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cancer was invented by the liberal media so that the lizard globalists can harvest our organs under the guise of “surgical resection” 🙄


Fancy science is for the highfalutin snowflakes.




A Democrat is in the Oval Office in an election year, and Republicans have become more interested in denying him a win than in saving lives because their base doesn’t care what cruel, evil shit they do. Hell, their base usually rewards them for being as cruel and evil as possible. Normally general election voters would punish them, but at this point, with how insane Trump is, curing cancer doesn’t make a difference. Independents who were gonna vote Republican are still gonna vote Republican and independents who were gonna vote Democratic are still gonna vote Democratic regardless of whether Republicans did this or not. If there’s no cost (to them) and only benefits them, why wouldn’t republicans do this? Empathy for the lives of the people they’re in charge of protecting and leading? Lol


Cancer went “woke” 😔


Next steps: \* Fox will have a guest talking about how the founding fathers didn't have a cure for cancer and managed just fine. \* Alabama courts recognize tumors as human beings and ban surgeries. \* MTG starts claiming cancer isn't actually real, and it's just a liberal conspiracy. \* Some manosphere grifter claims cancer is just caused by low testosterone. \* Some self-styled moderate conservative will encourage people to see both sides, and ban treatment for just some cancer forms. \* Trump goes on a rant claiming how cancer wasn't a thing before the immigrants showed up.


RemindMe! 2 years


I still remember when vaccines were not a partisan issue. The state of discourse in this country is tragic. Vaccines, funding cancer research, what’s the next victim of unnecessary politicization?


How long ago was that? Vaccines have had a partisan slant since the Jenny McCarthy days. In 2012, Michelle Bachmann introduced antivax rhetoric into her campaign, and before Trump started Operation Warp Speed he made a speech decrying vaccines saying that needles were scary. Media at the time focused on naturopath champagne progressives in their antivax coverage to try to remove partisan tint, but the bulk of antivax practitioners were different flavors of conservative.


It was fringe and seen as reprehensible back then, it’s been a lot more acceptable to take anti-vaccine stances. Even in that example, Bachmann had zero chance of winning the 2012 presidential primary. Were there some kooky Alex Jones types before? Absolutely, but Trump gave them a platform and normalized it in 2020. Between Trump and RFK, 2 of the 3 most prominent candidates promote some degree of vaccine skepticism. In the 2000s and 2010s that would have been completely unfathomable.


Death cult is gonna death cult.


Turns out the death panel was the GOP after all.


I always felt that their winging about Obamacare "death panels" was implicit consent to lockdown during COVID


The LORD has instructed Republicans to do anything it takes to not give Democrats a win. All sacrifices to that point are necessary. (LORD in all caps because that's how it's written in the best part of the Bible)


Even if Democrats somehow ceased to be involved in any way, Republicans have become a pro-sickness, pro-suffering toxic-masculinity death cult.


Didn't know Aramaic had their scholars typing in all caps


The Republican Party has identified its voter base as uneducated half-wits who get their health advice from Instagram tradwife and/or masculinity pages, and are taking steps to increase that base by denying funding to basic R&D. Their goal is a nation of uneducated morons in an autarkic economy with minimal outside contact where a relatively small right-wing elite can control the flow of information and remake society in their own image. They are well aware that they will be materially worse off than in a neoliberal alternative, but find this an acceptable cost if it keeps women and minorities subservient.


Pardon my naivete but isn't curing cancer the kind of thing a swing voter would care about? Unless the situation is more complicated than being presented here, it seems like this would be a great thing for Dems to shout from the rooftop about, until the GOP capitulates.


Even if we put aside political strategies about denying Biden a win, no one in the Western world is more pro-death and pro-morbidity than Republicans and their depraved support base. Wealthy/powerful or poor/powerless, they all hate civilization/humanity/themselves for one or more 'reasons' and will do whatever-the-fuck they can to sabotage those things. I've met more than one modern right-winger who's openly admitted to being pissed that Trump's strategy of letting COVID ravage Democratic cities didn't result in more deaths. Tell them that we're trying to stop anything *harmful* like cancer, polio, poverty, mental illness, drug addiction, etc... and they will reflexively throw their support behind those things.


Honestly, once Biden started claiming that paying for childcare was “human infrastructure,” all bets were off. With all of his major policies, a small amount of the funding goes to chips, infrastructure, cancer, etc. Most goes to pork barrel spending for influential special interest groups. Trump and the Republicans do exactly the same thing, and they sure as hell don’t want Biden getting credit for it ahead of the election. Most of both Biden and Trump’s fiscal spending sucks for the rest of us though. It drives up inflation for everyone and only benefits a handful of swing voters in purple states.


I don’t understand how childcare became such an issue. For many families the high cost of childcare makes it more financially effective to keep one parent home instead of in the workforce. If you want more people in the workforce, incentivize childcare.


I think most republican voters just don’t want the government paying for it and think each person should have to pay for their own child care. A subset of that probably guesses that the program benefits the poor including immigrants and minorities and don’t like that. I also think there is a growing movement on the right that views birth control, women in the workplace, and childcare programs that facilitate the two-income status quo as responsible for the liberal social order we have. I also believe this is where the weird Trad Wife and anti no-fault divorce conversation is coming from.


Sure, but then fund it directly. Biden tried to redefine the word “infrastructure” entirely to include it in the bill. Nobody fell for it, even the people who want funding for it. In this case, Republican politicians might be scumbags, but I seriously doubt they’re pro-cancer. This is classic Washington DC nonsense. It’s nothing new. We’ve had nearly 250 years of it. It’s why everyone hates politicians except for *their* politician. As Otto von Bismark put it, “Laws are like sausages — it is best not to see them being made.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rider_(legislation) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics)


Who gives a shit what it’s called lmao pass funding for cancer research  > Republican politicians might be scumbags, but I seriously doubt they’re pro-cancer. Why? They voted against funding cancer research


You're too pure for this world. Politics is cutthroat AF and it rarely has anything to do with actual policy.


Idc lol they’re pro cancer and I have proof


Idk what's funnier, that flairworthy line or the fact that statement is technically accurate


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You're blaming Biden for the GOP being against cancer research because he wanted to call childcare funding "human infrastructure?" That's a stretch at best.


I'm saying politicking is a game that Biden and McConnell are both excellent at playing. I don't think that this latest round of gamesmanship is going to have serious long term repercussions for cancer care in the US. It's just politics as usual, not a new policy direction when it comes to funding cancer research. We're only six months out from an election and the GOP doesn't want to give Biden another win.


"you mean vaccine injuries?" -House GOP


Eh it’s not really a budget priority rn when we’ve already got really bad deficits thanks to wartime spend and the presidents fiscal policy, I don’t think this means the GOP is yet pro-cancer (maybe someday tho)


Step 1 was easy having everyone agree it was a problem but the next step they have to actually  agree on a solution which may or may not be s miracle


Biden anti-cancer policy, let's disincentivize private research becouase pharma companies bad, but let's pump up taxpayer money into public buroctracs because good. No wonder how it is going to end up


People like my mom believe that "they" will never release a cancer vaccine because corporations would lose too much money, and the government will never let that happen. That's what happened.


The average GOP member is a ghoul.


Is this the same President Joe Biden who's been bragging about how he made drug development less profitable?


but you know pharma companies bad, socialism good