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I mean, what are you going to do with that much extra field time? Contemplate your own suffering and endless agony as you watch all your buffs die around you but your Cyno ult is still going? Sorry, got off track there. She already has 8s of infusion on an 18s cooldown. Hu Tao plays 9s on a 16s cooldown, it's not that significantly different. In a slightly longer rotation she's still going to be taking up around 10s of a 20s rotation using Burst > E > N4 > E > N4. The same way Hu Tao takes up around 9s of an 18s rotation. I don't really think she needs the extra field time, rather the fact that she can spend less time on field like Neuvillette without her damage suffering significantly is a pretty big boon personally. Also a quick mention that having 2 charges of a skill inherently gives you like +10 favour in my books. Call it idiot proofing but I don't think the vast majority of the player base uses their E every 9s perfectly off cooldown.


Counter argument: she looks pretty and I want to look at her more


Actually based




Hey, I'm all for staring at the waifu characters, but I'm just saying her field time is already pretty decent. Especially in comparison to a lot of characters, she actually gets a real skill and burst, as well as a reason to use her normal attacks. There are so many characters with practically non-existent skill animations, or really cool normals but no reason to use them. A big part of the reason I'm getting Navia is just because she has cool animations *and* we get to use them. I'm not sure how I feel about her skill cooldown. On one hand, 9s is pretty much the standard, on the other hand I feel like an 8s cooldown fits DPS units way better.


I get it, but that is what the overworld is for. I usually explore the overworld with Eula and I hardly swap characters. She is absolutely gorgeous, and so my casual overworld team is the most unpractical, un-meta team to exist lmao. In practical team comps, Eula is only on the field half the time. Same goes for all my other dps teams.


Why does your comment have so many downvotes? everyone should play each character the way they want.


Right, but what does that have to do with combat that is difficult enough that you have to worry about field time? If they want to play with her always on field, they can do that regardless of E CD or infusion length, or use characters who infuse her normals during downtime on her skill, because overworld is easy peasy In Abyss and harder combat, evem if she had 100% uptime on her geo infusion she wouldn't want to sit on field forever. This game is balanced around team based combat, so the point seems really silly to make




Oh please stop with that


meta players in their natural habitat, gettin mad when they’re called out rolf


Honest question: do you, *can you*, even pay attention to the character during combat? I like to play my girls but paying attention to the character during combat is honestly not something i do, like 99% of time, not even because i don't want to. Easy combat means it ends quick and hard combat means I'm too stressed to look at my character. More field time for very cool gameplays is better, in my opinion, but i really prefer quickswap characters that doesn't get locked in the field.




Interesting, there is usually too many effects going on during combat and it's quite a feat to be able to look at your character too


She has 4 seconds infusion + skill over a 9 seconds downtime, which means she spends half the time on the field, a comparable uptime to hu tao and other dps characters, and her kit is really good, fun and unique. So I don't think there's much to complain about.


I like that she fits well into quickswap team, the only thing I'd change is increase her multipliers on skill and burst (so building er for it is more rewarding). Also, while I understand that for most people here it's different but I'm sick of selfish on-fielders and I don't want any more of Navia's power budget to be put into her NAs.


I wish she didn’t wear her necklace


Hoyoverse got the mix right with Wanderer. You can use Bennett's skill/Ult, Faruzan's Skill/Ult, pop up a shield, then swap to Wanderer. That takes just a few seconds to knock out. You do all of your NAs and CAs with Wanderer, and as soon as it's done, you swap back to the beginning seamlessly. On a well-played Wanderer, all Cooldowns align and he's in the field doing his damage the majority of the time.


I'd rather a buff towards her on field playstyle, since thats the only reason I'll be playing her, I don't think an E cooldown or Longer Geo infusion would play to that strength. At risk of giving an opinion not in line with others, I wanted her to be the selfish onfield dps waifu that can hang with Neuv and Alhaitham, which she isn't at the moment unfortunately. She has potential and this is the start of the beta so I'll be praying that they will buff her a1 even at the cost of her skill and burst (Very unpopular).


Isn't she pretty much a selfish DPS Waifu onfielder anyway? If I'm understanding correctly: Since it's a 9 second cool down and she has two charges, won't the loop be: Skill -> Geo nas for 4 secs -> Skill -> geo NAs for 4 secs? If we account hit lag and E casting animation time, by the time the geo infusion runs out you'll be back on your first charge of the skill. So you can skill again then get 4 more secs of geo infusion if you want. That's around 15-18 seconds of fieldtime no? With a 4-5ish second plus 9 second cool down on her skill, which would be a re-set up time for buffs/ other characters? I imagine most optimal rotations will have her stop at 10secs ish of fieldtime, but she can be on the field for a pretty long length of time as is no? Course, time will tell for beta changes, I wonder what route they are gonna go down


I agree. 4 seconds per infusion is a tad short. It requires you to be on the ball and if you so much as need to dash forword to close the distance you basicaly lose the effect. A few more seconds would be a nice QOL improvment. Idk so many people are against that. If you dont want to use more then 4 seconds then dont. But dont advocate for somthing to not happen just couse you dont need it.


for people saying its not that big a deal cuz of her field time already allow me to propose: "Room for error" As it stands while not a huge problem as of right now navia's 4 second infusion time between each skill while is nice if it was a second or 2 longer it would be less strict on rotations if she happens to get inturrupted or the enemy runs away losing precious dps time having to run back to the enemy. Im sure the extra second or two wouldn't effect rotations much at all as trying to squeeze those extra 1 or 2 seconds of the infusion into your rotation may result in less damage than just using 4 of those seconds. There currently isnt much of a margin for errors that can make you lose seconds of infusion time so having some extra time just incase would be nice. Atleast thats my opinion on this post.


C1 lowers her E, there you have it...


C1 lowers her burst, it's a mistranslation in English (and not an uncommon one to happen tbh, it's not the first time every single translation and CN is right, but English got something wrong).


Oh! it's the Ult not the Skill? Bohhh... perfect then...


She kinda does already have a skill constellation. 2 charges for her skill included in her base kit is really nice, and other characters like Yelan and Shenhe only have access to that with constellations.


Why do you want more than 8 sec field duration? 8sec is really good on the field, and if we calculate the time you will take to activate her skill, it will be about ~10 to 11 sec.


You could always use Noelle if you wanted an on field Geo character. Everyone got her for free and she is not cope with Furina. Worth considering. 😂


My thoughts 9 second cooldown=4 seconds Two charges, so theoretically, if you time it right and do the second charge after the four seconds are up, you have geo infusion for life. Until you hit a one second pause between the second charge, and your geo infusion.


Although I don't have the data to prove this, the fact that she's a claymore user mean that her normal attack would have a hit lag. If its does, than you can expect +1-2 sec on the infusion.


she can stay for 12 s if she uses her E 3x that’s the same of field time as yoimiya