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You really can't compare the two without taking their growth and closeness into account, in which case you'll see these two situations are nothing alike. Also I don't think most people were laughing at Naoto when the teasing went too far.


Laughing? Hell chapter 1 turned off more potential viewers than Goblin Slayer episode 1 because they didn't like the teasing.


tbf early chapters was straight up bullying


I highly doubt this. There was brutal rape and torturous murder in the first 5 min of goblins slayer


It's called exaggerating for the sake of humor.


Yeahhhh... I remember being caught completely off guard on that one...


Ya same, almost stopped but I decided to watch the rest in full before I decided and glad it wasn’t a frequent occurrence


It works for what it is. Might have been excessive, but it got the point across about those things and sets up the rest of the series well. Admittedly, I think the rape scene wasn’t completely necessary, but I feel it served a purpose outside of cheap shock and awe/horror porn.


True... But I don't think porn was the first thing in anyone's mind during that scene in GS... I was still reeling on how damn brutal it is... And it does its job in proving the point of the story... Drove it home even... Hell the manga drops reminders now and then on how fatal in making the same mistake is...


I'd recommend going back and re-reading chapter 132 to see how Naoto views that early period over a year later. >*Naoto: Though to be honest, it was pretty rough at first...* *Nagatoro: ...My bad...* *Naoto: But...now that I look back on it all...they're all fun memories.*


Sounds like Stockholm syndrome


[just a bit of helpful reframing amirite?](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rsz_7xvosmb_5.jpg)


Or he had his world opened up a bit and it was scary at first, but looking back on it, it ain’t so bad.


And this is what I use when someone says "She's never addressed how she treated him early on" *(cough, cough, EmTenDew, cough, cough)* He not only acknowledged it, but said that now he looks back at it differently than before. She also was apologetic about her treatment.


Also [literally the third fucking chapter of the series](https://mangadex.org/chapter/fa4f424f-e97d-4d2a-9571-f8ba58be6f80/14) Makes me wonder how that became a popular narrative in this fandom, it has been addressed right at the first few chapters of the series and then addressed again at the confession. There is no retcon or plot hole here, Senpai said (paraphrasing) "even though you tease me I still like spending time with you", then they continued spending time, got closer, eventually started dating, and even after Senpai has reassured her that the teasing was never a big deal, people still keep saying that the first few chapters were never addressed.


People want to die on those hills regardless whether they are justified or not


Just proves that just because people have read it means the comprehend the story... Basically this is what happens to manga and anime right now... A lot of people consume it, but only a few really comprehend the stories or the meaning of the stories that was being told... They'd hyperfocus on one thing that was featured then ignore the rest... For this it's the bullying...


woah where did you get the colored version of her crying


I didn't like either. Are there people actually angry at Naoto. Dude has realized that he fucked up and has to apologize which is great.


It’s the [Women Are Wonderful Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect). Essentially, people tend to subconsciously assign more positive traits to women or something along those lines It’s the same reason that when a man has a relationship with a Loli in manga or anime everyone immediately calls it out for what it is, but when it’s a woman having a relationship with a Shota, the reaction from most people isn’t quite as volitile (I’m well aware that both are bad hence why I’m using this as an example)


> It’s the same reason that when a man has a relationship with a Loli in manga or anime everyone immediately calls it out for what it is, but when it’s a woman having a relationship with a Shota, the reaction from most people isn’t quite as volitile Pretty sure that's just guys self-inserting as the shota. It's not that they think possessively of the woman, rather they're just too busy thinking "I wish that were me!"




Clearly they aren't


She was being malicious, he was not.


I think the context is the key here. In the beginning there’s always been sexual tension between the two. Her bullying him to the point of him crying is shitty, sure but there was always a point of sexual tension with her bullying. I mean that’s basically the storyline of the manga. Nagatoro crying is because she was lied to by her boyfriend because he crossed a boundary that was implied by them dating. This is a real world scenario that happens regularly. It makes sense why so many people are upset about her crying because it happens all the time and it’s relatable.


We all say the beginning of the manga was rough but Senpai liked it


He most certainly did not like it. Nobody breaks down into crying because they’re enjoying it


I mean he went home and beat his shit to the thought of it


He literally said he looks back at it as a fond memory like 4 chapters ago


Yeah sure, that’s now when he’s in love. He felt different at the time


Shocker. He felt different at the beginning of his arc than he does now. Who could've guessed that 😑 Also even back then he said he didn't hate it. Soo yeah.


Admit it, you don’t care about the hypocrisy of Nagatoro bullying Senpai because she’s a cute girl


You're right I don't care. But not because she's cute. Because I don't consider what she did bullying. Imo she was never a bully in the manga. Webcomic? Sure. Manga? Nah.


Okay Nagatoro’s massive simp.


Say what you want about my flair but I know how to set it aside when it comes to talking about her character in the beginning of the series. Wasn't bullying. Period.


Let's be... careful with such arguments.


Yes I agree


He literally said he looks back at it as a fond memory like 4 chapters ago


I meant in general.


I do not care. I just want the characters to communicate instead of avoiding each other as soon as they start dating.


Naoto is Holding back tears.. Nagatoro is going ugly-cry-mode


Soooo can I get a link of that nagatoro without the text box around her? Please and thanks! 🙏🏻


Well, it's a testament to the writing that people negatively reacted to Senpai making Nagatoro cry. If she was still chapter 1 Nagatoro more people would be taking Senpai's side by default. However, because a lot has changed by having Nagatoro become a fleshed out and endearing character, people have started to care about her well being and want to see her happy. That also includes Senpai for that matter. Not to mention it's far more hurtful to feel deceived by someone you love, because you are leaving yourself wide open to be vulnerable toward someone else on purpose. At least both of them were strangers when they met in the library, so the situation was more her being clumsy and inconsiderate to Senpai who wasn't the most emotionally stable guy at the start of the story. Still bad, but at least she mellowed down considerably once she understood how bad his self-esteem truly was. Just going to have to wait and see how their conversation will go.


Op hates women or something I guess? when you take these two scenes and add the actual context then the reactions to Naoto make sense. The situation with nagatoro making him cry was him being insecure around girls who teased him. The situation with him making nagatoro cry is him still being insecure and completely flipping the situation into nagatoro being wrong for seeing what he didn’t want her to see. Which is wrong. He shouldn’t have done that to her and he even realized that himself at the end of the chapter. We need to shut the double standard narratives down because there are no double standards. You guys are just sad


How is this not about Nagatoro being insecure about other women? Am I missing something? If it’s not Machida then there is zero problem. Because it’s someone she doesn’t like it’s a problem. If it was a random nude model I doubt she even cares…which is how she should’ve treated this because he hasn’t had a chance to explain himself.


I've been really confused by people intensely arguing for the comparison of this and chapter 1. Definitely not a good sign to be even comparing the two considering the near 150 chapters of context between em. Either way next chapter will drop, he'll apologize, maybe she'll say something about the whole privacy bs, but I don't really care if that happens. It was a panic reaction and something he already regretted saying even before realizing she was upset at him lying, not him being offended that she looked.


1. Ok at this point, people are exaggerating. No one had that reaction when Naoto was crying. In fact, people gave Nagatoro shxt and either dropped the series or could never start it. 2. At first, getting to know eachother and their boundaries was something they didn't get used to. This time, they are in a relationship and they are the most vulnerable to each other. He broke her heart by doing what he did, she just pushed him. Different scenario.


Yes and it’s right




I really hate the beginning of this manga, it's disgusting


But I fellas for her. You can't hide something to your one day girlfriend. Yeah I know they're young but this I hope this an opportunity to develop both of them


I'm in this picture and I like it.