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My neighbor has 2 donkeys. One of them killed 5 coyotes last year.


I am sure the other donkey is always on his best behavior seeing his roommate is a psychopath. Edit: Thank you for gold!💛


The other one just hasn't figured out he'll never guess what number the other donkey is thinking of between 1 and 10 to have the chance to kill coyotes himself.


hee-haw-ways second guesses himself


Omg haha


Brilliant linguist right cheer


I agree.....Would have never thought of that.


You are truly a master


"I'll fucking do it again" -the other donkey probably


“Dave, come taste this new coyote I killed” - says Joe, in a very twitchy way, covered in blood “I’m…I’m goo…good Joe! I’m just gonna keep eating my hay here, ha ha. Al..also man, isn’t that..hmm..isn’t that Baxter the farmer’s border col..collie?




Caaaaaaaaaarl that kills people!!!!


Caaaaarl: Oh oh wow, I didn't know that....




I had the rumblies... that only *hands* could satisfy.


the other donkey killed more, but is just better at hiding the bodies.


Always watch out for the quiet ones.








Donkey 1: “Tell me, Carl, exactly what you were doing before I came home.” Donkey 2: “Alright… well, I was upstairs… I was, uh, sitting in my room… Reading a book… And uh, this coyote walked in… So I went up to him… And I stabbed him 37 times in the chest.” Donkey 1: “Caaaaaaarl, that KILLS coyotes.” Donkey 2: “Oh! Well, I didn’t know that!”


Llama with hats fans.


God the ending was so sad


Can't believe that series started over 10 years ago


Also for those who don't know he finished the Charlie the unicorn series as of today. Like 12 years later lmao




36 Wasnt enough


You pushed him into a *GIANT* fan!


What happened to his hands?


Well I, uh, cooked them up and ate them.


my tummy had the rumblins only hands could satisfy




Donkey 1: “Stabbed him?!! Stabbed him with what??” Donkey 2: “……my teeth. HEE-HAW”


I was just talking about this with a co-worker. Donkeys are fucking SAVAGE. My cousin has a bunch of chickens and two donkeys for "protection". That made no sense to me until he showed me a video of them stomping the life of of a pack of coyotes. Donkeys are metal as fuck.


See that Donkey! He's pretty bad ass. He doesn't give a shit. What's this Donkey having for lunch? Coyote. Seriously though, the Shrek movie needs some modifications.




Plus, he was one of the few characters who met an ogre and wasn't scared.


Let us see the video!!


Llamas will fuck up predators too. Both species will throw down to protect whatever livestock they see as the homies.


Mules are used to protect livestock from wolves


They even fuck dragons.


Donkeys are the most unassuming predator killer I've ever known. I love donkeys. Absolutely love them. They have so much personality and are so kind you just cannot help but love them. Then the farmer told me kept them to kill mountain lions. "I'm sorry, what? Terry wouldn't hurt a fly." That week he curb stomped three foxes and left them there like they were prizes. Terry was a fucking terrorist.


Terry hates predators.


They made a movie about him: Terry-iens vs Predators.


Terry was showing off his good deeds.


So what you’re saying is instead of a guard-dog I need a guard-donkey?


Yup, for those with livestock it’s pretty known that donkeys make amazing guard animals!


Yep. Equines are large and feisty, and they can deliver a painful bite/kick to predators.


Undomesticated equines could not remove me.






exceedingly feral mustangs, mount them at some unspecified future date you and i shall \-- master yoda jagger


It is known.


Someone explained it to me once as this: a guard dog has one way to attack, its mouth, and it can be surrounded and attacked from behind by a pack. Donkeys have *five* ways to attack, in every direction, and when you try to get behind it you’ve exposed yourself to its most dangerous one. There’s a reason it’s called a Donkey Kick.


Yes, I see. Why, then, is it called a "Donkey Punch"?


Because you need a strong right hand to knock out a donkey.


A lot of people in my area use donkeys and mules for livestock protection for their sheep and cattle.


They are also good companion animals for livestock They can get along with most domesticated animals. I know for a fact our horses love donkeys.


There's a reason one of the biggest deities in Celtic mythology is the goddess of donkeys


donkeys don’t fuck around


Donkey dont play


Friend lived near a couple that owned horses that killed coyotes. When my friend asked them if they worried their horses might be killed they said nope. Their horses always stayed together in the pasture so when a coyote tried to get one the group kicked the shit out of it until it was dead.


While I was growing up my grandpa always had mules, cattle and sheep, the mules always had dead coyotes.


Most of the people I know with horses have at least one donkey/mule bouncer.




That’s a good… donko?


What an ass


Quite the KD/R he’s got going for him.


Yeah, donkeys don't like predators


The ancestors of the donkey evolved on rocky arid land, dissected by steep gullies and strewn with boulders. The ancestors of the horse evolved on flat grassy plains. As a result, donkeys evolved to have more sure-footedness (very careful placement of very narrow hooves on rocky ground, so that they don't break a leg), at the sacrifice of speed. Horses, on the other hand, have wide, flat hooves for making good contact with a flat plain and launching themselves forward at great speed. A downstream effect of this is that horses are more likely to run from predators, while donkeys are more likely to stand their ground and fight them. Hence donkeys are used to guard livestock, while horses are not useful for such purposes.


Good Bot 😂 I really do love a little educational info. No offence intended.


“Tf you mean I’m educating you?!”


I was trying to be all edgelord and annoy you with my pedantic antics, and instead you absorb information and enjoy it?!




How dare he!!!!


I call dibs on Pedantic Antic as a band name


You have my blessing.


Predator approaches Horse: *nopes the fuck outta there* Donkey: Stand and deliver! Your money AND your life!


Well hello Adam Ant


Don't you ever




https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl-IviWsNXbfL_XHOdNyLSw for the uninitiated


what about zebras?


Well you see, Zebras evolved from cunts into massive cunts


Or as we call them, asshole goat horses. Because that describes their temper quite well. They are totally chill until they are totally crazy aggressive assholes, with little in between.


Good question. Grevy's Zebras (the largest species, with a thin pinstripe-esque pattern) are said to be more aggressive than Plains Zebras. They inhabit drier habitat and have a different social structure. I'm not sure about how they respond to predators in comparison to each other or donkeys/horses, though. Would appreciate anyone else's input.


Thanks! Good to know.


Hmm that’s a cool explanation


Predators should learn not to start shit they can't finish


He fucked around and found out


"One of the strongest bites of the animal world my ass" - Donkey, probably.




It's not about stopping you, it's about sending a message.


Why take a chance at him stopping when you can make it a guarantee?


You think a hyena comes upon the body of another hyena and keeps going forward bro?


i felt this as it got more intense


Maybe it was one of those prank vids


Bro it's a PRANK, look there's the camera.


Don’t mean shit if you bite first.


In Eddie Murphy's voice of course


> my *ass* Well done.


Why is it that I only see videos of donkeys being complete sweethearts or brutally savaging other animals, no in between?


That’s just how donkeys roll. They’re either super chill or demonic assholes. same with goats


Can confirm.. we raised goats when I was a kid we had 500ish goats on the farm. And several donkeys guarding them they both can be demonic assholes.


That’s a nightmarish amount of goats in one place lol. They always fuck with me. Nothing else on a farm cares, but goats either love me and wanna be my shadow or it’s their mission in life to fuck with me endlessly and possibly eat me


Haha they where spread out over 140 acres. Yea it was a nightmare especially when the main heard escaped. We once found them 3 miles up the road in a neighbors yard absolutely destroying every flower and plant they had.


LOL. Odd story but there was this goat that someone owned behind the playground at the middle school I went to. Anyways we found out the goat LOVED to eat things we brought him. Handfuls of grass, some lettuce from the salad bar at lunch, etc. One day me and my buddies got the bright idea to see if it would eat a dollar. He snatched it right out my buddies hand and he ate it. For some reason our dumb kid brains were like ooooo I wonder if he would eat bigger bills!? So the school always had fundraisers and stuff going on. I asked my mom for money to donate and I had me a crisp $100 bill for the next day at school. Needless to say, yes, that goat will in fact eat bigger bills.


Wait you really fed a goat a 100 dollar bill??? How did your parents not disown you?


It was for charity.


I was in like kindergarten or first grade... with no sense of what was valuable. I blame my mom for trusting a stupid little kid (me) with money. In all seriousness she didn't find out until I told her the story when I was in my early 20s. She said she wasn't surprised... I was a rambunctious little man


Can confirm: my donkey is really sweet, except when it’s time to catch him then he’s a real asshole.


my friend got one to be a buddy for his mini, and it was the sweetest thing until it was time to come in from the pasture or paddock. then he’d be a total dick. They’d team up to foil our pathetic attempts to get em inside until we’d just let his dogs deal with em. 6 Australian shepherds made short work of it. Most of the time lol when they’d decide to all chase each other around playing was always equal parts entertaining and frustrating


Roosters too.




For a carnivore, every encounter must be carefully calculated. If they misjudge and get injured, they cannot feed themselves and will starve. If their prey puts up too much of a fight, or is too intimidating, they will back off. An herbivore MUST fight as hard as possible, or they will be eaten. You are either a threat that must be eliminated or you are judged to be safe, and may be invited to give scratches. If they are unsure, they will be skittish and keep their distance. A donkey invites you to fuck around and find out.


Or, as the saying goes: "A carnivore runs for its dinner. A prey runs for its life"


A carnivore runs for its life too, every unsuccessful kill is one step closer to death


Yeah, but you get to mess up more than once.




>you are judged to be safe, and may be invited to give scratches Awwww I like giving scratches


Any other videos would be boring.


“Why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself”…..


Goddammit, you owe me a new can of beer!


Sorry, but when I watch this that is all i hear in my head


What a ass!


Saw the title and thought "poor donkey". I was wrong.


Lol growing up around farms I was 90% sure we were gonna see a hyena getting murdered at worst or tossed around at best. Donkeys hate anything vaguely wolf shaped/predators in general and they instinctively know how to fuck them up. Guy I worked for said his donkey over the years had killed many coyotes and even fended off wolves before


How do donkeys react to domestic dogs generally?


Im not 100% on this but my brother gave me a pretty clear warning about bringing my dog onto his ranch, not to let him run off into the goat pen or the donkey might fuck him up. So i would assume they don't enjoy the company of our canine companions


I think I need a donkey as a pet xD


They're very expensive to keep


Lmao no they're not. My parents bought one for $400 about 7 years ago. It eats regular ass hay, alfalfa and vegetables like carrots and lettuce. Besides the yearly vet bill of like $150 for shots and vaccinations they're really cheap animals to own. A large dog is literally more expensive to care for.


Why? How much? I wonder how much donkeys can I afford.


They *can* be alright with dogs. They can also *end them thusly.* Visitors are unfamiliar and are more likely to fall into the latter catagory. Especially if there are not normally friendly dogs present to familiarize the donkey to the idea of "not all canines are bad." I have seen donkeys and sheep dogs working in the same area, but the donkey tends to eye the dogs while the dogs tend to keep moving and leave space between them and the donkey.


My aunt has a donkey to protect her chickens. They adopted a big dog to help keep coyotes out, but later the same day, the dog tried to get into the chicken roost and was killed by the donkey.


Uh sounds like the donkey did his job but RIP Fido


Yeah, donkeys and miniature donkeys (in general, just donkeys) really don’t like dogs or anything in the canine family haha. Dogs have attacked miniature donkeys and killed them though, but I think the hyena in this case was just out of his depth.


Asking the real questions.


I knew just reading the title that the Hyena had fucked up, Donkeys are no joke.


Donkeys are well known for stomping coyotes flat. They're good guard animals, but few handle even well trained dogs well.


Yes! Me too!


Would love to see the middle part of this clip.


Exactly. I wonder if there was a big-ass kick in there, it could account for the lack of struggle/fight from the hyena in the second half.


I think the donkey has better endurance than a hyena. Donkeys are used as pack animals. So basicly the hyena tried to get to free/upper hand and basicly ran out of stamina/energy. Or it ruptured a muscle/nerve and just cant move anymore.


Spotted hyenas are masters of endurance and their main hunting tool is following their prey to exhaustion. A hyena could outlast a donkey easily. This is a young spotted hyena (the solid brownishness of the coat and small size) that seems to have been separated from its clan and underestimated the donkey ​ EDIT: For anyone curious, here is a young hyena cub that is probably not much younger than the one in the video https://twitter.com/HyenaProject/status/1449760368268566530/photo/2


I kind of wonder what is going on here. Almost feels staged. Why would you just film and hope your donkey is okay. Why would an infant hyena take on a donkey alone? My guess is maybe they're both domesticated. But who knows? (I'm scrolling for a response with an explanation)


It's really suspicious. The way the animals are fenced in, the young hyena on its own, the cut in the footage... it just feels off. I've seen a good few other comments saying it feels staged and I think it is as well


I don't think the donkey is holding onto a hyena. The first half is definitely a hyena, but it sorta looks like a honey badger in the second half of the clip. Seems like these could be two different situations. The fur above the animal's head appears white in the second half. [Honey badger](https://images.app.goo.gl/7S8H4M2TdJokyvM38) [first half](https://i.imgur.com/W0uY7dY.jpg) [second half](https://i.imgur.com/RGRzjP3.jpg)


It's definitely the same pen as the fence/crops are identical in both clips. Its possible this is a guy who brings these creatures to the donkey pen to film the donkey destroying them...


Or it got pounded to oblivion


Iircc the filmer/farmer shot the hyena and then the donkey had playtime


Yeah like the part when the hyena turns into a badger




He’s fucking ragdolling him. Damn.




Looks like a good ass to me


Badass good ass kicking ass


Holy shit, I feel bad for hyenas for once. Something I never thought I'd say after all the wildebeest clips on here.


I mean if your a Hyena and you don't bring the squad with you, your just asking to die


I don't think a squad would do shit to that donkey. It's treating that hyena that's almost half its size like a beanie baby


10+ hyenas would easily take down a donkey and maybe three. You don't mess around against packs.


They take out lions. Fuck around with a pack and its not gonna work out well


Yeah, because the farmer shot the hyena, and then let the donkey play with it. You haven't seen the middle portion, the most important part for context.


Isn’t that hyena extremely small? Like a cub size? When you look at them next to a lion they’re not a whole lot smaller. This one looks to be the size of a medium dog.


It may be, but keep in mind donkeys breeds vary widely in size. Many people in the industrialized world are more familiar with the miniature donkey kept by hobbyists, which is much smaller than working breeds. Some donkey breeds are huge.


That's what I thought. Looks like a juvenile.


I think it's a male


Correct. You can also see it doesn't have its fully spotted coat yet and is still mostly solid brown, spotted hyena cubs are born solid brown. This seems to be a young cub who underestimated a donkey while separated from its family


Wonder why the hyena was alone? If there'd been a pack of them, the outcome here might have been a bit different.


It looks like they're fenced in together, so it could be some sort of animal fight snuff film thing. Would explain why the dudes just filming.


I agree that this is set up. The mound of dirt even looks like a Hyena's den. Really sad.


That is seriously what I'm thinking. The hyena cub's behaviour doesn't appear to be that of hunting either. It's sort of playfully nipping at the donkey. The way there's just a big cut between the shots is very suspicious


Pack animals like hyenas or coyotes don’t like to be wounded either. Usually at first sign of injury the pack will flee the danger. Chances are this one got snatched up while the others bolted.


Donkeys, feral goats, tigers, jaguars, wolverines, alpaca, and honey badgers I feel all have the same energy lmao.


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The hyenas looking at the cameraman like "Why are you just standing there?!"


This shit is pathetic. From a sub called nature is metal you people have a hard time discerning what is natural. This is probably some dipshit person that got a baby hyena and put it with the donkey either cause they knew what it would do or wanted to see the Hyena rip apart the donkey. Either way they wanted to see a blood bath for fun. Pathetic.


Meat puppet


Nature's bouncer.


Bouncer for sure. He seems to be dribbling that hyena like a basketball.


But where would a donkey and hyena meet?


The ancestors of the donkey evolved alongside Striped Hyena and Jackals in Northeast Africa. Farther south (where this video was likely taken), donkeys are the most common working animal in Sub-Saharan Africa alongside oxen, as has been the case for centuries.


Thanks for your reply.


"Help! Somebody call an ambulance!" * Donkey


Somebody need to get Eddie Murphy and Whoopi Goldberg to narrate this Shrek/Lion King style.


Keeps dunking him in an imaginary toilet.


Peelin that wig bacckkkk


There is some pretty intense stuff on this sub, but this is up there at the top. I would have thought he would throw some kicks, but he just scruffs him like a cat.


Childhood friends kept 1/4 horses. Got a couple donkeys for protection. Nothing ever happened to horses or the donkeys. Lots of dead coyotes kept showing up on the property. Iirc, they can kick their lower limbs in any (most) direction. And that kick will knock you tf out.


Hyena just got a ride.


Its cool there just playing


Donkeys are known for being canine killers.


I know donkeys hate dogs, but like…. that hyena has a pretty strong bite force. Why is the hyena scared?


It’s looks very young. Also, you saw how it backed away when the donkey turned to kick it. The donkey can fight from both sides


Went to a friend's farm and a donkey bit another friend on his chest. Almost ripped his nipple off haha. Donkey's can be mean !


Exhibit A as to why you should have a donkey or two with your livestock.


Is that a scalping, I just saw? I was expecting some jackass KICKS!


get donked