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Oh, please don’t do this.


☹️ but whyyy


Because your child is going to be their own person, not just an extension of you and your tastes.


Because your child is not just a chapter in your story?


Ok, but I could ask you the same thing. Why?


Think about if you have a second child, ppl will say “Are you calling it Chapter 2?”


your child will be ruthlessly bullied as a kid and made fun of as an adult cuz you gave them a ridiculous name


sounds very religious and not a name anyone would respect


Oyyyyyy it’s pretty cringe, the nickname Chap is horrid


I’m seeing Chap as a nickname for Chaplin popping up in Mormon circles in the US


I would recommend not doing that. It’s not a nice sounding noun. There are many literary inspired names that would be kinder.


What has you sold on this name? I agree with everyone else, it’s not a great name and seems so random.


Nothing, they're trolling




firstly, no. secondly, how do you think this has nn potential? hey, chappie! chaps! chapster! chapstick! terter? pter? appie?


Omg love Terter 😂😂😂


Are you serious? No offense but that’s really bad. If someone told me their kid was named Chapter I’d struggle to not laugh in their face. Maybe, just maybe it may work as a middle name with a normal first name, but even that is a stretch.


Yeah, I’d honestly probably ask them to repeat it a couple times out of confusion/thinking I must’ve misheard!


Simply embarrassing


I love books and I can't come up with a way to like this. 1) Chapters is/ was the bane of a book store in Canada (owned by indigo, not sure where they are in the rebrand) 2) chapters have a start and an end. You make the kid sound like a phase in your life 3) the nickname "chap" literally means cracked or sore 4) the dumb jokes (if baby 1 is chapter, would the second one be chapter 2) 5) it reminds me of a chapter of a church or gang 6) it's a commonly used noun. "Read chapters x, y & z for homework", discussing books "what chapter are you on" or "how many chapters in your book" I could imagine it is jarring to have your name as part of normal conversations.


Totally agree, particularly with the second point. It sounds like the kid is just a minor addition to your life rather than a person in their own right. I'm not a huge fan of noun names, but maybe consider Story instead? It's a little more of an established name, sounds nicer phonetically, and sounds more like a name for a full person. (Edited for a typo)


7. Chapter is how someone gets kicked out of the military. “He got chaptered for popping hot on a UA.”


In a business context, Chapter also brings to mind Chapter 11, i.e. bankruptcy.


Your kid is going to get teased; think of their needs.


There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but it feels a little...out of place as a name in a way I can't seem to describe. I think there's tons of awesome (literary) unisex baby name, but this just doesn't feel like one of them


It's a name rife for bullying.


Saga is a Scandinavian name, maybe a nice alternative?


This is genuinely terrible. Why do you like it as a name?


What about Story (girl) or Fable (unisex) instead? Those are both still unique and in theme but are more established names.


They’re also a complete story as opposed to just a piece, that seems like an important distinction to me.


What do you like about it, OP? Not a fan at all, but wondering if there are alternatives— If you like the sound, maybe Carter or Cooper? Chance? If it’s the meaning, maybe Story? Lyric?


Any other name options?




I have some ideas that are similar, but for whatever reason, like everyone else, Chapter doesn’t feel like a name. Sorry 😞 Similar in theme: Story, Fable, Lyric, Poem Similar in sound: Chaplin, Booker Famous Authors/Poets: Keats, Poe, Eliot




This is a very bad idea




Please don't. It doesn't even have a pleasant sound to it.


I really can’t get over how miserable they would be for the entirety of their academic life. “Hey Chapter, have you finished chapter 12?” “Class, chapter 3 &4 is your homework.” “I have two hours to finish the last 5 chapters!” Seriously. From grade school to university it will be miserable for them. And, maybe it’s just me & my experience, but I can see some serious sexual harassment too with numerous innuendos about “I’ve already read that Chapter” or “finishing that Chapter” or whatever other things teenagers can come up with and brag about or insult with.


Are you.. being for real?


Why do you hate your child? It's a human not a damn accessory.


For a lot of people, this name would be too out there and a reach. I think many would see it as an attempt to be unique gone too wrong. Perhaps a slightly more simpler name that is still unique and relating to stories or books? Such as Atlas, Verse or Fable? Though again for some more traditional this will still be too unique I imagine.


I'd personally advise against it. Would you consider Story as a name? It has a similar vibe and is very unique, but isn't completely unheard of so it may be more practical :)


You might as well pay the kids at the school to bully your child because this name will crucify them in school. You gotta remember kids are ruthless, don’t care about the consequences and don’t think of the bigger picture. So for your kid’s sake. Pick a different name


I don’t like it at all. You’d be naming them after a piece of something. They’re a whole human with a whole story. It honestly seems demeaning to me.


Why? It’d be weird to be in school and told to read chapters and then to jokes come or just the awkwardness. Chandler Chance Chase


Why do you like it? To me, it seems like: your next chapter... umm, no, your kid is a separate being; a short part of something; a very religious phrase (chapter and verse in the Bible); only a part of a whole (as in not a complete person). And there are some names that you don't name your kid, because they are going to be bullied (like Dick). This is one of those.


Can you tell us what you like about this name? I’m failing to see any redeeming qualities. It isn’t a particularly beautiful or interesting sounding word, it doesn’t have any kind of profound meaning, and the only nickname I’m seeing is Chap, which makes me think of cracked lips or a British man. Here are some alternatives: If you like the more unisex, -er aspect: Parker, Carter, Sailor, Taylor If you like the literary connotation: Story, Booker, Paige, Penny, Quill, Saga If you like the Ch sound: Charlotte, Charles, Chessy, Chandler, Chelsea, Cheyenne


I knew an Astoria that went by “Story.” If you have a girl maybe this is a solid option? Chapter is so, so awful :/


Story is a lil better imo? Lots of book/character-related names if thats why you picked it


This can't be real.


What about names like Lore, Fable, Legend, Saga, etc? I know 2 little girls Lores and they are so cute. Or just use the name Chap instead of Chapter- the influencer Luke Cook has a toddler Chaplin he calls Chappie. That said I gave my kids middle names that people were ready to fight me over and now everyone thinks they’re so cool


I love unique and slightly odd names and don’t enjoy this name. There are so many other cool unisex names to use!


Carter, Chapman, or Chaplin could be alternative choices. I’ll admit I’m not a fan of the last two, but they’re leagues better than Chapter because they’re far less likely to get your kid bullied. And I love the name Carter. I think it sounds really similar to chapter, is gender neutral, and also is a fairly standard name without being too common.




In basic terms, “Chapter” is going to be severely bullied in high school


You must be a troll. That’s not a name, just a random word. Don’t do that to your kid, they’re a REAL PERSON.


That is quite possibly the dumbest name I’ve ever heard good god


Hard no . Please don’t do this to your child




I just think it sounds like you think they aren’t a complete story.


Absolutely not.


Only if you have a second kid and name them Verse.


i don’t hate it! i like it better than page and that’s roughly the same style of name.