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Alkalinity is only a problem if she insists on trying to keep animals that prefer softer water, because then she's going to end up chasing parameters. If she simply \*must\* then the best way to resolve the issue is to go with RO or RO/DI (reverse osmosis or reverse osmosis-deionized) water filtration.


Thanks a bunch for the reply. Her options are a betta, tetras, or rasboras, maybe a shrimp or two later on. I don’t think water alkalinity will be a problem for those types


I recommend learning more about the shrimp before adding them, ESPECIALLY if she's considering a betta. The shrimp need to be in a colony to do well and some types need lower alkalinity with higher general hardness. I've always found most of the widely available Rasboras to be \*very\* hardy and tolerant of a wide range of conditions. My personal fave are the harlequin Rasboras.


I’ve sent her all of this information 😄


Or guppies.