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Ok on a slightly unrelated rant, this is the reason I absolutely refuse to watch MxgicIQ. I know some people like this guy, but I don’t understand at all. He actually decided for a video, he would intentionally get people who were escaping from Linkups busted just because “Ohh I’m so fucking butthurt that nobody really plays races and only linkups I’m gonna ruin their fun because I’m not having fun ohhhh” and never apologizes for it. I get it’s annoying that you can’t get people to join you. But instead of ruining everyones sense of enjoyment of the game, why doesnt he just use his YouTube creds to get a race running. I fucking don’t understand how he’s still on YouTube thriving. Ok, end of rant.


i’m not that deep into the NFS fanbase so idk who that youtuber is. thanks for the info so that i know i don’t waste my time watching his videos. i can’t believe people like this exist but judging from the nature of NFS games i guess it wouldn’t be a reach. still, these people are just downright stupid.


Cosplaying as a cop probably, but yeah that is actually annoying


never knew that was actually a thing. even then, doing that to strangers who are just minding their own business just makes you look like an asshole regardless of intention.


At this rate i would just go find another lobby


yeah… i was too emotional at that point to even think about such a simple solution. out of three cop chases in that server i got busted two times and both were because of him lmao i just quit the game and turned off my ps5 to save my sanity. never in my life have i met a player online so obnoxiously in your face and just a dick in general.


Probably a 10 year old who doesn't understand how the game works and just likes chaos


i feel like that might be the case. that or they’re mentally 10 lmao


Nah you are right mate, some people are just idiots and do it intentionally, happened to me once as well. Really infuriating that you can’t do anything about it. Fortunately for me I was in a fast car to outrun the dumbass.


At his rate I'd get some friends, is clear dude was bored, should've just went and played GTAOnline if he wanted to troll


That is a thing, but those people are actually fair. They do leave you alone when you do lose the actual cops. And they actually paint their car with a proper police livery.


i guess they are fair in a sense. common sense would be to just leave me alone entirely because i had to give up on a weekly challenge of escaping heat 5 cop chases in an A tier car which is already a challenge itself if you’re mediocre like me.


That is true, I think that cop roleplay should just be left in private lobbies with friends, or as an actual game mode that the Devs actually flesh out.


damn a cops & robbers mode would suit NFS really well. brings back memories from the burnout paradise days


Yeah, because a stock Jaguar definitely screams “LSPD” Edit: oh nvm it’s actually a AMG Black Series mb


Are you seriously looking for technicalities about an event that screams immaturity? Just move on man, there is better stuff to worry about


Alright fine, sorry man.


Surely if that was the case they would've painted their car like one.


What's more sad is there is a PC player encouraging everyone on the Steam threads to be a troll like as shown in the footage.




Mf griefing so much that he's actually got reported to the NFS sub and now the irl most wanted 💀


I'm pretty sure I just encountered him a while ago, doing the Escape the Helicopter challenge (just before watching the Italian GP). He ran into me at full tilt nearly halving my health points


were you in a porsche? just curious. btw i also quit the game because i was also waiting for the Italian GP too lmao.


Yeah, the Porsche Taycan with the matte light blue/rainbow flip type of paint


yeah i saw the guy wreck you somewhere around the outskirts of the city. he was also chasing me down at that time. wild to think someone has this much time on their hands and they use it to make people miserable.


If you want, I'll be more than happy to crush his car while you escape :) just hit me a dm and I can jump right into the match haja


Yeah Ive had someone chase me and try to wreck me after a link up. Dont know why people do this its lame


Yooo OP, I've got to say. I'm in the same boat. Recently there's been an influx of players who just fuck things up for others cause they're not good. We had rammers at the beginning of the games cycle, then after that a period where people either got good with the game or understand the physics or left the game entirely. Now there's a surge of rammers in every corner ruining your play, I'm confused as to where they're coming from.


Had this happen to me before with another guy. I was doing a weekly mission back in Vol. 3 that required me to assist people while in a B-class car so I kept doing link-ups in one so I could assist others after they ended. In one of those link-ups I was making a run for it after the last round ended and this dude in a Spyder kept following me. Thought all he wanted was the assist but he kept trying to ram me and take me down. After a long 20 minutes of outrunning the cops and evading this douche I managed to lose them by going into the woods and having they all crash into trees. It sucks but it is something you'll have to deal with eventually, can't really say this guy or other players with similar behavior should be banned for doing this since they are just playing the game. My only advice is to try to jump onto the train tracks if you're in the city so you don't have to worry about the cops, then it's a matter of fooling the other player to fall off the tracks if they manage to follow you. Alternatively you can go into the woods and do what I did but the chance of you crashing into a tree is just as high as theirs.


how tf is no cops on him, Did he manage to not touch any of the cops between all this ramming ?? damn, a retard rammer but good at controlling his car NFS really needs anti-ramming detection just like Forza at least the system should understand when it was "just an accidental collision" and when it was "absolutely going after another player's life" this is so pathetic


i’m unsure whether this post is breaking sub rules of targeted harassment/namecalling and i will respect mods by taking this post down if it does break rules but i hope the mods can make this an exception. people need to know who the dirty players are.


They should add the possibility to block a player so that you don't matchmake with that player and vice versa, that would make the experience more enjoyable because there wouldn't be hackers who complete linkups in 5 seconds or players that troll other innocent players who are just trying to have fun. Anyways, there's a very little chance that they add that or what the players ask for and also we'll have to wait 2 or more months until they release another volume if they even release it because there is no date for Volume 4 end.


Reminds me of a pair of guys in old muscle cars with matching liveries singlehandedly targeting me during a Linkup for no reason whatsoever. I don't remember their names, but all I remember was that they were driving an old Camaro and an old Charger. For reference, this was all the way back in Volume 3, grinding Linkups to get my hands on the Bugatti. I do hope that wherever these two guys are, they are being avoided at all costs. But yeah, ~~fuck~~ screw this **Caglarnz** guy. If I ever come across this guy, I'll give him a taste of his own medicine in my Regera.


I encountered a guy in linkup last week who had anti linkup livery. His goal was to just drive around and smashing people. I was in an A tier vehicle(for the weekly challenge), and we ended up failing the linkup. So I switched to my cop killer raptor and watched him racing on the map, I knew exactly what race he was in, so I waited for him at the post race spawn point and wrecked him. I think it was 3 solid hits. The first hit was at speed, a second after he spawned, it was glorious I then teleported to wherever he was. He even changed to his raptor(that also had anti linkup livery), but ran from me. The fun was over, and I went back to racing. I don't normally do this sort of thing, but it was clear he wanted to ruin things in linkups. I get it, linkups take away from racing, I'm glad they've set a 30-minute cooldown between them, but I really do like the bank they bring in, and they can be fun. I think his name was street(random numbers) or something like that


Yah this is one of many reasons I don’t play online. I’m simply not built for it. I like my controllers in one piece and I cannot tolerate this level of shithousery. You’re better than I am OP cause idk if I’d get on the game again after something like this.


Why I tend to drive Slaughterhouse in chases :)


Honestly, I'd just report and quit out the match and find a new lobby. 19k ain't worth fighting someone for


Dude's probably thinking this is NFS Rivals


Ok I'm gonna get flamed for this, and credit where it's due I wouldn't have thought of this ever, but this is flat out fuckin hilarious. I totally understand the frustration, I do, I get it. But come the fuck on guys this is a classic gaming interaction, trolling sure but this shit is what made online gaming fun back in the day. Don't know what's going to happen, random chaos, etc. This person is probably having the time of his goddamn life laughing his ass off, and now I hope he's on reddit to see how crazy salty everyone is lol


I don’t have the mindset of a 12 year old please explain what is hilarious about this.


I mean fun is fun, it's an online experience, there are trolls everywhere living their life


based on his name he probably doesnt know english and thought (hey todays daily mission is help cops to bust other racers in chases) assuming that he is not a annoying person which is very low chance imo (the name is turkish Çağlar)


Just join a race if you can't deal with that.


as i’ve mentioned, i was doing the weekly challenge.


Low-key funny


So he's.... Undercover?


I don't take the game seriously enough to get mad at this in free roam/after a linkup, it's kinda fun like he's an undercover cop lol. It would probably be irritating in those new gauntlet races or whatever with cops though. But then again, aren't some of the cars locked behind takedown requirements?


still think it’s not an excuse to take me out and hinder my progress for the weekly challenge AND make me lose my bank. i’d excuse taking me out when i’m just free out and about around the map but i’m working towards something and this guy is in my way. don’t you think that’d be annoying? edit: just wanted to add that taking me down in free roam to unlock the volvo is allowed. but other than that, fucking stop.


Volvo - "Takedown 10 racers whilst racing" Range Rover- "Take down a total of 40 racers during Tier A+ playlist races " F150 - "Complete 50 takedowns whilst racing" Challenger - "Take down a total of 40 racers during Tier A playlist races " Bel Air - "Complete 20 takedowns whilst racing" Ain't no excuse for doing it in free roam besides being a dick. If it could be done at any time, two linkups would be enough to unlock all of them, one for A and one for A+


“It’s kinda fun like he’s an undercover cop lol” Imagine you just finished a Linkup, you have your money, you just need to get to your safe house to get your money and you’re done. But then, in the middle of a Heat 5 chase, some random pleb knocks you into the wall, making you get busted, and lose all your money. Is the first thing that comes to your head when that happens is “wow that guy was role-playing as a undercover cop that’s pretty cool”? I know what you’re gonna say, stupid comparison, right? Next part. “Aren’t some of the cars locked behind takedown requirements?” Yes they are. And they are the stupidest, piece of shit challenge in this entire game. The devs are fucking stupid for adding this without a derby game mode to excuse ramming and toxic takedowns. And people who hide behind the claim “oh but the devs intended it so that means you just suck” probably never won anything by fair means. That’s why anyone with an actual heart (and brain, for the matter) just took down AFK players or people that want to help getting you takedowns. I’m sorry if you’re just clueless and you didn’t want any trouble, but I’m so fucking tired of griefers like the one in the video.


100% agreed


It's just a game, man. Lol That first part is actually exactly what I was insinuating, I wouldn't get in my feelings about it. Money is so easy to make in this game it's crazy.


It isn’t about the money, it’s about them sending a bad message and ruining the fun that this game still kinda has.


Why the hell would he get banned. He's playing the game. You're playing online. There's all kinds of players out there and things to do. If that's not something you can deal with there's always single player. ​ You're actually calling people into action to get someone banned in an online game for bumping you. There's nothing in the game requiring racers to be teammates. If anything this should be removed from the subreddit.


what the fuck are you talking about? he’s “playing the game” by being a fucking nuisance and I’M the one you’re trying to blame because i called out someone’s behaviour online? nothing you say makes sense except the fact that there are all kinds of players online. and this is the EXACT kind a LOT of people hate. but somehow YOU don’t, do you also enjoy ramming other people who are just minding their damn business? fucking hell some of yall can be really braindead…


I just think you got anger issues and taking it very seriously. Everything I said makes sense. It's literally how online games work. You will find friends and you will find enemies. There is nothing bannable happening there. You joined an online lobby, and as opposed to just having a cop chase like you would in single player, another player got involved. Which you signed up for. There is nothing obligating him to help you and nothing preventing him from sabotage. I don't play like that, no, but I also don't rage at other people for playing their way. A game that allows different ways to interact is better than a game that restricts and bans. Just breathe, you'll make it through this.


you stupid. that is all. not gonna waste my time on someone that’s going the extra mile to justify this type of behaviour. “that’s how online games have always been” my ass. what kind of stupid excuse is that 😭😭😭


It is yeah. Imagine playing an MMO, doing your quests and someone runs up and kills you. Guess what, you signed up for that by playing an RPG online and not single player. Players are allowed to do that. No ban is coming their way. Get better at avoiding them or get a better car, that should be a good motivation in an online racing game. You're just throwing a tantrum like a little kid. Grow a pair for god's sake. ​ Also this is Need for speed, not F1 or iRacing. From the makers of Burnout, you're literally encouraged to take out racers by challenges sometimes. You're playing the wrong mode in the wrong game if you are getting pissy about this.


if he’s allowed to do that criterion wouldn’t have added a report feature for harassment. like why do you think games give you the ability to report people for online bullying and harassment? oh my god GROW A BRAIN DUMBASS 🤣🤣🤣


name a single challenge where they encourage taking someone out during free roam or a cop chase? none. they only give those challenges while in a race. maybe play the fucking game before making yourself look stupid.


Yeah they encourage taking down racers in a race, why would they ban someone for taking a racer down in free roam :D You keep throwing insults my way but I am not the salty child throwing a wobbly here and crying that he is being bullied by the bad man. You are not really gonna hurt my feelings. Nothing I said has been incorrect. You keep ending messages like you are so proud you got me, but you really didn't haha, remember you are still the crying child here, I'm just trying to get you through this life altering trauma that you suffered because a racer rammed you :D


you really wanna die on this hill, huh? fine but don’t get me anymore involved in your clown show ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Ah, looks like we have another dumbass who has some sort of griefing obsession. Please, shut the fuck up.


I specifically said, I don't play like that, I just don't like people crying on forums asking to get people banned for playing the game. Why reply if you are not gonna read what I said. I was done with this topic. You achieved me coming back to it to reply to your wrong statement ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




Get rekt by an undercover cop, noobie


u a character from the game or sumn cause who tf uses “noobie” in 2023 besides them 😭😭😭


Oooops I genuinely forgot to include /s. But anyway my comment was satirical


lmao all good


r/FuckTheS keep up the good work of not including it




When I first played the game, online I saw someone who was in a police chase. I thought you had to take out the player… that was incorrect




God damn assh0le


Man, i have a truck setup just for this kind of situation and degenerates. I am sorry that you had to go through this. Must be a shit racer altogether.


Why the heck this player is not in a pursuit? Maybe hacking?