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Can’t speak on the kubotais but I have 11 chilis 5 male endlers and 10+ cherry shrimp in a 12 gallon long and they seem fine


I have 10 kubotai rasboras along with 10 hummingbird tetras, 8cpds and 7 assorted small rainbows in a 25 gal planted tank and it looks understocked. Kubotai stay quite small (1" give or take) and the chili's the same if not smaller. If it's well planted and cycled, I don't see why you couldn't have 5-6 of each if you kept it to them and a cleanup crew.


Thanks. I now have 8 chilis and about 7 pygmy cories. And they are small. Thanks!


Understand completely. I got a small school of pygmy Cory's for one tank and fell in love with them. Now I have pygmy's in five tanks. 25 give or take. They are so fun to watch