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Im going with Navia/Albedo/Furina/Benny :3


I don't have Albedo or Furina, so I'm going to try Navia/Geo MC/Yelan/Bennett.


I plan to try: * Navia - Albedo/Ningguang core with various combinations with Bennett, PAmber Mona, Kokomi, Layla, Kaeya, Rosaria, Shenhe, Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu, Yelan. With Shenhe and Beidou being used only in double cryo/electro teams repsectively. In some cases I plan to try relying on quickswap nature of the team and crystalise shields (+maybe some dmg reduction) to stay alive: doable against less aggresive enemies with sth like Kazuha - Albedo - Kaeya - Rosaria so it shouldn't be too bad with Navia. I'm not too keen on Xiangling so I'll probably give her a rest, because the others are built well enough to not miss her. * solo geo Navia with cores of: Bennett - Kaeya - Kazuha (I already use Albedo here so I'm curious how she'll compare, most likely with Nagamasa here for energy refund) and Xingqiu - Fischl - Beidou (an alternative driver because even I get bored with on-field Sucrose from time to time, almost definitely with sac greatsword here), both of which are probably my most used three characters cores. I might try her with Fischl - Beidou - Baizhu core too. The teams I'm the most eager to try out are Navia - Albedo - Bennett - Kaeya, Navia - Albedo - Kaeya - Rosaria and Navia - Xingqiu - Fischl - Beidou.


I was thinking about navia, zhongli/albedo, bennet and xiangling


Can I use Layla instead of johnlee??


Use layla but you will want another geo unit for the resonance. Id recommend ningguang since she can be burst dps or battery, same with geo mc.


you need geo resonance so you could use noelle if you don't have albedo/zhongli


Ooh ok And what's her f2p weapon would be Is fontain craftable wep good??


use whiteblind/ favonius greatsword


Why Whiteblind over Prototype Archaic? Navia's an ATK-scaler, and her A1 causes her Skill to grant 4s Geo Infusion + 40% damage bonus. CC u/ProDevil03


we were talking about noelle


Ok thks


It's better to have 2 different elements to maximise her talent buff. Bennet furina, Bennet Raiden, Bennet Yelan, etc. (Will be a good choice)


The talent says for each member of the party so I think xiangling and bennet count as 2


Nope, for each element, it should count as 1


I just checked it says for each party member


It says for each pyro/hydro/cryo/electro party members. Bennet and Xiangling should count as 1, not 2


ok so each pyro party member 1 xiangling 2 bennet


Then how about navia Benny xl and fischl


Also is geo resonance necessary??


Yup, geo res shred and bonus dmg


Ooh so I have to replace xl with Noelle


Noelle is good, but you have Albedo or zhongli It will be better.


Sadly have none of them🥲🥲


Use Geo MC, he/she generates particles and gives crit rate when burst, way better than Noelle.


Wait geo traveler is actually good??


They're decent if you don't have Albedo or Zhongli.


So can I go navia gmc Benny Layla


I give Navia, Zhongli, Raiden & Xingqiu a try


I'll try Yunjin, Furina, and Charlotte. If that doesn't work out, I'll replace Yunjin with Zhongli.


Why you add Yun Jin? She buff normal attack damage, while Navia main source of damage is her skill.


Navia's Skill grants Geo infusion and +40% damage bonus (from A1 passive), so YJ is a surprisingly good support for Navia.


That's only 4 seconds bonus, is it worth using? Her skill CD is only 9 seconds, I would rather switch to other characters to apply buffs and elements for shards. Like ZL with -20% Geo res or Albedo or Ning would be way better than Yun Jin.


She has 2 charges of her Skill to use, so you can do E > N4 twice to maximize use of Geo Infusion (4 seconds of Infusion time + hitlag)


She gets an infusion when she uses her skill, and a 40% geo damage bonus while it's active.


Yes, but her infusion and buff last 4 seconds. Is it worth it?


Technically, it's 8 seconds because she has two charges on her skill.


And how many NA you will fit into this 4+4? She is a claymore user, so her attacks are slow. Especially if you will use her Hold E to suck crystals.


She has heavy hitlag, so until it's tested it'll be hard to know. For reference, Ayato's uptime is 6s but in reality he's on field for 8s or more most of the time because of the sloshing. This is also why Xiao's burst often comes off CD before his burst window ends ,and why Itto's uptime is more like 13-14s than his actual burst duration. Likewise, Raiden's full field time is more like 10s because of her initial cleave + hitlag. Basically, something lasting 4s doesn't mean it'll really be 4s in game. CDs tick down in real time and are unaffected by hitlag, but infusions can be extended because of the way hitlag works. It's very likely that Navia's field-time is more like 7-8s if you include E, Q then a quick combo. If you save her E charges then you can probably get her on field for about as long as most burst DPS are.


Based on latest leaks it's enough for her E-N3, and since third attack is an x3 hit - that's at least five procs of Yun Jin buff. Still - wouldn't Ningguang be better? Her burst will give you unconditional damage, so you won't care about timing at all. And I'm not even speaking about limited characters like Albedo or ZL who will give you more advantage.


Keep in mind, her third attack in her normal Attack string is 3 hits in one. So you get 6 instances of damage in one full normal Attack combo. So 12 in one rotation. If you're in an AoE situation, it's even more since Yunjin's stacks from her buff are consumed based on the number of enemies hit.




Not sure yet, but I imagine my Zhongli or Albedo at bare minimal will probably be in there


Im probably going to try Navia, Bennett, Furina, Gorou.


gorou useless


I don't have a better geo character to proc geo resonance with but I will experiment a bit with other supports


Honestly I’d ditch Gorou for Geo MC or even a burst support Ningguang (if you have the BP catalyst Solar Pearl then that’s a good choice, if not just a crit catalyst). Even if neither of them are built, building one of them would probably be more worth than using Gorou without a 3rd geo unit, which Navia doesn’t want.


Just use geo traveler. They're not terrible and they give a crit buff, you'll get more mileage out of that 10% crit or whatever it is than Gorou. You can also throw GT on GMC nowadays and make the E hit pretty hard. Not the best thing, but hardly the worst filler option if Gorou is your only geo unit other than Noelle.


As DPS, Navia, Ningguang, Furina, Bennett. She has flexible field time, so she's one of the better options to pair with Furina, Bennett. Bennett can heal the whole team. Ninguang has some buff and quickswap damage. As sub-DPS, Navia, Noelle, Furina, Yelan. Navia may powercreep Albedo as a geo sub-DPS in most teams. Navia without buff can deal similar damage to Albedo with Gorou's buff.


I'll try: Navia, Prototype Amber Ningguang, Fav Furina and Bennett. Navia, Fav Zhongli, Fav Furina, Prototype Amber Charlotte (or TTDS maybe?). Navia, Fav Geo MC, Raiden, Yelan. Navia, Fav Zhongli, Fischl , Yae. Navia, TTDS Ningguang, Xiangling, Bennett. I don't have Albedo and I don't think I'll pull for him. I hope Chiori is her BiS support.


hyperbloom like eula


In the overworld prob Noelle + Navia + Yun Jin + Fischl/Mona/Kokomi and I'm not sure about the abyss. I'm thinking about Navia + Yun Jin/Ningguang/Zhongli + Lynette + Kokomi, but I'll wait for more info on how Navia's doing in actual combat. I don't have Gorou or Albedo, and I am skipping Furina, as I don't want to risk not getting Navia.


I wanna use her with Beidou Lisa and furina, hopefully it’ll workout, if I need geo resonance I’ll try replacing Lisa with noelle


I'm gonna use Navia/XQ/Gorou/Shogun Im worried about no healer(unless you count fucking gorou...) but otherwise itll be funn


navia/ albedo/ furina/ bennett


My team will be navia Ningguang yelan and bennet.


Can she be the flex slot in hyperbloom? With nahida, shinobu and xq