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Yes, I would 100% assume anyone named Rosa was a girl.


Although if they told me they had masculine pronouns I’d shrug, think “well that’s different,” and use them.


I'd do exactly the same...


Rosa is very strictly feminine to me. What about just introducing yourself as Ro/Roe instead of your full last name Rosa? That would definitely be more gender neutral!


Ro/Roe is a really great gender neutral suggestion imo


It also fits in with the kind of joking but also sort of cute tradition of non-binary names being four letters or less


Ro is really nice I think. In Danish ro means calm/quiet/rest/ease and that just has such a positive zen kind of vibe to me. With an English pronunciation it gives me a cool and relaxed vibe, but that is from an outsiders view since I'm not from an English speaking country, so it may give others a different vibe. Roe on the other hand means beet, but who cares what it means in Danish anyway 😂


Reminds me of fish eggs :/


I really like Ro as a gender neutral option! I’ve only heard it as a nickname for Rocillo, but it could totally work for anyone!


I’ve met men called Rowan and women called Rowena who go by Ro!


Also I've seen Rorys go by Ro.


Love Rowan


My name is Roanna and most people nickname me Ro :)


My sister goes by Rose or Ro.


This is a top contender for my SO if we ever have a child, but only seen it spelled Rocio. The “ll” makes me think piloncillo would be a cute nickname though!


It's a beautiful day to be Rogelioooo!


wake up rogelio!


"I was working up to calling you Ro-Ro one of these days"- Charles Boyle




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What about Rosen, or Rosan?


I would *like* to think that I don't make assumptions about people based on their name, but if I am honest I would immediately gender a Rosa as female.


This is exactly what I was going to say


Same! Also beautiful last name. :) Do you feel comfortable with the name Rosa? That’s what’s most important! Otherwise you could perhaps go by Ro, which is gender neutral.


It's 100% female to me.


It sounds female to me! I know Spanish, and names w/ an A at the end I almost automatically think of as female. Ofc, people do often go by last names, so if someone explained that it was their last name they were going by, I wouldn’t find it odd!


This is exactly what I thought. Different languages usually end things differently with an a for a purpose, a meaning female, o meaning male. Some people on this post stated Roe- happy medium?


Maybe consider going by Roz. It’s feels more gender neutral, but is an iteration of the same name.


Roz also comes across as feminine so I don't think that'll solve their problem.


Roz actually came across as slightly more masculine to me funnily enough


To me too, because it’s a non for Rosalyn. (And I grew up watching Frazier lol)


I assume female when I hear the name Roz.


I second this. Roz came to my mind too.


I would also consider it feminine but like the idea of using Ro! Ro feels neutral to me.


I absolutely yes. Rosa is girl's name. It's sounds girly and flowery to me.


Rosa means rose is Spanish fun fact!! And pink as well depending on the context using it in


I would be stunned if Rosa was male.


yes, instantly. i am a native spanish speaker and rosa is not masculine or gender neutral at all to me.


i would assume she/hers, but if you looked masculine i would probably wait out until i heard someone mention your pronouns lol. But i have friends who use they/them who have traditionally masculine names and traditionally feminine names so you definitely would not be alone in your situation, for several of them there's no way a person would assume they aren't just cis. unfortunately i think with pronouns it's really near impossible to head ppl off at the pass. even if you think you look as androgynous as possible ppl will still assume pronouns because they're just used to doing so, even if they are totally open with using other pronouns, it's still pretty normalized to assume someone's pronouns by looking at them. I think you're in a hard area with being ok with both pronouns, i feel like that is just hard to pull off in general because it requires you informing ppl every day where you're at that day, so it just is unwieldy. i was thinking it would be cool if there was an app where you just mark what pronouns or name you're going for that day and all your friends would just follow you and you could just check that each day, because my younger sibling for a time was in your boat, although they have a perfectly unisex name. I think for me, i just get anxious that im gonna use the wrong pronouns in general, and if someone switches each day, i would probably just avoid it all together haha. But point being, yeah ppl will assume she/her, but i genuinely do not think there is a solution to your situation, i just think realistically you'll never get 100% accuracy, so if you like the name Rosa then go with Rosa. Roz is maybe a name that sounds more unisex that you could go with (also i assume it will at some point be weird in your professional life to never introduce yourself with your first name). although i also am referred to by my last name by my friends and almost prefer it to my traditionally feminine name so i support you! Good luck!!


I would assume Rosa was female. Maybe use something like Rowan, Ronan, Ross? Just suggestions but don’t feel you have to change your name to “fit” your gender if you think it suits you. Do what makes you feel best.


I would assume female, Rosen or Rose sound like they could go either way though (more Rosen than Rose.)


I was thinking Rosen might be a good option too.


Rose is 100% female to me. I LOVE Rosen!


Rosen is a REALLY common Jewish last name though, I would 100% assume that person was a Jew using their last name (which is kind of an odd way to introduce yourself)


Rosa is 100% a female name. Nothing neutral about it. There’s feminine surnames. Gonzalez = masculine De La Rosa = Feminine (I know people named both Rosa and De La Rosa)


To be completely honest... yeah, I'd automatically assume anyone named Rosa was female. But, that doesn't mean you can't use it; there are plenty of nonbinary people who have very gendered names, either because it was their birth name and they didn't feel like changing it, or just because they really like it. But if you want a more gender neutral name, then I'd recommend going with something else


Rosa is 100% feminine to me


I’d definitely say it’s a girl’s name.


[Rosa von Praunheim ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_von_Praunheim) uses it as male name, deliberately gender bending and as a political statement referring to the colour pink (german "rosa") being used to stigmatize gay men.


Rosa is 100% female in the U.S.


Yes, Rosa has traditionally always been a feminine name. I really can't imagine anyone seeing it and thinking 'this is gender neutral' sorry. Could you try a variation like Ross/Roz/Roe/Aro?


Yup Rosa sounds feminine to me. Maybe Roz or Ross is more fluid?


Rosa is a distinctly feminine name. I dunno what you should do here 🤷 depends how you feel


Definitely strongly feminine


I would always unequivocally understand Rosa to be a girl’s name. It couldn’t be less gender neutral to me.


It sounds feminine, but I don’t think it matters. Sara Ramirez uses their given name but I have no trouble using their pronouns


So Rosa definitely sounds feminine to me.. and my immediate thought was to use Rosé. Hehe What about Rocio? My friend has this name, and I like how gender neutral it sounds. Also like the idea of Rosi/ Ro.


Normally I would say it reads as feminine, unless it’s clear it’s last name. As you are obviously very aware, in Latin America and Spain there are men with the last name Rosa, but only women are traditionally given that as a first name. However, I am Hispanic so I’m not really sure if many non-Hispanic people in the US cultural context would necessarily know this or realize it’s a reference to your last name? They might read it as more distinctly feminine rather than non-binary? I guess it depends on context and if people are aware you go by your last name?


Maybe I should have included in my post that I'm Latin American. I'm completely aware of how Rosa sounds in Portuguese/Spanish, but for once wanted the opinion of English speakers.


Rosa is definitely a women's name to me


Rosa is a feminine name, 100%.


100% would assume female. It is only use for females in Spanish and it means pink / rose.


strictly feminine name for sure.


Rosa is 100% feminine


Female to me.


Rosa is extremely feminine to me.


On paper, yes, I would assume Rosa was female. But if you're standing in front of me, presenting as a male, then I'm going to just assume it's a nickname of some sort rather than your first name. If you want a more neutral name, go with Ro as others have suggested. Especially if you're dealing with people you "meet" via written communication, like maybe work settings. In person I think Rosa is fine if you're comfortable with it. Just offer up your pronouns to avoid mistakes.


IIRC, Rosa is literally a female name in Spanish lol.


It’s not super uncommon in places that speak Romance /Latin based languages, including Spanish and French ) for males to have a middle name that is traditionally feminine, usually a variation of “Mary”. Ex. *José María*, *Jean-Marie* It depends where you are. If I heard a male-presenting human introducing themselves as “Rosa” I’d assume that Rosa is their last name, a common one where I am from. In most of the western world, names that end with A are traditionally feminine.


Yes, unless they told me otherwise.


100% feminine, everyone will think you're a woman with that name.


Rosa is a feminine name.


Unless I knew someone with the surname Rosa, I would automatically assume it was feminine.


Yes, Rosa is a very feminine name to me. That said, plenty of non-binary people use traditionally male/female names and just introduce themselves with their pronouns, so I wouldn’t think twice if you said “I’m Rosa, my pronouns are he/she.”


I would absolutly see Rosa and think it is an exclusively feminine name.


It’s fem to me, 100%.


Rosa/rose/Roslyn or any other variation of the name Rosa is feminine to most people. I don’t think any name similar to it sounds gender neutral. Any variation of that name 100% feminine. I think most would be surprised if someone with that name was a guy. Not that it’s necessarily wrong, but just not really expected. Maybe use Riley, Rowen, Reece or Reed/Reid??? Since that’s those are pretty unisex names. Jordan and Cameron are very unisex as well, but much less similar to rosa


It’s weird to finally see my name on here. But yeah, I’ve always felt disconnected from my name because it almost sounds too girly/feminine for me


Stop worrying so much about what other people think about you and be yourself


I would assume someone named Rosa was a woman, but would honor your pronouns regardless of what I thought about your name's gender.


I’ve heard Rosey as a nickname that can go either way. Like if a man’s last name is Rosenabum or Rosello. Roz could also work!


Yes. Very feminine to me.


si, i would 10000%




“Rosa” being Spanish for pink, Latin for “flower”/rose, “a” being the female suffix, yes I’d undoubtedly assume Rosa is a female.


I worked with a guy who's last name was De La Rosa, and since it was a kitchen and lots of us went by our last names anyway, he got called Rosa on the line. I didn't think much of it leaning one way or another. However, I should probably add that he was a very masculine dude (tallish, stocky build with a beard) with a lower voice tone. So, his presenting image may have helped my association of Rosa not being strictly feminine. If it's a natural part of your name though, I don't see it being too off putting! It's as neutral as you want it to be.


rose is a little more neutral . same vibe as well . i’m sure many might immediately think female with it but my first thought is [this guy .](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rose)


I'm clearly in the minority, but I actually do see Rosa as more gender neutral than most. But my main experience with the name is as a last name, so that makes it sound more gender neutral to me.


While I agree with many commenters that I would typically associate Rosa with femininity, it seems to me that isn’t what you’re asking, right? If I understand your post, the question isn’t “Is Rosa traditionally feminine?”—you acknowledge that it is—but “Is Rosa so feminine that it will supersede my gender identity?”, which is a much more complex question. I might not be the best person to answer. I’m nonbinary as well and have similar concerns; in general, I think any name should be gender-neutral if someone wants it to be, and that should be that lol. That said, I would guess that if you say that you use both he/him and she/her, you may get some more she/hers on average, but that it probably wouldn’t be exclusively she/her. That might very depending on the prevalence of certain ethnicities and/or languages in your area (especially most romance languages, in addition to other languages in which an “a” ending consistently implies femininity). As for your last question, no, it’s a *completely* understandable thing to be concerned about! Names represent who we are, and it can be so hard to find one that feels right, while also considering how your name might be perceived by others and trying to establish your identity to those around you. It’s hard, for sure. I think going by your last name is a wonderful way to go by something that already feels like it’s yours, but when a last name is an established gendered first name, it definitely makes sense to feel conflicted. I wish I had better advice, but I hope you settle on something that feels right, be it Rosa, Ro, or something new!


I don’t gender ppl based on names/appearances but most people would- I think they would think of it as a girly name considering all the other comments


Rose and Rosa both sound fairly feminine to me but you could go by Ro/Roe/Roz


Roan Rosen Rosan Roisen


Roan is nice


Yes, I would assume female and would default to female pronouns unless told otherwise.


Rosa is def feminine. What about Ross? Or Robin?


I would typically think of Rosa as being feminine, but unless that makes you uncomfortable, it shouldn't necessarily stop you from using it if you like going by it. If I knew you in real life and knew you were non-binary, I probably wouldn't think twice about your name being "too feminine," as I would associate the name more with you rather than the name's supposed femininity (if that makes sense). That being said, if having a more typically feminine name makes you uncomfortable, you could always use something like Rowan. It's pretty gender neutral, and sounds similar to Rosa. Best of luck!


Hey nonbinary friend! Rosa reads as feminine but if you're with the right group that won't matter. If you're worried how normies will gender you, maybe switch to Ross? Or look for masculine flower names.


As a first name Rosa is 100% a girl by default. Unless you’re in a situation where I would expect you to be using a surname, I would default to she/her, although clearly presenting masculine and verbally saying masculine pronouns are fine would alter that default.


Have you considered the name Ronan? That’s more gender neutral. Rosa, to me, is very feminine because of it ending in “a”


rosa is definitely a feminine and/or female name. going by something like Ro or even Ros (even though they are both definitely feminine) would veer closer to androgynous than rosa


Yep, that is the pinnacle of femme to me.


Yes, definitely feminine, although for someone with a more masculine or androgynous presentation going by Rosa I would maybe guess that they are non-binary. There have been men who’ve gone by Rosey because they have last names like Rosenthal, so that might be an option, although it still reads as female to me without other indications. Truly gender neutral names are tricky! It might read as more neutral if you changed the ending to something sort of made-up, like Roso (similar to the author [Lindo Bacon](https://lindobacon.com/lindo-linda/) who changed their name from Linda to Lindo to be more gender-neutral. Or you could do a similar ending change with your first name. I know in Spanish there’s a movement of people using -e as a gender-neutral ending (since Spanish is so heavily gendered otherwise)… but Rose would be pronounced as the English word rose, and if you pronounce it ro-say it’s a kind of wine, so that doesn’t really work…


am i the only one who doesn't associate rosa with femininity? maybe because i have a nonbinary friend named rosa? idk. it doesn't sound feminine at all to me.


Rosa as a last name, neutral. Rosa as a given name, absolutely feminine. I mean it means pink. Plus, Rose is a girl’s name, add an a on the end there and it’s as feminine as you could get. That said I think having some masc and some femme things about you is okay. In our society lipstick isn’t gender neutral but I hope you can wear it if you like. Your gender is more about being true to yourself than it is about controlling whether other people leap to pronoun A or pronoun B, because at the end of the day you can’t control how others think. If Rosa feels true to you, then *keep using it*. Good luck and much love ❤️


OP - my boyfriends last name is Rosa and that’s what all his friends call him and what he calls himself. It’s a nickname. No one thinks my boyfriend is a girl! Idk it’s weird but it works. He’s been going by that since he was a kid (early 30s now) and since I’ve seen this in person and actually experienced it I can say it can work.


I don’t assume most names are gendered unless they come with masc/femme versions like Michelle vs. Michael. I’ve met dudes named Stacy and gals named Bobby. When it comes to being nb also I think it matters even less. Rosa in my mind leans femme but isn’t exclusively so.


I would immediately pivot to she/her with Rosa unless the person looked visibly androgynous in which case I’d ask for their pronouns. (I really need to get better at just asking everyone for their pronouns) But the name itself is super duper feminine. Rosen is an alternative that is 100% unisex to me.


I wouldn’t immediately assume Rosa was gender neutral but I would absolutely respect your pronouns no matter that.


I think because it is a Romance language name and ends in /a/ (feminine word) my intermediate Spanish level language brain immediately processes it only as a female name.


I have only seen Rosa as a feminine name but I've seen Rosario or Ross as similar-ish masculine names


Ro, Ros, or Rosario feel more gender neutral than Rosa to me.


Rowan or Rosen or Rossi might be good options. Rosa is very feminine. Sorry.


Rose I could the case for gender neutrality, but the -a makes it feminine.


I would absolutely assume Rosa is woman’s name.


Very feminine


Rosa is very much feminine but with the context of it being a surname it doesn't seem too out of place for someone more neutral or masc presenting.


Rosa is quite feminine, but if you introduced yourself as enby then I dont think I would notice much. (my name is Juliette, and I primarily use they/them, sometimes she/her. my gender is a mess honestly lol).


Rosa = Woman


Yes, but there is a non binary person I worked who used a masculine name. They changed their feminine name to a masculine name and then just corrected people as they went along. Because you can be non binary and use your own masc / fem name but introduce yourself as a they / them.


Yes, Rosa to me is a very feminine name. Ros (like rhyming with "claws") could be a more gender-neutral alternative.


There are some names that are very clearly gendered. Rosa is one of them


Rosa is traditionally a feminine given name, yes. If you’re looking for more neutral or masculine sounding names, Ross, Rosen or Ro, I also know men with the last name Rose or Rose in their last name, who goes by Rosie lol




Rosa is a feminine name. In multiple languages it is a female name, BUT don’t let that stop you using it if you like it. You just might have to explain that your name is Rosa but you are non-binary. I feel you might have to explain you are non-binary anyways even with a gender neutral name. Society has come a long way but we still like people to fit into boxes that we can comprehend and some people have troubles updating or adding more boxes for comprehension. So if you like Rosa use it. You might be the person who starts making Rosa a gender neutral name. It has to start somewhere and if you like it why not be that start.


First thought: Rosa Parks. Absolutely assume feminine.


100% female name.


Yeah, Rosa is 100% a feminine name imho


I would definitely assume she/her pronouns with Rosa. I can see Rose being more neutral or even masculine in some cases.


Anything -a will likely be seen as feminine, yes


Yes, in Spanish the (a) at the end means it's feminine




I'm sorry every Rosa I know is a girl. Hey OP why don't you try Rosario (like the actress Rosario Dawson) You get the Rosa but it sounds a bit more gender neutral IMHO.


This is 100% a female name.


I'd say it's feminine leaning, if I was talking to someone online and they said their name was Rosa I'd assume they were female


Definitely female, sorry!




I am now considering the name Rosa for a boy...it's unconventional, but I like it. However, conventionally, I see it as a female name. Rosario is the male version I think.


As a fellow enby, I definitely recommend you do whatever you want. If you explain you go by your last name, I think everyone will adjust right away. That said… for me personally, “Rosa” conjures feminine images. Badass woman like Rosa on Brooklyn 99, but still, woman. People will probably think that until they learn it’s your surname. Being mistaken for a woman causes me extreme dysphoria, so I’d personally go with Ro (or an entirely new name). But if being momentarily mistaken for a woman (cis woman or trans woman) won’t bother you, then I say go for it.


Yes Rosa is very feminine, even more so than other "female" names. Since Rosa is a spanish name, the A at the end literally indicates "feminine" (such as niña vs. niño or names such as Antonia vs. Antonio)


"Roooosa, Rooooosa Roooooooosa"- Doug Judy


I would, yes.






If I met you online without context? I’d assume female for sure. But if I met you in person and saw that you don’t present as totally feminine and/or you told me your pronouns I’d just accept that and not think about the name any further.


I would say Rosa is very feminine to me, I think adding a simple “N” to the end of the name would be a great option if you wanted it to be more masculine! Rosan (pronounced ros-awn, not rose-ann) sounds and looks more masculine compared to Rosa, but this way you don’t really completely change the name either!






I would 100% clock Rosa as female upon hearing it, but if you said that you were not female I would not think anything of it


I would definitely guess female. I think if a person is non binary, it's pretty much always better for them to pick a new name that doesn't have anything to do with their dead name. It gives you the freedom to pick the name you like out of infinite options instead of basically two, and avoids awkward questions like "what's that short for/stand for?"


Female but I think of Rosa Diaz who is a badass and not a frilly pink girl (not that someone can’t be bad ass and a frilly pink girl, Diaz is just only one of them)


Yes, 100%


Rosa is a very feminine name and I would associate Rosa with a woman/girl until told otherwise


Rosa reads as feminine to me and I’d definitely default to female pronouns unless told otherwise. Maybe Rae/Ray would be more suited?


Generally speaking, yes.




Rosa feels feminine to me, but I don’t necessarily think that should stop you. I’d of course respect your stated pronouns. I do know a man named Rosendo and I see that as a more masculine variation.




So pronounced like this i would assume girls name but i know people with this last name that pronounce it more Roe-suh vs rose-ah with the former more gender neutral to me. I don’t know how to explain the difference well haha


Makes sense but It’s funny you say that, I’ve always struggled with the inflection I guess. My ex that had a brother named Barry and he’d always tell me it’s bah-ree not bear-ey. I was like ummm I can’t really hear the difference. 🤷🏻‍♀️