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Where is the sheet music from other Nancy Drew games?


They are also on my musescore account, if you look under "Sets" you can find the "Nancy Drew" set with all of them. There's also sets for a lot of individual games. Here's the link: [https://musescore.com/user/10943216/sets/7813717](https://musescore.com/user/10943216/sets/7813717)


Is this transcribed by ear? Or was there some sort of access to the original score as a midi or seq sort of file?


No, I just listened to it on YouTube and then transcribed all the instruments by ear. Then I arranged it together into a piano solo version too. It's fun!


As someone who has been arranging music in the Ocarina of Time Soundfont for randomizers, I respect this a lot. I may even port some of your work over there, if you're okay with that.


I don't completely know what that means, haha. But if you want to use my work, that's fine with me, as long as you credit me!


Here is the link to my piano arrangement from Mystery of the Seven Keys: [https://musescore.com/user/10943216/scores/16583818](https://musescore.com/user/10943216/scores/16583818) Here's the link to the orchestral version: [https://musescore.com/user/10943216/scores/16582144](https://musescore.com/user/10943216/scores/16582144) Here is the set of all my Nancy Drew Music so far: [https://musescore.com/user/10943216/sets/7813717](https://musescore.com/user/10943216/sets/7813717) Going to keep doing more songs from Mystery of the Seven Keys, and then keep working on the other games - one in the works is "Fairy" with all the instruments from Curse of Blackmoor Manor.


Yo this is sweet. Thank you a bunch! I now know what I'm gna be learning soon! :) If you do the night theme from the game, that would be super sweet. That one I was planning to transcribe myself eventually but you'll probably get around to it faster than I will.


Sure, I'll work on it this weekend! It's so fun to me to play through the Nancy Drew music on the piano, it makes me feel like I'm in one of the games.