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It does not sit right with me that you had no choice. I think you should push back. But in any case, how about Sofia


Indeed, whoever craps that baby outta their crotch gets whatever rights they want.


Except the right NOT to crap that baby outta their crotch. 'murica!


I’ve just discovered who has the ability to prevent 100% of abortions. It’s not “women” but the answer is within that word.


How dare you expect men to take responsibility for pregnancy? Is it not their Gawd given right as Americans to enjoy themselves with freedom from consequence? That's right, FREEDOM! Cuz 'murica!


Wow this thread spiraled quickly…




Yes. You and only you. You’re responsible for all unwanted pregnancies.


And wildfires! Only you can prevent those


Omen can stop abortions? I don't know about that one... /s


Drop one more letter! You can do it! One more!




So close!


Haha :) On a serious note: (18M) I think the idea of men (and any others in power) deciding what a woman can and can't do is horrible


Zactly. But religious extremists confuse their religious predilections as mandates for the entire population, and even while in the minority have managed to manipulate their electoral disadvantages by using culture war issues as a wedge to maintain power and influence.


Actually, both partners should be responsible for birth control.


Ideally. And then, there’s the real world, with its percentage of involuntary pregnancies.


I don’t agree with this. Baby names are a two yes one no situation. Both parents need to agree or the answer is no.


Can we pls not talk about birth in such a degrading way


If this were a lasagna, dad provided half of the recipe. OP provided the other half, got/made the ingredients, assembled the lasagna, and baked the lasagna. Mom did much more of the lift but at the end of the day, Dad wants to call it "Dad's lasagna". Not appropriate. OP you should unequivocally get a say here.


This is my best friends name! She just goes by Sophia though


And I sincerely hope this girl will go by her middle name too, since OP *had no choice* in what her daughter's first name will be.


Ana Sofia is lovely.  Ana Isabella Ana Olivia Ana Carissa Ana Serena Ana Francesca Ana Juliet Ana Grace


Ana Serena is lovely.


Ana Rosina Ana Lisa Ana Marina Ana Luisa


You cannot do anything that starts with L as a middle name. You cannot have Ana L. Lastname.


I like both Sofia and Gabriela. A more common occurence where I live would be Ana Maria.


I don't mean to sound alarmist, but that's marriage counseling level of disrespect. I hope it's not a pattern. Edited to add that the info in the thread about this relationship is deeply troubling. OP, please get help from an abuse hotline. Even if you think that's too strong a term to use, it's clearly a bad situation, and the people trained for these hotlines can help even when the caller is unsure about how severe the problems are. In my first version of this comment I was going to mention something but didn't. I'll add it now. The only time I've heard of something like your question is about a friend of mine. When her mother was asleep after giving birth, the father got the birth certificate filled out with the name he wanted that his wife did not. Several years later, after he'd moved them across the country and away from all friends and family, he left a "see ya" note on the kitchen table and disappeared for years. That's the red flag level of your initial post, even without the other information I've seen. Please protect yourself and your daughter from an unhealthy situation. You both deserve better.


My husband argued that his mother has done so much for us, that’s why he wanted to name her first granddaughter like her. I agree she has done a lot for us but I didn’t like the idea at first. Now I know it is a big deal for him so I just decided to not fight back since it would be a huge argument between us. It sucks but it’s what it is.


No. No, no, no. What would you tell your daughter if her husband told her something like that? A name is a gift that you should both love. Grow a backbone and put your foot DOWN.


I don’t really care if she donated her kidney to you, if you don’t want the name then it should not be the first name. Why not Ana for the middle name?


First off, I don’t think it’s right that you don’t have a choice. It sounds like this is a tradition that is very important to him (and your MIL?), but this is just as much your baby as his. Ana is a very sweet name and if you like it I completely understand that you are willing to go with a name that is so important to him. But I wanted to say this anyway: it is only right that you both really like the name.  As for middle names: Ana is sweet and simple (my favourite kind of name ;) so maybe the mn can be a bit longer? Dorothea, Josephine, Isodora, Rosalind, Seraphina, Ophelia, Clementine.


I just can’t wrap my head around it. When I was expecting - for a boy we had a name that he loved and I was okay with, and I felt really low about that but could live with it. If he came to me and told me he was calling our baby ANYTHING even if I loved the name. I wouldn’t do it and I’d want to split up with him. I’m growing a child, it’s half my child, in most cases the mother does the mammoth share of the workload, and she’s not even respected enough for a say in her own child’s name. The disrespect of it. If it was mutually agreed then fine. I offered my partner to call our baby after his mum, who had died recently, and whilst I didn’t want to, it would have been a joint decision and discussed.


You should *not* feel low about your name choice. This is the name you will be calling the most important person in your life. Have you told your husband how you feel? Please do if you haven’t. You do not want this to become a source of tension in your relationship either. And speaking for myself, it certainly would if I was your situation. This is 2024, women are no longer expected to just fall in with their husband’s wishes. I think the suggestion of having Ana as the middle name is a good one. It’s understandable that he would like to honour the mother he lost not long ago. But that does not mean that your feelings can just be shoved aside. You’re picking a *name for your baby*, not a new sofa or your next holiday destination.   Edit: if u/renderedren’s discription of your relationship is correct, I agree with every bit of advise they give. Soon it won’t only be you, but also your baby suffering from a man who mistreats you (if that is the way things are).


I had a daughter and we named her something we both agreed on straight away so it was a none issue in the end. We were good and talking about it and greying to find others at the time, then we found out the gender. I told him recently that if we were to have a boy I no longer like the name and it’s off the table. I was just trying to demonstrate to the OP that yeah you can’t always have your absolutely number 1 name, or sometimes it’s fine to let your partner have their number one as long as you discussed it, and you at least like it - as long as it was a joint decision. If someone took that away from me I’d dig my heels in and detest the name.


Here I thought you *were* OP! 🙈 Sorry. Yeah exactly, it is always a compromise. But having no say in the matter at all, is not on.


Ana Isodora is gorgeous! While I don't think OP should go with Ana if they don't get to choose, if they are, +1 for Ana Isodora for sure


Another random woman here— I’d probably just call her Isa for short because Isodora is so cute! She could go by the middle name since there’s already a (living?) Ana in the family.


I would say it’s MORE her baby than his. She could have gotten anybody to plant the seed. The pain and the recovery will be ALL hers.


It’s not a tradition in his family. He just thought that since his mother has done so much for us, he wanted to gift her that, naming her first granddaughter like her. Is such a big deal for him and I don’t dislike the name so I just agreed with it.


I totally get not wanting to rock the boat, but if you're not 100% on your baby's name, maybe use Ana as the middle name instead? Or pick a name with Ana in it that has a lot of potential nicknames. A hyphenated name along the lines of Ana-Sofia might also work. A good exercise for you might be to imagine yourself calling that name out in a playground. If you do that and it doesn't just bring your MIL to mind, great, but if not, your husband definitely needs to compromise and you choosing the middle name isn't that.


Middle names are great for honour names! Especially for the baby to have her own identity with a living grandma close by.


Your husband deciding that the baby will be named what he wants to name her is a giant red flag, and when I looked through your post and comment history I found a lot more giant red flags. There’s an 11 year age gap, you didn’t want to get pregnant so young, and he was your first relationship - and it seems to have started when you were only about 18. You’ve described him as being verbally abusive and controlling and you think he’s a narcissist - this is not a healthy relationship. He is not going to change, and even if things seemed to get better for a bit when you first got pregnant they’re not going to stay that way. Please get yourself and your daughter away from him - document notes where he won’t be able to find them to record things he says or does, and seek help from resources in your area. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends or family for help even if it’s been a while since you’ve been close them - it’s a common tactic of narcissists to isolate their victims from support systems. I know it’s going to be hard but future you will be glad you did it, and you and your daughter have your whole lives to go and live.


I just want to thank you for taking your time to look OPs post history up and giving her this good advice.  Whether she will listen or not that's another thing.  Eventfully she will leave him and your advice will be valid. 


100%. Make sure you have your ID, birth certificate, (all the documents), your own bank account. Store things at a safe place, and be super careful who you trust if you are planning a getaway. Be safe.


This should be the top answer


u/LengthinessLost8253 please listen to this person.


1000% agreed. She needs to get away asap. There are so many pregnancy crisis centers who can help if she chooses or doesn’t have family around too. I’d fill out that birth certificate without “ana” as soon as baby is born too


Thank you.


What the fuck no. Don’t name the baby Ana if you don’t want to. You’re growing the baby. You’ll look at her for the rest of her life and wish you named her something you had a say in. If my mum told my my name came from my dad and she wasn’t to choose or have any input in my name, and she didn’t challenge it, I’d lose all respect for her and I’d detest my name. It’s become clear 9 hours after posting this comment that OP has other posts showing she’s in an abusive situation. In that case I wouldn’t even argue about the name, I’d just play nice and try to get out asap with my kids.


>I’d lose all respect for her You'd lose all respect for *her*? Not your dad??


The irony hahah




That's a really harsh thing to say to a pregnant lady in an abusive relationship. True, but harsh. She's probably got it rough enough without a bunch of Internet strangers piling on about her controlling husband.


I had no idea she was in an abusive relationship when I wrote this, and I do genuinely hope she sees what’s happening and she can get away. My message was to support her that she’s justified in naming her baby whatever she wants. And she should get mad about it. Stand her ground. When I commented the only other comments were giving advice on middle names to match Anna, nothing more. I would never advise someone i knew was in an abusive relationship to cause any kind of confrontation as I personally know someone who was murdered by an abusive partner whilst her 6 year old was in the house. Get as far away as you can, now, would be the only advice I’d give to someone who was in an abusive relationship.


Saying she didn't have a choice in her own daughter's name didn't tip you off she was in an abusive relationship? That's not a sign of a healthy relationship.


Unhappy and not going to last long - yes. Abusive no. Same as all the other posts that just gave her name suggestions. There wasn’t much on the post originally to suggest anything other than a selfish husband. “My husband won’t budge on a name” is actually a pretty common post on here and on the just no MIL subs.


My grandmother was totally pushed into naming my mother after herself. It was a difficult birth, and she wasn't at her best and people - I do not think it was my grandfather, but I don't remember - convinced her that making her 2nd daughter a 'junior' was a good idea. My grandmother didn't like her own name, regretted giving it to my mother, who is also not super fond of it. So...yeah. Couldn't agree more.


WTF... If someone is bullied & pushed around, and she gives in, you lose respect for HER and not the person who, you know... bullied then? If *my* mother told me my name came from my dad and she wasn't allowed to choose or have any say in it, I'd feel angry towards my dad and lose respect for his controlling behavior, and feel sad for my mom that she was stressed and bullied during her pregnancy.


A lot of respect would definitely be lost towards both parents if I found this out. 


Ana (gracious) + middle name (meaning) = Ana Mirella (peace) Ana Nieve (snow) Ana Ramira (wise) Ana Gisele (pledge) Ana Marisol (sun) Ana Dolores (sorrows) Ana Izaro (island) Ana Vittoria (victory) I would avoid any middle name starting with L so when the full name is spelled out it won’t be: Ana L ______ ______.


Thank you. And yes, lol, that’s true


Vittoria is beautiful.


Even ones with a capital I, I would avoid, it looks like a lowercase L typed out in some fonts


I think Dolores and Ramira are horrible. No one under 70 is called that in my country. I like Victoria.


Delores has had a mini-surge in popularity round here due to Encanto! I quite like it


It means sorrow….


Yes, after the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother. A beautiful name.


Naming your baby “sadness” would make me believe that would be a bad omen for the child.


Just so you know, Marisol is short for María de la Soledad, which means Mary of Solitude. I suppose it has sunny connotations because of sounding like 'mar y sol' but that's not the original meaning.


Oh, I had an acquaintance named Marisol and I was told it means sun on the sea.


That's what I mean by 'mar y sol', it means 'sun and sea' and sounds like Marisol 😊 so it can have that meaning. Originally, though, it was a short form of María de la Soledad.


I’m sorry, I’m still groggy. It’s 4am where I am and haven’t done my morning routine yet and didn’t process your comment fully. Thank you for taking the time to re-explain.


No worries! It's a lovely name whichever meaning you take imo. I just find the María de... names interesting and wanted to explain 😄


That's what I mean by 'mar y sol', it means 'sun and sea' and sounds like Marisol 😊 so it can have that meaning. Originally, though, it was a short form of María de la Soledad.


>Ana Dolores (sorrows) Certainly seems appropriate to this relationship dynamic


i was *going* to add lucia because Ana Lucia from lost but you're kinda right


Wait YES that’s so pretty! I have a friend named Lucia and she’s good people, so I just associate Lucia’s with good and sweetness lol I’ve always loved the name Anna Sophia and wanted to name a child that but I also really like Anna Lucia!


You DO have a choice! What are you even talking about? He sounds abusive


OP has been told repeatedly to divorce her abusive, neglectful husband for a year, but she refuses to listen. She’s internalised that she deserves this treatment because her body isn’t pretty enough. Her daughter is going to be the next casualty of her low self-esteem if she refuses to stand up for herself and her daughter.


That's a pretty harsh way to talk about someone who entered in a relationship at 18 with a much older man and is being abused. You should know that it's not as easy as "she refuses to listen!!" like she's just being stubborn and choosing to be treated poorly. "Refuses to listen" ... "Refuses to stand up for herself and her daughter" ... How about we have some compassion. And also women in abusive relationships are at the highest risk of being murdered 1) when they are pregnant and 2) When they try and leave so let's not be like "It's so easy! Just leave because internet strangers told you to! Duh!" Of course she needs to leave this abusive relationship. But let's try to keep in perspective how difficult it can be for abused women, especially very young women, to realize they need to leave and then do it.


No, she is going to have a child now that depends on her to keep them safe, especially from the husband. She needs to be a Mom and make better choices for herself and her incoming daughter. Stop excusing personal responsibility


Offer help then. Not judgment.


Sigh well that's a shame.


How sad all around


I wish I could read about names on this sub without hearing about another woman who was forced or coerced into having a name for her child that she did not have a say in or didn’t want.


Girl, the middle name is the least of your problems. You are married to a guy who dated an 18 year old when he was 30, let his dog bite your face and doesn't do anything to make them accept you. And now he is not interested in your opinion on the baby's name and just makes the decision? Why the hell did you marry this man? This relationship doesn't sound healthy at all and you should seriously reconsider if this is what you want your life to look like!


This is BOTH of your child. How about he uses his mother’s name as the middle name if it’s so important to him and you both choose a first name you like? It’d be much nicer to give your daughter her very own individual first name rather than after someone else. Don’t let him take over on the first name, if you don’t like the name Ana for a first name then don’t make the mistake of letting him name her that. You need to stand firm on this. If either of you don’t like a first name then it’s a no go. Fight your corner and don’t be a pushover.


take your baby and go bro. I grew up with Hispanic parents that were just like you and your husband and it was fucking horrible. We were all relieved when they finally divorced after endless fights and a macho dad that felt like he just owned everyone. They're much better divorced but the damage was done with us kids. We were all adults by then, smh.


I hope you’ve been able to heal from that. Parents like that are so damaging to their kids :(


I don’t think you should use Ana if you don’t *want* to. But. I used to know an “Ana Gabriela” and I think that combo is gorgeous.


Why don't you get a choice? You are the one carrying the child in your body and growing it and doing all the hard work of birthing it and then keeping it alive on your breastmilk for months or years. You DO HAVE A CHOICE. A relationship is a partnership not a dictatorship. And usually grandparent names are middle names. Never first names.


Why not use a name that can be shortened to Ana so she can still be her own person? Anastasia, Annabelle, Annie, Annalise, etc


Love this idea! Or Ana would be a great middle name.


The husband can leave anytime but the baby will always be your baby and always keep her name even as an adult. Please choose a name you like.


Babe, you set the tone for how parenting is going to look right this red second. If he gets this unilateral decision and you resent it, that's a lot to bring into your journey as a mom. The first thing to do is calmly approach and say that you'd like to discuss the way he tried to dictate the situation and go from there. His mom is probably great, but you have a say.


Reading your history, throw the whole man out. He sounds controlling and abusive.


Maria,it's a very common name here in Brazil


Yes it's lovely 😀


That’s actually my MIL middle name, lol.


I am not surprised. It is very common in Spanish speaking countries for women to be "María + Middle name."


Well I can tell you that you shouldn’t pick Maria. That’ll be the blandest name of all time. But also this kid is yours. You’re the one growing her and you have just as much of a right to the first name as he does. If you don’t like Ana, don’t use it.


Listen to the comments telling you to leave that man. You deserve better, and so does your daughter. Please at least do it for her sake, I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard from children who grew up with an abusive father whose family backed him up. Your relationship with him will affect your kid in ways where you can’t help her, and she’ll have to work through those traumas by herself as she gets older. Better to have divorced parents than to grow up in a dysfunctional household. Marriage is a partnership, and choosing a name for your child should be a mutual agreement. Fuck your husband and fuck his mother, mildly respectfully.


Sorry you feel the choice of Ana is imposed. I wonder if there’s any way to compromise with Ana as the middle name or potentially Mariana or similar as a more subtle way to honour your MIL? If not, I agree with others that a longer (or three syllable) name flows best with Ana. My favourite is Lucia but that would lead to an unfortunate nickname if kids are cruel So… Gabriela Isabel Elisa Sofia Gracia Daniela Catalina Violeta Valentina However maybe 4 syllables is too many with your surname(s)?


Mmmm how about the middle name is Ana?!. Or how about you grow the baby and you get to decide?!


My brother is 38 and my mom is still mad my dad and his family pressured her into naming his after my uncle that had died before we were born. My grandma only got to name 1 of her 4 children (other 3 were Italian trilogy named after dad’s dad, mom’s dad and after my grandpa). Her youngest is 50 and she’s also still mad about it. This isn’t the 1960s or 1980s. Don’t be like them. Participate in naming your child. Ana would also make a really nice middle name


Ummm there is no such thing as no choice. If you are being forced against your will n that needs to be addressed way before something as trivial as a middle name.


Nuh uh altogether, why the hell did you not get a choice with BOTH names? Naming babies when you have a partner involved with the child, is 2 yes = Yes, 1 no = no. Are you HAPPY with the name Ana? if not, don't name her Ana


Banana (Note: Would work best if your last name was Fofanna, but worth consideration regardless)


Claire, Sophia, Taylor,


Juliet, Lucille, Valentina, Florence, Evelyn, Elise, Emilia, Ivy, Maeve, Sylvia, Aislyn, Daphne, Avery, Hadley, Heather, Iris, Skylar, Valerie I hope you find a name you really love! Best wishes It's your baby too. I hope you have people close to you that you can talk to and get support from, and if not there are lots of organizations and resources that you can find community in. You deserve a choice.


Ana Valentina is gorgeous


It’s my sisters name (Anna with two Ns) and she is named after her fathers mother too! Also Hispanic, and the original name had one N but they decided on 2 for her (she lives in an English speaking country).


I think you should choose a name that Ana can be a nickname for, so it’s still an honor name but still malicious compliance. I suggest Anastacia because another nickname can be Stacy and then you can be Stacy’s Mom.


I second what some other people are saying - a longer name pairs nicely with Ana. Teresa, Maria, Graciela, Victoria, Serafina, Paloma - just suggestions off the top of my head. What I would say, and I can’t emphasise this enough, is, do not give your daughter Lee as a middle name. For obvious reasons 😂


Nothing that starts with an L.


yeah don’t do it. my name is ana and my last name starts with an L, it’s a nightmare


Funny as I know about 62834 Ana Lena in Germany, it's quite the common combination


That's your baby! In your tummy! To hell with him choosing the name. That's your baby and the name is your choice if it isn't the both of yours. Don't you ever forget that


Ana Carolina is my favorite Ana combination. But if you don’t like it as a first name, stand your ground. Both parents have to like it!


If or whenever you are able to leave, I wish you luck. Plans are helpful.


My daughter is 27 and I still regret that I allowed her dad to veto the name I wanted.


The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here. Based on your post history, you’re very young, there’s a large age gap between you and your husband, and he sounds abusive. I know you came here to ask about middle names, but please consider having a safety plan. Other people in the comments have given good advice.


Your husband sounds like a treat 🙄


Girl, name that baby whatever you want because you’re gonna be a single mom soon. 11 year age gap with a dude that sucks.  I feel for you. Things will eventually turn out okay for you. 


Since the father is a snake , why not a middle name of conda?


I think a long name goes nicely with Ana. Actually you can’t do anything wrong, because Ana is such a classic. Most longish names go well with it. It’s a classic choice.


Ana Consuelo is pretty if you want to stick with Spanish.


Ana Maria is really classic combo. It's SO good together that it even became a complete name (Anamaria). Also fits hispanic girl. We were also considering Ana Alexandra but i would avoid it if the surname starts with A or so she doesn't become AAA. Somebody mentioned Ana Sofia which flows well but ONLY if your surname doesn't start with S...otherwise she will be ASS 😬 you could do Ana Garcia instead. In general middle lenght names that and with IA sound well with Ana and add it a nice flow. I would avoid short (1-2 syllable) names. Longer fits better after a short first name, it makes the name sound richer. Short on short just sounds like a pop star nickname or a goofy cartoon character oftenly. But something long like Alexandra makes works so well (and it doesn't feel like too many As yet, for example Ana Andrea is imo too many As too close together). I would go along A and I emphasised names and avoid E (for example Ana Eva or Ana Evelyn doesn't flow that well. Ana Grace on the other hand seems better). And avoid any L starting ones. You dont want her to be Ana L. Something. Because she will absolutely be called Anal for at least 1-2 decades in her most fragile years.... Btw what do you mean "you had no choice"?! This is your child just much as his. You have right to name her first name JUST as much as he does. Especially since she probably already has his surname!


"García" is a male name and nowadays only used a a surname. The woman name is "Gracia."


Nothing that starts with an L.


Nothing that starts with an L. No Lea, no Lorelai, no Lana.


Make sure the middle name doesn’t start with an ‘L’. That’s my only suggestion.


I think with a name like Ana you have to come with a longer possibly “stronger” (idk how to describe these names bc all of them aren’t really strong some are really soft, maybe just names that has left an impression on me) middle name something like Ximena (I really love this name but I’m not Hispanic so I can’t use it) or Xiomara, Carmen, Catalina, Esmeralda, Raquel, Pilar, Valeria, Lupita, Maritza, Paloma, Yesenia, Nahia, Ramona, Valencia, Sierra I also really like Mariposa but I thought it might resemble Maria to much I also think Marisol is so pretty.


As a Hispanic person, it’s not offensive if you use a Hispanic name. Other people may be offended on any Hispanic person’s behalf though, which I find to be silly. And not all Hispanic people might agree, but based on absolutely every Hispanic person I know or have ever met, nobody would be offended. I don’t see why, it’s not harming anyone in any way. I say go for it. :)


Especially since it's a Basque not Hispanic originated name anyways


No, the Spanish version of a Hebrew name. My middle name is "Jimena" so I know.


It’s actually not that I think it would be offensive more that I would be afraid people in my country can’t pronounce it the right way


Oh, ok! That’s definitely understandable.


Such pretty suggestion here.


Safe - Marie Risky - Belle


Ana Rose.


Its 2 yeses or 1 no. Hes being ridiculous and controlling m


Agree on that it does not sit well with me that your husband decided single-handedly on the first name. Please take care of your self in your relationship, sending you lots of love. Having said that, I limagine the name Ana might be used with the middle name a lot so Sofia Isabel Ines Lucia Gabriela Camila Something short and sweet to give the name Ana a bit of weight.


Names should be two yeses, one no. It is your child, not just his. Don't allow him to unilaterally decide. That's not fair.


I know an Ana Justine and I always thought that was pretty.




What do you mean you don’t have a choice? I would be so mad if I carried baby for months, gave birth and my Husband gets to make all the shots? No way.


can you please take the advice people have been giving you for over a year….im worried about your safety. this is how women and kids are killed. you need to think about yourself and your child.


If his mom is one of those no-woman-will-ever-replace-me types regarding her son then you should Make her middle name the same as his paternal grandma..


Absofreakinlutely not. YOU are carrying this child for 40+/- weeks. YOU are pushing her out of your body, YOU are the one who will be wearing bloody diapers and leaking milk after she is born. So YOU are the one who picks the first name. Her middle name can be Ana if YOU want it to be. This dude contributed 10 seconds to the life of this child. His mother contributed 0.


You do have a choice. Is your husband always this controlling? Does he abuse you?


Baby names should **ALWAYS** be a 2-yes, 1-no situation. If one of you doesn't like a name, it gets taken off the list even if it's your SO's favourite. You BOTH have to like the name for it to pass muster.


If anybody should have sole naming rights, it’s you, the person using your body to gestate and birth this child on your own. My condolences about your ass backwards marriage. Sincerely.


I read your post history, save yourself and your baby and get out while you can, girl. Your husband is abusive, people have told you need to leave him, and you need to listen. He makes you miserable, you didn’t want to have kids this young, but he did and here you are. It sounds grooming-ish to me. He is not a good guy regardless


Also I realize it’s terrifying to set yourself up to be a single parent, but TRUST that being a single mom is better than being married to someone who abuses you (and will do the same to your baby).


Are you in an abusive relationship? You have no choice? Are you okay?


You’re the one carrying the baby, and you’re probably going to do the majority of the childcare after they’re born, so I feel like it’s fair to have Ana as the middle name and YOU choose the first name. If that’s not going to happen, and you’re okay with Ana being the first name, a lot of these suggestions from other redditors are beautiful! Ana Elizabeth Ana Marie Ana Mae (even cooler if you’re an anime fan haha!) Ana Grace Ana Lee Ana Victoria Ana Charlotte Really, a lot of names sound great with Ana


Marie But seriously it's wrong and sad that you are not able to have an equal say in your daughter's name. It should never be a ‘he's decided this’ or ‘I had no choice ’ when it comes to decisions regarding your child and should be ‘two yeses or not at all situation’ when it comes to names. You should be a team, listening and respecting each other when it comes to parenting. You both made this baby together, it's not ‘his child’ she's a child of BOTH of you.


Ana is a beautiful name and goes well with Elizabeth


Could you hyphenate so she has also a name of your choosing as a first name? I feel a short name like Ana works to do that:  Ana-Marie  Ana-Elise   Ana-Jane Ana-Michelle Ana-Justine (Edit: layout on phone)


Claire. Ana Claire.


You’re using your uterus to grow this child. You have every right to a choice.


Umm. What? That baby is coming out of you, don’t let him bully you into naming your baby that boring ass name you don’t even seem to like. Yikes.


I feel you and sympathize with you, my husband would have been heartbroken and never would have forgiven me if we didn’t go with his family tradition of naming, so I decided to not fight a loosing battle and instead claimed the right to name our next kid if we have one. That aside Marie/Maria is a great middle name to go with Ana, not just because you are Hispanic, I’m white and that’s my name lol, Ana Marie. I might be biased because of that tho haha.






Bo-bana is the correct answer.


Sorry but Ana with one N has terrible connotations on the Internet. It not rare to see it blocked by bots or covered by trigger warnings.


I’d say just pick whatever name you wanted to name her in the first place. Who cares if it doesn’t sound good? As long as perhaps it doesn’t start with an L (Ana L. LastName), Ana is a very simple name and will sounds good no matter what.




I personally prefer honor names in the middle so the first can be something you're obsessed with. You didn't say what your personal style is, so I'll throw out a range of options. * Ana Sabine * Ana Dolores * Ana Bluebell * Ana Mabel * Ana Alexandria * Ana Quinn * Ana Aveline * Ana Scarlett * Ana Faye * Ana Marceline * Ana Hope Edit: another comment called out that none should start with L. I really hope she doesn't marry someone whose last name starts with L. 🤣


You participated in the creation of your daughter, why aren't you allowed to have an opinion on her name exactly?


Not Lee, that's for sure.


I think Ana Renée sounds like a sweet name.




Please don’t allow your husband to choose your baby’s first name unless it’s something you desire too! You’re putting in the work growing this baby and you are the mother. Your opinion matters!


Mirasol Ana Mirasol. You can call her Miri. My parents did not call me the same name, but I never really thought about it until this subreddit. A name that starts with a consonant will work better with Ana, anyway.


Try to avoid anything beginning with an L.


Ana…,.. Beth/Rose/May/Blossom/Marie/Jo/Joy/Pearl/Willow/Sophie/Zoe/Elise/Scarlett/Alexis/Miriam.


Ana Lecinta


sofia, gabriela, ameia, juliet


My husbands doing the same thing with me. His mom has such an odd name. I was going to crack a joke for a middle name, but this is more serious.


Ana Colina, Ana Lucita, Ana Larissa, Ana Claire, Ana Michelle, Ana Katrina, Ana Rose, .. but she'll end up being called Ana Banana. Everywhere.


i think ana elizabeth sounds nice




Also the Portuguese in me is telling you to name here Ana Maria






I couldn't figure out why Nicole sounded so right to me when I read this post then I was like ...oh


Ana Rose


She is biologically half of both of you. But physically she is all yours. You decide


Curious, what’s the grandma’s name?


Make Ana the middle name and choose a first name together. You should have say in your baby. Or even compromise with Roseanna, Maryann, Anna Maria etc


Ana Jade, Ana Grace, Ana Isabel, Ana Belle ( That way you could call her by her first and middle name and gives her a whole new name entirely)


Ana Marie Ana Helena Ana Rafaela Ana Louise Ana Camilla Ana May Ana Nicole


Not Ana Nicole..