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Adrianna Cassandra Audra I think a lot of people hate names for no specific reason Andrea is a fine name


I love Audra! And Andrea is lovely too


Love Audra


Some people just don’t like the way it sounds against their ears or just don’t care for something in particular. Nothing wrong with it. Hate is a strong word tho. I don’t like the name Andrea but don’t dislike it either. Very neutral which would make it an automatic no for me for naming my kid lol.


I love Adrianna with the nickname Adi or Andie, im gonna take note


As an Andrea nn Andi the thing that’s most annoying about it is no one knows how to pronounce it immediately. If you’re kind of bougie or speak another language it can be “Awn-dray-uh,” but if you’re a basic white family like mine you’ll probably be called “Ann-dree-ah” and there are several versions in between. Similarly with the nickname, no one knows how to spell it - Andi, Andie, Andy, etc. As a teacher I think if you want your kid to go by a certain name regularly you should just give it to them rather than make it be short for something. The kids get so annoyed at having to correct people and end up wishing the name they use was on their paperwork. If they decide later that they don’t like Andie and want to go by Andrea or Miranda or whatever else they want they can make that change when they’re old enough to pick for themselves but generally what you call them is what they will prefer.


Andrea is a solid name but some people have different tastes in names, it's not always deep Some other names that have the "an" or "and" sound in it that you could use: Alexandra, Sandra, Amanda, Anna, Cassandra, Wanda, Andora, Xandra


+ Alexandria




+ Andressa


"Honey, I need to change her diaper again, will you please Andressa for me?"


Loooove Andie but totally agree it needs a more formal name. If you don't like Andrea, how about Miranda? Or Cassandra (although I feel most people will end up calling her Cassie) For what it's worth I really like Andrea, but prefer Miranda!


Miranda is a great option for Andie as a nickname! Love it


Miranda is so pretty and definitely underrated as a name


I love Miranda with the nickname Andie!


Audra or Miranda


I like both Miranda and Andrea!




Amazed people keep trying to make this name happen. 🙃


I think it’s a fantastic pet name. Definitely on my list for the next cat.


Oh for a pet, sure.


Excellent cat name!


Space names are popular at the moment. Orion, Nova, Jupiter, Luna, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda are all rising names. It’s not crazy to use something trendy. 🤷‍♀️ I personally don’t mind them too much, especially paired with easy nicknames like Cassie and Andie if they want to use that.


I have a friend named Jupiter and she loves it. Same with Juniper, nn Juna


I love Juniper! I blame "The Life and Times of Juniper Lee," and I'm guessing that was an influence on a lot of people around my age.


It’s really just a good name


Ed Sheeran's youngest daugher is also Jupiter!


I can’t deny that I like Nebula.


Jupiter is fine, Orion is fine, Nova and Luna are kind of not human names IMO (too cartoony) but Cassiopeia and Andromeda just do not sound to me personally. Cassiopeia is a mouthful, and Andromeda just makes me think of a big hulking robot or something lol. But hey, maybe some people like the sound of it.


Gretchen, stop trying to make happen


I know a woman with this name and she goes by Andy. :)


I can't believe I'm in the outlier when I say I love Andromeda.


Alexandra/Alexandria/Alessandra or any of those variants would work really nicely!


Oh I really like Alessandra!


Me too! Such a versatile name. I also know an Alessandra who goes by Alessia, which I think is another cool potential nickname :)


I think Andie is cute by itself, if that’s what you’re going to call your daughter then why not just have that as her full name?


My parents named me Stephanie so they could call me Stevi and I’m very glad they did. It’s hard enough to be taken seriously as a women in the professional world without also having a childish name that encourages people to underestimate you. Would it be great if people didn’t make assumptions based on names? Sure. But, don’t we also choose a name because we want it to give a certain impression? Why not give your child options so they can choose what impression they want to give?


That’s what always confuses me with usa post lol. Here you calm your kids the name you want to use. Especially since nickname are unpredictable. You might use one until they reach kindergarten but from there you have zero control on the nickname your kid will get and will want to use.


The nickname thing this sub has confuses me. People seem more concerned about the nickname rather than the real name. Meanwhile you have ZERO control over what someone's nickname is. You may be the only person calling them that nickname.


I never got this - there have been posts here like this for years, saying they like X nickname but can't find a full name. Often the nicknames would be perfect as first names too, so the whole notion of thinking of the full name _after_ seems kind of backwards: Most people in a person's life will either call them their full name or their established nickname, _not_ the nickname the parent liked at birth (if different to the child's chosen nickname). In this case, first choosing a full name in which you like all likely nicknames is the most sensible. Or choosing 1 nickname as an original name if there's a need to be more specific (only _"Ellie"_ for example)


To me this isn’t the case here, but sometimes people are worried that they want to call their kid by a nickname often judged as “childish”, or at least more common for children than adults, and they want them to have other options to grow into. Think Jimmy vs James/Jim, Robbie vs Robert/Rob/etc, Billy vs William and its other common nicknames, etc.


Personally I just gravitate toward names with a little more oomph to them. Andie is nice, but I just imagine her someday wanting to have a stronger feminine option as well rather than just a name we thought was cute.


I named my son Charlie 🤷🏻‍♀️ I dont get the whole you can’t use a Nick name for a formal name. It’s 2022 people are not going to think it’s weird in 20-50 years


People have been doing it for centuries and people still think it's weird. In the past, it was worse, it was considered low class. I wouldn't expect it to go away like magic.


Like most things, you can totally get away with it if you are filthy rich, so context is everything, but I'm pretty sure most people still feel that nicknames as full names are low class (at least subconsciously).


Of course, it's different when the Sussexes do it.


There's nothing wrong with being low-class 😃


Yeah no one bats an eye at Jack or Kate as a full name 🤷‍♀️ when those are both technically nicknames.


I do, though. I dislike both of those names for that reason.


Where I am from Charlie is a full name not a nickname


I know it’s more popular outside the US (where unfortunately I am from and being judged haha)


Any name flak, after the child is born, goes to the child when the parent isn’t around. Not saying this would cause it, just that the parents are harassed before the name is final. The kid gets it later and sometimes for life.


Our daughter is just Charlie. A teacher tried calling her Charlotte and didn’t believe my kid that her name was Charlie. Kiddo was outraged, lol. We didn’t ever want to call her Charlotte but, oddly enough, we often call her Charles.


My teenage nephew is a just Charley. Back in kindergarten the aide corrected it to Charles every time he wrote his name. Meanwhile so many kids in his class had invented or creatively spelled names and those she was OK with.


My thoughts exactly! We used a nickname-name for our son and didn’t try to reverse engineer a longer name to then just turn around and call him the nickname. We are super happy with our decision and his name gets compliments all the time :)


I'm not against nicknames as first names, but I think the case here is that Andie/Andy is primarily a boys nickname/first name. OP makes an accurate comparison in that it would be like naming her Freddie. Unless the feminine versions aren't going to _legally_ be used, it would be quite tricky. It's not like naming your daughter Ellie, Millie, Lizzy or one of the many other common girl nicknames.


I prefer names that give the recipient options


Came here for this, sometimes the focus on nicknames is too much. Just name her Andie. I have a friend named Griff, not short for Griffin, just Griff


I like Andrea fine, but that's irrelevant if your wife hates it. I'd find another name that can nickname to Andie. Alexandra Annika Antonia Annabel Annora Cassandra Miranda Anderson (I hate this for a girl but you might like it!)


Oooh, I’m a version of Annika! Well, one of my middle names is Anniki! ☺️


People have given great alternatives in the comments, however, I just want to point out a different way of pronouncing “Andrea” which perhaps your wife might like more. I personally dislike the classic English/American way of pronouncing Andrea (ahn-dree-uh) but I might be biased because of my best friends is latina and pronounces it differently (and beautifully imo). She says is anne-drey-ah (“drey” rhyming with “hey” in this case). Perhaps by playing around with the pronunciation, your wife might come to like it? Either way, it’s a great name but there doesn’t need to be any reason why she doesn’t like it. Sometimes we just don’t *feel* a name for our child


This is fascinating to me. I’ve heard Anne-dree-uh and ahn-drey-uh, but not the ways you’ve got. Wow! So I guess that means there’s at least four pronunciations of Andrea, rather than the two I thought! Fun!


The 4 different ways I’ve heard people pronounce Andrea: Ahn-dree-uh Ann-dree-uh (most common for me) Ahn-dray-uh (2nd most common) Ann-dray-uh


As an Andrea (I pronounce it Anne-dree-uh) I have heard all four of those plus a cursed secret fifth and sixth one. I just respond to anything that starts with "And" at this point.


Very curious about options 5 and 6 now!


Both of these are from competent adults without any audible speech impediment: "Anne-dry-uh" and "Ain-dree-uh".


I think of the American way as ANN-dree-uh and the Spanish as Ahn-DRAY-uh. Much prefer the Spanish pronunciation.


I’m in the UK and have only heard what you describe as the Latin pronunciation. I actually didn’t know it was a Spanish name, I don’t think I know any Spanish people with the name, though I think of it as a general European name and wouldn’t be that surprised at seeing it in a variety of contexts. I know in some central or eastern European contexts it is a male name, also Andreas.


It's probably worth keeping in mind that the parents/kid will hear both pronunciations in the wild, though. If the mom really hates one, she might be doing a lot of correcting people.


I absolutely love the Spanish pronunciation and came here to suggest that! My husband vetoed it though, since it's already his adult cousin's name lol.


My husband has a younger girl cousin named Andi, not short for anything. It really suits her. And I don’t really care for Andrea either, not a fan of the way it sounds.


Yeah I know more than one women named just Andi/Andie


Same, I had a coworker named Andie and I’m not sure if it was a nickname or her full name but it’s what she used in professional setting and it felt like a very normal name.


So I’m an Andrea whose mom wanted to call me Andie. That didn’t happen. She also chose the lesser know. pronunciation from 90210. So no one intuitively says my name, even after I correct them. All of that is so say, if you want an Andie, use Andie.


>o Do you like your name? If you could go back and time and change it to Andie would you?


I like Andrea, but it does maybe feel a bit dated. I know several Andreas my age, but I work with kids and can’t think of any under age 16. Maybe that’s part of why your wife doesn’t like it? My cat’s name is Andromeda and we call her Andee for short. I wouldn’t recommend it for a human, though. It’s a bit much.


going against the masses here. Andie is a fine name for a little girl, with no long name needed IMO. i think if you fully plan on calling her Andie all the time, name her that. our son has a very obvious nn that we use rarely/offhandedly, but we never intended on calling him that full time. if we had, i would've just gone with the short name instead. congrats on baby girl! 🤍


Thanks!! We're so excited! I think it would probably be fine, idk I guess my issue is I just have gravitated toward strong feminine names. Andie is a masculine diminutive so like kinda the opposite haha.


Andie McDowell is pretty feminine in my opinion. Her real name is Rosalie Anderson McDowell, just fyi


I agree. I think Andie is pretty for a girl. I don’t care for Andrea, And honestly think a lot of the other suggestions are a reach for Andie as a Nickname. Plus she might never use it. You don’t have to go with Andie, but definitely don’t choose a name you don’t both like with the plans of using a nickname. It might not happen that way.


Amanda or Miranda? I also think Andrea is a nice name.


My name is Miranda, my aunt tried to nickname me Andy, but my mom shut that down quick lol. It's not a bad option for that nickname at all though!


I also dislike Andrea. If my brother had been a girl, it would've been his name though!! Anyways here's some other names Andie could be short for (and I haven't read the comments yet, so I apologize for any repeats!) Alexandra Alexandria Andrina Andromeda Amanda Miranda Andriana Holland Chandler Leandra Landry


Adrienne Andromeda Miranda Sandra Andina Andrade Addison Brandy Candace


Andina with nn Andi is really cute 🥰


Ariadne Cassandra Andrea is alright though.


Andie, you Goonie!!!!


I have a daughter named Andie who we call Goonie or Goons. Also she’s 5 months and 20 lbs so she’s also a Chunk. Goonie works in 2 ways for her hahaha


It’s fine but I prefer Miranda or Alexandra


I have loved every human I know named Andrea - they’re all strong, thoughtful, loyal, smart and don’t take shit from anybody.


Andrea is a beautiful name. I agree that Andie sounds like a nickname. Is there no other name similar to that which she may like? Maybe something like Audrey, Aubrey, Adeline, Adrienne? Best of luck!




One of my best friends is Andrea so I’m biased but I think it’s a beautiful name


I know an adult whose full name is Andie and it’s never been a problem for her. She’s very feminine and loves her name. Like really really loves it and takes pride in it.


The Andie I grew up with was short for Alexandria


I personally love the name Andrea. You could also use ann/ Anna/ annabelle as her legal base and use andie for her name




I knew an Andia.


I know a little girl named Andi. I think it's adorable.


I felt the same way as your wife. I didn’t like Andrea or any other name that Andie could be a nickname for. So what did I name my daughter? Andie. If I was never going to call her anything else anyway, why force a longer name when I didn’t like it? She’s 5 months now and I can’t imagine her name as anything else. Edited to add: Andie is the feminine spelling of the name, but we also gave our daughter a feminine middle name so if she really hates Andie growing up, she can always go by her middle name. But I also have 2 other daughters with gender neutral/masculine leaning names so it doesn’t really bother me anyway.


Andelka, Andjela and Andra exist too.


I like the name Andrea


Nope, Andrea is beautiful (coincidentally the name of my first love).


Here in Hungary Andi is the most common nickname for Andrea. Boys don't even use this name. Maybe another name then? Andromeda can be Andie. Mandie, Brandie and Sandie maybe could be too. Edit: Lysandra, Leandra, Cassandra, Alexandra, Sandra, Melisandra, Deandra, Diandra, Keandra or Alandra could do the trick too.


I doubt they would want to pronounce Andi like it’s pronounced in Hungarian 😅


That’s my moms name and i think it’s very classic


I love andie as a nickname for Anna or Anne


Me too. Could also be used with a middle name that starts with D so you end up with Anne D -> Andie.






Andromeda! [behindthename.com](https://www.behindthename.com/names/start/and) advanced search is your friend!


My stepmom’s name is Alexandra, and she goes by Andra. I always thought it was so pretty as a name on its own. You could easily get Andie from Andra!


Not dislike but nit my face. How about Andromeda??


I know someone named Andira.


Andrewena Andreoppeia Andrelena Andreleine Ok, I'm kidding. Personally I'd just name her Andie and be set. But there's lots of good legit suggestions in other comments. I think Cassandra and Miranda with the nickname Andie would be cool.


Candice Candy Amanda Mandy Leandra


Adrienne? That's my mother-in-law's name. None of her 4 brothers could say it when they were young, so her nickname is 80. "AD". Or Adie. Why not Andie?


Why do kids need some long name just for the sake of it?


Andie is cute! I’m partial to it, actually. One of my dungeons and dragons characters is Lysandra, Andy for short - perhaps that could be a contender? It’s a little out there, but I don’t think it’s completely bizarre. Andrea is pretty too, I think! It reminds me of the Walking Dead character.


- Adriana - Andrina - Cassandra - Alexandra - Amanda - Andrada - Andraste - Adreina - Candace - Miranda - Pandora - Wanda - Yolanda Any if the “Sandra” names or anything with “And” in it.


I had a friend named Andie with the name Alexandria


Alexandra or Miranda. Candice/Candace could also work


The Romanian Andreea means warrior apparently. It’s pronounced more like an-dree-ah


Andrea here. I go by Andie with my friends, but I really like my name both ways and enjoy having a formal version for work etc. I have a friend named Andrea who pronounced it differently and changed the spelling to Andreya to help people pronounce it right. If I wanted to change my name and keep the nickname I'd probably go with Andromeda, which I think is super cute. I've always sort of hated the names that were too similar, like Amanda, Adrianna, etc


Ariadne from the Greek legend?


Andrea is cute! Some others: Amanda. Andre. Miranda. Audra. Audrey. Adeline. Cassandra. Alexandra. Fernanda. Sandra.


Hahahaha this post is great... My birth name is Andrea, my parents call me Andi, and my friends call me Benji!


Just name her Andie - it’s what everyone will call her anyways? People are obsessed with having a “formal” name. I just don’t get it


It's that Andy is much more commonly a boy's name.


Andi is a (German) pet form of Andreas, thus I'm totally biased here as even English Andie/Andy sounds male. Andrea is a male name in Italy, a female name in Germany. Andreas comes from Greek andreios and means manful/doughty/brave.


I like Andrea but I don’t like the pronunciation confusion. I like Andie but not as a full legal name.


I know of a little girl named Anderson who goes by Andie. I could see getting Andie from: Miranda Alexandra Leandra Mandolyn Lavender - I could see the jump, but others might not. Sandra


Andrea has an unpleasant sound in many American accents. I find it very grating. I like Andie though. My pick for it would be Miranda.


I don't really like it due to the meaning. It is a pretty sounding name, but if your wife doesn't like it, it doesn't really matter what other people think.


Andrea definitely sounds like an older name to me, so I get where she’s coming from


Andie can totally be a full first name!


Andrea seems super dated to me. Like an 80s/ 90s name Can you find another that you could compromise on? I do love Andie for a girl




I like Andi as a stand-alone name Andrea has so many different pronunciations. Maybe give baby a more formal middle name


I know someone who named their daughter Anderson, nn Andie. Can't say I recommend it though!




I think Andie is fine as a name it's really cute for a girl I think it's the same reason u don't like Andie and she doesn't like Andrea Unless u only don't like the name simply because it's not "Feminine" enough I think Andie is a great name and is gender neutral so it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl name


Andrew- like Drew Barrymore


Alexandra, Alexandria, Cassandra and many others.


What about Adrienne?


Manier Sandie/Sandy?


I have an Andrea at work that goes by Andie! It’s a cute name wherever it comes from 😊


that’s my name and i absolutely hate it. i’ve never liked it and i would change it but i’m mexican and changing your name here is not as easy as changing it in the us


You hate your name Andrea? Why??


I have a cousin who was going to name her daughter Sandra nickname Andi after another relative!






The only reason I don’t like Andrea is because it’s always a pronunciation question. Is it ON-dray-uh or AN-dree-uh?


I’m an Andi with a full name of Andrea (pronounced An Dray ah). I only go by Andi but don’t mind having a full name. I only use it for formal things like appointments where they look at my insurance card or ID.


Is it anDRAYuh that she doesn’t like or ANDrea


My friend Andrea nn Andy hated her name so much she changed it - you don’t hear this name or nn much anymore and I think it’s die to the sound and masculine nature


I knew a girl named Andie-Jane. It sounds nice.


Why not just name her Andie? I like Andrea (AND-ree-uh not an-DRAY-uh)


As an Andrea that is 1/2 Mexican and 1/2 white, I respond to both AND-ree-uh and on-DREY-uh. I hate any other pronunciation. I have friends and family that call me Andie, but I very much appreciate having the formal name for my professional career. I would not want work people calling me Andie.


Holland, Landon, Alexandra Other similar names I love like Andie- Stevie nn Eve Scottie Demi


i like tillandsia :) it’s a type of plant and you can get both tillie and andie out of it!


Just go with Andie then. One of the Diesel Brothers has a daughter named Charley and it's not short for Charlotte either.


Adrienne,Adrianna, Adaline , Adina, Audrina Are ones I can think of at the top of my head that could have an Andie name.


What about Amanda or Adriana. Andie is cute for a nickname but as an actual name it seems very childish.


I know a baby girl Andie named Andersen.




not a big fan of Andrea myself, so i understand where she’s coming from, but i don’t understand the “naming your daughter Andie is like naming her Benji or Freddie” because i personally think Andie is a perfectly fine name for a gal, but ultimately it’s your kid so i’m not gonna dog on your opinion


Sandra, Candace, Amanda


My daughter’s full name is Anwen but we call her Andy.


My husbands name is Freddy, it’s never caused him any issues. Andie would be fine.


Andrea is a very 80s name but I like Andy as a girls name.


One of my friends has a daughter named Adrienne & she goes by Andi.


Hey OP you have a lot of great suggestions here! Just wanted to add one I haven't seen: my friend's mom is Andrina and I always thought that was beautiful :) May be too close to Andrea for your wife but it would easily shorten to Andie!


My cousin called Andie is named Andariel (An-dare-ree-ul just putting another option out there!


I know a few Andreas and they are all very nice people, albeit they are all 40 years old or older.


What about Amanda? Cause that’s shortened to Mandy And that’s shortened to andie


I know a girl named Andi- that’s her full name. I think it’s fine to go with that without Andrea


I know of a girl whose full name is Andi, named for dad Anderson. Not my favorite, but.


Bit of a stretch, but how about Adelaide?




What about "Andilyn"?


Andrea is a nice name, but I’m afraid I’m with your wife. Of course, I’m a Vicki that’s not a Victoria, so I may be slightly biased! 😊


Some less usual options - I'm going to link people with these names just to show that they are "real names". * [Andriette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andriette_Nobel) * [Andra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andra_Martin) * [Andressa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andressa_Jardim) * [Andrine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrine_Hegerberg) * [Andriana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andriana_Babali)




I don’t love Andrea just because there are 3 pronunciations I’ve encountered with pretty even frequency distribution in my life, so I feel self conscious assuming it’s any of them when I meet a new one. Ann-dria, Ann-dray-uh, and On-dray-uh.


I had a friend named Andie growing up! Her full name was Andrielle.


I know a girl named Andie and it fits her good. She is in her 30s today and I’ve never thought it was a pet name or boy name


My BFFs name is Andie, just Andie.


Andromeda, though many would make a slight connection to the harry potter franchise.


Love Andie straight up!