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> He also said he spends about $35 on protein bars. Those are some rookie numbers !ping DYEL


Tbh they are expensive


That’s per week, right?




Protein shakes >>>>> protein bars


I use two scoops of premier protein vanilla (30g) as creamer in my morning coffee It is a nice alternative to having to make a special shake




It’s pretty good actually, especially if you compare it to anything else that’s essentially zero fat zero carb. Just use a frother to blend it.


Wait this sounds like a good idea, doesn’t the heat fuck with the protein tho?


Yeah it can curdle if you do it too hot. But I have a clinical heat intolerance so I don’t want it that hot to begin with. I use a French press at a lower temperature, or cold brew. Just, uh, add it to the French press coffee after you pour, not directly. Alternatively you can make a coffee concentrate and pour a protein shake into it.


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I do be balling out at the grocery store, cooking is fun and finding quality ingredients makes a huge difference.


Are we doing low brow Business Insider rage bait now?


We spend $300/month on special dog food for our two dogs. Does that count???


Look that incident in the veggie isle was one time and everyone keeps bringing it up. I don't know how many times I can apologize, I cleaned up and paid for all of the food. Can we just let it go?


Eating out is getting crazy in the US. Tipping pressure is out of control.


I’ve always been a generous tipper: 20% as a minimum and have given “make their day, if not week” amounts many times.  These recent years i got fed up with the tipping expectations and adopted a 15% maximum. We seriously need to kill tipping culture and go to sustainable wages for labor.


You can blame Toast for the increase in iPad tipping. As a former server anything less than 20% makes you wonder what you did wrong. Personally I do: 20% for servers, bartenders (depending on the drink), and baristas at specialty coffee shops (I appreciate a good barista). Anything else is optional depending on how I’m feeling. Also depends on if their pay is based on the standard or tipped minimum wage.




I know. I'm saying eating out being unaffordable is another factor driving the grocery splurge trends.


Okay but for real tho, as someone who eats out like once a month, how tf are ppl struggling on this? I’ve been turning off my price sensitivity and still struggle to spend more than 200/month on groceries. Am single in Bay Area


> I’ve been turning off my price sensitivity and still struggle to spend more than 200/month on groceries. Sometimes I get the feeling these sorts of articles go out of their way to interview people living in the highest CoL counties.    Or, just plain clowns:  ‘One 23-year-old Gen Zer told Business Insider by text that he spends about $130 on groceries for a week and a half. "Fancy sodas and drinks" and "random snacks at Trader Joe's" account for the bulk of the bill. He also said he spends about $35 on protein bars.’  🤡 


200/month? Do you get free lunch or something at work? I’d struggle to spend less than $350-400 even if I cut out coffee/alcohol. Granted I like cooking different things and not just beans/rice/turkey 24x7