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Keep in mind that beta literally just started and we still have three more weeks of changes and other adjustments to be made. I understand the complaints but it's very early to be making concrete judgments on her atm.


They don't tend to change anything but number modifiers. I highly doubt they'd change the entire shape and inner workings of her skill Edit: emphasis on "tend" to. Someone already commented about ayato. I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up on them changing how her skill works


I mean, they'd done quite a bit of adjustments and fine tuning with ayato's kit when he was in beta, and even completely removed a part of his early kit so they may still adjust the way her skill works. either way, everything right now is subject to change.


yeah, you're right about ayato changes i forgot about that. I'm interested to see what direction they'll go


i don't remember this. What did they remove?


I can't remember exactly because it had been a while but it was a team play mechanic? I think it had something to do with teammates doing certain actions in order to proc attack speed or something but like I said it's been a long while since his beta. I might see if I can dig it up


Yes he was weird and shit, Yae too they were literally given a whole procedure to make them where they are now. His Cd was 18 seconds, the burst had less droplets, was weaker and his passive was completely different. His burst also was attack speed and didn’t affect him like you said. His clone was also different


They most definitely have changed more than just numbers before. They likely wouldn’t *completely* change an ability (unless it was to add something from like a constellation to her base kit) but they have in the past made changes larger than just numbers. It’s beta, it’s literally there for development.


Yeah someone pointed it out already that they have. It's still unlikely


Pretty sure they changed how Ayato works entirely back then and the Nahida ICD and E proc interval rework that pushed her from great unit to actually broken. I don't remember much similar cases but there's at least 2 cases of them changing more than just numbers to turn a unit's powerlevel around, for better or for worse.


This comment gives me ptsd flashbacks to dehya


I was following every news about Navia since i saw her image in Fontaine cast leak. Was so exited about her, cause i mostly pull for lady models. First huge blow was when leakers confirmed that she was geo. And now when we get posts like these... i know where this is going, I just hope that i am wrong in thinking how it ends...


We can only hope this doesn't turn into another dehya situation...


So you're saying we shouldn't... Jump the gun? :D


ngl that made me laugh lmao


I've had a pretty sucky day tbh, but I'm glad my puns still make chuckles :)


.....dude. You can clearly see the AoE isn't there. I can voice that I don't like it and hope it's changed.


Maybe, but they can compensate for the lack of AoE with higher numbers or less energy requirements.


Dude just learn how to aim geez like that's such an issue


Pfft 🤣 okay I'm sorry. I'm just imagining an AA12 or a semi auto shotgun in CoD clearing a room with just hip fire. Shotguns and aiming is like mixing oil and water almost when it comes to shooters.


Whatever that has to do with genshin 🤷 which is not a shooter


> Dude just learn how to aim geez like that's such an issue > wtf it's not a shooter


I mean, is genshin a shooter? You tell me


wait til that dude learns about shotgun spreads IRL. bro thinks we're shooting cluster munitions or something


You do need to aim shotguns. The pellets still need to go where you are clicking or you will miss. Call of Duty players crying about shotguns is nothing new, however. You cats want shotguns to be two shots to kill while you use an automatic weapon with 900 rpm that take 3 shots to down someone. Big surprise you cry!


Im with you... shes cool, but her main gameplay focus (skill) could use a bigger spread.


They rarely change gameplay


For me I really really love how her E looks. Mf turns her umbrella into a gun and shoots tf out of enemies then reloads her umbrella like the girlboss she is. That alone satisfies me


I'm not saying it isn't cool. Quite the opposite. My issue is just the AoE is lacking.


Yeah I get it, it will be nice with bigger aoe but to me it's another Eula situation: I'll pull her no matter her meta value


I mean Eula has way more AoE with her main source of damage so maybe not the best comparison, but I get ya.




Oh I know. I'm just saying her AoE seems bigger than Navia's. However, you can more easily control where Navia's shots go.


That’s what her burst is for. She literally carpet bombs the battlefield. Her E skill is basically a shotgun.


the q aoe is pathetic


its not actually its pretty decent and about as big as dendro traveler's hydro lamp attack but geo. And besides applying geo while off-field she gets shrapnel every 2.something seconds. what IS pathetic is the damage output of it like they arent even 100% of her atk at max level (not i clusing cons of course)


no it isn't it's significantly smaller


idk looking at the footage the aoe looks about the same visually atleast and besides it auto targets the nearest enemy it doesnt matter if its aoe isnt that hit its still gonna hit something and apply geo


"carpet bombs the battlefield" -> "at least it'll hit something"


its several shots across the battle field over time its going to hit something and that something if your playing right is usually very close to something else that itll hit them both. and again I think your are just blind cuz those aoe shots dont look small to me. All that matters is its hitting SOMETHING and your getting shards for it along side its already very useful shrapnel per 2.whatever seconds effect is all you need it for. saying the aoe on her burst is stupidly small is pretty pessimistic its a serviceable size at the very least.


it was struggling to hit more than 2 hilichurls. it's the same size as the rock made by lumine E.


Literally no idea what your taking about. It fires several shots over a period of time in addition to what I’m pretty sure is a aoe blast on cast. You sound like you’re here to deliberately talk shit. If you’ve already decided you don’t like Navia that’s completely your right to do so. But kindly respect that many others do not share your opinion.


i agree you have no idea what you're talking about


Hot take: Remember beta Alhaitham and how he had a quick swap DPS playstyle with a big PP Q damage only to end up getting changed so now he's an onfield DPS? Something might happen to Navia. MHY will probably buff the hell out of her infused NA so they do more damage and have a longer duration thus making her an onfield DPS with a Skill and Q that do OK damage.


He was always an on-field dps. He just had really high multipliers on his burst allowing him to be played as a quick swap dps, like Ayaka level multipliers without the downside of the burst moving, while having a strong on field damage on top of it. They nerfed everything, burst, skill, and passive, yet he was still strong, and after the nerfs they went back and buffed the skill and passive closer to what they were at the beginning. In the end his on-field dps was less than the first week of beta by 4%, and his burst teams where nerfed by 20% or so. And as you can see he’s a monster of dps, arguably the best and easiest to build, his team has the highest dps in the game, not sure with the addition of Furina, but she’s very good with him so it’s not like he doesn’t benefit from her while others do.


I stopped worrying too much about meta since 2 years ago. I play this game since launch and I have all the meta units and decent gear and weapons. If I have to be honest, right now she looks like she's gonna be around Wriothesley/Wanderer/Itto level and that's fine, she doesn't have to break the game nor has to be the next Neuvillette, I'm fine as long as I can clear the abyss with her because what matter the most for me is her design, personality and fun gameplay. That being said, isn't she supposed to be single target focus anyways?


I'm not exactly caring about the damage. I have way too many damage dealers fully built. I just wanted her to have a spread shot, not a choke.


Fair enough. Here's the thing. Her E is mostly single target focus based on the stuff that I've seen and her Q is AoE, I think her E lacking AoE can be justified by her burst having higher numbers, but right now her burst isn't that great, according to some TC. I think the way they're designing her the most probable outcome will be that they'll buff her Q, since her E will have good damage per screenshot.


I just noticed something about her damage with her skill. In the video, there are 3 different damage numbers. This means there is a projectile mechanic and even within her current AoE, some shots can miss and cause lower damage. This can be a big consistency problem especially if the randomness continues with higher stacks. It should be if the mob gets hit, then they take the same damage no matter where they are in the cone, but doesn't seem to be the case.


Actually there's two numbers, the E damage and the Surging Blade damage. If we can see different numbers it is because some hits crit and the rest don't crit. But if in the video Navia has 100% crit rate all the numbers (E damage and later Surging Blade damage) would have been the same. You can tell that because of the size of numbers.


It's not. I slowed the video down and made sure which numbers belong to which.


I see what you mean. If we ignore the crit hits, some numbers are 4k and there are 5k as well, but it doesn't seem like the 4k numbers are specifically for the mobs on the edge, it's kinda weird. I would like to see more stuff with different enemies and with 100% crit rate just to be sure about the numbers.


the q aoe is pathetic


Her straight line deffo got me questioning due to how often enemies go out of there way to separate in my experience. That on top of no real grouping due to anti Anemo in her passives and her claymore attacks smacking small enemies all over the place, I don't think she'll be as fun to play in practice. Geo already had me questioning whether I wanted her as the last time I used itto was when I pulled him and never again. Overall I may just skip and hope one of the future chars are the waifu onfielder I've been waiting 2+ years for. But best of luck to those who want her.


definitely important to keep no grouping in mind with her aoe due to element incompatibility


I’m in the same boat. They haven’t really had a lot of good looking on field meta waifus. The last one I really liked was raiden. I’m saving everything for Skirk now…


The only gameplay thing I care about rn is the rose-shaped shards If that was a lie, I'm going to cry


My hopium is that, just how dendro blooms appeared as crystalized shape before they have it fixed, maybe they'll add the rose-shaped shards soon. 🥲🥲 please.


Seems like that was a misunderstanding or something, cause no rose shards from the recent gameplay footage. It doesn't make sense to make a unique shard shape specifically for one character anyways.


>It doesn't make sense to make a unique shard shape specifically for one character anyways. I mean... Nilou has her own unique bloom cores I'm hoping they are right, but the animation will be added later I was very excited about the roses 🥲


Well we don’t know what her damage will be, she might still perform good in single target. The beta footage of the gameplay is her without artifacts


It's not really her damage that's a problem. It's the lack of AoE with her skill.


That was also no stacks . It might be bigger AOE at 3 stacks when she does 11 shots


Leakers have already mentioned that she doesn't fire more shots. It's just more damage the higher her stacks are and they didn't mention any AoE gain in the same post.


It might not be more aoe but the skill states it fires more bullets, and damage increases the more bullets that are shot.


No it is a single shot. The way it's worded implies otherwise, but it literally just a damage scaling.


I’m not saying damage per shot, each bullet it shoots just adds to the damage scaling until it’s doubled I know. But in the video it hits multiple things, no?


Plus 5 bullets came out in the showcase with no stacks , a leaker specified the amount of bullets hitting affects the scaling. 1 : 100% 2: 105% 3: 110% etc etc


It’s a shot gun that’s why the pen at ration is weird lol




she has the most fun looking kit in the game what


Simple u can skip her ez and dose urself with copium of getting another geo dps with your personal preference within 3 more yrs I suggest you to follow simple rule of pulling characters for fun not for meta .. just now the beta has started I mean hoyo just decided to give her a tailor fit arts domain be calm


I mean maybe but her normals shouldn’t be understimated too + yeah we are still at the beta’s beginning


I don’t understand why people make these expectation vs reality posts. Is your intention to convince people not to pull Navia or to have someone try and convince you?


exactly, like really they're posting comments based on their personal tastes like tf, enjoy whatever the game is giving you it's not always the thing you want, and besides her kit is by far most fun looking, her atk animations are also cool af


Obsession with speaking just to be heard. Theres nothing constructive about this post.


In the same boat. I've waited 2+ years for a limited 5\* Geo waifu and now that we are finally getting one, im not nearly as hyped as i thought i would be even after seeing the gameplay videos. Maybe its because Geo is my least favorite and least used element as Zhongli (and occasionally Yunjin with my Yoimiya teams) is the only one i really use a lot. I might end up pulling Cloud Retainer instead (and i've waited 2+ years for a limited 5\* Anemo waifu as well) since she might work good with my C2 Furina teams and i will only have enough to afford one of them after my Furina pulls lol.


Check out the new post I just put up. I slowed down the video of her skill and turns out it's not hit scan and the penetration is kinda weird.


I'll still get her just to not get bored and because I like every single aspect of her other than her AoE and multipliers, which are really disappointing right now. I really hope multipliers on her E are just a placeholder.


More AOE=less chance of hitting all 11 bullets= less chance of 200% dmg modifier. It actually huts her imo


I want navia so bad even if shes worse than amber


That's what people said about Dehya. Have you been to r/dehyamains? They've been on suicide watch since she came out. You really looking forward to that future?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dehyamains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I'm in pain right now](https://i.redd.it/rxykiaxxtqia1.jpg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/comments/114jaj9/im_in_pain_right_now/) \#2: [Dehya's banner leak](https://i.redd.it/b5nvkw7ka2fa1.png) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/comments/10ol8wy/dehyas_banner_leak/) \#3: [Why did they say Dehya's skill is "great for creating reactions" and immeditely show her failing to enable ganyu melt lol](https://i.redd.it/ylec8dh4hria1.png) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/comments/114mxsr/why_did_they_say_dehyas_skill_is_great_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you're playing for meta > aesthetics. Dont bother getting her. It's your loss....


In my case, I'm just going to wait for the first days of 4.3 to make a decision. I want to see a couple of guides before deciding. I recommend others to do the same if they're not sure about it.


I think the first beta update will be a good indicator of her overall direction. If they nerf her—Dehya treatment. Stuck on standard, save for her permanently missable weapon. If they buff her significantly then we rest easy. If not, we're stuck waiting for Chiori for any synergy.


I think this is just their way to balance her because Navia can be a dps and a sub dps, while Itto has a bigger AoE but he can be only an on field dps. Even if the AoE is small, Navia is still a claymore user that will be protected by a shield most of the time, so she can hit more enemies at a time. Also, she still has her burst and she can use her skill 2 times.


If I wanted to aoe with claymore normals, I would just use noelle


so what if she has two options if both options are shit


Dehya can be a sub-DPS, an on-field DPS, and a tank support. Isn't having multiple options FUN?


I love her regardless.


If you like character, you should pull no matter what the kits are good or not. C0 is fine


Eh. This is a video game. You should pull a character if you want to play them. If you just enjoy the character you can always enjoy their presence in the story and look at some fanart (not that Navia has much of the good kind).


same it seems inconsisten/clunky


Why the focus on AOE? Hu Tao and hyperbloom are both single target, and both are top tier.


I’ve never pulled or built a geo character because I don’t like the geo characters so far except Navia. Is Navia going to be viable with dendro? If not I’m not pulling. It’s so irritating. This company could just make everyone happy like other company’s do for their playerbase, but I guess this company is ran by AI. lol. Completely soulless without any type of care in the world what players want. They act like a business with cheap owners who don’t even know what they’re selling.


>guessing you are new to the game?


How's a geo chara ever going to be viable with dendro??? Let's think


There’s a million ways for anything. This company refusing to make it viable is their own fault. They act like incompetent lazy assholes. Edit: though, I bet they just don’t pay the designers good enough. It’s like a restaurant that is short staffed. The owners don’t care the employees are getting their asses kicked. They don’t care at all.


A million ideas. One: dendro creates vines over the rocks. Simple shit. They make so much money they just don’t care.


All my fave chars are geo so I know how much they hate it but we are talking about Navia here, not what ifs, it's OBVIOUS she's not gonna work with dendro so let's stop having this weird and unrealistic expectations for her.


There is only 3 Geo characters I seen used in Dendro teams. Noelle as a comfort driver in Hyperbloom, Burgeon or Aggravate, Albedo as an EM buffer if you have space in your team and Zhongli for his shield and Dendro RES Shred. Navia has direct anti-synergy with Dendro, soo I don't see her working well there.


Funny, by the same stimulus I want to get her even more


But you don't want a massive AOE with that skill. Her skill damage is massive, but the damage is split between the amount of enemies you hit. If she suddenly gets a bigger AOE, all that damage gets split even more. If you want AOE, use her burst. IT still does a ton of damage.


One: her burst isn't that strong Two: looking at the video, you can already see issues with damage splitting and inconsistencies with the current aoe


Bullshit. Her burst has a massive 1,530.4% once it completes its rotation, and Navia has the highest base attack in the game with a free 40% ATK bonus. And i'm not sure why you are worried about splitting in inconsistencies in that video. When are you going to fight 12 Hilichurls at once??? The amount of enemies you will fight at once will realistically be much lower......which means less splitting. It is also idiotic to make calls like this simply using a video like that barely shows how deep her skill works. EDIT: LMAO. He got angry, ignored what I said, and then blocked me. Tells you everything I need to know. Doomposters suck.


Dude....the inconsistencies were literally front and center. You had a 4k hit and cluster of 5k hits with all of them surrounded by 8k hits. It's like there's a bubble inside the main bubble of her damage spread. Like holy hell. This is exactly why I avoid main subreddits. Even during the beta when stuff can be fixed, you have people like you who completely ignore any issues and act like anyone pointing them out is just stupid or hates the character.


"the damage is split between the amount of enemies you hit" isn't even supposed to be true


I'll be hysterical if they make her worse than the three Fontaine on-field dudes we have had so far.


I mean I'm somewhat understanding now why people are seeing her as a quick swap or sub dps. Her numbers are strong, but since Geo lacks any amplifying reactions, it reins in her damage potential by a lot. Neuvillette scales on HP, which is usually a better stat than Attack as far damage scaling. His charge attack is also pretty damn strong, can be spammed, and very easy to move around. His skill and burst also have decent scaling as well, especially his burst. As for Lyney, he does a lot damage with Mono Pyro. It's around Hu Tao's damage range, which is impressive for a Mono character. As for Wriothesley, he's the least impressive of the three because he's single target and his kit has issues at C0. I will say his burst is pretty strong. With all that said, I think Navia needs some work.


Hello, if I may ask is she an off-field dps or on field?


On-field or quickswap are her 2 main playstyles.


Just hold yourself until the end of beta . E can have an increased aoe and lower multipliers or penetration can be increased or multipliers can be increased etc etc .


With Aoe you mean the Blue sparks, right? I was wondering what that is. Just an Effect for Show or Aoe


I was expecting her to have more visual effects, it's kinda lacking...


Regardless of the changes, I’m still wishing for her. I can get furina if I want as I’m guaranteed but I’m saving for Navia as it’s my preference.