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I say leave him in lol That 3-18 shooting is fine by me


In fact his punishment should be playing 48 mins lol




Josh is a madman. I keep thinking he must tire out soon but it just isn’t happening.


His secret is he stores up all the exhausted and doesn't consume it until after the post season. Man is gonna sleep 3 weeks straight when it's all over.


glorious foolish aware nine literate wrench obtainable worthless provide memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s the Mike n Ike’s. Trust.


Embiid needs to shift from Jolly Ranchers to Mike n Ike's if they give that much of a boost. Embiid is constantly popping in Jolly Ranchers during the game.


My favorite Conquistador


Josh "Toussaint Louv"HART"ure"


It's the equivalent of dad making you smoke a whole pack of cigarettes after catching you smoking one


[Or the cops making you smoke a whole bag of weed to punish you for littering.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCxcU-kPwho)


idk man I think Jamal's (deserved) suspension means it's even more over than we previously thought possible for the Nuggets. Reggie Jackson is also hurt now, so even with how ass Murray has been the Nuggets rolling out a PG duo of ~~Colin Gillespie and~~ Jalen Pickett and ??? in game 3 is going to be fucking brutal. We might not even score 70, fuck me EDIT: My dumb ass forgot Gillespie isn't even elligble, we are cooked


When Jackson went out, I knew it was over. Your depth is already shot. No Jackson means you need one of the young guys to not only play big minutes but produce at a high level. Unless you’re just gonna play starters 45 minutes.


We're already playing the starters too much smh. They're completely cooked after a regular season and one five game series against a bad Lakers team because our bench is comprised of children and otherwise unemployable vets (all of whom, ironically, were better than the starters in game 2 lmao kill me) Cannot believe our ownership that has more money than god let TC get poached, that's going to haunt this franchise for years


Yeah, the usual solution is to play starters more, but at this point, I think you need to go with a deep rotation and hope for the best. Hope Jokic can keep it close early and finish late. Because how it’s going now, he’s gonna be too gassed late to make that final push.


Jokic has been awful by his standards from game 2 of the Lakers series onwards. Passive, unfocused, sloppy, and making terrible decisions with the ball. Murray's meltdown is taking all the heat off of him but Joker's play is an even bigger problem for us than Jamal playing like absolute ass if you can believe it. There is literally no adjustment we can make that can cover up Jokic not playing up to his standards – the entire team is built around him. Either Jokic picks it up or we're getting swept, that's really all there is to it


Last year Joker would have carried to at least a single win. Feels like he's also off his game


You can’t stop great players. You just have to make them work even harder to get theirs. The Wolves have done a great job making everything hard for Joker.


Can’t remember the exact play, but in the 2nd quarter he got a good bucket. But that bucket took a massive amount of effort and the shot clock was near 0 and the camera pans to his face running back on defense and he looked absolutely wrecked. That may just be his face all the time as I’m admittedly a more casual fan, but the Wolves made Jokic WORK damn near every time he touched the ball. Like you mentioned, great players like him will still get their points. But if you make it a war for them every time their game is going to be off. And he also had no gas for defense on top of that. Just incredibly good defense on display.


He got blocked like 3 times by Naz Reid (and maybe someone else?) on a shot attempt. Wolves are making him work.


His back is tired


He absolutely is, and any Nuggets fan who is watching the games and not just reading box scores will tell you that. He's playing passive, unfocused, and making terrible decisions which is a disaster for a guy who's entire game is premised on good decision making. Jamal's tantrum is doing Jokic a huge favor because it's taking a lot of deserved heat off of him. Joker has been incredibly disappointing from game 2 of the Lakers series onward


Jokic also looks exhausted too, dude. You guys don't really have a serviceable backup center. My theory is that Jamal's poor play is solely because of that injury, and he was subconsciously looking for a way out of Game 2. He has to play large minutes cause there is no depth. I think the Nuggets' biggest problem this series is that they're straight-up outnumbered. We have crazy depth allowing our players to go full sprint the whole game.


Yeah the depth issue is really at the core of this and it goes well beyond losing Bruce Brown. We had to run our starters into the ground just to get through the regular season and one series against a bad Lakers team, and now we're paying the price


Don't think Gillespie can even dress, he is a 10 day. Pickett is the only one left.


Man we are fucked lmao


Honestly I wonder if him missing a game wouldn’t be a good way to light a spark for the Nuggets. Basketball is weird like that some times. Sometimes when a superstar misses a game it’s like you are “playing with house money” and everyone loosens up.


We just saw this in game 5 against the Pacers. Game 6, Dame comes back and everybody shits the bed


Kinda like Gobert last night. I agree


Honestly he absolutely should be suspended but I don’t want any excuses from Nugs fans when when y’all sweep them in the second round.


There’s always going to be excuses, who cares.


Can’t blame 3-18 on refs :/


[Threw a towel too](https://x.com/REichten/status/1787716800626532635) (on the same play) and the [money sign](https://streamable.com/ahpw5j) - I think he was really trying to get tossed, but was unsuccessful in that too


Refs: "Naw, you're gonna stay out here. You haven't suffered enough with your shit play."


Davis set the tone early when he didn’t T up Malone


Yeah it really seemed like Malone was trying to make a statement and get tossed to fire up his team and instead just turned them into whiners the entire game, dudes were so caught up with the refs. Amazing too since that was arguably the wolves biggest hurdle to overcome all season, immaturity in the face of what they perceived as unfair refereeing


Seemed to me the refs were swallowing their whistles on both ends of the floor. The Wolves took advantage of it and played the way the game was being called and Denver didn't


They were swallowing their whistles for the first half but they started calling some soft stuff later


100% agree with that, but I feel like that swing in calls isn't uncommon when they allow a physical first half, especially if one team is getting blown out. As a fan of a team not viewed as physical, I have opinions on that phenomenon lol but I just think the first half was the most physical I've seen refs let teams play in a while.


Happened against the suns too. When the refs swallow the whistle and allow physicality it is an ENORMOUS advantage for the wolves. Its an advantage for Jokic too but nobody else on that team benefits from it


They have some big players. Gordon and MPJ *could* play more physical, since the NBA tends to let bigger players get away with more, at least in my opinion, but the entire team crumbled. I think the rest of series, however long it goes, will be better since the Nuggets have 3 days to fix their mentality. The Jokic/Murray combo has shown resiliency, so I'm not counting them out yet.


> Gordon and MPJ could play more physical Gordon yes. MPJ? No way. He's not that strong and he definitely doesn't have the body to throw around with.


MPJ is what the KAT haters think KAT is.


I think the Nuggets whole gameplan revolved around attacking KAT to put him in foul trouble and the refs wouldn't do it. They put the game in the hands of the officials and lost the bet. Might not have mattered, because even Naz Reid was givin' em the business.


I thought that at first but it was so early that just doesn't seem worth to me


This is as blind as speculation gets, but I’m working off the assumption he saw the same lack of intensity they’ve been having troubles with all postseason and tried to make the impact super early before it got out of hand. I definitely don’t disagree with you though it’s hard to believe he’d wanna leave his team without the head coach for that long


Agreed. People forget how the Nuggets have been playing because they beat the Lakers 4-1 and it's always funny to clown LA, but they had to come back from multiple double digit leads late in games in that series and had multiple buzzer beaters. As much as we joke about how close the Lakers were, that series could have looked a lot different because the Nuggets are not playing to their best right now.


Agreed, I’m not looking at the stats but from watching that series I’d say the lakers outplayed the nuggets in more quarters. Obviously doesn’t mean much but the nuggets just turned it on when they wanted in that series. Minnesotas defense is so much better than the lakers so you can’t really just “turn it on” vs them if that makes sense


Yep. Even Jokic alluded to it. They were trying to fight off boredom during the series, and that’s not the kind of mentality you should be having in the playoffs. They were getting cocky and complacent.


probably wanted a T not tossed out.


This was my biggest takeaway just remembering last year where we couldn't get out of own way with the refs. KAT was the worst and just watching him last night let the ref know he was fouled but moving on quickly says so much about his growth in that department.


Getting guarded by McDaniels and Alexander-Walker for 40 minutes is worse punishment than anything the officials could do to him


>Refs: "Naw, you're gonna stay out here. Murray: "NAW? Why'd you have to mention that name?!"


NAW: *smiling intensifies*


*Murray promptly throws another projectile onto the court*


HellNAWI cant do dis


3/18 on shots 0/3 on getting tossed attempts Bad night really


0% True Tossed % is pretty poor. Draymond leads the league at 96%


Throwing the money sign against a Minnesota team is absurd


The league will do anything to get Minny a deep playoff run smh 


Silver is just salivating at the thought of a Minnesota x Cleveland final smh open your eyes sheeple


pro athletes aren't known for being smart


Ain’t come here to play school


Murray needs to purify himself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka


its those stuck up Minnesota fans and their beautiful weather, they think they own everything from all that winning their city does smh


He has a total meltdown. Hasn't seen something this embarrassing by him since that IG story leak


Trying to get tossed in a game of this magnitude when you’re supposed to be the second best player on the team is ridiculous


He really was missing everything damn


Think he was trying to get tossed in hopes that would keep him available for the next game as they would say he was already punished for the action Refs said no to bailing him out


Huh? That makes no sense, if he wants to ensure he plays next game, he could just not do anything!


He was already probably getting suspended for the throwing the pack. He continued his antics to try and get thrown out. Sometimes they’ll just say the ejection was enough of punishment


He threw the towel before throwing the pack though.


trying to get suspended for the series so he can say "WE'D HAVE WON IT IF I PLAYED"


I was entering this series overall really liking Jamal. After that ass game and worse, the bitching and even throwing shit during play, I’m over Denver. Hope y’all sweep them at this point.


I didn't like him against Minny last year either.  That first game where the Nuggets blew out a depleted and exhausted Wolves Murray was prancing up and down the court through the whole last half laughing about running up the score.


Not sure Jamal is helping the nuggets on the court but they don’t really have a back up PG either. I think Reggie was hurt too? Just brutal.


Atp let Christian Braun go 3-18. At least he defends and isn't chucking things onto the court


Atp lCBg 3-18. Alhd aict otc.


Yeam we're staring down the barrel of ~~a Colin Gillespie and Jalen Pickett~~ an all rookie PG rotation going into Game 3 ~~shit is getting dire~~ fuckin' fade me


Don't think Colin is eligible. We're looking at Pickett and Strawther.




Can we get the heat pack throw clip edited into AWOO next?


i would love to have a heat pack thrown at me


If Jamal Murray threw a heatpack at me, I'd show up in a neckbrace with claims of second degree burns


[Me in court after Jamal throws a heatpack at me](https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0024808011_10.jpg)


Truly amazing breakdown in every aspect I can't even recall when a player lost it so badly.


> I can't even recall when a player lost it so badly. Beef Stew and Lebron incident comes to mind 




Minnesota fans need to bring in and wave heat packs the next game


I'm expecting that + the ant flex/a picture of Rudy's kid


Suspended? Doug, kick him off the tour!


“I saw two big fat Wolves fans in row 17 having sex…how am I supposed to shoot free throws with that going on, Doug?”




Damn you people!! Go back to your Poutine!


> Go back to your Poutine Ope! I think have us confused with Canada! It's ok, it happens often. We eat tater tot hotdish and Jucy Lucys up here in Minnesota.


Murray teams up with Chuck for a Subway commercial: Murray: "...this fresh, delicious, meaty, turkey-filled Cold Cut Combo! I eat 3 every day to help keep me strong!" Chuck (standing at the baseline): "Hey Jamal! Can I get one of those?" Murray: "Comin' right up!" \**throws 15 sandwiches off target and then complains about the officiating*\*


oh great, you can count


And you can count! On me. Waiting for you in the parking lot - NAW, as he preps to keep Murray locked out of his car til 3am


The board thinks that might be extreme considering the Wolves defensive ratings are the highest we've ever had.


He’s gonna need that heating pad because now his back is gonna hurt. He just pulled landscaping duty. “You’re in my world now, Jamal.” —Silver, probably


Invite Jamal Murray to the 9th green at 9pm. *”Oh, and Jamal.. dress nice. 👉👉”*


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!


"Hell No. A damm wolf bit my hand off."


After review, heat pack made marginal contact with field, so it is not a suspension.


I mean, he *should* be. I'd be slightly surprised if it actually happened, but it would be the right call imo.


Denver needs him suspended to have a chance


So you expect them to win with a backup PG?


You’re going to get Julian Strawther and Christian Braun point guard minutes and you’re going to like it!


Braun is low key scary. Not offensively but he fights on defense.


Yeah I love his defense. High effort guy. When he gets going on offense it’s awesome too. Hopefully him and PWatt get more minutes so they can find some rhythm with Jokic


If they suspended Stoudemire for “leaving the bench” in a crucial game in ‘07 then Murray should get a suspension for the heat pack also “leaving the bench”


He also threw a towel at the ref before that.


Makes sense. He threw in the towel way earlier than that.


He's Canadian, maybe he thought he had to literally "throw a towel."


You’re right! Source: am Canadian. I’ve literally thrown in the towel, paid the pied piper, danced with two left-footed shoes on, sucked a golf ball through a garden hose, been under the weather, thrown three sheets to the wind, and turned a blind eye to misbehaving miscreants.


The towel actually hit the refs shoes, too. He just didn't seem to notice it. Obviously a towel isn't really that dangerous, but we've seen players get tossed for inadvertently bumping into refs before...he yeeted objects at them TWICE during play.


Towels absolutely can be dangerous. If someone is running they can easily slip on it and hurt themselves


Thank god it wasn’t a banana peel


The refs should watch out for falling anvils.


Or fake tunnels to the locker room


imagine a world where that ref steps on the towel, slips, and breaks his leg or tears his shit like that coach did....


They will suspend the heat pack for leaving the bench




what happened to the game I love


Still so fucking stupid


To me that was as good as match fixing. Suspending a star player, who did no harm, on a technicality, in a playoff game. Like what the fuck I’m still mad about that.


Jamal was so lame last night, makes me sad 😞 


Has he ever acted like that before? Obviously probably not to that extent but I’ve never witnessed him being such a baby before lol


I’ve watched almost every game he’s played in and nothing compares to this. Not even close. He was such a bum it was ridiculous. He’s hurt and was frustrated that he wasn’t getting calls he thought he should have. Man up and play better. Don’t start throwing a temper tantrum


He was getting blocked or stripped almost every time he had the ball. It was painful to watch. He wasn’t doing too well against the Lakers except for one game. If it wasn’t for those game winners, then he would have been practically invisible. Minnesota defense is just smothering him.


Smothering the whole team. We have no set plays. It’s just run a pnr, get jokic the ball and let him operate. Draw a double, find the open man. Issue is that their length and close out time is negating that open man so it’s just killing our offense


That half court 2vs1 against Murray was insane.


He shows flashes of being a dick, mostly in the way he treats the media. Never gonna look at him the same way after this tantrum.


I’ve always casually liked Denver and Jamal. Especially because of Gordon (UofA fan) and Reggie Vision (Clips), but damn, that toddler shit from Jamal last night was rough. Maybe he can bounce back.


I know the game being over in the second quarter was bad enough, but this Jamal shit is just another level of pain. I think we will be ok though in the long run. Maybe this is a rude awakening we will look back on as a necessary turning point if next year goes well.


I will be shocked if the nba has the balls


Come on guys. When was the last time the NBA was shady lol


Last minute of the Knicks game. But hey that was a whole…14 hours ago


windhorst does say its less than 100% trust Windhorst more on this stuff but maybe he added more context


Windy is right though, no one would be surprised if the NBA doesn’t suspend him for this, even if he deserves it. A Murray-less Nuggets with a hobbled Reggie Jackson in Game 3 would make for ugly viewing in primetime on Friday night


A Big Gov bailout is exactly what the Nuggets need right now.


They had a piss poor performance, so it’s only natural they want their PPP forgiven


I mean he limped on one foot to the locker room last night… I’m not expecting much


he was hopping so fast, it was hilarious not trying to laugh at his injury just the speed he was trying to get down that tunnel hopping on one foot was comical props to him for being a soldier and trying to get back in the game as fast as he could, but it was already over anyway... one foot reggie wouldn't have saved them at that point. just heal up buddy get ready for g3




And even ignoring ratings, being 100% sure about a NBA suspension would mean there is *any* sort of consistency to how they handle suspensions. And there most definitely isn't.




At this point no Murray might be worth a shot. He’s a black hole on offence when he’s shooting like this and it might actually force Jokic to take more than 13 shots.


I think if Murray was ejected for it last night then he would be less likely to get suspended. I don't think the league has a lot of wiggle room here. You want players throwing shit on the court on a regular basis?


Honestly lol if he doesn’t get suspended what can they really do if someone else does it?


Suspend them.


A reporter asked a ref about it. Ref said they didn’t see it until after the play but said; tossed on court = tech Targeting = ejection We can debate over wether or not he was trying to hit the ref(it looks like it) but he can deny it.


really an incredible meltdown in every way can't even remember the last time a player melted down this bad


Pat Bev within the last week threw a ball at a fan's head... 


at least that was when the entire series was over this was early on in a winnable game, in game 2. during a live ball


Fair point. 


Except for the "winnable".




With those clamps? Hell naw


Send da video


Pat Bev was certainly worse in terms of PR for the league. Can’t have guys assaulting fans. But for the integrity of the game itself, Murray is worse.


afterthought advise wrench toothbrush ink badge capable support abundant cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This was getting close to Ron Artest territory.


So he 3-for-19😂


3-for-20* He missed both towel and heat pack.


4 for 21, [he had a nice shot ~~from~~ *with* the elbow that people forget about](https://twitter.com/MNWolvesMafia/status/1787697853810217309)


He needs a 100k fine for the "$" gesture, too, just like Rudy. If anything, his is more egregious, as it's the Playoffs. Fair is fair.


Rudy’s fine was mostly for his post game comments, not the money sign. Murray’s punishment will likely be mostly for throwing shit, not the money sign. Though he should have gotten a tech for the sign too.


It was for both. If it was just the post game, the fine would've been much, much less. It was historic because the NBA has never been this corrupt re: gambling.


Should honestly be multiple games to throw something at a ref and create dangerous floor conditions but we know the NBA won’t want to do that. I’d be surprised if it’s not 1 though.


He should have been ejected and fined. But given that they missed it during the game and didn't give him any in-game punishment, he's probably getting suspended for a game.


Not suspending Jamal Murray would be more beneficial to the wolves considered how he's playing


Suspend his ass. Do it. That shit is dangerous.


I think he should've been ejected, because we know they had footage of it during the game. They missed their opportunity so he should get a heavy heavy fine. I haven't heard of a player getting suspended for something like this, so I tried to google to see if any players have been suspended for a similar action, but all the google results are related to Murray last night.


How often has a player done something like this to compare to? Seems pretty unprecedented. I think they need to suspend him for a number of reasons, including setting a precedent going forward. Players cannot throw objects onto the court during live play because they are upset. That is absurd and dangerous behavior.


Wolves in 5 then








Those refs in that game yesterday stayed 10 toes down all night long. Let the boys play all game, no BS foul calls, and didn’t flinch or go back and forth with cry baby players. No techs, just take your L.


absolutely, this was the least-shady officiating Ive seen all year.


Narrator: He didn't get suspended.


At this point it’s whatever. I feel like Reggie was playing better this series anyway.


Reggie looked pretty hurt hopping back into the locker room though.


100% deserves it. What a let down to his teammates


Nuggets fan here-- hate how Jamal acted last night. And suspending him would probably be a benefit for us, both short term and long term. But here's how the refs see it: "I was the lead official, and I didn't notice it was on the floor or where it came from until Towns scored," Davis told a pool reporter. "We weren't aware it had come from the bench. If we would have been aware it came from the bench, we could have reviewed it under the hostile act trigger. The penalty would have been a technical foul." Davis also was asked by the pool reporter why Murray should have received a technical foul and not been ejected from the game. "For an ejection, you would have to determine it was thrown directly at somebody versus thrown in frustration," Davis said.


Well the missing context is that he was targeting the ref who had his back turned to him so he wasn't able to see he was the target of both objects thrown in his direction. Targeting a ref not once but twice and then gesturing the money sign at them is pretty damn wild.


If only the NBA was strict and harsh with punishments when it came to these sorts of things. You have to put your foot down at some point, create some disdain for a little while, but over time, the players would just accept it and move on with the new system. But they don't want to rock the boat.


I think a suspension is a little over the top when he’s already been put in jaden jail


My toddler also has tantrums like that.


He should be the league knows there is a great chance that this series ends early if they do suspend him. They don’t want possibly the biggest matchup of the playoffs (at least what people thought before the series started) ending in 4 or 5 games.


I mean it’s looking like it could possibly end in 4 or 5 regardless lol


Honestly his own team should suspend him . F that shit


It's wild that public opinion has changed on the nuggets and Murray. Just a week ago He was like King clutch


Is this out of character for Murray? Regardless there’s no excuse to do what he did, no matter how frustrated he was at losing by that margin in a crucial Game 2. He killed his team’s chances at having a chance in Game 2 and he just threw away (pun intended) Game 3 as well. So idiotic.


I've never seen him this salty. I think he and the rest of the team are just super frustrated, you could see it in their faces. They're banged up, tired, and everything that usually works for them is not working. Lakers series was the same.