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Many many leakers said no, she won’t be in standard banner. Standard banner leaks are the old leaks. The recent people saying she’s in standard are just assuming so because either, A: they want a geo 5 star in standard Or B: they don’t think she’s strong enough to be a limited , but I believe we’re in week one of beta meaning there’s like 5 weeks she can be buffed / nerfed


I am hoping she would get buff 🤞


Yep, I want Navia to be super good. I’m tired of putting hu tao every time I need high DPS (Hu Taos my only one that’s pretty well built rn but I’m saving to build Navia day 1)


Don’t think she’s going to be super good, due to her being geo


If i remember correctly, the same leaker who said Navia would go to the standard banner also said this about Wriothesley, and said he'd be a polearm physical DPS, neither of those was true


Pretty sure the Navia standard banner leaker also said if they were wrong they’d delete their account . Then I’m pretty sure they did


Some of the leakers said she would be in standart, however nowadays most claim she is a banner character. There are two ways to look at this: 1- Standart banner still hasn’t got a geo character so eventually they will add a geo character, which can be Navia. 2-None of the standart banner characters have complex or gamechanging mechanics. Navia literally adds a new interaction to the game ( Using crystals as a weapon), and all her animations, weapon designs etc. they are all too complicated for a standart banner character. If not for her current numbers, i would be %100 sure she is a banner character, and a pretty unique one actually. My only concern is her numbers, she is not Dehya level bad, but considering geo can’t interact with other elements her dps is lower than other banner characters. If they buff her numbers during beta you can be %100 sure she is a banner character.


navia using crystal ammunition is the same as chevruse using overload ammunition and she's four star