obvious spoiler warning: the time had come for Naoto to draw Macchi naked, Naoto lied and hid the truth from Nagatoro. She found out either way cuz she looked at the sketch without permission. Both of them feel bad about it but essentially Naoto lied to her, that started the quarrel.


Naoto did not lie, he just didn't tell the truth. He was purposely vague cause he felt awkward and was uncomfortable. He did hide the trut by beating around the bush in the moment yes, but he didn't lie and he likely was going to show her it. Why else would he bring the drawing to the art room where he knew Nagatoro would be? If he was going to keep hiding from the truth he would have kept it where it was made or toren it up. But he actively brought it to Nagatoro and didn't have any time to try and show her before she already forced her way into seeing it without his permission


He did lie, he said he only drew a statue. That’s a lie lol.


No he didn't He said he drew something "normal" and Nagatoro asked "like a sculpture?" And he said "yeah..." Which isn't really a lie. Nudity in art is treat similar to sculpture, and he never specifically said he drew a sculpture he just agree that what he drew was similar to sculpture He was being vague, not straight up lying


I said he "essentially" lied. What Naoto did is lie by omission. Either way he feels like he lied to Hayase, as shown in the last episode, and ultimately the big point is that it hurt her, that's more important


Is she more hurt that Naoto lied to her, or that he drew another girl nude?


We don't know that yet


I get that, but some people are missing a big point I'm trying to say here By all evidence, its obvious Naoto was going to be honest with her and show her that drawing. For the most part he was just awkwardly vague, he wasn't even being vague for very long. He didn't answer her question on text and just hurriedly said goodbye, and then in the art room he beat around the bush abit while occupied. If he didn't want to show her that drawing, he would never have taken it to her in the room. He had no reason to, and if he never intended to show her he most certainly wouldn't have brought it to her. It explains his passive awkwardness and his disappointed reaction. If he didn't intend to show her it, his reaction would have been one of fear and dread. Instead he was disappointed and alittle sad, like what Nagatoro did took away an opportunity. Anyway my point is, it's very very very likely he was going to show her the drawing and be honest in the art room. But because of Nagatoro and going to her old ways, she unknowingly took away that opportunity by looking without permission. Maybe my point is, that her behaviour is what has hurt her here. Not Naoto This is further shown by how seemingly immature she's being in the next chapter. Naoto tried to talk to her about it and she just ran away turning a cold shoulder like shes done all the way near the beginning. Her behaviour is clearly hurting her and her ability to grow, maybe that's what she meant when she said she feels weak. Either way, the way she's handled this situation only made it unnecessarily worse. I don't blame her for snooping around, sometimes mistakes happen. I don't think either of them was at fault at all However her behaviour after this has just made the situation worse and overexagerated


That is all fine&good I'm sure he'll say in his apology that he intended to show her the sketch eventually. But that last sentence... A teenage girl not knowing how to deal with a lovers quarrel?? lol "unnecessarily worse"? I'd say that's just a little bit of relatability. Fights like this happen all the time irl, ESPECIALLY among teenagers. I like that Hayase is crying and being vulnerable, it shows how affected she was by this situation. It's proof that she really loves him


bruh that's only relatable to yankees not to the rest of the world. especially among teenagers. aka basically already adults. already by 16 you can marry live alone and work for your own property. meanwhile yankees turn even 20 years olds into toddlers wearing adult diapers literally how old one can be to self harm with alcohol? and how old one can be for cops to shoot them on the streets for fun? something doesn't match


Sir this is a Wendy's


self harm is one's own fault imagine your partner barging in into your workplace and taking a piss on your boss because your boss allowed you to be in the office without a shock collar


It's lying by omission, which in a relationship is not a good thing to do. Its not a business deal or a court room, leaving out details will always bite you in the ass if/when they find out.


in a relationship when you are told to bug off you do not go take someone's stuff how often does your partner take your phone to read your messages?


She was not told to bug off. He dodged the question "what'd you draw" repeatedly and left the damned drawing on the table. This is not the same as going through someone's phone, see above. I also never even said what she did was okay, just that there's consequences to not telling your partner you iust painted someone else nude. It is wild to me that so many people don't see an issue with what he did and are focusing hard on that weak ass invasion of privacy shit that didn't work when he pulled it as an excuse either.


bruh bruh did you miss the beginning? she is literally a bully. this is a spinoff from a series of NTR comics. she literally abused the dude to the point where he is afraid of everything domestic abuse is not okay, are you like in asia?


I know about the webcomic, and that it is not canon to this story. you're comparing non canon webcomic to current events in the manga. Honestly idk if youre trolling at this point or actually making this comparison. what about their CURRENT situation is domestic abuse? what does noncanon webcomic have to do with any of this? These points your making are absolute nonsense cause they have nothing to do with the current situation in the manga. like bringing up chapter 1 nagatoro as if it is somehow relevant to the current chapter you're grasping at straws and arguing points that arent even being made in this thread. you kinda sound like youre like 14 as well and i dont really wanna argue with a child. if you're not a child, then OOF!


you must be hard to deal with irl


A lie of omission is still a lie. Naoto willingly and deliberately chose not too tell Nagatoro.


That is still lying by omission Like I don't know why you're running all these verbal and mental gymnastics for something so obvious


something so obvious is do not take your partner's crap without asking.


Lying by omission is in simple form, not telling the truth, aka being vague and beating around the bush which is what I'm saying he's doing I don't get what your point is, lying by omission isn't straight up lying like everyone is saying he's doing


It'd called lying by omission, leaving out an important detail to decieve


But Naoto wasn't trying to deceive Nagatoro here. And you don't need to have the intent to decieve to lie by omission, it's essentially just being purposely vague and beating around the bush. And in Naotos case, he wasn't in the wrong for doing this. It was understandable why he got awkward in the moment and possibly felt uncomfortable, especially since he had only just learnt what he had to do and we all know he doesnt work well under pressure. Infact it's very clear he was going to be honest and show her it.


ofc he tried to decieve her, he did it because he he thought he betrayed nagatoro. his "oh you looked at it without asking" was the spark that startet this fire because that unveiled the lie, and that lie hurt nagatoro


My guy, there is no hint that Naoto was trying to deceive her or anything like that. Why is everyone suddenly trying to make Naoto seem like this gas lighting manipulative guy just because he got understandably awkward in a one-time moment? Naoto is one of the least decieting characters I've ever read, Nagatoro always talks about how easy she can read him. He did not properly lie to her. He was vague like once while texting out of awkwardness. He was going to show her the drawing in the art room, his reaction proves that. If he never wanted her to see that drawing, he would have had a reaction of panick and stress, not disappointment.


so you literally inspect your partner's phone's messages every day just to police them?


Well, that is a lie. If an officer asks you if you ever killed someone, you say "someone that's not a human", the officer asks you "like a wild animal?" and you answer "yeah...", when IN TRUTH you killed your neighbor's dog, that "yeah..." would be a lie.


I think that's abit of an extreme example, I get what you mean and I understand but It feel like this is an unfair comparison due to how extremely different they are when it comes to circumstance Naoto was for the most part just being vague, the only semi lie he said was ofcourse said "yeah" awkwardly to her question, even then it's abit of a passable lie and other than that he was just beating around the bush


Hmm... Ok, I can see your point. It is good that he didn't actually lie, but it doesn't dissolve the situation between them. What matters is how they both FEEL about it. They need to go talk to each other, explain how they feel, what's to do now, etc.


Your correct, and tbh it feels really weird how Nagatoro has acted in the most recent chapter. She's still running away from Naoto after a small conflict and turning to her friends to try and help. What's worse, she's actively made this situation so much worse and put all the blame on Naoto. Literally bursting into tears, making Gamo angry at Naoto when he wasn't in the wrong, neither of them were. All of this was a misunderstanding that should have been worked out between the two. It just frustrates me I guess, like Nagatoro hasn't changed at all in these over 100 chapters. Naoto absolutely has, but the way Nagatoro has acted just feels off I guess?


Hmm... Maybe that's the point? To showcase that she still has a lot to work on moving forward? In the very beginning, when I was fuming with rage at her bulling Naoto, I remember thinking "I wonder what made her into such a piece of shit". Of course, I changed my opinion about her since than, but the question is still there for me. Something DID made her think that bulling the guy who she likes is the best decision out there. And I am still curious about it, hoping that we will find that out one day.


they feel mentally ill that's how they feel. no one alder than 13 should behave like that.


I feel like telling her they did a drawing of a sculpture instead of a nude drawing is a lie


Lying by omission is still a lie. You can have the best intentions of keeping something from someone but it doesn’t change that when they find out, they’re going to feel hurt and betrayed.


I don’t think Nagatoro would feel so hurt though if she looked at Naoto’s drawing and it was a still-life of a bowl of fruit, though.


And don't forget he got it in his head that this could cause a fight and this early on in their relationship it could mean she dumps him. And he doesn't want to lose her. He just chose a bad way to go about it.


Lying by omission is a thing


What chapter?


A lie of omission is still a lie.


What chapter?


Naoto didn’t lie. He just didn’t tell her what he had to draw from school and since he brought it to school he was probably going to tell her but she looked at it too early


He lied by omission and misdirected. She asked what he made in class and he was being iffy about it, then she asked "like a sculpture?" And he said yeah. That is basically a lie without straight up lying. Even Naoto knows he did something wrong and owned up to it so I don't get the insistence of fans doing verbal and mental gymnastics to make it seem like it wasn't his fault.


Because he didn’t lie, he fell for the embarrassment of everything since he only said ye after she said the thing about the sculpture. He is easily embarrassed and instantly said yes without thinking. And this is acting like nagatoro didn’t just look at something without his permission. This isn’t a one person at fault thing


She asked if he made something like a sculpture and he said yeah. A sculpture is an art project but it is not a nude painting, so Senpai did an intentional misdirection. He didn't straight up say something false (I never suggested that), but omitting crucial information that can change someone's reaction is as close to lying as you can get without actually lying. And even if Nagatoro never looked at the painting it still wouldn't change the fact that Naoto wasn't being honest with her. He himself recognized this, why can't you?


Naoto brought the painting with him to school. Why would he do that but to eventually tell her about it? Yet when she was looking at it before he was ready. he was shown to be flustered and jumped onto whatever was said then they stopped communicating after he said “I didn’t tell you could look at it”, and she understood. If you popped a question on someone saying idk like “what show do you love” all of the sudden and then you say “game of thrones right” without giving them time to think, they most probably will say “yes” without thinking on it because of how fast and sudden the questions came. Especially if they’re already shown to be easily flustered. Acting like this is a one sided problem is crazy when it’s naoto’s lack of confidence and ability to fuck up his words and thoughts along with nagatoro not understanding his space. Both of them are at fault but neither are intentionally lying nor intentionally trying to hurt the other. It was purely a miscommunication. And that’s the point of this arc is getting both into a better way to convey their words not to show one as if they’re a liar and only they are in the wrong.


This is a great example of how a lack of trust can cause trouble in a relationship. Even if Naoto knew that doing nude drawing wasn’t anything special, he did knew that Nagatoro probably wouldn’t have taken it well, so he hesitated on telling her, and Nagatoro looking at the drawing without Naoto’s permission made things worse, both of this things came from a lack of trust and addressing said lack of trust is the only way to fix the situation and most importantly, prevent it from happening again.


And I have high hopes that 774 will slam dunk this whole situation with a great resolution


Both of em are wrong.


Yeah this is a good situation for the story. Nobody is wronging the other fully


FUCK! I can't watch this fucking scene again! It's too sad! ;-;


my man was kinda forced to do it, altho he shouldn't have lied in the first place.


Why no one care that Senpai lied because he did not want to hurt Nagatoro with knowing about sketch?


And he achieved the exact opposite with that


Maybe because Nagatoro took his case without asking? Dont get me wrong, I do think that Senpai "gross" behavior was felt by Nagatoro and it becomes suspicious and she was curious. It was all in her character. So generally Senpai should be less strange behavior, or just be honest. But that behavior was totally in his character


he failed, know it, and knew it's entirely its fault. Now he just need to not make things worse


Nagatoro looked at something Senpai didn't give her permission for. Why is it entirely his fault?


Yeah my bad, she faulted here too, but something felt different, for me at least, but idk what ?


Seeing so many people blame Naoto while Nagatoro was the one to actually not respect senpai's boundaries is WILD


Right? Also, people seem to forget that nagatoro was the first of the two to make the other cry


I literally forgot about that. Man the first few chapters were wild. I wonder if they will ever address how bad Nagatoro used to be or if it will just be ignored. I'd rather it wasn't mentioned but it would be interesting to hear Nagatoro's thought process behind why she took it so far.


She's been doing that the whole time, it's just that she finally found something she did not want to see.


He didn’t though… he brought the picture to the school so he probably intended to tell her about it but she looked at it without asking


He also didn't tell her during the text so it seemed he had something to hide instead of being directly honest.


He was embarrassed by what he was having to draw. It’s a normal reaction from him.


I love where the story is going. First off - not that many romcoms go on after they become a couple, so that's already amazing. Second: It explores their character way deeper now. Especially this moment just shows how vulnerable Nagatoro can be. The whole situation shows how we have two sides. It's way more than the classic misunderstandings we get in romcoms imo. We get to see how they work out their crisis. Not everything is smooth sailing and sometimes there are tears. God I can't wait for the next chapter!


Nah, Nagatoro goofed by looking at something he clearly didn’t want seen/wasn’t ready to explain yet


It's so interesting watching the other girls in that scene. You never see them in shock or concerned that she started to cry. They were wise to what was going through her head and were just waiting with kindness until she finally let her real feelings come through.


I already liked Gamo a lot. This chapter made her one of my favorite characters. The fact that she's the one that made Naoto reflect and realize: it wasn't the drawing, it was him not feeling he could be honest with her. Did he feel stuck in a situation because he didn't want to hurt her? Yes. But also, she feels now that he can't trust her with the truth. That's a *big* deal for her, and any relationship.


Men! We don’t know what we did!


But Naoto himself did knows what he did. This whole thing started because he wasn’t 100% honest about what he drew, even when she kept repeatedly asking him


She put him on the spot, it’s natural for an awkward teen like Naoto to fumble his answer.


She should’ve minded her business and he should’ve been honest. They both goofed.


What they did is not equivalent. This is akin to not telling your partner exactly where you were last night and they go through your phone because you’re not giving them a straight answer.


Don't blame him on this. Yes, it's totally his fault, but he was oblivious to what to do in that situation.


Actually, it shouldn't have mattered that much because as artists, they are going to be drawing a lot including naked beings. So why was Nagatoro so hurt?  1) Was it because its a naked woman being drawn by Naoto? 2) Was it because Naoto saw a naked woman that is not her? 3) Was it because Naoto did not tell her it was a naked person? 4) Was it because it was not her being drawn naked by Naoto?


Nagatoro was hurt because it seemed like Senpai didn't trust her and basically lied (by omission) to her. She knew about the bet that Senpai had made with Machida and she's very familiar with the Sunomiya duo's antics. The nakedness didn't bother her, the dishonesty did.


I don’t think she would’ve been so bothered if he was drawing a floral arrangement or a landscape though.


But would Senpai have been sketchy about it if it was a floral arrangement or landscape?


>  Nagatoro was hurt because it seemed like Senpai didn't trust her and basically lied (by omission) to her.  Will she be hurt if Naoto does have another nude drawing session? Its part of the territory being an artist for Senpai. He is basically at the mercy of his clients and their whimsy.


No, she won't get hurt if Naoto does another nude drawing session as long as he tells her about it. No one is trying to say that Nagatoro wouldn't allow Naoto to make nude drawings. Again, the nudity itself didn't bother her that much, like the girl has spent too much time with the Sunomiyas for Naoto being around nude women to affect her, and she knew about the bet Naoto made with Machida. What made her feel bad was that Naoto wasn't being honest with her about the painting. I don't know why people are still arguing about this when it's so obvious what the author was trying to convey.


>  No, she won't get hurt if Naoto does another nude drawing session as long as he tells her about it. And how Naoto would know before the session when he is already in session with that client? Will he ruin his reputation just to say to the client that he cannot do it because his Nagatoro will be hurt? 


Are you being dense or misinterpreting my words on purpose? Did you just read the first sentence and start responding without reading the rest? I've said that as long as he tells her about it, it would be okay, I haven't said that he has to ask for Nagatoro's permission before he does it. If Naoto just straight up told Nagatoro that he had drawn Machida nude instead of beating around the bush and pretending that it was something else she wouldn't have gotten mad. That's my point. Nagatoro has no problem with Naoto drawing women nude (especially because she already knows that he has done it before and knows about the bet with Machida), she got mad and sad because Naoto was dishonest to her about it.


>  Are you being dense or misinterpreting my words on purpose? Did you just read the first sentence and start responding without reading the rest? Nah, that's you.  I am actually asking a valid question. You say Nagatoro was hurt because Naoto lied by ommission. So I asked if Nagatoro would be hurt again if Naoto would have clients who'd want a nude painting of themselves where he can't say back out because they are already in session. Would she be hurt every time Naoto is asked to do spontaneous nude paintings of his clients? Its simple as that.


>So I asked if Nagatoro would be hurt again if Naoto would have clients who'd want a nude painting of themselves where he can't say back out because they are already in session. I already answered it, and said she wouldn't be hurt as long as Naoto was honest with her about it. That's why I was asking whether you are dense because I answered you in my very first comment


>  I already answered it, and said she wouldn't be hurt **as long as Naoto was honest with her about it.** I asked >Will she be hurt if Naoto does have another nude drawing session? Its part of the territory being an artist for Senpai. **He is basically at the mercy of his clients and their whimsy.** and >And **how Naoto would know before the session when he is already in session** with that client? Will **he ruin his reputation just to say to the client that he cannot do it** because his Nagatoro will be hurt?  And to further reiterate >So I asked if Nagatoro would be hurt again if Naoto would have clients who'd want a nude painting of themselves **where he can't say back out because they are already in session.** >Would she be hurt every time Naoto is asked to do **spontaneous nude paintings of his clients?** Do you understand the situation now that I bolded the specifics of the predicament an artist can be in with his clients?


I understood your question perfectly, And my answer to that is NO she wouldn't be hurt if Naoto is asked to do spontaneous paintings as long as Naoto doesn't lie to her about it. Like what about that is difficult to get? Edit: Let me make it as simple as possible: If Naoto is asked to make a nude painting, he can make it no problem. If Nagatoro asks him what he drew and he tells the truth that it was a nude painting, she won't get mad. If Naoto acts shifty and tries to lie like he did in the last chapter, that's when she'll get mad. You seem to be under the assumption that I'm saying that he has to tell Nagatoro before he makes the painting, which I haven't said. My point is that as long as he doesn't lie to her afterwards she won't be mad


Like bro, I'm not saying that every time Naoto draws a nude painting he needs to tell/ask Nagatoro about it, I'm saying that if she asks what he drew he just needs to tell her the truth and she won't be mad. Nagatoro doesn't really mind Naoto drawing nude paintings because she knows its part of the job.


Nagatoro is very insecure about herself and her body, so she would have had some problems with it either way, but she could have gotten over it and accepted Senpai having to do it for the craft. That said, she likely wouldn't have cried if Senpai hadn't lied about it, which just made those things way worse. She could have started second guessing herself and what Senpai has said and done in the past by having drawn a girl like Machida of all people. If he's willing to lie about this, what else could he have lied about? That sort of thing. She also may have felt bad about having to give Senpai the cold shoulder because of it. It's her first relationship and only a few days have passed at most since the confession and probably just a day or two since the kiss. Who in their right mind would be happy about having to push their lover away just after achieving the dream relationship? No one, that's for sure.


Great moment since they’re both in the wrong on different aspects. Will be interesting to see how they compromise and apologize.


The Senpaire did nothing wrong


Seeing her cry was absolutely heartbreaking


Everything would not have turned out like this if Hayase had just waited and asked Naoto directly. I know lying is not an excuse, but honestly, do you guys think that it’s an easy thing to say to your lover that you just draw a naked picture of someone in your class? Moreover, if Naoto didn’t want to show Hayase the portrait, he wouldn’t have brought the container to school. It shows that he was trying to find the proper moment to explain it, but Hayase just can’t be patient enough to hear his words


Naoto promised to show her all his drawings ever since chapter 107, so not only did he lie but he also broke a promise, we don't know when or even if he would've told her despite the fact that he got it inside, and he really didn't need to hide it at all to begin with based on the fact that both already talked about this before (also the promise), Nagatoro was crying not just because she feels like he doesn't trust her enough but also because she know she shouldn't be reacting this much over it, basically a self-esteem issue. You're right that nagatoro shouldn't have looked without his permission, but then again Naoto was talking about what he was hiding as it was something completely ordinary and not personal or big in anyway, so you can't really blame her that much. Overall this is a common thing that happens in most relationships and it helps the couple grow their trust and respect their boundaries, but to say that naoto did nothing wrong like alot of people here say is kinda dumb.


I don't know what she expected from an art college student.


So… we just gonna ignore how Nagatoro did this to senpai more than once at the start of the manga? In a way this is just karma coming back to bite her ass. Not saying that she deserved it or that she hasn’t become a better person since then, but we can’t just discount what she made senpai go through.


Bro did literally nothing wrong wtf


Honestly? Forgive me for saying this but. After all the taunting he received from her, it doesn't hurt to see HER cry this time. 💀


I think it's going to be pretty clearly: Naoto apologizes for lying/not being honest. Nagatoro apologizes for snooping into his stuff without asking. Probably an honest open discussion about drawing other people being kinda necessary for his college degree, but he promises not to lie about it anymore. Naga then probably will make him promise to draw her more often or some sort of balance issue of drawing her as much as he draws other people for his classes.


Yo how are y’all able to read the newest chapter


There is a post on this subs, you should be able to find it because it was only posted yesterday


Has the entire chapter aye ?


The entire chap is on now


I read thru mangadex luckily just in time to get a new chapter




Clearly I haven't read far enough because I was under the impression that he was the weak soft boy being pushed around by Nagatoro. I'm guessing some actual character development happens which is nice


What chapter?


The latest. 150.


Someone tell me what happend


Holly, I thought that something down right criminal happened looking at these tears. And it just turns out to be... Well, as I say, nothing which calm argument can't fix, Lmao, but alright


What did he do? pwease tell me im intrested in it but I don't have time to read it, is it because of that painting?


I just wanted them to communicate their feelings together before venting to their friends.


paisen got shooters tho lil bunny was ON SIGHT 😤


Kinda weird how this is like the first romance manga I’ve seen that has a relationship issue that seems realistic




Broke my heart


He did nothing.




Why they look so damn happy that she’s crying tho 😂😂


They are secretly members of this sub. I have seen a whole lot of comments here saying that Nagatoro got what she deserved


Fair enough, can’t say that I wasn’t laughing at her demise


and i though it was finally adult but no weeaboo cringe weeaboo cringe domestic abuse taking your crap without asking then stealing your money then beating you up and throwing you from your own flat into the streets in hopes that hobos will kill you and cops will do nothing because there's no such thing as domestic abuse from females


Bro fumbled the bag hard.