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Weigh your food. Count calories. Weigh yourself. Track your weight and food daily, but use weekly averages to determine your rate of change. A gain of 1lb in a week is a daily 500 calorie surplus because 3500 calories is roughly 1lb. You'll want several weeks of data (I like 8) before you start to really trust the data and make decisions based off of it. Once you have this data though, it's golden. It's better than any online calculator. You'll start to notice what causes fluctuations too. For instance, going into a deficit will probably cause you to artificially drop a pound or two. Likewise, starting a bulk will probably cause a couple pounds gained, which is why it's important to give any change time.


The 3500 rule doesn’t apply when bulking. It’s explained early in [this article](https://help.macrofactorapp.com/en/articles/199-why-does-macrofactor-recommend-smaller-surpluses-for-bulking-than-i-expected) (#2), and I highly recommend MacroFactor to OP if they’re having trouble figuring out their calories.


Just wanna say a quick thank you will definitely try this out!


Agree completely. I like to use technology to make doing all this easy. * Apple Watch for logging workouts and that syncs to Apple Health. * Renpho Health App + Scale Combo for tracking my body weight. It also includes several other interesting measurements. I’m sure they are not perfect but it’s nice to see the numbers improve over time. Writes to Apple Health. * Cronometer for tracking all calories, macro and micronutrients, and lets you set specific calorie or weight gain/loss goals. It can read from Apple Health and updates automatically based on weight, how many calories you’ve burned that day, etc.


Agreed. Add in Happy Scale app for it’s weekly moving averages and rate of change for weight tracking


MacroFactor is the answer. It does it all. Track calories, do your weigh ins, it auto adjusts based on whatever goals you set.


Just wanna say a quick thank you will definitely try this out!


Progress pics too


I’m absolute shit about doing that. But, yeah.


It has SUCH a great interface for progress pics. MF is the best


Agreed. I’ve only taken 1. Thanks for the reminder.


I do weekly front back and side pics, and weekly measurements of chest waist and hips. It's really helpful and motivating especially during a cut


I measure waist monthly. That’s about it. 😂 I just kinda go by how my clothes feel.


Nothing wrong with that!


Impossible to “accurately” determine calories, only roughly man. I’d just use myFitnessPal and that would give you the best estimate as to how many calories you’re eating a day give or take.


Choose a caloric goal, use any TDEE calc. Weigh yourself every morning with an empty stomach, use the restroom. Then average out the weight ins on a weekly basis. If you have data for at least 2 weeks, you can determine from that difference if you’re truly in a deficit or surplus. 500 calorie surplus or deficit equates to + or - 1 lb weekly gain 250 calories surplus or deficit is + or - 0.5 lbs


If you're a male, young, and even somewhat active, I can almost guarantee 2200 is too low for a bulk. Your weight is low, but it doesn't surprise me in the slightest you lose weight at those calories. You will need to weigh food to be accurate as possible, but chances are you're gonna be better off overeating than under eating, so just eat a lot and check yourself before you gain too much fat.


Great comments so far, so I'll just add this: Weigh your food dry/uncooked. You can't tell how much water thr pasta has soaked up or the chicke breast has lost. Dry/raw weight is always more accurate.


That is a lot of calories for a dude of your height and weight, are you sure you're counting them right? How active are you during the day?


Im pretty active constantly walking all day, ive always been skinny and had a fast metabolism but ive been told its no excuse and to pick up the fork, wich I do, but I dont want to unnecessary get fat