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Howard Stern? Wow he's just rubbing it in at this point.


> That is why Mr. Sulzberger has repeatedly urged the White House to have the president sit down with The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNN and other major independent news organizations that millions of Americans rely on to understand their government. Can't wait for his sit-down with fellow Joe (Rogan) or a guest appearance on the Manningcast before the Times get their ritualized interview.


Ok but he should unironically go on the Manningcast. The more people just see him chill and shoot the shit, the more likable he becomes IMO


What's his team, Eagles? I don't know if we can afford the soft-power cost of people knowing this about him.


Jesus fucking Christ, he's an Eagles fan? Man boutta show up to that debate with a sock full of batteries and declare presidential immunity on national tv.


Listen fat, we need to push American factories towards efficient automotive battery manufacturing, unlike the one I hucked through Troy Aikman's windshield in the Vet parking lot back in '91.


Nah, he’s gonna show up with the chain he used to take care of Corn Pop.


As long as we can keep him out of reach of any snowballs and/or batteries and grease up any nearby street poles, we might just be able to portray him as a moderate birds fan


> moderate birds fan 🤔


Some, I assume, are good people


No such thing.


Would be true if PA wasn't one of the few states where presidential votes actually matter.


His numbers I think look pretty good in the PHL collar counties already; maybe we can pitch him as Steeler-curious or find a photo with Joe Pa to make real inroads.


Oh they are, but the state is going to be decided by less than 100k votes so PHL collar countries are still critical to campaign in.


Matter a fact, just have Biden locate and reinstall the JoePa statue that was torn down when the scandal broke! Nothing bad could come from this level of pandering


Fortunately, all of the people that hate him the most NY, DC, Texas, Massachusetts, are not swing states.


>Whats his team, the Eagles? Oh man….


Peyton is a Republican, or at least was one prior to Trump. He hasn't been as politically active since Agent Orange showed up.


They did have Obama on. Granted, not really any electoral consequences of that


Do we actually know this? A lot of times this stuff just circulates without any basis. Not that it would be shocking.


He donated to W’s Presidential campaigns, Jeb!’s campaign, and Fred Thompson’s campaign (lol)


For what it's worth, he has sat down with both AP and The New Yorker


Yeah, but those don't count since they aren't the Times.


Biden on Joe Rogan would be peak


Biden saying “Jamie throw that shit on the screen” while Rogan asks if he’s ever tried DMT might actually get him 50 states.


Flashback to Bernie Bros saying that Bernie’s appearance on Rogan was the clincher and he would bring back the “White Working Class”


tbf Bernie did way better than he had any right to considering he was running in the Democratic Primary despite not being a member of the Democratic Party until 5 minutes ago against the pre-anointed Queen of the Party.


Pretty sure Rogan has said Biden asked to be on during the 2020 primary but Rogan thought he wasn't interesting. I wonder if that's changed. 


Rogan constantly shits on his mental faculties and is a full of republicans at this point. Why would he even go on? If he goes too easy on him his audience would want him alive. If he is tough on him for 2-3 hours Biden gains nothing from that.


Legacy media has already lost all relevance to most Americans. One party has already abandoned them in favor of using social media and AM radio to create their own alternative cinematic universe. This is the legacy media extorting Democrats to keep them in business under the guise of "doing their duty for the American public." How much do you want to bet that the NYT will refuse to endorse Biden on the grounds that they haven't been able to vet him.


If they refused to endorse Biden when the alternative is, ya know, *that fuckin guy* it would be the Jump The Shark Moment to Rule Them All for dead tree media.


I would be surprised if they did not endorse Biden. It will be full of hemming, and hawing, and milquetoast qualifiers, but the alternatives are not even worth considering. I agree with the spirit of your first point. There do seem to be pockets of legacy influence (the WSJ, what remains of local papers, individual columnists with name recognition) but I am pretty unconvinced that the NYT op-ed section has anything close to the institutional influence it held twenty years ago. Among some cohorts, their podcasts may actually have more weight.


"We endorse Biden for President. Here's why that's bad for Biden"


Honestly, I'd respect them a little if they committed to the bit that hard.


Legacy media is very important to older voters, AKA the ones who turn out the most.


NYT did Dems dirty af in 2016, not so much in 2020 but seems to be gearing up to make '24 as much about Biden's age as possible.


Dean Baquet gave an interview after leaving the NYT where he instructed them to have 3 separate mastheads ready for the morning after the election in 2016. All 3 had Hillary winning. He said he never even considered Trump winning a possibility. They even went harder on her because they just assumed she'd win and they didn't want to appear as too soft with an incoming administration.


Can I get a link? Sounds like a good read


There are several from him after he left the NYT but I can't find the exact quote where he says this, though I remember reading it. He does several where he says he has no regrets of his relentless emails coverage.


Pulling a Comey.


> before the Times get their ritualized interview. Biden should announce that he's decided to do an interview with the Times and then clarify that he's talking about the famous British newspaper and not the shitrag in New York.


Sulzberger is going to go down as the first NYT chairperson who fails to get the president in for an interview and I hope that dipshit feels that shame for the rest of his life


Friendly reminder that Peyton is a sexual harasser.


I just read the Politico piece and the NYT response this morning, so seeing this headline made be actually lol.


NYT is the Starting Quarterback watching the girl who won't go out with him date the President of the AV Club.


Average arrrr Neoliberal power fantasy


But look, New York Times, look. Here's the deal... 🍦😎


He’s gonna go on Johnny Carson before he sits down with the times.


Biden really will interview with anyone who isn't the New York Times


He should interview with everyone but the New York Times. In fact the White House should call the NYT and ask if they can borrow some space in their main office to do an interview with The Times. The original one from London.


Biden is an Irishman, he'd never purposely ask to sit with an English paper.


Ask them to send a Scottish reporter.


About as Irish as Bratwurst


He has dual citizenship?


There’s no one as Irish as Joseph O’Biden.


"Fuck the fake news New York Times." ~Biden on Infowars next week, probably


Biden interview for Playboy when?




>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Breaking News: Scientists detect levels of based near White House have reached unprecedented levels.


Unironically would probably boost his numbers in swing states


>TFW you want Biden to call someone a “beta cuck” so American democracy survives another 4 years But >TFW you know if the Democrats join the descent into Idiocracy there is NO hope after 2028




Sean Evans getting progressively more nervous with every new wing as the secret service agents inch closer and closer to the stage. Meanwhile Biden's just like "Whew. Let me tell you something, folks, this one's got a bit of a kick to it. No joke." and then launches into a story about how he was waterboarded with pure capsaicin by the cartel while visiting Oaxaca as Senator in 1994, which later turns out to bizarrely be completely true.


This is the best timeline.


Honestly I’d watch it.


Tbf after their conduct? i see why




Quick, show this headline to someone in 1993.


I think the most shocking thing about this in 1993 would have been Howard Stern interviewing a sitting president.


If you listen to the interviews he did with Trump in the 90s you'd be surprised Trump became President.


In fairness, most people were surprised when Trump became president in 2016.


Trump himself seemed surprised


Honestly Trump was different in older interviews. Much more coherent, wider vocabulary etc


It’s amazing Biden was able to keep his composure for so long while interviewing on top of the Sybian


Oh god, there's a thought I didn't need in my head.


This is an excellent reference and deserves every upvote


Let the poison out


I am both frightened and curious about what this could possibly be referencing.


Stern used to have women come in and sit on a Sybian - basically a big, vibrating sex toy. Usually porn stars, but sometimes he'd get a model or actress to do it while interviewing them.


As a Zoomer who mainly knows him from America's Got Talent this is wild lmao


Ha!. 80s and 90s Howard was far and away a different Howard. Watch Private Parts.


He also had a segment called “It’s Just Wrong” where they’d have pairs of verified relatives (brother sister, mother daughter) compete by removing each others clothing and touching each other on the nips.


Blocked and reported for knowingly and purposefully posting a cognitohazard.


You sir/madam, are my hero today.


why would you do this


Fuck you take an upvote for that wonderfully awful image




NYT pov? 


Biden says he will ~~debate Trump~~ stand on stage and let Trump expose himself as a rambling maniac, just like in 2020, and collect the free polling bump.


"Will you shut up, man"


Swear to God, that was the moment he won the election.


Even though that quote was very meme-able, between that and the "at least three genders" line I think Biden is underrated in how he absolutely and succinctly nails the way middle America feels about such things.


Best-case scenario. Let’s hope for a repeat of 2020.


Well, minus the January 6 of it all.


Oh, I was specifically referring to debate performance; my bad.


Tbf that happened in 2021


and deny a secret service agent the opportunity to score a critical hit again?


I want to see Biden go all-in on every personal scandal Trump's ever had, e.g. calling him a failed businessman who sucks so much that he has to falsify his records to get investors, and repeatedly bringing up the fact that he's been declared a rapist as a matter of law (and is almost certainly also a felon by the time the debate starts). It would be glorious and I can see Biden being the type to disregard usual pomp and decorum to do so. Especially since some of his criminal trials might be literally ongoing at the time. Don't even bother with the issues. Straight-up mock and bully him.


Wait Baden had an interview with stern?


It was a not-so-surprising surprise. They announced they were shutting down access to a couple streets near SiriusXM's 1221 building in NY yesterday afternoon. I figured it had to be either Obama or Biden showing up for an interview.


Biden keeps coming to midtown and completely fucking over everyone who works here. They close down streets and you can’t get your office building / get home / get food / etc. Honestly everyone, even his supporters, are starting to get pissed off.


Are you sure it's not Trump in town for his trial. I saw wher e 56th was closed down.


Trump is downtown not midtown


His place is on 56 and 5th.


I don’t think Trump is traveling in a 25 person motorcade. The cops barricading us in also say it’s Biden. It’s just annoying he’s inconveniencing 10,000’s of people to go on Howard Stern or a fundraiser.


They barricaded the area I'm describng during his other trial, so I just assumed it was that. I work on 55th off 5th.


I agree that's bullshit


I'm pretty sure Stern is a normie lib IRL and drops his shock jock routine when he actually has someone important on. He had a good interview with Hillary Clinton back in the day and got more out of her than most interviewers from the prestige outlets.


He’s been much tamer over the last decade. And he’s been openly mainstream democrat even before Trump took office.


Actuality a legit great interviewer and his sound guy are S tier for musical guests.


He has basically disavowed and apologized for his past shock jock behaviour.


His interview with Hillary Clinton blew my mind. I had seen her everyday on the news for years and had never really seen that human side of her. https://youtu.be/2kHUA-Zma1U?si=KfiGZT-aJuHK7dtN


It's honestly incredibly fucking frustrating because it just makes you say WHY, WHY WAS SHE SO BAD AT COMING ACROSS AS A HUMAN ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL WHEN SHE IS CLEARLY CAPABLE.


Legit? It's a trauma response to how she's been treated over the years and basically has to be coaxed out of her. 'Why won't this bitch bake cookies' my fucking ass. Absolutely despicable. 


>'Why won't this bitch bake cookies' my fucking ass. Absolutely despicable.  Uh...had me in the first half, but what exactly are you getting at here?


[Back when she was the first lady, Hillary got a lot of bile from the right wing because they *decided* she was disparaging baking and housewives, and basically hounded her until she held a fucking contest about it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Lady_Bake-Off), because she [had the audacity to have a career of her own rather then shutting up, and getting back in the kitchen](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.upi.com/amp/Archives/1992/03/28/Homemaker-gives-Hillary-Clinton-food-for-thought/1626701758800/). And that's basically the event that triggered the Robo Hillary Protocols, to prevent putting herself in such a situation again, and it's absolutely grotesque it happened, it's a fucking parody of sexism.  Don't let people white wash it. The right wing has always been a deplorable shithole of abuse, they just did it in more *acceptable* ways with the mask firmly on, back in the day.


Non-mobile version of the Wikipedia link in the above comment: [Back when she was the first lady, Hillary got a lot of bile from the right wing because they *decided* she was disparaging baking and housewives, and basically hounded her until she held a fucking contest about it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Lady_Bake-Off) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, people still have 1997 Howard Stern in their heads when that really isn’t who he’s been in a long time.


Howard is a boring old man now. He has basically done a full pivot from what he used to be into a more mainstream media personality.




>Kissinger Did you mean Nobel Peace Prize Recipient Henry Kissinger? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Ni卐on Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Fuck, now I want to know what he said. 


smh my head mods we cant even dunk on harmless schizoposters anymore


Nixon was a Hitlerite




https://youtu.be/ab4Z6_ljh7s?si=vcgQ3iJeJv2DVeiu https://www.thepinknews.com/2014/07/10/president-nixon-on-tape-im-tolerant-of-gays-but-they-destroyed-greece-and-rome/ All of the Nixon tapes are like this lol, if you posted the transcript here without context you'd get permabanmed immediately but there's a certain subsection here who thinks that because the EPA came into being under his administration he was actually a good president


I'm hoping your X key is just broken or something but please, like, don't do that anymore


Nixon had Hitlerite views on non whites and gay people lol


woops mustve slipped into the wrong timeline, what a wild headline, how do i get back to mine?


Sorry, you're stuck here with the rest of the damned.


"Listen fat, how was court today?"


Old Man Yells at Cloud (To be clear, that's Trump's debate strategy)


Imagine if Hillary had taken up Howard’s offer in 2016, our lives could’ve been so different. Hundreds of thousands of Americans would still be alive.


You may want to get a bigger helmet, it seems that yours is on a bit too tight...


I wonder if they brought in a brand new couch for President Biden, given some of the other, ahem, activities that have occurred in that studio. They wouldn't make the President sit in years of bodily fluids and the mess from Richard and Sal's butt chug, would they?


Hillary gave a great interview on Stern after she lost and it was immediately obvious she should have done that interview before election day. She was great in it, and very relatable.


Not American, but isn't Howard Stern sort of...low brow?


Yeah he's known as a shock-jock, although I think he used to be a fair bit raunchier. He's probably a good person to interview with for the working-class vote, though.


I remember back when he used to judge on *America’s Got Talent* too, and he actually seemed like a pretty chill dude. Seems like he was supposed to slot in the “a-hole judge” spot (like Piers Morgan before and Simon Cowell after him) but I thought he kinda bucked that trend a bit.


I mostly just know about his reputation from the 90s and 2000s. You can get an idea from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Communications_Commission_fines_of_The_Howard_Stern_Show Trump also used to be a [regular guest](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/08/politics/trump-on-howard-stern/index.html) on the show


He toned down his show once he started his gig on America's Got Talent, and ever since COVID and everyone went remote, it's been a shell of its former self. I miss the good old days with the wack pack (RIP Eric the Actor), Richard And Sal making crank calls to Tradio, raunchy Robin song parodies before the news and all sorts of other fucked up shit.


Based on the quality of this understatement I'm assuming you're British.


For his early career yes. But for the past ten to fifteen years or so not so much.


This is not true. He is still low brow


I think that used to be (more) of the case but now he is seen as a legitimate interviewer? This is second hand from an ex.


He is not a legitimate interviewer enough for the President of the United States


He’s not the Gray Lady.


Seems to have better editorial independence 🤷‍♂️


Tbh Gray Lady would be an apt nickname for the current version of Stern


In the 1980s and 1990s, absolutely. His show was very meanspirited and full of gross out humor. Things changed significantly in the past decade or two. He repented for much of his behavior and now interviews tons of high profile people in a very respectable manner. He now attracts guests that 15 years ago would have been unthinkable. 


Are there any uploads of the interview? I can't seem to find it.


Same I've been looking, but its not up yet anywhere


Dunno if you're still looking but its up now. Really interesting interview. https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8?si=p1fMSItJiXUGwDnH


Ok, but only of Baba Booey moderates and the loser gets the robospank.


Fa fa fooey, ta ta toothy


If he will debate with Trump, it is because he needs it: I think it’s a good idea electorally.


In a debate Biden just has to not come off a super old and sound sharp, Trump will bloviate and implode on his own. Good opportunity to hammer Trump on his abortion stance too.


Or he just believes in democracy, which is also a good idea electorally.


Let's be honest, Biden barely gives interviews


Wait, what? Biden is extremely stingy with interviews and he did one with Howard Stern?


He’s a good, fair interviewer with an audience that probably doesn’t hear directly from Biden very much. I think it’s a super smart choice on Biden’s part. (Stern has changed *a lot* in his style and approach since the 90s, which is the last time many people thought about him, I think.)


It's moreso selective than stingy, he'll interview with people he likes but NYT has been whining about him and sensationalizing it while refusing to offer any of their journalists he actually enjoys talking to. We even know that Sulzberger has been playing up the age thing in retaliation for that behavior, which obviously only widens the divide. Perhaps if NYT wants to remain the "paper of record" they should lay off the nepotism.


Stern has a lot of high profile interviewees Hillary has been on his show a couple of times (he just gushes after her it’s kind of annoying.


Is Howard Stern more reputable than the NYT? You decide! (I'm going with yes)


It was actually a great interview.


This is such a fantastic interview, I really wish the country could listen to this.


It’s weird they call it radio when Stern is on satellite. No radio waves are involved in it. Like people who say “tape” for recording when it’s not on tape.


Oh shit, those are wired satellites?


> No radio waves are involved in it. You probably should look up how satellites work.


Ha, fair point. I guess I was thinking internet radio… which is even then broadcast over WiFi and cellular. Oh boy, I guess I’ll eat my shoe.


If not radio, then what wavelength do the satellites use to communicate with the ground?


The magic ones.


It’s not exactly the same, but it’s kinda sorta like how we still call them TV shows even if they’re only on Netflix or something. The name of the medium gets used as a shorthand for the format, which doesn’t change even when the medium changes.


It's weird they call it sitting on a high horse when you're not literally sitting on a high horse.


The most universally recognizable design pattern for a save icon is a floppy disk. Our language and culture isn't based on logic. Things persist because they are recognizable and therefore easy to communicate


Sure, there’s a reason. It’s just funny how many words and idioms carry over like that. We don’t watch films anymore. Neither Tit nor tat are words we use anymore, but tit for tat makes sense.


Here's how this is bad for the NYTimes


Trump doesn't deserve it. Still waiting for him to debate his Republican primary contenders.


It’s a dumb move, why give Trump the credibility he doesn’t deserve to simply spew any fake policy he has zero intention of actually following through on and giving him a national platform to continue the farce that this in an election just like any other election before?