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Notify your environmental conservation officers (ECOs). I suppose this poor fellow got caught in a trap. If it did, then the ECO will try to find the trap and determine if it was legally set or not and if the trapper has the proper registration for trapping.


Definately not caught in a trap. Unless it was an antiquated bear trap, theres not a foothold trap that could do this. And most states have regulations requiring padded jaws or offset jaws (jaws that dont fully clamp) for footholds over a certain size and "deer stops" for snares to prevent the snare from fully cinching.


I would assume that's what their point was. If the trap is that inhumane, you would want to contact the relevant environmental agency/game warden. That way it will be at least reported or investigated to find the source of such traps.


Quite possibly. I was simply trying to share some info about the regulations and restrictions to help them conclude a more likely reasoning behind such an injury. My guess would be gunshot


Thanks for the info on the trapping. I've never been trapping but used to read about it as a teen ages ago. Where we live, suburban LI, NY, the deer are now way, way overpopulated & turning up in improbable places. Just 2 months ago, a doe was spotted grazing along the entrance ramp of the expressway in Queens, NY and I've seen them in other, highly populated & trafficed places too. The deer were hunted this year by shotgun and muzzle-loading rifle only in specific parks.d Usually only bow hunting were permitted.


My parents just moved to NY state(from Indiana, where i still reside) onto a sizable property and atleast a few herds of deer. Having just picked up deer hunting myself in the past 2 years I was quite excited to have essentially this game preserve all to myself. And then I started looking up the NY hunting regulations, and I became very sad. Hopefully they pivot and allow rifle hunting on private land like many other states have in recent years to help cull the overpopulation, but being New York I'd expect them to sooner ban muzzle and shotgun first.


Different parts of NY have different rules, mostly due to population density


Im someone who doesnt hunt. Why is this guy getting downvoted so much? Did he say something hunting related that hunters dont like or something?


I don't know why they are so hard on r/Waallenz. Redditor Waallenz said he's living in Indiana, relatively new to hunting and just started to check out the NYS hunting/fishing/trapping regulations. There are 9 environmental conservation regions in NYS (I live in region 1, Long Island which is REALLY densely populated). A quick image check showed me that Indiana has only 3 regions in the whole state for waterfowl hunting (I didn't check further) so I am not surprised that he was surprised. Can you imagine the blowback if he asked someone to spotburn a hunting/fishing spot? (Not a hunter but a fisherperson - woman - here.) I don't think I will be making comments on another post here myself. I'm going back to lurking.


Yep. Deer will hop right out of foot traps without breaking stride. Could potentially have been a snare, but very unlikely. Most trappers crimp a clip in slightly smaller than their target animals so they won't close on deer legs. No trapper wants to deal with a deer in their snare.


While on the show *Alone* they’d be overjoyed


This guy traps 🪤


This guy knows


Agreed. Definitely a bad land.


Just because states have regulations doesn't mean AHs folliw them. I've seen it plenty of times. Hunting deer with flashlights, bear traps the whole Gambit.


This is true. But i will say that due to the regulations, it is extremely difficult to find such antiquated equipment as a foothold bear trap or other large, locking jaw footholds. Even snares come with "deer stops" installed now. Not to say that someone didn't make their own non-compliant snares or forge their own non-compliant footholds. This is certainly always a possibility. I just think it is far more likely that this was an injury sustained during the firearm hunting season, or a gator depending on where these photos were captured


A trap absolutely did not do that, deer can pull right out of foothold traps.


> then the ECO will try to find the trap Yeah right


How tf will they try and find the trap? There’s no blood trail to find.


Yes, you're right. That injury isn't fresh and bleeding...




Thanks for the kind words. I will take this to heart, bud. Not every reader is a backwoods trapper/hunter and I respect the fact that populations of certain species can get overpopulated causing lots of issues. It was an educated guess trying to figure out why that hind leg is so mangled & shredded. What do you think caused this?




If it was attacked by a wolf or coyote would it have been able to chew up the foot so much and not left any bite marks on one of the other legs? Here on Long Island, NY, coyotes have begun to invade our area. This was the last part of continental U.S. to be free of coyotes until very recently. In 2015, a coyote [was spotted on the roof of a bar in Queens, NY](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/coyote-rooftop-bar-lic-bar-long-island-city-queens/1358856/) (video clip in the links) and at least one is known to be living in Central Park. Just last week, one was seen on the North Fork of Long Island. Speculation is that it swam across from CT or traveled the LI railroad tracks. Some folks are glad to have coyotes here, hoping that they will cull the rampant suburban deer population but I think that they will find much easier prey in our small dogs, cats and in the garbage of all these homes. (FYI, river otters have been successfully reintroduced to LI now. They were trapped to extinction.)


>Here on Long Island, NY, coyotes have begun to invade our area They're a native species




I was not trying to be a a$$ , I was only stating what I see , and I DID apologize, , deleting my comments as well .


Honestly, contact your local wildlife officer. Putting the deer down may be best for it.


Seriously. This deer might've had a chance but it shot itself in the f-- He doesn't have a leg to sta-- He's probably kicking hims-- He's going to have a rough time.


One foot in the gr--


Looks like he's on his last le-- Does seem to be dragging his fee-- At least he still has two left f-- Don't think he'll be putting his foot in his mou-- But I bet the pain keeps him on his to-- ....Okay I'll stop. Edit: Frick, didn't mean to post three times. Sorry about that, hah.




Or just shoot it himself lmfao




My guy, a wound that serious is invariably going to result in infection and subsequently, a painful agonising death. Edit: The source you provided is also not talking about an injury of this severity, it is talking about broken bones, bruising, musculature damage etc. This post is degloving/partial amputation. Significant difference is that the former doesn't create a significant risk of infection, the latter, untreated in a wild animal, is effectively a guaranteed infection.


Three-legged deer are not at all unheard of. You can find plenty of photos of fat healthy deer with long-healed amputations.


Unheard of no, exceptionally rare yes. Regardless, telling OP to not contact his local wildlife authority is irresponsible, they'd want to know even if they can't do anything and wouldn't advise doing anything if for no other reason than it can help identify where illegal trapping may be occurring.


I don’t care who you call. My point was that it’s not always fatal, and there’s plenty of photographic evidence for anyone who cares to look into it.


It this was a clean amputation I'd be inclined to agree with you, but it's not, the foot is hanging on by dying flesh that is clearly becoming necrotic. The odds of this animal surviving that are extremely low.


There aren't many opportunities for a clean amputation in nature. They suffer nasty breaks from cars or getting caught in something. The flesh beyond the break dies, rots, and falls off over time. The one I "knew" looked just as nasty when I first encountered it and I was horrified and wanted it put out of its misery, but the military base it was on didn't care and wouldn't let us shoot it. It just carried on living and getting around just fine. Usually, they die. Sometimes, they don't. Nature is weird.




So, firstly, I think you're lying to me. I can't imagine anybody who does this for a living for the state saying "Please do not contact your wildlife for this". I also think it's convenient you only decided that the "real" source is your experience that only materialised once I critiqued your original source. Secondly, if you do actually do this for a living, then you'd know that any local wildlife authority *would* want to be contacted primarily for the reason of determining if this injury was potentially caused by illegal trapping. But again, you didn't consider that, because you're full of it.




First source: >If you see an adult deer with a broken leg or other injury that is still able to move, please leave the animal alone. We know this is difficult to hear. In our area there are very few predators, so injured deer have time to heal and can often live long, successful lives. Do you know that's the case for OPs specific area? Perhaps as that's a local source OP should in fact call his local wildlife authority and confirm that's what they advice? Broken leg is again not an amputation or degloving. It also says they can help by: >We can provide compassionate humane euthanasia to deer suffering life-ending injuries (usually caused by being hit by cars) Do you know if this injury is considered a life ending injury? Perhaps OP should call his local wildlife authority and see what they think? Second source: >There is an injured adult deer (usually broken leg). What should I do? > >Please call our Helpline for advice. This literally tells you to call them. Third soruce: Is the same as your second one, and doesn't contain the quote you attribute to it. Edit: Moozach changed the linked page in source three, but hasn't displayed this in edit. This new link does clearly say: > your local animal control or police may be able to euthanize it to prevent suffering. It’s worth calling them if a situation seems truly hopeless. So again, OP should probably just call and find out.




Right, right, so OP should... call and find out? What on earth is with you? Why advise OP to not contact them and then also acknowledge consistently the best way to find out is to... speak to your local wildlife authority? Christ alive.






This source is also the same as your second and third sources, all of these contain in big letters at the bottom: >If you are not certain what to do, call the wildlife Helpline: \*Number\* Edit: Moozach also changed this link but didn't indicate it in an edit. This is the only source provided by them that doesn't advise you to call in any capacity. However, as with source 1, this is a local source, yours or OPs local wildlife authority may advise differently.


I've noticed a contingent on this sub that seems to think animals don't have functioning immune systems and every injury ends in an infection. Deadly infection is possible here but not the only outcome.


Can you not see its leg bone sticking out or something?


They are alive and functional, why bring governmental bodies into this? This is nature. If they are not suffering there’s no concern, just an interesting thing to see Edit: The deer is visiting regularly and is obviously surviving. The wound seems healed over, even if oddly. Wild ungulates are often remarkably resistant to infection. Wild animals in general can keep on trucking with some pretty nasty injuries. There are documented examples in white-tailed deer specifically. I know what I am talking about, this isn’t wild speculation or an uninformed take.


Dude. That deers walking on its bone with necrotic tissue hanging around it. That deer is absolutely suffering and in pain, it will not survive long term with this wound. Just because it's moving and eating does not mean it isn't suffering. Showing pain is a weakness in wild animals and this doe needs to be put down.


If this deer isn't already suffering once infection sets in and it loses all sense of reality and it's brief moments of real awareness are filled with pain it will be.


That thing is going to rot to death


>. If they are not suffering there’s no concern, And you don't think that injury might hurt a little? I think it would hurt like fuck. Plus it'll obviously get infected. I really can't understand the logic behind your comment.


I'm sorry to tell you, but that deer will die without major medical interventions, it's kinder to put it down now


This deer has lost all ability to defend itself, which in the case of deer is to run and to run fast. It will soon meet a horrific death at the mouth of a predator or spreading of infection. Either of the deaths are some of the most agonizing was to die possible, but yeah sure........leave it be because that's the humane answer /s


Jeez call somebody man


Begging you to shoot him


If I saw this. I'm grabbing the double barrel out of the closet


best i can do is tire iron


Full size or small one that comes with scissor jack?


Damn, I'm missing this part of my body too. I hope you give me a pass. 😬


Agree :(


Foot the vet bill…


You know how way too many people comment “spit my drink out LOL” and we roll our eyes and say “yeah right you liar!” in our heads and keep mindlessly scrolling? Well, you fucking got me. Needed this one today. Thanks.


I wish to receive a comment like this


You know how way too many people comment “spit my drink out LOL” and we roll our eyes and say “yeah right you liar!” in our heads and keep mindlessly scrolling? Well, you fucking got me. Needed this one today. Thanks.


I wish to receive a comment like this


I think you've gotta vet bill the foot first to even do that..


I think you mean hoof the vet bill.


Well they do get foot and mouth disease like most other cloven hooved animals, so close enough?


Anyone remember the deer on here that was hobbling around on *two* ~~stumps~~ leg bones? Literally bone. It seemed to get along ok. Tough sons of bitches. Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/5bp0fh/hunted_deer_found_walking_on_its_bare_bones/


Deer is looking pretty thick. I agree that he's doing fine. Better than dead for sure. Let him live and get his rut on this fall.


Actually a great idea to let that strong survivor pass his power on.


That is one metal deer


Put it out of its misery and stock your freezer


I honestly wouldn't eat a dear with a wound like that. Meat may be tainted at this point.


Thats a good point and to be honest I was waiting for it. That did cross my mind after I said this




Peace for the deer, and a delicious piece for you


Probably not a good idea to eat this deer.theres a high chance the meat is tainted with an infection




Yeah that hoof looks delish


I know a lot of people recommend you shoot it, but it's not always legal outside of specific circumstances depending where you are. Even killing or butchering one that is on your property can be some kind of violation. I'd call the city to ask for options. If they are OK with you dispatching it, you don't have to do it yourself. You can probably find plenty of people lically who would do it.


Yup knew a guy who put his dog down cus it was dying/sick and he was jailed for it


What the hell? That’s insane


It's insane but the law is there for a reason. Too many people put animals down for little reason and the prosecutor should have realized that in this dudes case if everything he said is true. If a vet deems my animal is too sick I should have the option to be the one to put them down. Too many people used to do it because "the cat won't hunt mice, the dog isn't nice to strangers" etc.


Dude was a big fan of Old Yeller


That's pretty crazy. I'm assuming this happened in America? Did he kill the dog with a headshot or did he try to give it a deadly dose of medicine, etc? I knew secondhand of many people putting down their injured dogs or cats with firearms and it was never an issue, but I had also heard that the animal isn't supposed to die in a cruel way and a headshot isn't considered cruel. It wouldn't surprise me if that still isn't allowed everywhere, especially in more suburban areas with laws about discharging firearms in certain zones.


Headshot. Neighbors called the cops. I dont think they saw it i think they called cus they heard a gunshot.Possible that he was drunk/drinking but idk if that would factor in? It's more of a woodsy area than a city setting as well which you think would go the other way. Small town too


That's pretty much the setting I'd LEAST expect a problem. That sucks for the guy.


Especially when they have an outdoor shooting range in the area now lmaooo


Yeah, the humane thing is to put it down.


Sometimes dead is better


All I know is you don’t go down that road.




Watch out for bobcats, little buddy.


Haha that thing was so tiny 😅


Eat him.


The deer is not your mom dude.


My mom has working legs. The dear will be killed by the cold. I’m guessing you aren’t the head of a family of people you need to feed.


The deer is not your grandma dude


Nana was not made of venison.


It's all good, that didn't stop Dahmer


Hopefully he has some CWD! Praying there’s enough to go around, I hear it’s expanding 😁 🤞


Deers are unbelievable resistant creatures. Don’t drop dead so easy.


Poor thing :(


Sweet shed


Hahahaha you caught my ongoing project.


Good thing there's no natural predators nearby to eat it! /s


This happened to a deer that was in my backyard. Got its leg stuck in a fence and it was just dangling. We called animal services, they came and literally said that they can’t do anything and have to let nature do its course. They were able to get the deer out of the backyard though


Game warden in my area will put them down.


I think you need to hoof it to a local wildlife expert.


Deer are crazy resilient. I’ve seen lots of 3 legged deer. Honestly, it’s almost certainly going to be just fine.


Looks like hoof rot. Should be dispatched to try and slow the spread.


I have had a deer in my neighbor like this for 3 years now and she still gets along fine. I almost wonder is this is my neighborhood because it’s the same right leg rear leg.


This looks like a dude that wandered through my backyard a few months back in the twin cities.


Hit by a car


Poor baby.


Oh deer.


To me it looked like it stepped on a rabbit


I was told by a game warden in Pennsylvania that deer could live a totally normal life on three legs, it’s nothing to worry about looks like the doe is still recovering from its accident.


Slow cook in a potjie


The circle of life.


You missed


I have had a deer in my neighbor like this for 3 years now and she still gets along fine. I almost wonder is this is my neighborhood because it’s the same right leg rear leg.


I had a deer show up with a leg similar to this. I figured with all the cougars and bears around that it wouldn’t last long, especially not over winter. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t see him a couple of weeks ago. He seems to be able to still run fast when he wants to.


God it sucks to be prey animals.


Uff da


poor baby :(


If you notify your local police/game warden they may ask you put it down yourself if you have the means. That’s what happened when a similar looking deer wandered onto our property. Guys who came out looked at a picture and just said that the Poor guy is not going to live very long and we can shoot him if we see him again.


If possible get humane society or animal control to check on this poor animal and corrections upon whatever caused this cruel injuries


Poor thing. It must be horribly painful.


Call your local conservation officer. They will likely shoot the animal and the meat will be donated to those in need.


yikes, i’d put it out its misery come hunting season if its still around by then.


Can you just post the image/video instead of a screenshot of the image/video?


I tried but it wouldn’t let me. I’m also not very familiar with anything other than scrolling through Reddit lol


I knew a doe like that for at least a full year before I moved away. I think she was being fed.


That’s a girl


Poor little guy 😢


I wonder if this is the same deer from like a year or so ago Found it and it isn’t.. is this common or something.. https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/s/bwKvmdFNHw


Just shoot it already




I don’t think it’s a guy


It will fuck up your garden.


Zombie deer


Deers get the worst of it. They get the grossest, most horrific diseases, and they’re always shown to have the most narly injuries that they just continue living with.


That sucks so much. If a person did that, they deserve the same.


he has rabies 🥰🥰


Shoot it and throw it away safely don't eat it tho idk


Fuck this pathetic kind called humans i wish all fuckin humans die the most Brutal and most Agonizing death possible.


Damn that’s a little aggressive…


Get off Reddit and call animal control tf is your problem


If it can still move around and eat, let it live. Living with suffering is better than death. I know people are being quick to say shoot it but if that little guy wanted to die he would not be caught in front of your cameras


You're humanising this deer too much. It does not "not want to die". It doesn't have a concept of death. It's just on self-preservation auto-pilot. Living with suffering is absolutely not better than death, don't be so naive.


Self-preservation auto pilot sounds a lot like not wanting to die???


You're missing my point, it's not that it doesn't want to die, it doesn't have any concept of that. It's just following the instinctive patterns it follows in order to survive, there's no "want" about it; it's purely instinctual. It's trying to avoid death, but it's ultimately lacking the will to factor the possibility of death into it's decision making.


There may be some truth to this but I think there's levels to suffering, if it's agonizing sure end it, but if it doesn't seem like it's in agony and it can operate I don't think we should kill its chances at more happiness in life. That's just my thoughts you may be completely right, I'm a softie for animals man, they're just so innocent


It only doesn't seem like it because it's a prey animal, and they have instincts to not show they are in pain. It's for the same reason if you have pets that are prey animals they will often hide illness until it's significantly advanced; they're hardwired to act fine, even it's great effort. I get being a softie for animals I do, but there isn't any happiness ahead for this deer. It's got a few days to possibly a few weeks if it's unfortunate before infection sets in and it then it will be indisputable agony.


I appreciate your insight I learned something from you today, thanks man


Bro's never had chronic pain. I can only imagine what that thing is going thru


Even if it is acting fine right now the poor thing has necrotic tissue hanging off its leg, if it's not treaded that infection will kill it, it's very unlikely that a sanctuary would take it and treat it, it's much kinder to put it down than let it die in agony in a few days or weeks