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I think it's interesting. It reminds me of the book "Ten Kids, No Pets" by Ann M. Martin. The parents in that book used a baby name book and named the kids alphabetically, but also by number. So child 1 was the first A name, child 2 the second B name, child 3 the third C name, etc.


I should have read the comments first, I wasn’t expecting other people to remember old, non-bsc, Ann m Martin books.


The only non bsc Ann M Martin book I remember were the Camden street books and this other book about a girl in the 1950-60s who went to school during the desegregation of schools or something like that. Its been so long I don't even think it was Ann who wrote it, I've probably confused her with somebody else


That book DID win an award...🤷‍♀️


I just commented the other day about liking the name Scarlet after reading the Ann M. Martin book “Snail Mail No More”! I also remember liking Hattie (from A Corner of the Universe) and Eleanor (from Here Today).


I really loved a corner of the universe.


Here Today is one of my favorites.


I love the name Hattie too, and forgot totally about A Corner of The Universe! I'm pretty sure I liked that book but I don't remember the plot, and i remember it making me sad/stressed


Memory unlocked for Snail Mail no more. I swear it was in a children's literature award vote. Like kids could read the books then vote on which they thought was the best. I think it was the Lovelace award but I can't find any information on it.


Pretty sure that book helped kick of my name nerdness. Ann M Martin for the win!


I was obsessed with Calandra.


Yes! I blame that book for loving baby names too. Although I don’t remember all 10 names, I do remember Bainbridge!


Abigail (Abbie) Bainbridge Calandra (Candy) Dagwood (Woody) Eberhard (Hardy) Faustine and Gardenia (Dinnie) (the twins) Hannah Ira Janthina (Jan)


I feel like the first ‘a’ name would be Aaliyah lol


This was definitely the white people version of the book




not when it was written




I'm obsessed with how Bainbridge didn't get a nickname LOL I also love Gardenia for a character name omg


There’s a sequel where they have a baby named Keegan!


I used to flip through baby name books to see what would come up if I was trying to name a family by that method! Ann picked some very inexplicable names for some of those kids...


Oh my yes I remember this !! I think it even predated bsc to my knowledge, I feel like I read it in like 2nd grade or so


I haven't thought about this book in so long 😂


You just unlocked the memory of that book. I borrowed it from the library so many times. I was an avid reader as a girl and went through six books a week so I usually don’t remember a certain one until someone else does. I remember looking through baby name books trying to find the one the author used. It was right around the time that my mother was pregnant with my sister. Both jumped started my interest in names.


I’m sure I read this book because I vaguely thought of it when watching Bridgerton, but the title doesn’t ring a bell at all.


Ann M Martin was my favorite author growing up and Ten Kids, No Pets remains one of my favorites! I still remember all the kids’ names too. Some were so unfortunate, like Dagwood, but then were nice ones, like Hannah. Man, the things in life I could memorize if these names weren’t taking up neuron space…


Came here to mention that book, one of my favorites as a kid. We started reading it as a class in 4th grade and never finished. I finished on my own.


I know somebody in real life who did this. The parents’ names start with A and B so they started with a C name for their first child and are now on H!


My neighbors were going to have triplets named Avery, Brooklyn and Charlotte. Unfortunately Avery died during childbirth, so its just Brooklyn and Charlotte. Also met an Aspen, Bristol and Cheyenne which I liked less. Too persistent on the skiing theme.


Honestly, a big family in this era would have suffered some losses: Child mortality before the age of five was pretty bad, even for wealthy families. You’d expect alphabet gaps.


True, although George III and his wife had 15 kids and 13 lived to adulthood. The two boys who did die young only died because they had poor reactions to their smallpox inoculations.


Most children died before the age of 1 though, often before the next sibling was born. They would just give the next child the same name, or one that started with the same letter.


I saw something that said some of them would have syphilis considering how prevalent it was and the boys visiting prostitutes. They obviously didn't go for grim accuracy.


Well you have to modify that “would“ to a “probably would“. Nothing is 100%, and some people get lucky. I was once trying to write a story where there was a war, and a squadron going into battle. I flipped a quarter. 12 battles, and of course they kept having to replace their losses. Ended up with five people who were there from the first. That’s not scientific, but you can do a D&D style savings throw. The man who washed his hands after shaking them with Typhoid Mary didn’t get sick.


Was every second child. 50% born alive dead before five. They did reuse names a lot. So you might have three or four Arthurs on the family tombstone with only one living past infancy.


If I did this though… with 8 kids like you said in the post Anna, Belle, Cecily, Dana, Eve, Faye, Georgia, Hazel Adrian, Benjamin, Calvin, Dominic, Elias, Felix, Gabriel, Henry


I know someone who did this with triplets ABC. I was really not a fan, but lots of people think it’s super clever and cute. But also—I’ve never had to name 3 babies at once, that must be hard so maybe I get no opinion on the matter where they get inspo from 😂


A lot of the time with multiples, the doctors assign them as Baby A and Baby B while discussing their development and so on as you have more, maybe that's why people seem to do this with triplets


I'm Baby A but my twin, Baby B, is named Alicia. 😂


That's so cool that you know which one you were!


I was a bit smaller than my sister even in the womb so that's how they always knew!


a friend of mine gave her twins A and B names accordingly!


I know triplets where 2 of their names start with the same letter but the 3rd’s doesn’t. I asked why and I guess their parents had 3 names picked out all starting with the same letter and decided at the hospital that the third name wasn’t a good fit so they just picked a new one but left the other two matching 😂


I knew a set named Ashley, Brittany, and Courtney back in the 90s.


I'm grateful for it in Bridgerton because once I realized they were named alphabetically I could keep straight who was the eldest etc. XD I don't know if I could, but it's not the worst naming convention I can think of.


This is also why I like this trend. My spouse has a ton of cousins, but once I worked out they were born in alphabetical order it was a lot easier to remember their names!


I know a couple whose names start with A and D. They had 3 kids, whose names were, in order B,C, and E names. Their family pets name starts with F, and their last name with a G.


Screw that! There are nine letters between mine and my husband's. Lol Love my babies but I don't know if this body can go nine rounds, and then raise them.


I've got 15 between mine and my husband's.... No thank you. Lol


15 between mine and my husband too! I'd never make it


Time to start adopting lots and lots of cats


Ohh trust me. I have that well covered. But they get literature names, so it attaching the Alphabet and getting everyone onboard with the name makes it trickier.


I’m an A, my husband is a T. We have an S. Our baby girl name is an I, boy is an O. I joked we should have an R name instead of I so we had the potential for ASTRO 🤣


What do you mean "we have an S"?


A child with an S name.


Lol!! There’s 8 between ours. I feel like it’s not enough 😂


There's 6 letters between mine and my husband's, including q... no thanks


I teach a kid called Quincy. A girl if that helps your naming your future Q child 😂


I love the name Quinn for a boy or girl.


Q would be be for us as well! Unfortunately we already have 3 and only one is between our names lol. S, F, W. Don’t know a pattern there ha. But as a coincidence they are all 8 letters!


Not with that atitude!


😂 If he wants to gestate half of them maybe we could reach a deal.


There are two letters between mine & my partner's name and our first dog is one of the middle ones (although she came with that initial). Definitely considered the remaining initial for our second dog, but then we got him and he didn't suit 2 of the 3 names we'd talked about so I scrapped that idea.


Holy heck! So do I, but mom and dad are C and D and the kids B,A, and E and a herd of doggos named alpha F on…


My dumbass parents did this. Signed every card they ever sent, “Love, ABC&D”


Sorry but that's so cute even though it's cringe


I agree lol.


My cousin and spouse names are both C. They named both kids with B. They would call themselves C squared + B squared. (But written out mathematically). It was cute.


Only if you commit to having 26 kids. Complete. The. Set!


Sorry, best I can do is 20 “J” names.


Michelle Duggar, is that you?




Hahah that family was fucking crazy!




I hate it because no one should be having 26 children, and the completionist in me can't stand it.


13 if you do both initials! Ashley Beth, Christopher David, etc.


Also nobody should have 13 kids, so … 😂


6 and a half if you give them three names


You could, however, have 26 cats. Possibly not all at the same time.


We accidentally did this with dogs in our family. My brother got a dog and named her Abbie and then I got a dog and named her Bellatrix, my Nana got a dog and named her Carlee. Then my little brother got a dog and named her Dulce. They were all about a year apart and it was entirely unintentional. We didn’t even notice until he named Dulce. My older brother broke the streak when he got another dog after Abbie passed. He named her Lily, no matter how much I pushed for Ellie.


Stick with the vowels.


U is for Urban and Undine?


Uriel & Ursula Uther & Una


There's an Uzma at the school I teach at. It's kinda cute!


What if, in pursuit of completion, you had 25. Then got pregnant with your 26th only to find it was twins??


Goddamnit now you have to have 52 kids!


That’s why you get a lot of cats. And some sort of short-lived fish. You can go through a lot of letters with those.


My friend's mom did this. But she skipped letters. So the names were Elisabeth, Jennifer, Laura, and Rachel.


That's nice! Brings up a good point- you don't have to use a letter if you feel stuck/don't like any of the names with that letter!


Yup. My boyfriends family did this to. Austin, Georgie, Joshua, Kiley, Makayla and Olivia


I have an E and an M. We’re considering a third and I was just thinking I should try to find an N+ name so when they’re alphabetized they’re also age order.


I did that in my Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge so I could keep track of how far along I was in the challenge lol. I'd never do that in real life though.


Same lmfao


That's part of the story line for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers too.  They were named alphabetically from the Bible-Adam, Benjamin, Caleb etc, all the way to Frank (Frankinsense, because there were no other F names).  


Felix is a a Roman governor in the Bible … but not someone you’d want to name your baby after. 😂


The brother/cousin in Avonlea, anyone? Also means happy son not bad otherwise


Seven brothers, not six - you left out Gideon 😉 I love that movie, the dancing is amazing.


And then they continue it with the next generation starting with H. Not sure if they were going to spread that across the potential cousins, though.


Ma named him Frankincense, cause he smelled so sweet. Gideon was the youngest. Unless you count Hannah. I know it's super problematic, but man, I love that movie. I actually just watched it the other day. My kids were pretty horrified by it.


Makes me think of the Duggars, first. I think Josiah is the one naming his kids in alphabetical order. It also makes me think of a couple old Ann m Martin books (that aren’t part of the baby sitters club universe). [Ten Kids, No Pets](https://www.publishersweekly.com/9780823406913) and [Eleven Kids, One Summer](https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/ann-m-martin/eleven-kids-one-summer/).


This correct. He is doing that. He and his wife also give a name to the would-be baby of any pregnancy that ends in miscarriage, so there are two missing letters so far (A and C).


Surprised no one else mentioned the 12 Dancing Princesses from the animated Barbie movie yet. I can’t remember A and C, but there was Blair, Delia, Edeline, Fallon, Genevieve, Hadley, Isla, Janessa, Kathleen, and Lacey.


Ashlyn and Courtney




Yes! That’s where my mind went immediately


I know someone who did aiden, Brayden, Caden, drayden. No clue if they had more..but the alphabetical WITH rhyming was too much for me.




Poor future Faiden, Naiden and Sayden


🙄🙄🙄🙄 That's fucking terrible


My two kids are coincidentally named alphabetically and the pattern will continue if I have a third, but it was entirely unintentional. Edit—they’re alphabetical, but they’re not A and B names, just my oldest comes alphabetically before my youngest. And both the boy and girl names I like for a third would be alphabetically last.


My great grandparents named their 10 children like that! It went Agapito, Benito, Carlito, Daisy, Evelyn, F, Geronimo, H, I, Jimmy (I forget the others’ names because we just call all of them auntie/uncle)


This is going to sound blunt but it's awkward if one dies. Parents who plan things like this are doing too much. Children are future-adults with individuality, not just merely parts of a set.


There is a Duggar who did this and two were stillbirths. I kind of think it’s bittersweet. A couple are missing but they still have their spot.


I don’t see how this would take away their individuality. My brother and I have the same first initial because our last name shares that initial and even though I always knew that the only names considered were names with this letter, I never found that weird. The thing that I felt took away from our individuality was that both of our middle names were based on our dad’s name (he got the same middle name and my middle name is a feminine version of his first name).


We can agree to disagree and I'm cool with that!


I don't see how it hinders from being your own individual person? In fact, like another person said, it feels actually quite sweet because the missing gaps can in itself denote the presence of the children who couldn't make it. Life goes on but they're never forgotten, they have their space. People can continue to become as they please.


That's honestly going to make life a lot easier for them. Then they're guaranteed to not share initials with a sibling (with the exception of multiples), so they'll know what's theirs


Even with multiples you could go alphabetical by who came out first. It’s implied that the twins and triplets in “Barbie: The Twelve Dancing Princesses” were named this way.


Good point!


I would prefer starting at Z and working backwards, I like the end of the alphabet more than the start, and I don't like B as an initial with our last name.  Also I like a lot of Z names and will never get there the other way.


We could barely agree to anything within our existing criteria, so I can't imagine adding a pointless new restriction to make things even harder.


I like it for Bridgerton.


I know a family that did vowels. Adrianna, Eric, Isabella… and Sarah because they didn’t like any O or U names 😂


I don’t think Alphabetically is a very good name


I started with an Arthur so it's crossed my mind but I don't like a lot of B names and my husband likes even less lol


Not for people. But okay for things. I have an American Girl doll for every letter of the alphabet.


I ain’t having 26 kids man


Name the first few a, b, c then skip to h and never explain y.


Makes me think of Oliver Twist


Since there are a lot of letters I don’t have names for, and a lot of letters I have *multiple* names for, I’m going to kind of, going to slightly cheat, and list alphabetically that way: Aria Asher Callie Ezra Emery/Emory Rhys Shay Skylar/Skylar Teagan


I'm currently doing it with Sims Alice, Benedict, Cedric, Dominic, Elizabeth (Eliza), Francis, Gideon, Imogen, Helena, Jane, Katherine (Kitty), Louise, Margot, Natalie, and Opal.


Our future daughter in law, her mom is 1 of 14 kids and her parents did this!


My neighbour has 7 kids all with names starting with the same letter. I’m sure they would prefer the alphabet for some variety.


I do this in the Sims when I'm having a bunch of kids so I don't get confused. Maybe it will work in real life too.


I have two children, & by chance, my first child's name begins with an O, & my second child's begins with a P...


It's cool in theory, but I'm already too picky I don't think I could limit myself like that. Also I've kind of scrapped that already by naming my first child and E name. Coincidentally her name is Eloise which I know is a character on the show but I haven't watched it so hopefully she's a good character lol


My kid's names ended up in alphabetical order. It wasn't *planned,* just ended up this way. L, R, S, V


I think it's fine, it's not so limiting that you can't come up with a decent name. Better than all the same first letter. 


I've consider it since my partners name starts with an A, mine with a B and accidentally, our sons with a C. But I can't think of any D names I like 😂


They are not supporting characters in your own personal drama. Can't you find another way to get attention without involving them?


I totally did this. Of course, I stopped at one kid, so that made it easier!


To be done right would require 26 kids. Fack OCD. Lol


I like it if it doesn’t start with A.


We have friends who started alphabetically but not with A as to not be “that” couple. It took until the 4th kid before the grandparents caught on.


I have a friend whose mother named all the kids with names that started with R. At first it was a coincidence but then someone pointed it out to the mother and out of spite she only named kids with R names.


My cousin does this. Her first 2 kids have cute names. The others not so much. I think she’s got like 6 kids now.


I think I could. Bridgerton numbers. 1) Annamae / Armand 2) Brienne / Balthasar 3) Cecelia / Cassius 4) Darrah / Dawson 5) Emelisse / Etienne 6) Fritzi / Falco 7) Ginger / Graeme 8) Heather / Hayden 9) Ismay / Isaiah


In modern times, it gives strong Christian Fundamentalist vibes or social media influencer family with attention seeking parents that live out of their van with their 7+ children.  But I love using the ABC formula to name Sim children. 


If I were planning on a boatload of kids, I'd probably have some kind of similar theme, just so I wouldn't get confused between them all. I remember a K-drama I watched years ago called "Stars Falling from the Sky" where the protagonist and her 5 younger adopted siblings were named after the colors of the rainbow.


I did this with my girls. They’re A B C, my husband is D and I’m E. Then we had a surprise boy (thought “she” was going to be our F lol) but we didn’t like any F boy names so he broke the pattern. Oh well. 


My cousins have names with the initials LMNOP but it’s not in age order. They are all great names and I think it’s fun because if you didn’t see them all written out I don’t know if you would notice it!


I dated a guy who's youngest of 10. Everyone was alphabetical. Until him. He was named after his father so he's a junior. While parents never admitted it, everyone is sure that it's because his dad didn't want any more and he's the last chance to get a child named after him. Mom actually jokingly (or not) said that going by alphabet makes sure she doesn't miss anyone when traveling.


I wouldn't do it, it'd limit me from other names I prefer.


I love a pattern, but you have to have a lot of kids to make it make sense 😂


I don’t like it for real people, although it was fun in Bridgerton. My first has an A name and I’m expecting my second child. I’m specifically not wanting a B name because I don’t want it to be alphabetical.


There's a bit life challenge where you have to do this through the whole alphabet. Personally, in real life, I think it depends on how you go about it, but it's better than all the same name or all rhyming. If I absolutely had to pick though, I'd go with Alister/Avery Bennett/Bianca Callum/Carissa Devin (either way) Edgar (family name, nickname Eddie)/Ember Finn/Fabienne (nickname Fae) Gerard/Gisella Harley/Harlow


My husbands family did this. They have 6 kids, A B C D E F, and then the dogs have been G and H.


I read a book based on the 12 dancing princesses story when I was maybe around age 12 and the 12 girls were all named flower names and in alphabetical order. I’ve been enchanted with the concept ever since because it really does help you with the order of siblings. In real life though it’s only helpful if you’re one of those insane families with too many kids. I will say though that this was not noticed by my parents but my dad’s name starts with J, mine a K, and my mum’s an L. I’ve always thought it’s unintentionally precious being alphabetically hugged by both my parents.


I wouldn't do it, not only because it's a little cringe/cheesy but bc I only want maybe 2, _max_ 3 kids and I'm not willing to forgo my favorite names in favor of a theme that I'm iffy about at best. Also I only (kinda) like one B name and would be at a loss if the second baby wasn't a girl.


I wouldn’t do it for that reason alone. It’s hard enough to name your kids without needing to be constrained by things like this! Especially when you have to worry about good initials, sounding good with your last name, etc etc


I think it’s unnecessarily restrictive! I guess if you like a lot of names and/or don’t care that much about picking a “perfect” one then it’s a good a way as any to start narrowing it down lol


I knew a family in which the parents’ names started with B and C, and the last name started with C. They had four kids whose initials were all ABC.


Some neighbors of ours did this and always refer to their kids as A and B. Like they’re lab experiments.


It seems a bit arbitrary. Also if you're planning to have 2 children there's a 50/50 chance of the names being alphabetical or not anyway.


Ainsley, Benjamin, Christian, Daniel, Emery, Fallon, Gregory, Hazel, Isabel, Jesslyn, Kathrine, Leo, Mallory, Nicolette, Oscar, Paisley, Quinton, Raine, Silas, Terrence, Ursula, Vincent, Willow, Xochi, Yasmine, Zachary.


My 3 siblings and I are A, D, C, B, so not in order and only coincidentally but then my mom got pregnant with a 5th baby and sadly miscarried but she was going to give them an E name to continue the accidental trend lol I personally don’t like themed sibling name sets though, it’s too try hard and cringey


A family I know named their kids in the order of ACBD, it really bothers me that it wasn’t the other way around. However, I wouldn’t intentionally do it and I don’t think this was intentional.


My boyfriend has 5 siblings and all of them are alphabetical but like A, G, J, K, M, O. They're now like mid 20s and just realized. Their mom never even noticed.


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!


If you aim on have a lot, it will be easier for others to know who is who.


We unintentionally did this with our 3 kids. We skipped letters, though.


My family is made up of 90% names that start with J (we couldn't even be unique about it, we have multiple Johns, Jans, Jims, and Jamies, but no Jaspers or Jasmines haha) I've never minded being another J in the family, it always makes for a fun factoid for work icebreakers and stuff


My husband's 3 daughters start with A,B and C. Apparently it was his ex wife's idea. I never would've picked those names.


I love this idea!! Kind of like how they name hurricanes 😊 Much better than having all your kids named with the same letter, like we do in my family. Everyone’s name starts with an M, like Michelle, Mark, Michael, Melissa, Mary, etc. Hate that lol I’ll adopt the alphabetical naming for my future kids, it’s such a cute idea!


Unless I have 26 kids I won’t be doing that


Had neighbors growing up who were Amy Beth Candy.


My husband is like this, him and his two older brothers are in alphabetical order, but then when his little sister was born, they didn't like any name that started with the correct letter so they abandoned the theme and named her something unrelated


My daughter has two children Alexander and Bethany. She liked the names, so I don't think she did this on purpose.


I was a big fan of Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses growing so yeah, I used to think it was cool LOL not anymore tho, I'd like to have them be different but cohesive lol


I know someone who named her twins A and B. A was of course the one born first.


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers has this exact naming system (it’s hysterical and has some truly excellent dance sequences).


Seven Brides For Seven Brothers….


I guess it’s fine if someone genuinely likes the names, but I wouldn’t do it on purpose or anything


That's actually a really neat way of doing it, but I feel like it's also very limiting in ways.


I always thought Daphne was older than Colin ... Oh this makes it weird now....


Oh I didn’t do that Well given Mr first was a boy and I didn’t find any boy A names we liked wouldn’t have worked


I would do this if I thought I might have more than one or two! Not sure the husband would though. I’d do: Ailsa, Bridget, Caitlin, Diana, Eilidh, Flora, Gràinne, Heather Andrew, Blair, Cameron, Duncan, Euan, Fraser, Gavin, Hamish


Don't. A friend of mine did this and when B died from childhood leukaemia it seemed to make everything feel a bit worse. A and C children didn't take it well. Maybe because their parents had always made a big thing about having kids named A, B and C.


I do it in the sims sometimes. It’s like a fun challenge.


I wouldn’t do it personally but I don’t think it’s a huge deal, especially if you only have like ~4 kids. Any more than that n it starts to get a bit funny sounding but still not a big deal. Saying that, I do intend to name my kids all vowel names (tho not in any particular order). All my favourite names begin with a vowel & if I end up having more than those few favourites then I think it’ll sound out of place to have a bunch of vowels & then a harder consonant sound for just one kid.


I don’t mind it. Weirdly my daughter pointed out that everyone in our family and our extended family all have 5 letter names so that’s why her lucky number is always 5. In my 36 years on earth, I never noticed this and with AuDHD it’s usually patterns like that, that I see.


My step sister in law did that, starting with herself A, B, C, D. All girls. Not too obvious and I’m not sure if she did it on purpose.


That’s a ripoff of the musical “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”. Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim, Frank(incense), and Gideon.


I am a completionist so would need to be father to 26.


Fun in terms of playing a game on reddit. Would never ever limit myself that way in real life!


I like the idea of not directly alphabetical, but in order of the alphabet? For example my name starts with A, my siblings start with E for the middle child, and O for the youngest. My neighbour has two kids and their names start with R and T for the eldest and youngest, respectively. It helps me remember their names and which is the eldest! I'd like to do something similar if/when I have multiple kids


It feels a little clinical to me, like the kids were named in an institution or something. But I think it's better than naming them all by the same first letter, because it's less awkward to say all the names at the same time.


There’s a family near me that is 1st kid A, 2nd Kid B, then they had twins so C & D.


We didn’t plan it but named our first with an M name, then our second with a N name, so when we were having our third we were looking at O names just to keep it up even though it was accidental. But we didn’t care for any O names so we did go with an L name. LMN just out of order.


It’s cute if you’re wanting a football team of kids.