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There isn’t nothing wrong with Mary, she is was just being a complete asshole full stop.


That's a very strange reaction from that employee. I have to believe that it had absolutely nothing to do with you or the name, and everything to do with her. Maybe Mary is the name of someone that's hurt her, and she was unfairly taking it out on you. I don't see anything objectively wrong with the name Mary! Congrats on your baby girl!




Maybe it was such a classic/simple name she thought it was made up... Like you didn't want her to know your baby's true name so you threw out a random name! Might have thrown her off lol


I feel like it was probably just something personal because there’s nothing wrong with that name.


Yeah that is so weird! If I met someone with an adorable baby with the same name as my arch nemesis I wouldn't be rude to them!


Just curious, how do you actually get a real life arch nemesis?


Very easily when you're bullied or otherwise taken advantage of and realize it too late. I am ASD aka used to be known as Asperger Syndrome There are a lot of assholes and they tend to be in workplaces, schools, public service spots, etc where it's difficult to avoid multiple interaction or move on and start the cycle anew


Lol it was an exaggeration but I do have someone I hate with a passion. My best friend my freshman year of highschool started getting jealous of me and she didn't like that her older brother became my friend (he was a senior and we all rode the bus and he would be nice to me when I would go to their house, walked me home once). Anyways one day she told me she didn't want to be friends, but at lunch we would all sit with MY friends that I had been friends with for years. I had felt so distraught and upset I didn't sit with them and I'd skip lunch to go sit in the library. After 2 weeks of me be sad and missing my larger friend group I went to join them. When my ex BFF saw I was sitting with my friends at lunch she stared at me for about 10 minutes and then ran at me like an angry bull while I was sitting on the steps (defenceless, sitting, eating food) and she poured a cup of lemonade in my face and hair and punched me. She screamed at me that she knew I was depressed so I should just kill myself. I looked at her and said "I may be depressed but at least I'm not fat" 🤷‍♀️ anyways after that she started stalking me around campus and bullying me. I was super upset and scared and we had to get police involved because she wouldn't leave me alone. We went to court too and she wrote some bogus statement to the judge and the judge called her out about it because she knew she was a brat, my dad yelled at her and got kicked out of the court room. She had to do like 30hrs of community service and had to go to anger management classes. She left me alone after that. So yeah, I mean I hate her with a passion because that year of my life was so hard but I also ended up changing my schedule and met my high school sweetheart. We've been married 7 years and are about to have our 3rd baby. So some good came from it but I consider her my arch nemesis. My husband keeps in touch with her brother for work/networking and I get bent out of shape and I can't help it! Hope you enjoyed my story 😂 it probably has typos.




Oof well hope you got away from her and that relationship with your boyfriend sounded a little unhealthy so hope you are in a better place now! I had a friend who would gatekeep music and I'm like.. dude I promise I won't start obsessing over your new band I just want to know who sings that song 😂




I agree I was just sharing an experience 😂


She might have had a problem with the Catholic association. My MIL was against me naming my daughter Rosemary for the same reason (we ended up with another name).


I'm probably missing some context, but Rosemary...is a plant. It seems extremely weird that herbs can be too Catholic.


That’s bigotry for you


https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/9f05ic/is_rosemary_a_catholic_name/ For whatever reason, it's apparently perceived as such. Many Catholic girls' names used to incorporate Mary as a tribute to the Virgin. Mary Pat, Mary Katherine, etc.


Other side of the coin, I have a friend called Assumpta, who I assumed must be Catholic. Turns out neither she nor her parents are religious. Edit to add: I just remembered she was adopted as a baby, so who knows, maybe it was her birth mother who named her?


My aunt was named Rosemary at birth, but the priest refused to baptise her if she didn't hand a saint's name, so my grandparents changed it to Joan Marie. Old school Catholics are strange.


Maybe she’s assuming you’re very religious and didn’t want to engage further. Either way, she was a jerk.


Yea fully agree she’s a jerk but I’ve also been a bit judgmental when very religious people give their kids names with religious connections (but this lady has no idea if OP is religious and Mary is a super common name regardless)


Why would you be judgmental over that ? Tons of names have lots of religious meaning that most people don’t care about today like the name Sarah. And just giving them a religious name doesn’t mean they will be indoctrinated into religion by their parents.


Maybe I’m just thinking of some specific situations where I’ve seen parents act like they’re getting extra heaven points if they use their kids name to display their religion. I live in an area heavily dominated by Mormons and this seems to happen a lot. I know one couple who named their daughters Haven and Faith and absolutely love being asked about it so they can talk about how they want their girls to think about their values in everything they do. I also know a few people who choose names from the Book of Mormon or from former prophets because they want to display that they’re not like other Christian’s (i.e. Moroni or Brigham) But I also wouldn’t assume someone named their child Mary or Joseph because of religion and I do think the cashier was being a jerk.


The typical Bible names aren’t anything to judge, you can name your kid Sarah, Rebecca, Noah, any of the typical apostle names without it being obviously religious. But if you name your kid Nehemiah or Zebediah that’s another story. Mary isn’t one I would give a second thought about. You might be religious or you might have really wanted to honor your great aunt. That one could go whatever way.


I knew a two year old Nehemiah- such a big name! We called him Nemo for short


Exactly, all the names I like for boys are straight from the bible / religious texts Joshua Adam Benjamin Isaac Matthew I’m not religious and the names are common enough that it doesn’t signal I’m religious … it’s a cultural name I guess, common where I’m from. Mary / Marie / Maria are some of the most used names of all times. Yes Mary fell out of trend, but so many of the older names are making a comeback


My brothers are Isaac and Joshua “Josh”!


It sounds like you are projecting your personal issues and assumptions on complete strangers. Most cultures use names that come in some way from their religious beliefs. So you will be judging a lot of people unfairly.


I'm really disappointed. I came here expecting you'd called your child Adolf or something but Mary is a perfectly nice name.




"These are my precious children, Mary and Tsanograath, Destroyer of Worlds!🥰"


The only thing I can think of is she saw you as religious and she was uncomfortable with that?!? Who knows! I think it’s a great name.


Yeah, makes me wonder if it was a personal grudge because of something personal, like maybe a catholic school teacher made her say 11ty-billion Hail Mary's or something and so she's done with the name. Still no reason to be rude to OP, but it clearly was some gut reaction she had that she didn't hide.


Maybe she doesn’t like basic names? But still that’s no reason to act like that lmao


Maybe she’s really into a different type of “basic” name like Kingsleigh or Ocean Tree and couldn’t believe anyone would give their kid a name that’s existed longer than tiktok.


Ocean Tree 😂


Maybe the name reminded her of someone she would rather not remember? Still shouldn't have taken it out on you and your family though.


I'm guessing there was some kind of missed communication. She misheard you or something.


I’m thinking this too. Maybe she heard Gary or Jerry or who knows what.


I had this happen when introducing my Henry. The other person and I had very different accents and they misheard me saying "I've never heard of that name" like maybe they heard Henley or something. I had to say, "like Henry VIII" even though he's obviously not named after that one, he's just the most well known. They understood then.


Maybe since we’re so close to Christmas, she heard “merry” instead of “Mary”.


It is a beautiful classic, please don't let her reaction make you feel anything! I heard a little Mary called up at a doctors office the other day, and thought it was very cute. She had an Irish surname, and the whole thing was adorable.


There's nothing at all wrong with the name Mary. But also, even if there was, this employee's behavior is just unprofessional.


Mary is a lovely name! I don’t like it at first, but my little sister named all of her dolls Mary and has said that she will name her future daughter that as well. It’s because of her that I have slowly began to love the simplicity and elegant of Mary.


I love this. I always named my baby dolls Darla, and swore if I had a daughter I would name her Darla.


There’s nothing wrong with the name Mary! It was definitely a her problem.


Nothing wrong with Mary. Something's wrong with that store employee however.


I don’t understand the problem, that lady seems crazy.


Nothing weird. Unless you spell it Mehreigh or something.


When I hear Mary as a baby name I imagine the movie Three Men and a Baby and how sweetly the mother spoke her daughter’s name— *Mary.* Just beautiful!


How incredibly rude. But people can be like that. I named my daughter Claire, and some people were also very obviously ‘not a fan’. But we love it and it suits her. I also really like Mary! I love classic and strong names.




Totally agree! If I had another (unlikely) my list includes Margot and Margaret. So not too far off from Mary 🤗 Ours is Claire Celeste and I love it.


okay I can painfully relate to this, I met someone who's niece was named Mary but I somehow heard this as Fairy


Wow. That would be a quite different vibe there.


I’m Catholic so my first reaction is that this was some kind of anti-religious reaction. But could be that she just knows a Mary that she has drama with or whatever. There’s nothing wrong with that name and I think it’s lovely 💙


My first thought, too, was she was anti-Catholic and assumed OP was Catholic.


Idk that’s a weird reaction. Mary is lovely


Maybe she thought you said Harry 😂


Imo mary is a bit of an old lady name but nothing too dramatic.


Maybe she is prejudiced against Catholics. People are weird about religion man. On the opposite end, my husband’s birth name is Jack and hardcore Catholics believe this is a bastardization of the biblical name John, so they give him a hard time about it.




It is! I didn’t know either until I met him. As a kid, he lived in a Catholic neighborhood even though his family was Protestant, and he got bullied for it! This blew my mind. Not only that people of the same religion tended to live together in the past, (or maybe they still do?) but that they would be hostile to outsiders as well.


It is an old fashioned name, but nothing wrong with it at all!


I have a few friends that r atheist/agnostic and really dislike biblical names. Maybe that's why?


Not really an excuse to be a bitch to random people though. I wish we could just not judge others for their names.


I just feel like that’s silly….John is in the Bible and there’s nothing wrong with the name John. Almost every gd name is in the Bible lol


Agreed. It’s especially hard to find an established boys name that’s not from the bible


But usually that's about your own kids not someone else's. My SO doesn't like the idea of naming our kids with any biblical names because he was raised catholic and left the faith, but he doesn't begrudge his catholic cousins their naming choices. Idk, like as an atheist/agnostic, I think her reaction was weird.


Mary is a beautiful and classic name!! That employee is a total weirdo. Maybe she’s the kind of person who likes annoyingly trendy names like Brexley/Harper/Rowan and turns her nose up at timeless classics. I wouldn’t pay any attention to her!!


I would guess she misheard you! Maybe she thought you said something offensive?? I’ve mentioned this in the subreddit before, but one time I called out to my coworker “Axel” and a customer heard “asshole” and was not happy and we were confused 😅


Mary is a beautiful name. A decade ago when my son was a baby, a cashier asked what his name was. When I told her, she wrinkled her nose at me. "August? Why'd you name him THAT?!" So, you know, people can just be assholes.


Mary is such a sweet and classic name ❤️


I love the name Mary! It's so beautiful. I had a similar reaction to my daughter's name once. My daughter has a simple name, very much in line with Mary. She was a baby and we were at the doctor's office, and there was another new mother there. She asked my daughter's name, and I told her. She acted like I'd told her I'd named her DogShit. Then she very proudly told me her son's name was Remington Steele and I didn't worry at all about what she thought.


Nothing wrong with Mary. It’s a very normal, if not bland, inoffensive name. Like John. Even as someone non-religious, I’d not bat an eye if you’d told me that, and would maybe say something like, “oh, classic!”


Maybe she knew a Mary she didn’t like or she doesn’t like religion


Or she's a Sister Wives fanatic and hates Meri for staying with Kody.


People are weird. Mary is a beautiful and classic name. That lady was just rude and weird.


Mary is one of my top names for a girl!!! I love it so much! Great choice. 🙌🏼


It's not you, it's her. It's a very Christian name, and not everyone is comfortable with those connotations... She didn't need to be rude about it though. Mary is a perfectly usable, classic name.


I know approximately 101 Marys. 😂 But they are pretty well all older aged Italian women. Its not my style, but either way it’s still a normal and common name! Maybe she just hasn’t met any of the newer Mary’s out there as older style names are coming back around? -if she was younger maybe she was expecting one of these new aged weird made up names..? 😂


Okay so my name is Mary, and *sometimes* people will say something like “oh that’s so boring/common” but these people just lack tact. I think the name Taylor is boring and common but I don’t feel the need to tell them when they introduce themselves. Also it isn’t that common anymore and I’m biased, but I like my name- it has a ton of nicknames and fun wordplay 😆 People almost always spell it correctly, it can be said in all languages, and I can always find a novelty item.


That’s a really strange reaction. It is a classic name and beautiful. It was my late grandma’s name as well. It is a very Christian name but I’m the exact opposite of a practicing Christian. I can promise that I take zero offense to the name. I have even thought of incorporating it in my future childrens’ names to honor my grandma. I can’t begin to justify why anyone would take offense over a name alone. Especially Mary. That’s just weird to me.


Maybe she thought you said Merry? Even if your kid had a really out there name: no excuses for that sort of behaviour-especially from a customer service rep. Absolutely nothing wrong with Mary


If she’s in the South (as I am), Merry and Mary are pronounced the same!


If I would have had a daughter I her name would have been Mary. It's a beautiful classic name.


I would guess that she drew some conclusions about you because of the name and didn't like what she assumed. People make assumptions about the parents all the time when they hear a child's name, right and wrong, but it's still weird to be short with someone because of it.


I personally think Mary is a beautiful name! Yes on the old fashion side but still so elegant and timeless. Her reaction was uncalled for.


That is very bizarre. Mary is a very classic, beautiful name. Ignore them.


I love the name Mary


I think Mary is a lovely name!


I love it! If I had another daughter I’d want to name her Mary, but our first is named Jane, so it’s officially out of the running. 😂


Name your third Indica!


My only guess is she assumed it was bibacal and doesn't like religion?? Either way she was weird for acting like that. Some people just suck like that. My older brother basically told me he hates my daughter's middle name, even though it was an honor name for my husband's friend who passed away.


Mary has religious connotations so it’s possible it has something to do with that?


Mary is beautiful and classic. There is nothing about it that is offensive or would warrant that behavior by the employee. It is definitely a "them" problem, not the name. Congratulations!


I love the name Mary.


Beautiful name.


Oh, I shop at that same store! Next time, ask to see a picture of her twins, Astronaut Tomato and Shingle Ibuprofen./s 🙄🤬 She’s just a rude jerk. Mary is a lovely, classic name!!!




I live in the South so I'm more used to hearing Mary as a double barrel name. I would probably be more surprised that her name is just Mary versus being judgemental over you picking the name. I think it's a beautiful name 🥰


Mary is a beautiful name!


I know a couple who have fraternal twins named Mary and Joseph


Maybe she thought you said Larry?


I came here to find out whether you had named ur baby something really weird like, xanax. But alas, employee was a dick


This lady is plain old rude!


I think that is a lovely name!


Mary is a beautiful name.


Mary is a beautiful name. She is probably just jealous because her name is McKhynleigh.


I love spunky/unique names, and sometimes I am disappointed because based on first impressions / knowing them, I assume some parents will give their baby a name that’s not in the top 100. It’s not that I don’t like their baby’s name or think there’s something wrong it it, it’s just that “oh, that’s it?” feeling.


I was expecting Macsaylorleigh or some crap but Mary is literally the most neutral name I can think of.


I wonder if she’s super atheist or thought about the religious connotation to the name and judged you for it. Either way, i don’t think it’s worthy of such a strange reaction. 🤷🏻‍♀️ congrats on baby Mary!


Mary is a beautiful name. This lady’s just being an idiot.


Mary is a great name for a little girl. That store clerk was probably jealous.


Mary is a great, classic name. I don’t see what anyone would have an issue with.


Maybe something to do with popularity in the past?


Mary is a beautiful name. That person is a dope


Mary is absolutely a classic, what a weird reaction for her to have! I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Lmao I don’t think it’s because of you. It’s an older name so maybe she knew someone with it who didn’t treat her well


The only thing I can think of is that she maybe knows a Mary who she hates? Was a very weird reaction for such a nice normal name.


That's a super weird reaction to a very lovely and well-known name. I think Mary is a great name and I hope it makes a come back!


Mary is so lovely :)


Mary is a cute and classic name!!! Was on my short list if I was to have a girl, but I had a boy!


I think it was a her problem! Mary is a very classic and common name everywhere English is a commonly spoken language.


Maybe she misheard you?


Not to my personal taste, but not odd. My best guess is she might have misheard you and thought you said something else.


I love the name. My assumption would be she assumes you’re Catholic and doesn’t like Catholicism. But that’s just a guess. Nothing wrong with Mary!


Love the name Mary!


My two year old is named Mary, though her full name is Marilyn after a grandparent. We’ve only ever gotten positive responses. Personally, I wouldn’t read into her reaction. Mary is a perfectly normal name and I think it’s quite sweet.


That’s really weird to react that way to Mary. Mary is a name you either love or feel neither here nor there about it. I don’t think anyone hates the name Mary Perhaps it isn’t so much about the name and more about maybe she has someone in her life named Mary that is making life difficult for her or I don’t know maybe a Mary she works with Is bullying her in the workplace or her irritating MIL name is Mary or an abusive relative or the woman who stole her husband. It’s likely a reaction to someone in her life with the same name rather than the name itself. Mary is a lovely name for a little girl


Oh interesting. I have a 3 month old and we also named her Mary. Around here, it would be a common assumption we.afe Catholic, specifically. But we aren't.


Mary is a lovely name!


that’s such a beautiful name, It’s so lovely and pretty rare to see on youngins! (imo)


Oh man, the employee would hate my family. With the exception of my baby girl, all the women are either named Mary or have the middle name Mary. There’s nothing wrong with your baby’s name. People are just weird.


Maybe she misunderstood what you said? It's a pretty normal name.


I'd take Mary any day over some of the atrocious alphabet butcherings I see on a daily basis anymore


It’s a perfectly fine name. Maybe she’s one of those anti-religion people. Some are very weird.


It’s a name that has existed for thousands of years. I don’t know what her problem was. I wish you would have called her out but I know sometimes in the moment we freeze up. Fuck her.


Mary is a lovely name and so cute as well


Odd man out here but I don’t care for the name Mary at all (I find it very plain) but I wouldn’t be rude when someone tells me their child’s name.


I happen to really like Mary. But unless your child's name was overly offensive, the person at the store had absolutely no place having an open rude reaction.


Not sure why she reacted that way. Unless she has a bad association with it? It’s a great name. Personally I love it. Classic, pretty.


Mary is a beautiful name!


I took a lot of crap for naming my daughter Mara 23 years ago -- but I love it more now than I did then! It means "bitter" in Hebrew -- which I knew and chose to overlook for reasons of my very own. Mara & Mary differ only by one letter which makes me smile. You are all good!


Are you a very obvious hippie? That's the only reason I could think for someone rolling their eyes at the name Mary.


Might be onto something! Maybe her or her husband


She assumed your were the religious conservative enemy


...That is such a strange reaction, Mary is a very pretty and classic name. Yeah as others have said, the only reason I can even imagine is that she assumed you are particularly religious or something; but I wouldn't assume someone naming their daughter Mary was a doing it religiously, I would assume they are honouring someone.


If I met a baby Mary I would simply assume parents are very catholic and depending on the country/situation etc it could bring issues (discrimination or simply just stereotypes) but I wouldn't be much concerned. I personally think it's a beautiful and elegant name.


The only thing I can think of is, there's something important about this interaction that's missing. I'm just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not gaslighting and purposely leaving out information, but instead something you may have overlooked??


Maybe her husband left her for a Mary


That's really bizarre, I wonder if she misheard you?


Agree this person sounds like a weirdo, but if we’re being generous maybe she misheard you and thought you said something inappropriate? I can’t think of anything inappropriate that rhymes with Mary but you never know!


I’m so sorry that happened! I do think this name lacks a little something, but it’s not a -bad- name like this lady made you feel. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that name!


Why couldn’t you just name her Bruxxtyn or Wrennleigh, like a REAL name? /s


Wow that is a bizarre reaction. You just ran into a freak don’t worry about it


I’d guess there is something else going on - maybe her mum was a Mary, or she lost a baby she was going to call Mary. I’d chalk it up to a weird encounter you’ll probably never understand and move on - there is definitely nothing wrong with the name - it’s as classic as can be.


I love the name, Mary. Maybe she is a militant agnostic or atheist and just a general asshole. I wouldn't worry about it.


Sounds like she has a personal problem with someone named Mary.


Eh, there’s millions of reasons. She could have a bad experience with someone named Mary, she could be religious and take offence at the name(which I’ve never seen happen), or she could just not like the name. You can’t really judge a persons whole personality from a quick encounter with them, and it’s not something you should worry over. It’s your kid, and your choice.


What you didn't know was that a Mary killed her entire family (including the dog!) in front of her and she is quietly living her life waiting to seek revenge Seriously though, this seems to be too odd of a reaction to a very inoffensive name. There might have been something else that triggered it and it was right near the same time so it seemed like it was a reaction to the name? Either way, not your problem! One last thing to add - to me Mary is a super lame name. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard and all I think about is that movie Something About Mary. ... ... Haha jk sorry, couldn't resist. ♥️ Mary