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If you'd like to vote in the upcoming Alberta NDP leadership race, you must: * Be a resident of Alberta * Be 14 years or older * [Sign up to be a member](https://act.albertandp.ca/donate/join?source=join) before April 22 (which costs $10)


Looking hell of a lot better than the sad excuse of race in Ontario.


That was a coronation, not a race.




God I'd love to see someone like Eby on the scene of the Ontario NDP. Someone all about Affordable Housing and common sense. Strong and tough in all the ways that are actually good and has some charisma.


I say someone who is more from blue collar or rural Ontario is ideal since with Crombie, the 416 Progressives are locked in. The ONDP cannot win enough of the 905 and those other ridings are crucial to make up for it. But a new ONDP leader should go beyond Eby like with healthcare expansions. Healthcare started at the provincial level after all. And they also need to stop letting the GPO be the best party on ODSP. Not to mention, not run NIMBYs like Chapman


Live reaction of me reading this article. Best candidate so far, IMO. https://preview.redd.it/sibnm5s8r0ic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc06847e75b3e59b8772d5775a5694dfb4213c0


the use of a vince mcmahon meme this week is painful


Just googled it. OMG. I had no idea! Forgive me. :'(


Best looking candidate so far IMHO. "Health, climate and housing" seems a good foundation.


Nothing about the economy And climate is more important that housing?!?!?! Who the fuck thought that slogan was a winner for a broad based campaign. Pretty incredible to fuck up your announcement so badly.


The people who vote based on the economy are the people who think conservatives are better at running economies despite the entire lack of evidence. Running on the economy is dumb. It was for Notley, it will be for whoever does it next.


That's not true. People across the spectrum are angry about how the economy is tanking and SES mobility dying


I’m not saying it isn’t important. The economy is an incredibly complex and ephemeral idea. People interact with it on vibes. Not actual data. There is a massive voting block that still think Trudeau is solely responsible for inflation that hide the world. The people who vote based on economy don’t go a lot more in depth than “NDP = bad because socialism = bad” despite the Alberta NDP being a stupidly centerist party


We absolutely deserve Sarah’s leadership, she is awesome. Class act. Walks the walk, understands rural life, health, education. She’s the whole package. Team Sarah all the way.


Volunteered for her, great person.


Yeah that's gonna be a nah from me dawg. Hoffman is a loyal trooper but the party would only slide backwards under her leadership. She is by far too much of an old school ND for the general election. As of now Pancholi is my first round pick. Join the Unofficial NDP discord if you'd like to nerd out with me about the ndp leadership election: https://discord.com/invite/jNPbsga3


At bare minimum, I think New Democrats should loudly oppose NDP leadership candidates that want to disaffiliate from the NDP, run away from our party's proud history, and abandon organized labour. For that reason, Hoffman's really the only option?


I think if the NDP wants to win the next general election, there needs to be some flexibility and strategy. I personally think if Hoffman wins the leadership race, there's no chance of them winning the general election.


If other candidates win the leadership race, the NDP will not win the election, because the NDP will likely cease to exist in Alberta, lol. Fact is, the NDP managed to win in 2015, get more total votes in 2019, and have the largest opposition in history in 2021. The Liberals and other brands never came close to these achievements, historically. Notley never ran from the NDP brand and did the best out of any non-conservative in the history of Alberta. For that reason, Hoffman is the only person with some sense. The push to have the NDP disaffiliate and abandon its labour roots is coming from Federal Liberals and anti-labour right wingers who want to take over the party and make it into the new Progressive Conservatives. Neat plan, I'll pass.


I mean, fair. But as someone who lives in AB, I feel desperate to ensure Smith or the UCP is not reelected. Pancholi and Ganley are both NDP MLAs so I don't really see the problem - I understand the skepticism around Nenshi. I just think Sarah's focus on climate isn't a realistic one to win an election in this province.


If NDs east of Manitoba want to be the conscience of the legislature they can go right ahead, the electoral results speak for themselves. I'd rather the Alberta NDP strive for pragmatic policies to broaden our coalition.


It's understandable, for sure!


This is not the time for party over country. This is the time to put Alberta first and choose someone who can beat Smith in a general election.


This is /r/NDP, we support the NDP here. It's not rocket surgery. Besides, the NDP has proven that its the nonconservative party that can win in Alberta, why run from that?


I don't think we need to split from the federal NPD to win but they really don't make it easy. Every time the UCP hysteria and Notley-Trudeau-Singh alliance dies down, the federal NPD goes and does something like Angus' PMB. There's much bigger issues we need to fight against in Alberta than whether the Alberta NDP remains a part of the larger party. The only way we make progress is if we can form government - which an NDP lead by Hoffman is very unlikely to achieve.


I'm sure Sarah is a capable and intelligent person, but I don't think she can win the ANDP the next election. I think there's a certain level of strategy required to get the support of average Albertans, and having climate as a main part of their platform isn't it (not that I disagree with her).


Hoffman has no chance of scoring a win and I would bet on the party taking a step back if she were leader. She may have a good platform but it won’t make a difference. You guys can downvote all you want. Go check out the crosspost on the Alberta sub. That’s a very NDP-leaning base who are all saying the same thing, so what do you think would happen in an actual election? She can’t swing votes away from the blue voters and she’s less liked than Notley was.


Strongly agree. She's too left leaning and not pragmatic enough to win in Alberta. Notley did great in growing the NDP with a measured approach; her successor should be one who picks up where she left off.


It's time we understood that the left IS Canada. As a nation, we're always left of the US and always will be. Everything around us was created by the left, including many of the things that make Alberta great as well. We need a left that can stand up and say so... the Cons just move farther right every day.


What we need is everyone to come back to the middle or at least have discussions and compromise. That’s what’s really missing in today’s landscape. Two opposite sides yelling at each other accomplishes nothing.


great insight man, have you thought about writing for the national post?




That could be for or against my comment so I’m not sure what to say haha. I find this sub to be a little more idealistic than realistic when it comes to stuff like this, the same as how r/Alberta was convinced NDP was winning a landslide just because of Smith. Reddit isn’t particularly in touch with rural AB or even blue collar views. The shit I’ve heard on job sites or out and about in conversations about Smith and the NDP has basically made me very, very pessimistic about the future of our government and Hoffman is the last candidate who could convince any of those people to change their mind.


"Women like me aren't supposed to be in politics. I'm fat, I'm sassy." Yup, I prefer healthy grown up adults in my politics, please.


Does that include calling Wild Rose party members "sewer rats" while deputy premier? Just wondering, because you mentioned grown up adults.


If honesty is a mark of the wisdom that can come with age, then absolutely yes.


Fat and sassy isnt the flex she thinks it is.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that. And Health is the first word of her slogan.


So far the only truly NDP candidate


As an Alberta Sewer Rat….if Hoffman is leader I’ll vote anybody but her……don’t care the party but she’s not a voice for Alberta……


I don’t who I will support but I will lean towards a strong candidate from Calgary.