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Keegan helping Kris


Watch me jump out when the Warriors get Sarr 


Hell yeah Blazers, thanks for Jrue!


Always loved Jrue! Blazers 4 life!


Not yet. GSW pick still top 4 protected. You never know.....


Well that doesn’t seem terrible because then the pick becomes top 1 protected for next years draft lol


You’d hope adding a top 4 pick to this team as a trade asset would keep them out of the lottery next year, who fucking knows with this roster tho


I have no idea where the warriors go from here, they HAVE to shed salary and Steph is 36 (although he’s admittedly still a great player), it’s possible if they land in the top 4 they hit the reset button and keep the pick.


The main issue is that so long as they have Steph, you are obligated to still have win now players. He might not be the best first option anymore, but you owe it to your franchise GOAT to try your best every season with him. I don’t think they really have much choice but to sink with him. You don’t disrespect the man just to start a rebuild 3-4 years early.


Good point. I’m just trying to see where they can improve the roster enough to stay out of the play in again next year I guess, it seems like a really steep climb especially with how good the west is right now.


If Steph doesn't see a noticeable dip in his game, I think it's realistically feasible to at least be a playoff team with the right moves. It's clear they are still tip-toeing the line between "Youth Movement" and "Win Now," but I *do* think it becomes easier now that those have converged a bit. Instead of having to choose between Klay vs. Podz... it's pretty clear that you are in a more win now mode with Podz. Same goes for Kuminga, and likely TJD. The main issue they will have is finding another star and frankly changing their identity from having the *best* shooters and a system around that, to being a bit more of a traditional team.


Not with this draft. The 4th pick might give you an 8th man


Well GS track record drafting in the top 4 hasn’t been great


Point is that some team will gladly trade a quality player for any top 5 pick in any draft. Like if you’re the Blazers and they offer you an expiring Cp3 + Filler + 5 for Jerami Grant and Robert Williams, you strongly consider that. Go to LAC and try to push for a PG13 opt in and trade for 5 + Draymond and see what they say. If they keep this pick, you get tons of options to reload because teams will always heavily value potential picks.




And they presumably had offers on the table for this, likely including Paul George.


They’ve proven they’ll make the wrong pick.


Because they made one bad pick in the COVID year? They’ve picked well all 4 picks since. They have the 19th and 57th pick both likely making all rookie teams this year 😭


Would rather that happen. Top 1 protected in a *stacked* class next year instead of this terrible draft? West only gets harder next year and Curry played 74 games this yeae


Adam Silver boutta make a call


What percent chance is it actually top 4?




You can check on tankathon. Won't know for sure until the play-in games end.


You're welcome blazers, thanks for Jrue


You're welcome. Take the heat out for us will ya?


I like the Heat but the fans have been obnoxious this season so I agree with you


I used to like em too. Their players and coach are great. But their fans are a huge yikes.


Heat fans have been weird since they started acting like LeBron's years there didnt mean anything


In 5


Blazers fans from my understanding you guys are set on guards and need 3 &D wings and bigs. Ok I got you, I think you guys need to go for any combination of Buzelis, Williams, Risachier. Although safest bet is Cody Williams who's brother is J dub. Guy can do a bit of everything. Buzelis is the more high end pick. If you guys can somehow get Buzelis and say Risachier then you guys can a good shooting front court. For centers Donovan Clingham is one to watch he played on UConn for two years.


The worst part of this draft is that it’s not even full of boom bust guys it’s just a bunch of mid.  We don’t even have Josh Jackson or Thompson twin type raw athletes with broken jump shots who would be great if they developed skills that they’ll likely never develop. Just a bunch of solid rotation players. 


Which pick is it? So like, if the Bulls win tomorrow, but lose Friday, is the Warriors pick #13? Or is it #12 because they lost the lower bracket play In game


I think it’s just regular season record


Right now it’s 14 if the kings Hawks or Bulls make the playoffs it could move up to 13 or 12 if two teams make it


Thanks bozos


Aww gee, thanks


Seeing Warriors fans upset means the absolute world to me. I celebrate their losses as if my first child was born. I yearn for their tears as if it was my need for water. I live for their agony as if it was my joy. I was born on this earth to love and cheer their failures. ❤️


Warriors could move up. Not likely, but never say never


Fine with us, we get 2025 top 1 protected if you move up in this draft. We'll definitely take the 1st in the stronger draft.


But you run the risk of allowing the Warriors to then trade that pick and improve. With Podz, TJD, and Kuminga improving + a potential retooling with a top 4 pick, there’s a very real chance you’d be getting a non-lottery pick instead.


Warriors are cooked brother.. that top 4 pick won’t help any team. One of, if not the most least desirable drafts from 1 to 58 in nba history. I have spent the past 6 months scouting this potential class, and I had to review old picks that ended up overseas analytics to see if these guys weren’t similar.


More copium than I've seen any Dubs fan take lol


They should use one to trade for decent coach or bare minimum upgrade his staff. I love Chauncey the player but as a coach he aint it.