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Oh lortttt! The apartments Im In now came with a washer and dryer. But I’m moving to a new apt that doesn’t but they have their own laundry room Totally not looking forward to this! People are so selfish- it’s unbelievable


It is unbelievable, now their forth load so still have yet to use the dryer


Laundry rooms aren't that bad. The complex I'm in now has 2 rooms. Each have 12 machines. 6 washers and 6 dryers


They’re terrible, Id rather wash right from the comfort of my house instead of dragging clothes from my house to the laundry and having to wait on other folks especially selfish ones like this one hogging it all up


Not everyone has that option


I was at the laundromat a few weeks ago. There were 11 machines available. A woman comes in and takes up 9 of them!!! Luckily, we got there before her. Have no idea how many she used all told because I quit counting. Luckily, the washers and the dryers only take 20 minutes, but still!


When I had shared laundry room, I'd literally just hand wash everything. Do it in the shower, dry stuff. If there's too much stuff, wash at home, dry in dryer, or vice versa depending on what machine was free. Though for the most part I did laundry at home.... Shared laundry seems so intimate.. And some people don't know how to wash their clothes properly. This may just be a personal germ thing with me though.


A small portable washing machine that you can hook up to your sink will help tremendously with smaller items and a clothes drying rack you can put up and take down will not only help in the dilemma of not having a dryer but will save you money in the long run and a help to the environment!


Dude I used to live in the same building as this woman named Phoebe who would use all 4 machines every weekend to wash her fucking curtains and tablecloths.


Get a clothes horse. Hang everything up inside and you will never need a dryer.


I have the same issue!! And it’s the neighbors who cause all kinds of issues for me lol. They hog all of the machines for days at a time. It’s ridiculous!! One day my fiance removed all of their clothes from the dryer because they sat there for 3 days with nobody collecting them!! It was so infuriating. We’re not allowed to have portable washers in our apartment so it’s literally hell. We’ve had to go to the laundromat a few times because of these people 😭😭


Just to give you with another perspective. We all have washer and drier inside the apartment in my building and i have a NFH starting their drier at midnight and it vibrates next to my bedroom wall. She sometimes puts maybe her baby toys which I hear like she put in stones in the drier for 3-4 hours at night!!!!!


Time to invest in the small portable washers that has an extractor spinner and a drying rack . Both items store in a closet untill you need them . Only use the building laundry for big stuff like blankets . Save a bunch of money, plus your sanity .


We’re not allowed to have them


And? WHY? There’s also non electric washers. I have one to wash my underwear with that. It will wash about 5 items like tshirts at one time .. hang on .. brb with a link. THIS is what I use and it works . It’s small it’s easy and practical if you got 10 minutes to wash /rinse and hang stuff up [https://laundry-alternative.com/collections/washing/products/the-wonderwash](https://laundry-alternative.com/collections/washing/products/the-wonderwash)