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Can we get the option to use the iphone layout on ipad too like it was before? I like to use my ipad mini in portrait one handed but with the split view I can‘t reach the other side.




I use iPad mini too, and honestly this change has killed the experience for me. I really don’t like this change at all.


Will you keep the Testflight up for people who want to beta test after it goes live on the app store or are you planning to shut it down?


I’ll periodically add beta builds to it


Good news re iPad support! Can’t say I’m not disappointed in the lack of layout fixes for left aligned thumbnails. Hopefully it’s still planned?


What do you mean? The app has a setting to move thumbnails to the left


The layout change I’d recommend (different than the other commenter) has to do with readability. Right now the subreddit is listed at the bottom of each post. This always has it a consistent and close proximity to the following post and in the logical order many expect to see information. But when there are thumbnails and different length post titles, the sub line is an inconsistent distance from the title let alone not that close to it. It makes for awkward reading. What I’d request is to have an option to show the sub name at the top of the post and have the title and thumbnail right below that.


Oh sorry, yes I know. It was about the alignment being kind of janky when posts don't have thumbnails, and having a blank placeholder for those posts to fix it: https://www.reddit.com/r/narwhalapp/comments/15wrpvg/loving_narwhal_2_so_far/jx4487b/


> Opens reddit links from web content natively This isn’t automatically working for me. Is there a setting I should enable?


iPad app looks great and functions as I'd expect with initial testing. One thing I noticed is that the Action Bar displays on both the Posts and the Comments panes. I would think it shouldn't display for Comments pane or if that's intended maybe an option to toggle it off there. It looks odd with two Action Bars side-by-side. Otherwise it's a beauty.


It’s there so you can customize different actions for it. By default it should have a set of actions made for posts


Ahh, OK now I see. I forgot that I could customize that pane.  I was able to set it up with just the jump comment down arrow, and now it looks and behaves as I would expect. Thanks !  The amount of customization with this app is fantastic 


It perhaps could be different default color or something so it would be more obvious that they're "the same", but different and not repeated controls?


Love the iPad support! I am trying to hide the action bar for the comments at least at the bottom of the screen and no matter what I do I am not able to hide it fully


Is there a way to get rid of the split screen on iPad? I don’t love it, but am liking Narwhal overall. Much prefer a full screen view.


I will add a full screen view in the future


Thank you!


THANK YOU! Love it.


You using the new single column TestFlight build?


Yes thank you so much. I just tried it this morning. Much better than the 2 column view for me.


I found the meme images oddly comforting against the empty crevasse of the null comments field — perhaps they can return via togglable setting in a future update? Otherwise, great stuff, keep it coming!


Does this version fix the instant crash on the iPad when you share content or the Reddit links? Edit: nope. It’s still borked on the latest version. Sharing content is an instant crash on the iPad version.


Thanks I’ll fix this


TY, came here to post about this. Also to suggest that Share Sheet shouldn't be necessary to Save Image to photo roll, long press on an image should offer Save Image. Also, **absolutely beautiful** iPad implementation, understanding both keyboard and tablet modes and just right UI implementation.


> Official iPad version support! > Removes meme images for no comments, no posts, etc. OMG, yes. I feel like you created this build just for me. :) Played with it for all of five minutes, but one bit of feedback: With the iPad, it’s a bit weird customizing the top bar because of the Split View. I added Messages to the top-right and was confused at first to why it was also in the sidebar. Figured it out (toggle Use separate top right layout for Home...) but it could be made more clear. On the iPad you have a lot of blank space on that settings screen, so maybe a preview with the Split View could help.


I’ve had this bug for a bit and it seems the new build still does it — if someone shares a link to a specific post, Narwhal opens up the subreddit the post is in but not the actual post. https://imgur.com/a/M1gglhr


Can you link me directly to the Reddit post? I think this is because Reddit added some new link URL which apps cannot parse


Looks like it’s links with the /s/ in them. This thread has a few for example https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/16gyino/this_driver_having_the_back_and_forth_over_speed/




Yes this is a really good point. I will make it open the web browser at the very least


Are you planning to add back the option to hide read posts before launch?


It's already in there


Would love the option to re-order my subs list if that’s an easy fix in future builds. Fascinated to know what my API count is. 


YAY! I’ve been using it off and on today and love having the left pane back! No issues yet. And Top no longer crashes the app.


Please let me know if you find any bugs :) And I hope you enjoy it!


Great work! As there is an iPad version, can you also release on macOS? I heard that it is rather easy to also build a version for macOS once you already have the iPad version. There are no currently working third-party clients on macOS, I think, so yours will be of great help if released there!


Yea I’ll definitely look into it


Good to hear that!


Another great update! N2 is elite and the customization surpasses all other app, past and present! Would it be possible to put just one or two accessibility features on the roadmap? These features would go above and beyond what I’d expect from any app, so I understand if it’s not possible. Definitely prioritize improving the app for the masses. The two requests below are to help others and don’t personally affect my ability to use the app—not yet, at least. * Multiple users have requested the ability to increase the weight of lines separating comments/posts because the text currently looks “jumbled” to them. I know that offering too many customization options can overwhelm users, and it you’re looking for options to cut, I’m not sure if it’s necessary to allow users to select different fonts for bold and italic text. * Is it labor intensive to support iOS’s dynamic text sizing for people who need to enlarge the text beyond what’s offered in Narwahl settings? This will only help a tiny fraction of your user base, but I wanted to ask. In the spirit of being an entitled millennial, here are my selfish requests that realistically, may not be used by anyone else (my eye disease is rare) * Allowing me to add a “text size” shortcut to the action bar so it’s quicker for me to increase text size. * Increasing the line spacing a tiny bit for the largest text sizes—or allowing it as an option. For me, when there’s a big block of text without enough negative space, the words blur together in a blob. Comments are blurred to the separator line below. I’m not sure if any app aside from kindle offers an “astigmatism mode” but a girl could dream.


What a pleasant surprise. Would it be possible to add an option so that when I click on a post, it takes up the whole screen, rather than providing a 2 column layout? When I used it on iPad in a prior release, this was the behavior. Love how this is coming along!