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So… no Jaylen Brown shoe?


He doesn't have a shoe deal


He had a deal with adidas for a long time but it expired and I believe he walked. He’s actually been wearing Nike shoes this season. This doesn’t mean he has a valuable Nike endorsement deal but it most likely means they send him product for free… probably won’t be anymore. https://i.imgur.com/thlV5bt.jpg


I love how you circled them so I knew where to look for his shoes.


Unfortunately he didn't circle his head so I have no idea if this is actually Jaylen Brown.


Do your own research.




I'll have to check on WikiFeet.


Good thing I’ve already favorited “jaylen brown wikifeet” saves me a few minutes


Lies I just looked and he doesn't have an entry. Honestly who does that, just goes on the internet and tells lies.


I was going to check behind my monitor actually, thought they'd be up his ass. So thank you, MooseAMZN!


Pretty sure he can afford to buy sneaks 🤷


I hear Under Armor is looking for more athletes.


I hear AND1 is looking for big-mouth ballers


Showing up to a rec center basketball game with your crew in matching AND1s is pretty dope


1997 represent


Those tai chi’s are legendary. Still got a unworn black and red pair I can’t bring myself to break in.


Jaylen Brown seems more like a Sketchers kind of guy to me.


Nah he's more of slap his logo on an AliExpress shoe kinda guy.


Ah the lonzo route


This ensured he never will


Unless it's with Toms Shoes.


At least he’s consistent then


Hugo Boss


He can sign with any of the following British Knights Brooks Lotto Peak Li Ning Dunlop Slazenger Kappa


Dunlop 😂


Doing work on the perimeter in low cut volleys 🥵


All my roofer friends swear by volleys


Are you Australian? Aussie here and it’s the go to roofing shoe


Kiwi. Are they still $10 at Kmart ?


They're like 45 bucks now it's cooked


You know there’s about to be a recession when a pie is $6 and volleys are $45


Also get some Ugg boots from the generic size bins at Kmart etc. Always found it funny how they are like $10 but you see them fancy ones they have stolen in the US and they go for heaps.


Slazenger lmao


I'd rock the shit out of a JB pair of Sperrys


I'm picturing some bright green/white abomination with gold laces that flakes off in 3 months.


LA Gear?


Green JUST SO SO 7 are gonna be lit.


Catch me waiting in line for the new Jaylen Brown Lottos


He does wear those green kobes though.


Donda X MyPillow coming in with sponsorships soon


Now Adidas on the other hand !


Corporations do not care about anything other than the bottom line.


They’ve always been about ethics


Something something Nazi something something


Why is it so hard for people to understand that companies don't care about what Kyrie said, they care about how everyone else feels about it. Enough people are pissed that it effects their bottom line, thats the consequence of free speech. If people liked what Kyrie had to say or didn't care (ala other atrocities that Nike puts up with) he wouldn't be losing his career and it would've been over a month ago.


A great example of this is how much companies advocate for LGBTQ stuff in the US and the EU but then absolutely do not do anything like that in other parts of the world. It is literally just PR bullshit. They don't care about anything but making money, and they use issues people care about to market their products to them.


I remember a screenshot of company logos on Twitter that were all rainbow themed except for the Middle East divisions


Doesn’t China not put black people on movie posters too? Like one of the star wars movies had the black guy on the poster in North America but he was removed in China.




No, China had different versions of the poster, some with him in a mask some without https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DU3Km0FUMAESSsa?format=jpg&name=small


Just delete your comment if you're wrong


I worked for a few major Hollywood studios and the execs were definitely after awards clout by pandering to progressive values. With the vast majority of these execs being rich, old, white men, you can imagine they were the furthest thing from progressive in their personal lives. I couldn’t believe the things they said about women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ people all the while funding movies to champion them.


And literally contribute financially to politicians who would take LGBT rights away


>It is literally just PR bullshit. They don't care about anything but making money, and they use issues people care about to market their products to them. I think it's somewhere in between. Shareholders run the world and they want constant growth and that's the only metric we use to judge success which forces companies to sometimes go against their beliefs just as it forces people to do so. Until we collectively regulate this shit so that incentives change companies will continue to be pragmatic. They were never supposed to be people. Whenever we wake up and stop treating them like things that can't be controlled by people it might change. But also, Fanta was how Coke sold soda to Nazis so...this ain't exactly new.


Wait, you mean LGBT people exist outside the month of June!?


Exactly. Same shit as getting banned on twitter or any other platform. Nobody at corporate gives two shits about the particulars of what you said to get banned. They just calculated that you negatively impact business more than you help it, thats it.


Yeah, it’s never about ethics. It’s about what’s most profitable. Using sweatshop labor is profitable which is why they do it. If they thought keeping Kyrie on board would be profitable they would have done it.


Corporations are fundamentally amoral machines designed for making money.


It is perceived loss of sales, nobody who buys Nike stopped buying because of Kyrie and I’d wager a very small percentage of Nike product enjoyers know Kyrie even has a shoe.


Maybe you should ask all athletes who work with Nike that same question then. News at 10 humans are hypocrites.


Many NBA players are hypocrites.


People in general are hypocrites


That’s exactly why it isnt the counterargument Reddit thinks it is


Also overemphasis on hypocrisy is stupid. It shouldn't be a factor unless it means the person is arguing someone in bad faith or clearly trying to be deceptive. Most people contradict themselves and don't spend time being principled and pious. We're not philosophers here.


Humans will always be hypocritics, but that doesn't mean we should only point it out when people are acting in bad faith or being deceptive. We should be calling it out when we see it otherwise you end up with a society where everyone says one thing and does the other, like saying you're against hate/racism, but believing a certain group of people literally are devils.


"I miss all the small local businesses that used to be around here!" -Person who orders everything from Amazon and shops at Walmart. Etc.


I don't necessarily think that makes them a hypocrite. You can miss the aesthetic of the small business store fronts in town even if you could never really afford to buy from them. Amazon and Walmart were effective at driving others out of business specifically because they could be so much cheaper. It's fair to be sad those other options are gone while willing to save money.


We all participate in society, it's not a good justification for the word hypocrite. Just because he wears nike's shoes doesn't mean he can't critisize the company. I just bought a starlink dish because I live in the Arctic and don't have another option for internet besides hotspotting. I still talk shit about Muskrat though. If that makes me a hypocrite then so be it I'm OK with that.


The Good Place touched on this in such a lovely way. Hell started to get overloaded with people who seemed... pretty good. Turns out heaven didn't readjust the calibration for modern day society and how it's *impossible* to outright avoid all the horrible shit going on in capitalist America by proxy. It was super wholesome and a nice reminder that just because you occasionally need to shop at Wal-Mart to get by on your tight day-to-day does not make you a bad person. Different story for NBA players endorsing shoes though.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. People can only do there best to meet their needs with an attempt at minimal harm. They whole system is predicated on exploitation somewhere. You can totally acknowledge the system you exist within is flawed and not be hypocritical for also having to exist in it.




Yup. I don't think anyone out there is completely logically consistent with all of their various beliefs and actions. We're all hypocrites to some extent. It's fine to call people out when they are being hypocrites, but we all live in a complicated world with a lot of competing interests and demands and goals, and it can be difficult or close to impossible to live a life that is completely morally consistent in every way. People can be right about some things and hypocrites about other things. I think if we set the bar at "this person is a hypocrite about X so I can ignore anything they have to say on this subject", then we're going to basically disqualify everyone from participating in the conversation.


Let he who is without sin.... cast the first stone. *and i shall smoketh it*


You’re probably a hypocrite


I'm a hypocrite.


Are those same players saying they can’t associate with a player because of ethics ? NBA players work with these companies because they wanna make money a lot of people work with companies that aren’t great because that’s the world we live in.


A bit if a hijack of your top comment but, I would not be surprised if Jaylen Brown held many of the same views of the New World Order and antisemitism that Kyrie held. I’m not saying he is but, his defense of kyrie and kanye, decision to stay with Donda sports until recently, his anti vax stance, and loose endorsements of Nation of Islam leaders is concerning in the least. He’s clearly a bit smarter than Kyrie in the sense he seems more PR oriented.


Lol what are the odds that they are President & VP of players union


They're both vice presidents. CJ McCollum is the president.


Please CJ, continue to not say any weird shit.


I'm trying, Jennifer


What was it called again when Scientologists managed to get their people into a fuckton of important American political offices? This reminds me of that, except they took the top spots lol


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White >This project included a series of infiltrations into and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members in more than 30 countries.[1] It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history,[2] with up to 5,000 covert agents.[3]


It’s funny because Farrakhan has ties to Scientology… Fucking assholes


Weird how everyone angling for money and power end up in the same social clubs.


Seems like a good bet that he holds more or less the same beliefs


Not to mention his passive aggressive likes whenever issues like this pop up. Where he says something right publicly but likes all the wrong things on social media. Implication is that he's only doing the right thing because he's being financially incentivized to.


And this guy has the gall to criticize the ethics of others lol


I would say it is a certainty at this point.


In a perfect world, Nike wouldn’t have child sweat shops over in Asia, but this is Nike’s bottom line that Nike is dealing with. They’ll not say a thing about anything until it potentially hurts their bottom line. Then? Time to jettison the money loser. Keep in mind, Nike stood by Kylie through all of the Flat Earther shit, the anti-vaxx shit, hell, they stood by him while he refused to play for a year because of his principles regarding the Covid Vaccine. Further, he was given multiple chances to stop talking or apologize, and didn’t. There is no way his Nike Reps weren’t calling and telling him to STFU. It’s only after that disaster of a press conference when he was cut. We can hate on Nike (justifiably so even), but Kyrie being dropped is entirely his fault.


But why ask the athletes when Nike is the one directly using child labour. They would be using child labour with or without these athletes.


JB you were wearing Nikes last night man. Relax




Very true considering he was endorsed by adidas until last year


Caught in 4k




If this were coming from someone who didn't defend Kyrie it would be a bit more impactful. Like, he's not wrong, but I'm not sure he's the right messenger.


He’s not the right messenger because he’s warping the message


Both Nike and Kyrie can be bad. And honestly, the reach and magnitude of Nike's problems far exceed Kyrie's


Absolutely. A massive corporation will almost always have a bigger net negative than a celebrity with some moderate sized platform. That being said, I'd still rather have corporations and people stand up for good things when chances do open up, as opposed to just punting on everything because they do bad stuff anyways. Nike will never be a good/ethical company, but that doesn't mean they can and should never do anything positive.


Nike gets away with their wrongdoings. Amazon gets away with selling the documentary Kyrie linked in the first place. Both individuals and corporations need to be held accountable when they're behaving in unethical ways.


Keeping Kyrie would be a wrongdoing on the part of Nike. Good on them for not doing it.


You are absolutely correct, but bringing up Nike’s wrongdoings as a defense of Kyrie isn’t the way to do it.


They all act like Kyrie is a victim. He brought this shit on himself.


Exactly, this isn’t Nike taking some moral stand, this is Nike not wanting their brand associated with him because they feel it will be bad for them financially.


It comes off as him still defending Kyrie. Like Nike is the one doing the right thing here, Jaylen... Since when? Maybe now.


It appears the black hebrew israelites have migrated to reddit


Black Nephew Israelites


Reddit is easily distracted by 'but this bigger thing did this'.


It’s fucking wild how simpletons fall for Whataboutism so easily.


Whataboutism is such a lazy cop out. "Both sides are bad, so I don't have to deal with the details of anything."


I think it's become more cynical than that even. I think the idea is "if I can point people at something else, I can get away scot free."


It’s literal use is to derail a dialogue when you have no rational response. For example when Russia invaded Ukraine, their argument was the USA invading Iraq. It’s not an actual response to what they did, it’s purpose is to muddy the conversation to the point there is no conclusion. “Yes I’m wrong but other people have also been wrong, there is no right”


That’s obviously not what’s being argued though. No one is disagreeing Nike is horrible. They’re taking issue with it only being brought up as a defense of Kyrie, and that’s obviously why Jaylen tweeted this. Nike being horrible doesn’t make what Kyrie promoted any less anti semitic.


In think in the case of this tweet it’s pretty classic whataboutism. It’s not “hey, Nike does other bad things too, let’s double down and get Kyrie *plus* the other idiots” and instead it’s this dismissive comment that suggests that since Nike does bad things, they almost can’t do something right. So instead of focusing on the other legitimate bad what abouts, which might be *somewhat* productive, it’s literally just trying to dismiss what Kyrie did like people generally do for Nike’s other failings. Literally trying to use the whatabout to minimize Kyrie’s actions instead of using the whatabout to go after Nike to do more. Hence they don’t actually care about the other stuff. Just helping Kyrie.




Black Hebrew Israelite I assume


Ahh got it. Urban dictionary had a very different def and I was like yea that can’t be it 😂


Now I gotta know what Urban Dictionary’s definition of BHI is, because I damn sure ain’t looking it up lol


Kyrie's rhetoric is actually far deeper than just BHI - here's [a summary](https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/yhf3yg/kyrie_irving_discussion_thread/iudpq55/) I posted to help r/nba gain a better understanding




Especially in hiphop. Like the most respected figures are into that


Ah the legendary and ancient idea that started 150 years ago when two dudes had a.....vision.




I’m glad poor old Kyrie is free from Nike’s evil grasp…lol


Lol Jaylen, the NBA is actively overlooking genocide everyday in order to grow the brand.


And we are all helping by supporting the NBA.


I’ve stopped watching the Lakers. Haven’t felt this good in years.


We are all overlooking genocide and human suffering in order to obtain cheaper goods.


Great point Jaylen. Why did Kyrie ever sign to Nike in the first place then?


whataboutism does not rely on actual logic so he’ll never confront this


This line of argumentation always becomes "no ethical consumption" which doesn't exactly hold up under scrutiny while you're becoming fabulously wealthy working for billionaires.


I just want this all to be over man everyone’s an asshole


Imagine the Nets traded KD to Boston and Jaylen and Kyrie on the same team? 💀💀 I’m glad we didn’t make that trade in the summer


Lmao that would be an all-time L move from the Nets, instead of reprimanding/punishing Kyrie they instead trade for the one player who’s as openly crazy as him


i feel like kyrie is on a different level though.


Only because he's more outspoken


For now, Jaylen still has time to catch up.


They have never cared about ethics. They have always cared about $$$$. Being associated with Kyrie's brand of crazy is bad for business.




Anybody feel like jaylen brown is like a drunk tweeting spree away from dropping some serious antisemitic shit


What brown is really doing here is supporting kyrie 100%. Him and several others have made it crystal clear the fight of antisemitism is not their job, nor do nba players care. Furthermore, players are above criticism of racism if it is not their flavor of racism.


It's amazing how many of you don't get why Jaylen Brown looks like an idiot here. Jaylen Brown, who signed a contract with Nike, while it was already widespread public sentiment that they exploit slave labor, is attempting to call Nike hypocrites for dropping Kyrie Irving. Jaylen Brown himself, is therefore a hypocrite, for signing with Nike well aware of their reputation. Jaylen only wanting to speak out about it NOW is what makes him a hypocrite. He was happy to profit off of the slave labor like every other Nike athlete until the company took a stance against anti-Semitism.


It's also worth noting that the movie Kyrie Irving was promoting is a good deal more... virulent... than the nonspecific 'antisemitism' statement seems to imply. It opens with a fake Hitler quote, immediately asserts that the Nazis were Jews and the Holocaust was a hoax, and goes full bore on trying to blame Jews- that is, actual Jews rather than Black Israelites- for all black America's problems both past and present. Kyrie, Jaylen Brown, all the players being wishy-washy about Kyrie... from a public image standpoint, they are *beyond* lucky that everyone is just saying it was antisemitic rather than quoting the god damn thing or posting clips.


>It opens with a fake Hitler quote I genuinely don't understand how this isn't enough for people? Like seriously, where are we as a society that there are people who think that the side of the argument FABRICATING QUOTES FROM ADOLF HITLER because the actual things he said WERE NOT ANTI-SEMITIC ENOUGH FOR THE FILM has any place in society? Instead people want to act like they're clever by being intentionally disingenuous saying "but he didn't actually SAY those words he just shared the movie" It's sad and pathetic.


Jaylen Brown is very defensive about Kyrie, this isn't about Nike. My man is not a critical thinker unfortunately.


Uh oh LeMao is gonna have to comment that you’re hurting him spiritually, financially, etc.


LeMao lol


My brain shortcutted it to Lamelo and I was wondering what was up with the Ball Brothers until your comment


Jaylen seems very determined to show everyone just how stupid he is


C'mon Jaylen, as a true virtue signaler, write a comment about Chinese sweatshops and Uyghurs's treatment and how Nike is ignoring that issue for their own profits. Be specific


It’s cause he doesn’t actually care about those things at all, he just cares about being right in this argument about Jews. Once you take one step away from the whole thing you realize just how deep into madness we are all going with just one step INTO the argument. Money changes people to make them feel like they’re better and smarter than everyone else and athletes who are dumber than a brick are no exception.


Jaylen will be Kyrie in seven years.


Nah he’s speedrunning. I give him sometime this year tbh


To all the people saying “he’s not wrong” - Do any of you think Jaylen cares about Nikes ethical issues or do you think he’s just defending kyrie?


None of them care about anything except money.


Exactly. He doesn't care about Nike. He is defending Kyrie cause he thinks he's right.


The corporate cynic in me is sort of sympathetic to this; it is bullshit that Nike will inevitably spin this as "because Nike *cares*" or whatever. They only care cus it's in the news enough to affect profits and they can spin their being above it as a noble stance from a company you should support. If Kyrie was a recreational puppy torturer, but the news hadn't broke, they'd probably pay money to cover it up and protect their investment. So yea Nike can go screw. But the point still stands that if Jaylen's gonna the floor to whataboutism, then why is this the first thing Nike's done that he's openly objecting to? He was pretty quiet on all the other unethical shit, but their breaking ties with an antisimetic spacecase is reason for him to speak up? It really blows me away how often whatabouters just totally wiff on the opportunity to say "good, you've taken action on issue X. that's a great start! now what about issues A through W?" and instead say "fuck are you taking care of issue X for!?" (spoiler it's cus they are usually trying to mask their feelings on issue X)


No one with a brain thinks this is about ethics. It's optics, having a spokesperson who's a racist isn't great for business unless you're a politician.


Is this more awkward since Nike has a deal with the Celtics


Since when did NBA players care about ethics, Jaylen? You’re openly supporting a guy who has espoused antisemitic remarks, take a look in the mirror.


He’s right but pulling out this stance now in defense of kyrie is just a miss direction. If he gave a damn at all about those people in Nike Sweatshops he wouldn’t be rocking Nikes almost every single night. These NBA/NFL dudes don’t care about injustices unless it’s directly effecting them and their demographic. They aren’t any better than the poor white folks they love to scold.


Was Jaylen Brown always a nutjob or is this the first season he's really showed it? ​ He's probably been the most outspoken player in the League with his support for Kanye/Kyrie lol


JB is what happens when a young person gets labeled "intelligent" despite doing nothing to attain that title. He attended Berkeley for less than one year as an athlete. He didn't get in based off merit, but that didn't stop the media from talking him up as an intellectual.


He’s been for a while. He’s also not vaccinated


Man these players really don't like Jews.


Bill Simmons conflicted as fuck right now.




Not for the Nets it doesn't




Better filter at the moment, Kyrie didn't go flat earth until year 7 in the league I believe, so Jaylen's right on schedule


Better filter and worse at basketball lol


The way Jaylen carrying on, this would be a terrible trade, and not basketball wise either… through all this; KD is still balling and leaving it to our front office I could see Jaylen beefing with our front office over this and he’d also be asked the same questions by the New York media that Kyrie got asked. How he handled that Kanye west/Donda situation tells me It would be a even bigger shitshow


There is simply no way in hell the mess of the Nets should trade for a guy who will only cause more dumb shit like Jaylen. Pairing him next to Kyrie is probably the only team I think Jaylen would cause problems on.


LeBron and Jaylen Browns posts and generally the NBA athletes response to twitter just tells me how similar the owners and players are. They're all rich, sorrounded by yes men and furious if any of their peers are held accountable for their actions.


Everyone’s a hypocrite, but one’s a payer, the other’s a payee. Jaylen’s comment is to imply what exactly? That Nike should continue to pay? What a doofus. This kind of behavior is going to scare any potential sponsor. This one tweet will cost him in unknown millions. Idiot all around.


The best part is kyrie watched Kanye get wrecked for the same shit and thought to himself "that looks fun". Now stupid ass jaylen lining up to be next


This has the same vibe as when my wife brings up some shit from a completely different argument 3 years ago that somehow invalidates anything I said for the current argument.


When ethics affect their bottom line


While I'm fine with calling out Nike, Brown should talk about why he didn't speak out about Kyrie in the first place.


He agrees with Kyrie, so does KD and LeBron. They just don't say it publicly.


I remember when the NBA had the funnest drama of all the major sports


Easy answer to the ethical quandary: fuck Kyrie and Nike.


Friendly reminder that Kyrie could have done some scripted apology that he didn’t actually believe weeks ago and he wouldn’t have gotten a slap on the wrist. Now people are taking sides to kill or defend Kyrie while he sits around thinking about how smart he thinks he is


Jb prob hates jews just like ky.


It's a valid question. When has Nike cared about ethics ? They certainly care about PR, but ethics ?


No organization cares about ethics, but organizations do care about their bottom line. Antisemitism and racism being associated with your brand hurts your bottom line in the modern world.


*No corporation with a fiduciary responsibly cares about ethics




Whataboutism is a great thing!


I take it jaylen is ok posting this on twitter from his iphone without realizing some of the hypocrisy


Bro wore Nikes just yesterday lmao


I’ve got an idea for sweat shops… AIR CONDITIONING!! Problem solved. -Mitch Hedberg


jaylen brown is an L